Elite High School Principal – Trump Worse than 9/11! lol

by Jack

Donald Trump, according to a principal at a ritzy – and reportedly progressive – New York City private school, is worse than 9/11.

It costs $60,000 to attend Manhattan’s Calhoun School, where principal Steve Nelson runs the show – and apparently sends out over-the-top, politically-charged emails.

Parents of Calhoun’s students recently received a note from Nelson claiming Trump’s election is more “troubling” than the worst terror attack in U.S. history. “I watched soot-covered New Yorkers grimly trudging north on West End Avenue on (9/11),” Nelson wrote in an email, according to the New York Post.

He added: “I am more troubled now.”

Nelson went on to write that “there are matters that transcend political diversity, according to the Post, which sought opinion from parents at the school.
“It was inappropriate, it was offensive, it was condescending,” one parent said.

“This is a liberal school. So I guess that’s the approach. But this was too much.”

But the 9/11 comment wasn’t the only questionable historical event mentioned in Nelson’s message. The 70-year-old principal also compared Trump’s election to Martin Luther King’s assassination and Watergate. Nelson later told the Post he felt his remarks were well-received. lol

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4 Responses to Elite High School Principal – Trump Worse than 9/11! lol

  1. Dwester says:

    What Trump is doing and is incapability to run the office is troubling. The leaks coming from his own staff is troubling. You are going so deep in with Trump that you will never climb out.

    No one thinks he will make it 4 years. He needs a mental health check according to the leaks. That is not a bad idea. All presidents from here on out should pass a mental health test before getting the nuclear codes. All of them.

    Pence will be president. Mark my words.

    • Tina says:

      “No one thinks he will make it 4 years”

      Don’t be absurd Dewey…you do not speak for everyone!

      “He needs a mental health check”

      This isn’t the first time that hate filled opposition suggest mental problems. I could name quite a few people in Washington, many of them Democrats, that have been suggested for the loony bin.

      These are specious smears. Why do you take them seriously?

      “Pence will be president. Mark my words.”

      Mark your words? Wasn’t it you, among others, who said Trump would never be president?

  2. Dwester says:

    What took our Democracy dwn is the foreign and domestic money controlling Politicians. Both parties.

    We must verturn Citizens United and open elections to more parties. There is very little between both parties policy wise. That is until the white nationalists took over in Trumps cab. Now we have major problems.

    law and order? Dissent is how we became a country. It is the very foundation of America. When the Gov becomes tyranny we take it back. Period.

  3. Tina says:

    Our democracy (republic) is not down…sick, but not down.

    “There is very little between both parties policy wise.”

    I will assume you meant to write “very little difference between” both parties policy wise.

    What an absurd statement. While the parties duke it out to write too many stupid laws the policies they propose are quite different. Democrats are always seeking ways to increase the size and power of government. Republicans seek ways to decrease government spending and power. I admit the Democrats have been much more successful, both at enacting their policies and in convincing their counterparts to go along (in bi-partisan cooperation) with their big government ideas. But to say they are the same is nuts!

    Money will always be in politics in a free country. Democratic megadonors George Soros and Tom Steyer put millions of dollars into the last election and lost. Their money didn’t buy anything.

    “…until the white nationalists took over in Trumps cab”

    Once again a smear without proof. What is it with you, Dewey? Afraid of the truth? Is it just too safe there in that crazed anarchists womb?

    Go on, take chance, dig deeper.

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