Leakers Hurt America – It’s a Bi-partisan Problem

by Jack

You can imagine what a monumental task it is to usher in a new presidential administration and dispense with the old, but insider leaks have made this task a national security issue.  This has made Trump’s administration angry and exasperated.  The plethora of sensitive information finding its way to WikiLeaks and the media are far beyond any patriotic justification and it’s time for the FBI to make some arrests.

Virtually every part of the government has been affected.  The leaks are compromising national security, breaking laws and often violating Constitutional rights.

Here’s but a few examples:

Trump deserves a fair start and the disgruntled hold-overs from the Obama Administration ought to have the decency to clear out and take their politics with them.


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20 Responses to Leakers Hurt America – It’s a Bi-partisan Problem

  1. Libby says:

    Leakers make America Great !

    Shouldn’t miscreants in the CIA be exposed?
    Shouldn’t we know how much of Trump’s income, lo, these last 10 years, has come from Russian Oligarchs? I mean, what’s the man got to hide?
    Shouldn’t a liar lose his national security job?
    And. as I’m sure your mother told you, if you don’t want to be exposed for behaving badly … don’t behave badly.

    I would have to say that your sense of morality is … highly situational.

  2. Libby says:

    Now, this … THIS is hurting the country:


    One of our illustrious 30 percent, apparently, who seems to think he gets to play Gestapo: “Let me see your papers,” he says. Where could he have gotten this idea, do you suppose?

  3. J. Soden says:

    The words “decency” and “Democrat” should not be used in the same sentence by rational folks.

  4. Dewster says:

    Snowden said it best in a tweet to gov today.Ya want leaks to stop? Then stop Breaking the law.

    The leaks show gov agencies breaking the law.

    Seriously the GOP and DNC were battered today for all their lies.

    Bannon, Tillerson and Trump are the treat to National Security.

    The CIA is a always breaking the law as does NSA

    • Tina says:

      Snowden broke the law.

      Your evaluation is inconsistent, Dewey.

      • Libby says:

        Life like that, Tina. This is where morality comes in … moral judgments. Which is worse: government brutalities, or outing government brutalities?

        If the second legal breach is provoked by the first legal breach … things get complicated, morally.

        Obama, trained lawyer that he is, went straight legal, and convicted; then he went moral, and pardoned. That conduct is a definition of “civilized”.

  5. Harold says:

    Jack posts “Trump deserves a fair start and the disgruntled hold-overs from the Obama Administration ought to have the decency to clear out and take their politics with them.”

    Jack you are right, if not so much for Trump, it is important to America as a cohesive country, but as shown since the election of Trump the far left Liberals have no such decency, just childish tantrums to a desperate need for a “America first” direction.

    Most of what we see on broadcasts clearly show they do not even understand the ramifications of their actions, they riot on their own soil, they disrupt in cities that didn’t even support Trump, they cause damage to hardworking merchants who lose their livelihood because vandalism, all of which is caused by leftist self centered socialist thinking , no, I now think it is closer to true a communist belief that they are owed as much as successful people and that’s how they perceive it in life, especially when they are not willing to put in the effort to earn it through their own personal effort of hard work.

    Left leaning liberals, young and old are the plague of modern society, with their miss aligned belief of entitlements and immediate gratification. so much so they do not even realize how they are being played by their own parties leaders, who frankly are only in it for personial power and wealth and seemingly care less about the country as whole, given the past administration divisionary direction of America

    We read it over and over in posts on PS from the enchanted puppets of the left on a regular basis. They offer no solutions in their posts, just “copy and pasted” party propaganda, or snarky quips of little meaning.

    We all could see a better result if they would, as you suggest, just give Trump some time, but that would expose the failure of their parties free lunch philosophy and those in power know it and have a strong sense about what they stand to lose when their entitlement vote gathering ONLY programs are exposed and are afraid to see it happen, let alone admit their failed programs are causing a lot of Americas problems, or caring enough to help rebuild the USA to former greatness and respect in the worlds arena. Simply because it would expose their failed ideology and future in power.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Right on Harold, I hope your words of wisdom find their way into the thick skulls of some liberals, because they could sure benefit from them. As you have pointed out, there is no such thing as a free lunch, but that’s what the liberals are always promising the voters.

