Obamaland: Pentagon Official Evelyn Farkas Let’s Cat Out of Bag

Posted by Tina

Historical reference: “…Jimmy Carter pleaded with Leonid Brezhnev for Soviet help in the futile effort to defeat Ronald Reagan in 1980… Ted Kennedy pleaded with Yuri Andropov for Soviet help in the futile effort to defeat Reagan in 1984.

The Democrat Party, as desperate today as in was in the Reagan era and having recognized the wave of support behind Donald J. Trump, suffered the shocking election of Trump. In a series of twists and turns they contrived to design the perfect story about Russian hacking. But they’ve dug a fairly large hole for themselves. The latest twist being the breathless admission by Evelyn Farkas:

I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill, it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration… Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy … that the Trump folks – if they found out how we knew what we knew about their … the Trump staff dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence… And that is why you have the leaking. (emphasis mine)

She’s admitting to crimes. She admits to the leaking classified information to cover for the fact that the Obama administration was snooping to gain information on Trumps election team.

Isn’t this the modern high tech equivalent of the Watergate scandal?

George Neumayr, in the American Spectator article, linked above, comments: “Farkas blurted this out as if Obama’s aides deserved medals of freedom for their criminal leaks. Her comment highlights the free-for-all atmosphere that Obama had encouraged against Trump—the very abuse of power that explains Trump’s angry tweets.”

Imagine the beet red-faced anger were the situation reversed! But this party is used to having it both ways with them always coming out on top. So what else is new?

Trump has come along at the right time to put an end to the farce, at least in the eyes of many Americans. Lefty spy games are finally exposed. The big revelation isn’t that Trump is colluding with Russia. The big revelation is that the Obama administration and radical left Democrats will break any law, operate in any devious and underhanded way, to win elections, to win and gain power, and to continue efforts to destroy the one nation on earth with a Constitution that ensures individual rights and places restraints on the tyranny of government.

Related articles of interest:

Conservative Treehouse, “Updates – Who Is Evelyn Farkas and Why Did She Spill The Beans on Obama’s Secret Surveillance Operation?…”

President Obama, meanwhile, is tucked away, hidden from the bright lights of an evolving scandalous story.

And we thought he was going to hang around DC to bother Trump…it appears that job has now been turned over to Valerie Jarrett who moved into his DC residence.

Latest twist…even before I had a chance to post this, Farkas has appeared on TV to explain how what she said isn’t what she said…uh huh.

Another twist…If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?

More questions and revelations to come.

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27 Responses to Obamaland: Pentagon Official Evelyn Farkas Let’s Cat Out of Bag

  1. Dewster says:

    Keep doubling Down Tina. They are all crooks but Your Trump fetish is gonna make you eat Crow

    Michael Flynn to NBC in September: “When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime.”

    Today? Gen. Mike Flynn tells the FBI and congressional officials he is “willing to be interviewed in exchange for a grant of immunity from prosecution.”

    Mike Flynn’s lawyer confirms discussions are happening with House & Senate panels

    • Tina says:

      I have no “Trump fetish.” I post things that appear in the news. Trump is president. It makes perfect sense that articles will feature him and those out to destroy his presidency even before it begins.

      Do you deny that this is happening?

      Yep Michael Flynn hired Robert Kelner to advise him and according to Mr. Kelner, Flynn “has a story to tell: “General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,” It should be interesting, if we get a chance to hear it.

      I wonder who and what his testimony will reveal

      • Dewster says:

        Tina yes your fetish.

        I was waiting to see if you realize you took this story out of context by following your Brand of propaganda.

        I swear between the Hilbots and Trumpeteers a large quantity of the American People are clueless as they follow the American propaganda.

        Not sure who is worse the Hilbots? or the Trumpeteers?

        Some Hilbots are waking up on the neoliberal Russian scare but the Trumpeteers seem to never wake up.

        reality is in Truth to Power.

        Newsflash both parties are corrupt. Their media is Propaganda.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      I am certain you are quite gleeful about this turn of event.

      • Dewster says:

        I am amused at how many Conservatives and Hillbot Democrats are forgetting histor and Fllowing the Media propaganda. Story by Story, and when they are debunked and lightened up to a more truthful version people just move on to the next.

        Like a pendulum swinging MSM Viewers follow the corporate state down the rabbit Hole whether it is MSNBC, FOX, CNN or the others they all repeat what they are told.

        Lions and Tigers and Bears! Rinse and repeat all day long……

        Never forget operation Mockingbird never stopped and Obama signed a bill that it is OK for The CIA to feed the Citizens propaganda again.

        Everything is by Design. Stuff does not just happen in Politics.

  2. Joe says:

    Looks like that Farkas has stirred up quite a fracas…and yes, she’s admitting to crimes but what do you expect in the District of Criminals?

