American Indians Not Thriving

by Jack

The latest health study shows American Indians living on reservations are 60 percent more obese than the average American. One key factor is… free stuff. That doesn’t sound very scientific, but it is what it is. Free stuff has unmotivated Indians, just like it has unmotivated many of our chronic welfare recipients.

Indians don’t need to be hunters, they don’t need to be gatherers, they have abundant food that is provided to them…which means less exercise and a lifestyle change. Now its just a simple matter of caloric intake verses more sedentary living. But, unfortunately, it gets worse. They also suffer from higher rates of depression, suicide, alcoholism and substance abuse.

The root cause of these maladies is subject to some debate, but I would say entitlements (free stuff) and low expectations for personal growth (achievement) has a lot to do with it.

There’s a lesson to be learned from the Indian experience, because our nation is following their example. We’re relying more on entitlements and less on individual responsibility with every passing year. As much as free stuff may appeal to us, it ironically comes at a high price and just like the Indians, we can’t afford it and we don’t need it, if we know whats good for us. I suspect we’ll continue to take the free stuff…it’s so much easier.

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3 Responses to American Indians Not Thriving

  1. J. Soden says:

    Used to live on private property INSIDE an Indian reservation. Only a couple of places in the US where that is possible.
    The Indians are still getting handouts from the US taxpayer, even when they have casinos generating $$$$ supposedly for the tribal members. Many times, that casino
    $$ goes into the pockets of those running the tribe.
    With all their “needs” being taken care of by goofernment, they are free to abuse drugs and alcohol and do so.
    The point of freebies generating sloth and destroying initiative is a FACT, and nowhere do you see more profound proof of that than on an Indian reservation.

  2. Dewster says:

    Free Stuff?


    America is obese because our food supply is not real food.

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