  6. Libby says:

    “We read it over and over in posts on PS from the enchanted puppets of the left on a regular basis. They offer no solutions in their posts, just “copy and pasted” party propaganda, or snarky quips of little meaning.”

    That California Waiter thing is not propaganda. It happened. Now, if you want to express your support for the waiter’s actions, why don’t you just do so?

    And I am sick of this oft repeated mis-characterization:

    “We all could see a better result if they would, as you suggest, just give Trump some time, but that would expose the failure of their parties free lunch philosophy….”

    1) It is not a “free lunch” philosophy. We know it costs and are willing to pay. You call it that in a completely inadequate attempt to hide your selfishness.

    2) It has not failed. You wanna see “failed”, check in in two years.

    • Harold says:

      LOL, you just proved my point again, my post was in reply to Jacks post, nothing more. If you think the waiter “copy and post” proved any point you were trying to attach to my reply to Jack, your wrong again

      I could care less about a rude service person, who was summarily fired for their actions. He got what he deserved based on the information in the article.

      However , in response to your wandering diverting charges, once more it is really your basic ideology of socialist/communist philosophy of living off the backs of others that has caused people to be so frustrated, so much so today that it has worn through anyone’s thin veneer of civil respect toward others, especially after viewing the rioting and childish whining erupting from your ranks, in effect that waiter just emulated your own actions.

      So, as you like to post, “Suck it up” snowflake, you are the root cause!

  7. Libby says:

    Had a tough time deciding where to put it: Leakers or Fraud? Some of both, I suppose, but this Napolitano thing … Lord help us but we look like fools, internationally speaking … and you so touchy about our reputation, too.


    You know, the Administration is supposed to inform the fourth estate, not the other way around. These guys … this poor Spicer dude … they are soooooo pathetic. The Trumpster is apparently infectious, contagious, lethal to a person’s credibility. “Let’s all just repeat any silly-ass thing that comes into our heads … and call it policy!”

    Can we really take four years of this?

    • Bryan H. says:

      It really does say a lot that FOX News fired someone for making the same false claim that our own president has made.

      And yesterday we find out that not only is the intelligence community refusing to back up Trump’s wiretapping lie, but the Trump administration itself is now under FBI investigation.

      What a bad, bad day for this presidency.

      • Dewster says:

        I suspect the man will resign in the coming months to avoid prosecution. He just thinks he can fire anyone in his way, I have a feeling his business deals are a huge prob and being watched.

        The man is a Buffoon.

      • Peggy says:

        Chris, as the saying goes, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

        Turns out Fox didn’t fire the judge, he’s been put on suspension.

        As for the wiretapping it appears there is much more to the story still coming out and MIT helps clarify the use of “wiretap” and it’s use today.

        “… this is an excerpt from a 2010 MIT book called “Privacy On The Line,” which clearly shows that the word “wiretap” fits the exact definition we are talking about:

        Wiretapping is the traditional term for interception of telephone conversations. This should not be taken too literally. The word is no longer restricted to communications traveling by wire, and contemporary wiretaps are more commonly placed on radio links [ed. cell phones] or inside telephone offices. The meaning has also broadened in that the thing being tapped need no longer be a telephone call in the classic sense; it may be some other form of electronic communication, such as a fax or data.

        Compared with the more precise but more general phrase “communications interception,” the word “wiretapping” has two connotations. Much the strong of these is that a wiretap is aimed at a particular target, in sharp contrast to the “vacuum cleaner” interception widely practiced by national intelligence agencies. The weaker connotation is that it is being done by the police.

        And that is precisely what the Obama administration did. I’ll make this point clearer below, but for now put yourself in Trump’s shoes…

        1) The leaking is everywhere, including Mike Flynn’s telephone calls and the President’s own calls with foreign leaders.