  3. J. Soden says:

    Last night, Hannity had Jay Seculow from American Center for Law & Justice and Tom Fitton (of Judicial Watch) on to talk about Farkas and her revelations.

    Here’s a link to the segment – it’s well worth a watch: http://video.foxnews.com/v/5379076226001/?#sp=show-clips

    They ask some VERY interesting questions about Farkas’ knowledge and feel that the FBI should be interviewing her TODAY!

  4. Dewster says:

    LOL you just can not admit your party is corrupt.

    Newsflash GOP and DNC are corrupt political parties that sell favors for campaign donations.

    Horse Traders

    • Tina says:

      There you go again Dewey, making blanket statements. Attitude doesn’t sell here.

      Show us the corruption. Show us the party corruption! What are Republicans doing right now that amounts to a national scandal?

      “… that sell favors for campaign donations. ”

      Americans are free to make donations. If you’re going to make that charge be sure you get the cart before the horse. I want to see quid pro quo!

      • Dewster says:

        Tina that is a fact. Not a blanket statement. That is exactly how DC runs. I have worked in DC have you?

        The donations are from multinational corporations ect ect you certainly are not this clueless are you?

        How many bills written by ALEC have gone straight to the floor in the exact language.

        Wake up Girl your America does not exist

        Watch and learn these next couple elections. We are going to primary as many Dems and Reps as we can. Then we pick up where we left off into the next election.

        One day you will have to admit this

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Dewey, did your parents have any children that lived? Is anyone here claiming that there have not been corrupt GOP politicians? No, not at all you jackass.

      It would be nice that when you wish to upbraid ansd try to ridicule the people who write this blog and comment in these pages that you would at least occasionally base your tedious attacks in reality and not solely on the imaginary straw men who populate your demented and depraved fantasy world.

      Has it ever occurred to you why you are so often simply ignored here? No, it isn’t because we can’t handle your “truth”, you mental midget.

      • Dewster says:

        Pie do you ever listen to yourself?

        You cover for corruption as long as it is Republican.

        Newsflash the GOP is actually worse than the DNC but both are bad.

        Who just voted to sell all our internet actions? Was it the GOP? YES

        • Pie Guevara says:

          Dewey, you are full of ****. Drop dead you pathetic, mindless clown.

          • Dewster says:

            So you follow the conservative playbook… call them names when they lay a fact you do not like out there.

            So are you saying it was not the republicans that passed that bill into law and a Republican president who will sign it?

            Time to take all bad Politicians out regardless of party.

            Pie the GOP is not some honest grand Old party.

            Both parties are rotten to the core.

            At Last some of us while not holding our breath are attacking our own. I will be working hard to take out corrupt Dems and Reps with the rest of the Honest Voters.

            You can name call and try to cover up for a party……. but resorting name calling over truth is so 70’s or older.

            Where does that get the country?

      • J. Soden says:

        Simple and succinct! Well said, Pie!

  5. Peggy says:

    Mark Levin, the Great One, has the best breakdown of the Farkas scandal. He lays out her employment history and syncs them to the election.

    Yesterday’s broadcast.

    Part 1
    MARK LEVIN: Interview with Obama Official on Trump spying is a SMOKING GUN:

    Part 2
    LISTEN: Mark Levin reveals new info about Evelyn Farkas, has even more questions now…

  6. Dewster says:

    LOL Peggy Trump was picked up in other investigations. He was Unmasked. Now where the legal line was crossed was how they unmasked them. They are not suppose to let that out.

    Obama is gone yet you miss him so.

  7. Joe says:

    Incredible, while the old Brown buzzard is about to ram 56.2 billion dollars in tax increases down our throats he actually may be contemplating running for President again. How delusional can the Brown Clown be?


  8. Tina says:

    Good article by Andrew McCarthy at National Review. “It’s whether it was done abusively.”

    If the real objective was to intercept the communications not of the foreigners but of Trump associates, such that the agencies’ ‘targeting’ of the foreigners was merely a pretext, it could hardly be said that the associates’ communications were intercepted ‘incidentally.’ …

    … At the same time that they appear to have been aggressively investigating Trump associates, the FBI and the DOJ bent over backwards to avoid charging Hillary Clinton with felony mishandling of classified information.

  9. dewster says:


    Talk to someone in a Foreign country and you are being listened to. Involve yourself in Business or politics and you are monitored heavily.

    What makes you think that only the common man is monitored.

    The surveillance is beyond unconstitutional yet somehow you think this is abnormal? ya think as they collected these foreign communications and found a presidential Hopefuls peeps online they did not try to collect?

    heck the can sell what kind of underwear you buy if they so choose.

    Look at the Bigger picture. … It is a Fool who thinks they are not monitored.

    Wake UP

    trump is not a King. Everybody is monitored. talk to a foreign country of Interest you will be tracked.

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