Nuclear Threat Urgent – Full Senate Summoned!

Posted by Tina

Freebeacon reports:

The Senate took part in a rare White House briefing on Wednesday to hear what senior leaders described as “an urgent national security threat” posed by North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

The hour-long secret session for all senators was held at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, next to the White House, and included a brief appearance from President Trump who made short, introductory remarks.

Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also took part in the session. His presence is an indication that military options for dealing with North Korea likely were discussed.

New steps by the administration will include the imposition of additional economic sanctions.

“The United States seeks stability and the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. We remain open to negotiations towards that goal. However, we remain prepared to defend ourselves and our allies,” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Director of Intelligence Dan Coats said in a joint statement after the briefing.

Trump’s approach seeks to pressure North Korea into dismantling nuclear, ballistic missile, and proliferation programs through imposing tighter economic sanctions and diplomatic measures, the three leaders said.

The senior officials noted that past efforts to halt the North Korean illicit arms programs had failed. (continues)

I guess the “war monger” president is a bit more vigilant and prudent than his detractors thought. A bit more competent too…coordinating with advisors and notifying and relying on Congress when America is threatened.

Fingers crossed, prayers appreciated.

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28 Responses to Nuclear Threat Urgent – Full Senate Summoned!

  1. Tina says:

    After 9 innings and two home runs I finally found an article that serves up some meat in this story…

    John R. Moore of PJ Media wrote yesterday, “The EMP Threat From North Korea Is Real, and Terrifying”

    • Libby says:

      “EMP” ??? Jesus H! … Tina? All they have to do is come up with a new acronym?

      SUCKERS !!!!!!

      It’s quite some time since I’ve been THIS angry.

      • Tina says:

        EMP is not new…we’ve know about it since 1962.

        Maybe it’s only new to you?


        • Libby says:

          WMD is what sold you last time. Am I right?

          • Tina says:


            A actual plan (strategy) to bring the fight to the Islamic terrorists, instead of fighting them here, and destroy them earned my support. I’ve articulated the plan here many times.

            You and your lefty pals are the one all exercised over WMD.

            It was a plan endoresed by Congress (Oct.2002) and at the first sign of difficulty the Democrats and left media abandoned our President and our troops and began the same hammering anti-war activism they used to bring tabloid defeat in Vietnam, a war we had actually won militarily.

            An honest assessment of the period is here.

            You and your ilk have no spine to follow through (although you play at war with empty threats and responses when in power) because you fear responsibility (blame) and have zero experience about the true nature of compassion and honor (standing up for the weak and vulnerable) and liberty (facing down tyrannical bullies) or what they mean to every single citizen in the world.

          • Libby says:

            Still the A-Number-One Queen of Denial.

            Shall we hit the archives?

      • Joe says:

        So you’re back, Libster. Now what did you do with Pie?

  2. RHT447 says:

    Yup. Also see the link in my post under “Obama Legacy: Syria and North Korea – “Two Ticking Time Bombs””

  3. Tina says:

    Absolutely, RHT447…here it is, without the great photo. The man is fit! His leadership fitting for our times.

    Sixty-one years old, and runs a sub-5 hour Boston Marathon. Bad-ASS. Our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is a warrior.

    I first met Joe Dunford almost 30 years ago, when he was a newly-minted Major, the Marine Officer Instructor at Holy Cross. Even to a First Lieutenant, there was something special about him, his leadership, his command presence. General Dunford went on to do pretty well. I next saw him as a Colonel in Iraq, serving as Chief of Staff of the 1st Marine Division, under MajGen James Mattis. The ADC? BGen John Kelly. (The shirt he is wearing in the photo, “Team Kelly”, is in honor of Marine 1st Lieutenant Robert Kelly, the son of General John Kelly. 1stLt Kelly was killed in Iraq Afghanistan in 2010) General Dunford was promoted quickly through the General Officer ranks of the Marine Corps, in fact never wearing two stars, as he was selected for Lieutenant General before he’d pinned on his Major General promotion. Of course, General Dunford went on to serve briefly as the 36th Commandant of the Marine Corps before being selected as the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  4. Libby says:

    Urgent threat, my ass. They were bussed up to the big house for a marketing meeting. And if they actually buy this, the latest, new and improved war … I am having all their guts for garters … seriously.

