Is Concern Over Communism Really “So Fifties?”

Posted by Tina

Imagine my shock and surprise today, after being derided over concerns about the influence of Marx in America, to find and article from People’s World claiming that Communist Party membership is up since Trump was elected. The article, featuring an interview with International Secretary of Communist Party USA, is actually a reprint from the Cuban paper, Granma:

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has been receiving membership requests ever since Donald Trump was elected President.

U.S. citizens with Marxist ideas were among the first to organize following the October Revolution of 1917, while their party, founded in 1919, is soon set to celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Since its establishment, the CPUSA has lived through the inter-war period and Cold War repression, which practically forced the organization underground. Of the country’s 300 million inhabitants, the organization currently has some 5,000 members nationwide.

Speaking to Granma International, Emile Schepers, CPUSA International Secretary, said, “Although the phantom of the McCarthy era still looms across the U.S., there is growing interest in communist ideas.” … in the United States specifically, “The global financial crisis affected many people and left the sense that today’s youth are worse off than their parents.”

Guess it’s not “so fifties” to notice the cancer that befalls a nation consumed by communist thought. One things for sure, if not treated the cancer spreads and puts liberty and opportunity on death watch. If you don;t believe me look at conditions in Venezuela or Greece.

Can’t help noticing how this communist writer, like other communists, completely ignores the Marx based policies that have brought us to the unfortunate place where young people are worse off than their parents. Communists don’t take responsibility, never audit themselves or their policies, and can be counted on to blame and point fingers in every situation.

The number that counts isn’t the 5000 members of CPUSA. The number that counts is the unknown numbers of sympathizers, people that have been brainwashed and trained in our schools to hate capitalism, liberty, personal responsibility, and respect for the rule of law. People that have been trained to think the world owes them a living and they have the right to demand and receive redistributed compensation. People who have been taught to hate America. Concern over this condition is much bigger than party affiliation and it is unfortunate that it was discredited in the fifties. Had we been more vigilant young people today would be much better off…we all would.

Related: One in five American families do not have a breadwinner.

More Americans between 18 and 34 live with parents rather than a spouse and more young men are falling to the bottom of the income ladder – Breitbart

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8 Responses to Is Concern Over Communism Really “So Fifties?”

    • Tina says:

      Peggy, Both men ask the important question that no one on the left ever wants to answer. Both men are giants of social and economic thought in my mind!

      Too bad there are so few like them in today’s education system. Instead we have a lot like this, this, and this. They bring slanted opinion and a crap attitude while wasting the time (and money) of the young folks in their classes who the leave college unprepared for life.

      • Peggy says:

        It’s a real shame these great men are no longer teaching. At least we have their written and spoken words to share. It’s sad today’s students don’t have many of their caliber to teach them how to think and not what to think.

        UC Berkeley, the birthplace of free speech on university campuses, has become ground zero for the alt-left fascist movement. The brown shirts have been replaced with black hoodies and mask.

        The recent attacker, using a bike lock weapon to smash the head of a young man, has been identified as a nearby college professor. Bet there will be little if any media coverage about his identity.

        The Bike Lock Professor Eric Clanton waging terrorist attack at Berkeley :


        Note there are no major news sources like CNN or Fox postings online, that I found. So, is this true of fake news.

  1. Joe says:

    So now Trump is going to let the dreamers off the hook? Who’s next?

    Trump: ‘Dreamers’ should ‘rest easy’

    Apparently Trump ain’t taking Kenny’s advice.

    Another step towards Communism.

    • Tina says:

      Joe I see the problem from a broad perspective…and I can’t put the responsibility on the Dreamers. I doubt that Trump can either. The problem is Congress’s to solve.

      Many of the problems we have today are also the result of eight years of Obama expanding the hand of welcome by offering more giveaways, sanctuary cities and the attitude behind them, and an order to refrain from enforcing laws on the books.

      When Reagan signed the 1986 amnesty bill he did so in good faith. It was supposed to be a one time deal.

      In hindsight it didn’t have the teeth to fix the problem. In my opinion as long as we accept the notion that anyone born on our soil to non-citizen parents is a automatically a citizen and as long as we agree to educate and care for those here illegally, we won’t get a handle on immigration.

      According to the W. James Antle III of the Daily Caller the 1986 bill “legalized approximately 2.7 million illegal immigrants” and “Washington approved 90 percent of the 1.3 million agricultural workers who sought legal status despite detecting fraud in nearly a third of the applications.” The bill also called for stronger border control measures and enforcement. But as with many things that are done in DC today those who passed this legislation had no intention of honoring the agreement. Back to the Daily Caller:

      …enforcement turned out to be a bait and switch, like when spending cuts are promised in exchange for tax increases. The amnesty happened and is irreversible. The enforcement has been spotty and in some cases never materialized.

      There are businesses that hire illegals with impunity. This should stop. But even business owners who try to weed out illegal applicants and report them can easily be tricked with fake ID’s, energy bills, and the like. It’s not really fair to punish them when this happens especially since they are not supposed to discriminate.

      Thanks for the heads up about the italics tag. There were actually two. I found one of them before going to bed but missed the other. It should be okay now.

      • Joe says:

        I think if one is to be realistic they have to admit that if Trump will not send these people back no one ever will. They are here to stay.

        This sends a powerful message to the rest of the world. “If you have kids come on in because if they stay long enough they will never have to go back.” Other countries don’t do this and they don’t have the immigration issues this country does.

        So I guess I don’t have anything positive to say on this issue. I am sorry. But look on the bright side, at least you got to listen to Kenny Rogers (if you clicked the link).

        • Tina says:

          Joe you do have something important to say on the subject. We should observe and enforce our laws to the letter.

          Unfortunately the letter of the law was waved long ago. I think it began because Americans do have big hearts. When we decided it was compassionate as well as moral to educate the farm workers kids we had no idea what we were starting. All these years down the road we are actually doing for Mexican citizens things that the Mexican government should have been doing all along. They should be creating abundance and opportunity…they should be educating their kids…and they should have a system of good medical care.

          People come to America for the freedom and opportunity! The open borders attitude just invites other governments, especially corrupt governments (leaders), to keep the money for other things (themselves) and let us pick up the tab.

          I want us to do the responsible thing and that isn’t always easy. Sometimes it means dong hard things to encourage others to follow suit.

          I did enjoy Kenny, Joe! Thanks…good call.

  2. Joe says:

    Miss Tina,

    I think you forgot your closing italics tag. Now all the comments are in italics.

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