CA Taxpayer Abuse – New Audit Finds Millions Rat Holed by U.C. Regents

Posted by Jack

For years conservatives have maintained that our UC system has a more than adequate revenue stream. And that bond funding, fee hikes and tuition raises would be totally unnecessary if the taxpayer’s dollar was even remotely properly managed.

Over the years, the GOP has cited many examples where billions of dollars has been squandered by bureaucrats creating lavish nests for themselves or simply spending frivolously without accountability. The latest State audit tends to confirm what the GOP has been telling us all along.

Fro mthe Sacramento Bee…”The University of California has disadvantaged resident students with its recent emphasis on recruiting applicants from out of state and overseas, leading to a drop in the number of Californians enrolled at UC, a State audit has discovered. (This also includes aid for undocumented students, including legal assistance, if needed)

That was the highly critical conclusion of a state audit released Tuesday – and a direct rebuke of the university’s long-standing assertion that it has used extra fees paid by nonresident students to make up for recession-era budget cuts and underwrite thousands of slots for Californians that the state no longer supports.

The broad and blistering report also found that academic standards were lowered for thousands of nonresident admissions and that UC has not developed an actual cost of instruction to guide decisions about tuition.”

(In addition to the waste noted above, and while the Board of Regents were asking the State for more money visa vi hike in tuition, they had hidden $175,000,000 in a special contingency fund. You know for needful things like hiring attorneys to oppose deportation of illegals. Courtesy of TALK 650 AM news)

In other news…..UC boosts California admissions to meet $25 million enrollment target. In other words, lowering standards to get more tuition money. Click here for the full story.

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14 Responses to CA Taxpayer Abuse – New Audit Finds Millions Rat Holed by U.C. Regents

  1. Tina says:

    They live in Libby’s head…Californians just won’t “pony up” enough so this greedy group off intellectual special interest folk can live as lavishly as they want.

    So tired of the deception, the lack of accountability, the waste, the propaganda, the PC culture, the failure to educate and the arrogant greed of the California elites. Wish there was a way to stop it. Too bad so many CA citizens would rather imagine they’re part of this exclusive club than worry about the exaggerated, unnecessary cost to themselves and their children.

  2. J. Soden says:

    What with the mess at the Berkeley campus regarding free speech and their dislike of speakers with a view other than that of the LunaticLeft, the Young Americans for Freedom is considering a lawsuit against UC Berkeley.
    Those who pay the bills in Taxifornia – the taxpayer, not the Lunkheads in the Legislature – deserve an honest accounting AND accountability. Unfortunately, as long as the Demwits control things, the “public be damned” attitude will reign supreme in the university AND the Legislature.
    Maybe we should bring back stocks, tarring and feathering or dunking of miscreants, since laws and ethical behavior seem to have disappeared – as has accountability!

  3. Post Scripts says:

    I don’t think any of us could imagine the great wealth that slips thru the fingers of California’s government into waste. We have hundreds of state vehicles that have disappeared due to accounting errors, millions of dollars lie hidden in obscure accounts, lavish bureaucrat salaries with no nexus to responsibility or performance and all these huge State contracts, OMG, they always pay too much! I bet if we had two good years of accountability and strict audits, we would have a huge surplus! We could cut taxes and still cut tuition by half! California does not have an income problem, but they do have a spending problem. Well, actually, let me rephrase that…. we are headed for an income problem because idiot CA keeps chasing away businesses and killing jobs. That’s another thing we’re going to be facing in the very near future. Thank you democrats you sure know how to squander the wealth and break the piggy bank!

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Here is another example….California State Auditor Elaine Howle reported Tuesday that investigations by her office have found that hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars were misspent last year.

    Among the cases she highlights is that of an incompetent prison psychiatrist who should have been quickly removed from the payroll but lingered there for three years while the state “investigated.” The cost to taxpayers, according the Howle: at least $366,656 as the employee received his full salary, was granted two merit-based raises and was given 226 hours in leave — worth $29,149 — that was paid to him when he left.

    “Through our investigations, we found patients placed at risk and state funds wasted during the continued employment of an incompetent psychiatrist, misuse of state resources, theft of registration fees, and failure to protect the security of confidential documents,” Howle wrote to Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    The State of CA is spending a little over 16B yearly for salaries, plus another 48% in benefits. The Highway Patrol received a 10% pay increase for the years 14 and 15. How much of pay increase did you get? As a state retiree I got zip, zero, nada for the last two years. In fact my retirement income, as adjusted for inflation has decreased by 25% since I started in retirement until this day. It’s legal too, I called PERS, its in our contract, but they can’t go below 25%, so that’s something, I guess.

  6. Peggy says:

    Theft by our gov’t at every level by every department happens all of the time. Remember the $9 billion that went missing from Hillary’s State Dept., while millions was being spent for crystal wine goblets and booze for swanky embassies? The loss was blamed on bad accounting and misplaced receipts. Of course it was, so no intent could be placed on those responsible. Sound familiar?

    As one of the employee union presidents for the college district I retired from twice a month I’d get a budget accounting of action items to be approved at the next board meeting. Between $100,000-$200,000 was transferred from one budget account to another at every meeting. Like a game of Three-card Monte.

    Our campus chief of police was convicted of stealing parking funds from students. The same dept. years later was exposed for having a secret slush fund where $500,000 was hidden. What better place to hide an unlawful act than the law enforcement dept.

    The “use it or loose” it chant can be heard loud and clear at the end of every fiscal year.
    Next year’s funds will be based on this years spending, which is the common operating budget process at every gov’t level, so every dollar MUST be spent. It looks like Christmas in July to see hundreds of $400 desk chairs being unloaded for every member of my dept., whether we needed one or not. New copiers and computers would be installed and reams of paper packed into supply rooms and warehouses.

    If all of the surplus funds weren’t spent then it went into that “secret” account at the police dept.

    It’s not just the UC system that is “squirreling” money away. I’ll bet they all are with few if any exceptions.

  7. J. Soden says:

    The Sacramento Bee broke the story about the $175k ratholing, and today it’s on National Review Online.

    Nothing like shining the light on the cockroaches and watch them scurry!

  8. Harold says:

    So the jest of this is, we have College students (and others) willing to riot and destroy a university campus over a conservative speaker and denying free speech;

    but not a peep so far as to the University system that mismanages money that could be used to keep their tuition costs down.

    Even if they are taught to think, they are not taught to reason!

  9. Tina says:

    Pretty sure they’re not taught to think either, Harold.

    • J. Soden says:

      And I find it extremely ironic that after Ann Coulter’s sponsors hid under their desks and her speech at Berkeley was cancelled, the ALCU has come out decrying the restriction of Coulter’s speech!
      Funny how they didn’t object when Milo’s speech was cancelled and the campus vandalized and set on fire . . . . . . .

      • Tina says:

        Heavy Police Presence in Berkeley as Free Speech Rally Kicks Off (VIDEOS + PHOTOS):

        Ann Coulter canceled her speech at UC Berkeley amid threats of violence, however; free speech activists have decided to show up anyway and read Coulter’s speech.

        There is a heavy police presence near MLK Civic Center Park in Berkeley in anticipation of violence from left-wing fascists who call themselves ‘Antifa’. This is what it takes for Americans to exercise their First Amendment rights these days. Very scary times we are in.

        Hope they make it through the night without loss of life or damage to property.

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