The Speed of Trump

by Jack

For as long as I can remember, we’ve been asking, pleading, begging, Congress to do something about the spiraling debt, about a monstrous, out of control IRS and immigration/border security.    You would think this is fixable in a relatively short time, right?  But, in Congress, they debate, they hold hearings, they create committees,  but in the last 20 years they’ve done little else!

Say what you will about Donald Trump, but the man knows how to work and Congress does not.  And there is the big divide and it’s becoming painfully obvious!

They (Congress) forgot what a real work day looks like. This is because they’ve been left to their own devices, with so little accountability for way too long!  Meanwhile, they’re drawing fat salaries, making themselves rich from special interest deals and getting perks and benefits you and I will never get, but we must pay for them just the same!  So, life for them up to now has been pretty darn good.  They’ve long ago lost any sense of urgency to fix anything.  But, there’s a new Sheriff in town!

Of course, President Trump can’t force their lazy arces to do anything. But, to his credit, he’s prepared to name names and when necessary to shame them.  I find that refreshing, don’t you?

Trump is just doing what he normally does – work.  However, that WORK contrasts with the foot dragging, excuse making, low performance that we are so accustomed too seeing in Congress.    It doesn’t matter if its a democrat or a republican in there, they almost all fall into the same lazy mold after a very short time.

You would expect that all those bright men and women with highly paid staff could accomplish one major reform in a whole year, right?  But, it’s never happened until Trump came along and now we see a little hope.   I wish him much success!

I was not always for term limits, but if that’s what it takes to get them energized and doing the job they were elected to do…then so be it.

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11 Responses to The Speed of Trump

  1. Bryan H. says:

    You’re joking. Having Steve Bannon write poorly written and confusing executive orders and then signing them isn’t “work.” He took a break to golf sooner than either Bush or Obama did. He’s already taken a vacation before even spending a month in office. This is a man who did not do the work to inform himself of the issues during the campaign, and still won’t do it.

    That’s called laziness.

    • Bryan H. says:

      Speaking of Trump and golf:

      These conflicts of interest will continue to pile up. Conway was apparently “counseled” about her law-breaking endorsement of Ivanka’s products, according to Sean Spicer. (Imagine being so bad at your job that Spicer says you acted unethically.) Will Trump be “counseled” for the same thing and worse?

      • Peggy says:

        Double standards again. Barrack and Michelle should have been “counseled” too.

        Trump & Conway Called Out for Breaking Law Over Nordstrom Comments, But Let’s Take a Look at Obama Administration:

        “So let’s take a look at the regulation in question. It states, in part:

        An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations.

        Setting aside Trump and Conway for a minute, neither is the “Lone Ranger” of “Executive branch product endorsements.”
        In a 2012 article titled “Reflections on the Greatest Free Product Endorsement Ever,” Forbes recounted President Obama’s love of his BlackBerry.

        “I’m still clinging to my BlackBerry. They’re going to pry it out of my hands.”

        First Lady Michelle Obama was fond of Five Guys burgers:

        “I went to Five Guys and nobody knew it,” Michelle Obama said in a 2009 interview, recalling how she sometimes snuck out of the White House outside the prying eyes of the press. “It was good.”

        The president was a fan of the restaurant chain, as well, giving a “shout out to Five Guys” for hiring a felon.

        Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called for “disciplinary action” against Conway for her comments on “Fox & Friends.”

        • Bryan H. says:

          Peggy, saying they like a certain device or restaurant is nowhere near the same as telling Americans to go buy a product owned by the president’s daughter. What a desperate comparison.

  2. Peggy says:

    Trump forcing congress members to do their job for the people that elected them will cut in big time to the mandated hours they are required to spend on party phones begging donors for big bucks. Kind of solves the term limit problem too. If they do their job they won’t need all of that campaign money convincing people they’ll do it next term.

    When I was working it was called a performance review.

    Don’t you just love it?

  3. dewster says:

    First mission,………………missed the target, lost a 75 million dollar aircraft, killed a marine, killed 30 civilians including women and children

    The man does not read what he signs

    Mixes family business into the office

    Tweets like a 4th grader

    Is costing taxpayers millions for security and the pentagon to be housed at Trump Tower

    Talks to foreign leaders with no knowledge of treaties and alliances

    Embarrassing Disaster

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, I can see how much you cared about the fallen soldier, he was not a Marine, he was a Navy Seal. I think you are just using whatever you can grasp to be critical of Trump. Keep it up, you are only creating more sympathy for Trump.

  4. Libby says:

    Know what I did, and you should do it too? I went online to see what the federal leg has on for this week. I went to actually research my oft repeated slander: “do-nothing Congress”.

    Now, while the place is not quite teeming with activity, authorizing the survey of a river that’s making a moveable state boundary is not nothing.

    It’s the hard stuff they have trouble with, often because they are not honest with each other, or us. Ryan should just admit that he has no intention of replacing the ACA with anything … and then we can get on with the fight.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    So Libby you are willing to accept “authorizing a survey” of a river as substitution for healthcare reform, tax reform, border security, debt reform and immigration reform as good enough? Nah, I am pretty sure we can do better than that. They’ve had 30 years of complaints from the people about a convoluted tax form and they’ve still not come up with anything. That’s disgusting.

    • Libby says:

      You have a point, I suppose. With regard to health and tax reform, you’d think they’d have a draft of something we could be looking at … but, no … it’s very, very quiet.

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