California Nurses Rally in Sacramento for Single Payer

Posted by Tina

Single Payer healthcare, which would eliminate all healthcare insurance companies in California, is being considered in Sacramento. An AP story, posted at Barchart reports that hundred of nurses rallied in support of the idea today in the state capitol. The nurses were reportedly “clad in red.” That suggest the SEIU to me but I could be wrong. What do nurses imagine will come from such a stupid idea? Have they been brain dead during the last eight years of higher taxes and the punishing cost of regulation? The cost for just a partial takeover of healthcare for our nation was a blunted economy, a lousy job market and shuttered businesses. I have no doubt that our citizens will plead and shout for free healthcare…that’s just how stupid we’ve become as a state. But rotsa ruck making it work. The proposal would require substantial tax increases…as if the people of California aren’t taxed enough…as if the state were not already heavily burdened with debt…as if we didn’t have other higher priorities. Fixing our broken and failing infrastructure for one.

Progressives never learn. They imagine free healthcare for all forgetting the fact that it will be paid by people who are struggling to provide for their own families. The cost for such a venture is enormous. How much, beyond the price of healthcare, will the state have to collect to pay for a new bureaucracy to administer this care? I’d say a good deal more than most of our working class can afford.

This is a bad idea. It’s tyrannical…but something tells me the radical left Democrats in power can’t wait to adopt it.

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5 Responses to California Nurses Rally in Sacramento for Single Payer

  1. Joe says:

    It’s only a matter of time. The Demorats in the legislature already have the legislation written up and all the top Demorats for governor in 2018 are all for it. With their two-thirds majority they won’t need a single Republican vote to pass it.

    It’s coming and they are talking about it covering everyone, including illegal aliens. They will fund it with massive payroll tax increases on employers and employees, alike in addition to income tax increases. It will break the back of what’s left of the economy in this state.

    Are you people finally ready to get serious about the state of Jefferson or some other alternative to the Commies in Sucramento? If not, I’m baffled.

    • Tina says:

      I’m serious Joe…the problem is how to spark interest and then going through the long process to get it done. It might be that this legislation will finally create such a mess in our state that people wake up. More likely those who get it will just quietly leave the state.

  2. J. Soden says:

    The Demwits haven’t taken into consideration the loss of Federal $$ from the sanctuary state setup, so if enacted this hare-brained idea will be paid outta even more increased taxes and the dust cloud from the departing workers and businesses will cover Taxifornia.

  3. Tina says:

    Politico, “Why single payer died in Vermont”

    It always come down to money.

    How insane is it to imagine we can have great healthcare without paying for it one way or another. That healthcare can be had for free?

    How stooopid must people be to think they are going to shove their healthcare costs into the wallets of “other people?”

    What kind of nut thinks the added expense of collecting the tax and running the bureaucracy will bring the cost down especially since we all know how inefficient and wasteful governments are?

    What in the world is smart about creating a government monopoly, with the power to increase taxes, is the answer to lower premiums?

    Nothing about this idea makes sense. Nothing.

  4. Libby says:

    Tina, you are such a pea brain. What’s the difference? Your employer pays $850 to a Blue … or your employer pays $850 to you … you pay that into the national kitty, and get health care from any facility you care to walk into?

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