    • Tina says:

      There apparently isn’t a serious bone in your body, Libby.

      Perhaps a quick read through the article (link) posted by RHT447 above will rattle your pea brain.

      And you can just shut up on the issue of war. We’ve endured an expanding war through eight years without a single positive outcome under your supposedly brilliant guy’s leadership. You lefties got Bin Laden…big deal. It wasn’t a result of any Obama policy. Other than that you didn’t complete the mission in Iraq, didn’t make a big deal over the extreme refugee situation, didn’t take responsibility for the messes you created in Libya, Syria and Egypt, made a big fat mess of Benghazi and lied about it and tried to cover it up, and made really stupid deal with Iran. Through it all your media acted like none of it was happening.

      Don’t bother…I have the right to go over the past because of the danger Obama created by being feckless and unwilling to step up and DO THE JOB. Community organizers are not ready for prime time…he was not prepared. And I’m not convinced it all wasn’t done (including the constantly bad economy) on purpose, either.

      • Libby says:

        Tina, there is nothing “bad” about the economy in Chico. As I said, the town is looking as prosperous as I’ve ever seen it. What is your problem?

        But if that moron in the White House, going “neener, neener” with his aircraft carrier strike force starts something nasty … we will tend to Little Fatty … AFTER we deal with The Donald … AND YOU!!!!!

        • Tina says:

          As long as YOU have a job, and everything appears to be fine (even in Chico) that means everything is fine all over, right? The City of Chico, like many cities and states across America, is facing massive debt:

          The city of Chico held its State of the City Address discussing how the city is handling a massive debt and layoffs in multiple departments.

          City leaders also discussed the plans to get back on track. Mayor Scott Gruendl started off the address saying the city is in bad shape.

          Gruendl blamed past administrations for incorrectly reporting their finances to the council. It is expected by city leaders the debt will increase from $5.2- $7 million this year to already struggling city departments.

          I observe the entire nation’s economy, and I am interested in every American having opportunity. The past eight years have been a disaster for too many Americans. Jobs gone and replaced with part time low wage jobs. Entire industries put out of business. (You see that as a victory because you don’t consider the many families adversly affected by your meaningless, stringent, unreasonable activism.)

          Four members of my family are without jobs. One for over two years.

          My business downsized first (loss of jobs, loss of jobs from growth) and eventually forced to close after losing 2/3 of my business.

          Before closing I heard from all of my suppliers whose jobs had gone away. It was like that all over and you would know that except for the irresponsible media that propped up the Obama administration and your location in the very wealthy Bay Area.

          “…we will tend to Little Fatty … AFTER we deal with The Donald … AND YOU!!!!!”

          Like the morons in charge over the last eight years?

          As I’ve written before (endlessly) you lefties are good at bullying…at issuing empty meaningless threats (red lines)…Jong-Un…he’s still around even after your big bad moron took charge of the situation.

          • Libby says:

            What the hell are you saying? Your business failed, and so we should get the South Koreans nuked to make ourselves feel better?

            Little Fatty’s coronary is imminent. I can wait, and you can find some less savage means of consolation.

  5. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    The wacko Dems of Calif. are at it again.

    California’s healthcare-for-all bill passes first committee:

    • Tina says:

      Peggy, we knew that it would, right? Ugh!

      • Peggy says:

        The insanity has to stop. Do those people live in a bubble. Medicare is broke, ObamaCare is failing, VA health care is a major mess and now Puerto Rico is begging us give them $900 million for the debt, in large part because of their “free” health care.