        2) The media knows about all the palace intrigue.

        3) Media report after media report actually reveal that the Obama administration obtained surveillance warrants on you and/or your team. The New York Times reports that the Obama
        White House is looking at your “wiretap intel.”

        So, yes, unless you want to argue with MIT or become so painfully literal we all have to talk like a Vulcan, Trump was 100% correct about Obama “tapping his wires.” Incidentally or not, his wires were tapped, and then the surveillance was intentionally made not-so incidental through the illegal act of unmasking, disseminating, and worst of all, the horrific act of leaking classified information to the media for purely partisan purposes.

        And according to no less than CNN, it was Trump’s transition team that was “picked up,” and where was his transition team?

        Trump Tower.

        Full article here.

    • Tina says:

      Yes, Libby…we’ve endured decades of such from liberals in power. As always you do all you can to make those on the right “other” when in fact they are just human.

      Stupid, insulting, dangerous stuff from your side:

      “Israel doesn’t know its own best interests” – Barack Obama

      “It may seem sometimes that America is being held to a different standard, and the readiness of some to assume the worst motives by our government can be frustrating. No one expects China to have an open debate about their surveillance programs, or Russia to take the privacy concerns of citizens into account.” – Barack Obama

      “Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under a McCain…administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change.” – Barack Obama in Amman, Jordan on July 22, 2008.

      “The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.” – Barack Obama in Tampa, FL on Jan. 28, 2010

      “It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There’s a lot of — I don’t know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing.” – BO confusing German with a language that does not exist–”Austrian.” in Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

      From HuffPo – “This week, President Barack Obama put himself in an awkward position with America’s ally, Poland, when he erroneously referred to World War II-era Nazi concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Poland as ‘Polish.’ How should a world leader move ahead after he makes a blunder? And how should allies handle such situations on the world stage to avoid turning a minor faux pas into a major international incident? … Obama’s gaffe occurred on May 29th, when he was presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the nation’s highest civilian honor — posthumously to WWII Polish-resistance officer Jan Karski (who died in 2000). Obama noted that Karski’s fellow resistance fighters ‘smuggled him into the Warsaw Ghetto and a Polish death camp behind enemy lines to witness the atrocities firsthand.’”

      From Breitbart – “President Obama has made two major gaffes so far during his Europe trip. After falsely claimed that Kosovo held a UN-assisted referendum on self-determination, he then wrongly said that Georgia was not being considered for NATO membership.

      Speaking on Kosovo yesterday, Obama said : ‘…Kosovo only left Serbia after a referendum was organised not outside the boundaries of international law, but in careful cooperation with the United Nations and with Kosovo’s neighbours. None of that even came close to happening in Crimea.’

      “With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? – Hillary Clinton

      During a 2010 hearing on a plan to transfer thousands of Marines to the small island of Guam, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) said, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

      While campaigning for the White House in 2008, Joe Biden said the following while criticizing the Republicans’ handling of the financial crisis, “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’”

      Nancy Pelosi on the economy: “Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

      Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, D.C.: “If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very, very low crime rate.”

      “I think Assad’s invasion of Syria will be seen as a blunder.” — Dem candidate for President Martin O’Malley

      “I never took a position on Keystone until I took a position on Keystone.” — Hillary Clinton

      “Gabby Giffords, my good friend, was shot and mortally wounded.” – VP Joe Biden

      “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.” – NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg

      The men and women that represent your party have done and said incredibly stupid things yet you believe they are extremely qualified to hold office.

      You need to get off it and own up to the fact that you are a partisan hypocrite and an ethical phony.

      • Libby says:

        Tina … the O-man is not President anymore. Anything he said has been and gone … and is in no way pertinent to what our commander-in-chief said yesterday. And the other day, at the Angela press conference, our commander-in-chief made a bloody fool of himself.

  8. Tina says:

    Apparently this bothers you….now.

  9. Peggy says:

    Great read from Rush connecting the dots.

    Go Back and Watch Election Night and You’ll Find the Root of the Democrats’ Russia Delusion:

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