        Dems in Sacramento are only as dumb as the voters who keep them there.

        Side note. Learned tonight that Civics hasn’t been taught in our schools since the 1970s. No wonder today’s college students have no idea how our constitutional republic gov’t works and what the basic meaning of free speech means. To make matters worse they will be our leaders soon and will have no idea how to govern. But, then maybe that was the plan all along.

        • Tina says:

          Hope for our nation lies in the kids who are being schooled in alternative venues (or by good teachers) where civics and US history are considered an important part of a child’s formative education.

          Hillsdale has that wonderful free online course on the Constitution.

          They have other free online courses, another good one being, “American Heritage” – “On July 4, 1776, America—acting under the authority of “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”— declared its independence from Great Britain. The new nation, founded on the principle that “all Men are created equal,” eventually grew to become the most prosperous and powerful nation in the world. This course will consider the history of America from the colonial era to the present, including major challenges to the Founders’ principles.

          See also here.

          All would be valuable for students.

  6. Tina says:

    Libby: “What the hell are you saying? Your business failed, and so we should get the South Koreans nuked to make ourselves feel better?”

    No…I was simply responding to YOU:

    “…there is nothing “bad” about the economy in Chico. As I said, the town is looking as prosperous as I’ve ever seen it. What is your problem?”

    Libby: “…you can find some less savage means of consolation.”

    You give your nasty little self away. The thought would NEVER occur to me.

    But, you are the one who thinks she’s so darned compassionate, right? You give Jack all kinds of grief for his position about panhandling, public defecating, slobs and drug users…but you cannot muster an ounce of compassion for people that have lost their jobs (or couldn’t find one to begin with) because of the useless economic policies of your favorite band of progressives? What’s your problem?

  7. Tina says:

    Libby: “Shall we hit the archives?”

    Be my guest.

    Just make sure you don’t cherry pick my comments.

  8. MrSmithGoestoWashington says:

    Tina you can delete my comments but it does not make the truth go away.

    Fact is that was a Photo Op. The Senators left shaking their heads.

    You write Headlines……
    And then the Truth comes out

    Photo Op Period, a waste of the Senators time for the Media

    • Tina says:

      “Mrs Smith”… if I deleted your comment it was because it looked like spam.

      I do not run from controversy.

      In fact…you write a lot like Master Dewey…a frequent poster who uses the word “period” too, just to prove how superior his opinion is.

      It’s quite possible the Sentors left “shaking their heads” but unless you’re a mind reader you wouldn’t have the foggiest notion as to why.

      • TruthToPower says:

        yes Tina Dewey’s comments no longer show

        and Tina I believe the Senators explained exactly why they were shaking their heads. Multiple times.

        it was a Photo Op and they learned nothing.

    • Libby says:

      Hopefully they won’t be suckered again. If your intention is to preserve your integrity, you just don’t go near the man.

  9. Pete says:

    The electro magnetic pulse was realized in the mid 1940’s. It is a weapon that may knock out electrical systems that do not have safeguards in place to contain the surge of electricity created by nuclear detonation. Fortunately, most, if not all, of our critical military and government assets have these protections. Also, I’ve read about critical public infrastructure systems that have been hardened.

    The problem with relying on EMP’s is that the weapon’s target, yield, and atmospheric detonation level are all critical for success. I’m not saying it can’t be done, I’m saying it’s a very challenging needle to thread.

    My concern with nuclear weapons is that they can be parked off our Atlantic and Pacific shores, detonated and allow a great big wall of water to do all the work. This scenario is relatively easy and decreases radiation levels. That’s something to think about next time you’re enjoying the beach.

  10. TruthToPower says:

    Unfortunately True.

    Bottom Line Libby We are no longer told how many troups are being sent in and Congress is no longer debating wars and approving them. Bush and Obama set this precedence.

    We just keep going down the Rabbit Hole with these 2 corporate establishment political parties.

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