We Had Fox – Here Come the Hounds

Posted by Tina

The race for victory in the conservative communications business is on! As you know there are major concerns about the continued viability of conservative commentary on Fox News. Liberal agitation efforts to silence it’s more conservative commentators is part of the lefts overall agenda to silence competing points of view. Equally troubling was the news that founder Rupert Murdock has turned control of Fox over to his liberal sons. Whether these concerns will play out as fundamental change at the popular news outlet is yet to be determined but it might not matter. Where broad demand persists smart people will find a way to meet that demand. Fox was once alone in the race but if all goes well, the hounds of conservatism will soon be set free!

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker:

Beleaguered conservatives reeling from the turmoil at Fox News have at least a glimmer of hope that a second national conservative news outlet could result from a huge merger announced yesterday. Sinclair Broadcast Group, owners of 173 terrestrial television stations in 81 markets, will be acquiring Tribune Media, which owns 42 stations reaching 24% of the American public, including outlets in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, as well as a cable channel, WGN America. Combined, the two station groups would reach 70% of the American public, according to Jennifer Saba of the New York Times, unless the FCC requires divestitures.

Sinclair is generally regarded as conservative in outlook and has won the admiration of many by employing Sharyl Attkisson and giving her a program carried in all its markets. There is now the hope that Attkisson could soon reach 70% of the public very soon. But the really intriguing possibilities include launching a second conservative cable news outlet, capitalizing on discontent with Fox News’s turmoil and firings, especially of its leading personality, Bill O’Reilly. The fact that the company will already have a cable channel (WGN America) on most cable systems reduces the most formidable barrier to entry for a cable news network.

Sinclair will have enormous bargaining leverage over 21st Century Fox, the parent of Fox News and the “Big Fox” television station group and broadcast network through its ownership of the largest group of affiliates, including many major markets. (continues)

Competition! Healthy, beautiful competition! If all goes well this will make conservative performance and delivery even bigger and better. Who knows how many voices will find a wider audience…giving Sharyl Attkisson a wider audience is pure gold! Here come the hounds, upbeat and anxious for the chase!

The hypocricy of the left continues! RELATED: Lawsuit fever snags CNN and NYT, “…racism at the Times? Bigotry at CNN? The complainants say yes – nearly 200 altogether.”

This was in an Israeli paper and appeared in the NY Post. No big headlines, or repeating “breaking news” stories in the US.

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11 Responses to We Had Fox – Here Come the Hounds

  1. Chris says:

    Why would conservatives be unhappy that Bill O’Reilly was fired for repeated sexual harassment of multiple women?

  2. Tina says:

    First of all who said we are happy…or unhappy for that matter? This article doesn’t feature the O’Reilly case as it’s subject.

    Secondly, as far as I know these charges are only alleged to have happened. A person is still considered innocent until proven guilty! I don’t have any way of knowing the truth about the charges. My mind remains open. On the other hand, liberals have a track record. They love to play prosecutor in the court of public opinion often with specious accusations. I’ve been more than unhappy, I’ve been really angry about that since the shameful Clarence Thomas show trial that gave birth to this leftists political tactic.

    Third, this article is about the irrelevance of the scheme to eliminate conservative speech since the demand for it continues! The old business saying applies, “Find a need and fill it!”

    Fourth…I am overjoyed at the prospect of greater, more widely disseminated conservative speech! The monopoly held by progressives over many decades has been detrimental to American politics, American values and the strength of the Constitution and the rule of law.

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “First of all who said we are happy…or unhappy for that matter? This article doesn’t feature the O’Reilly case as it’s subject.”

      Your American Thinker article said it:

      But the really intriguing possibilities include launching a second conservative cable news outlet, capitalizing on discontent with Fox News’s turmoil and firings, especially of its leading personality, Bill O’Reilly.

      “Secondly, as far as I know these charges are only alleged to have happened. A person is still considered innocent until proven guilty! I don’t have any way of knowing the truth about the charges. My mind remains open. On the other hand, liberals have a track record.”

      Many of the women who accused O’Reilly were conservative women.

      • Tina says:

        If you’re that upset maybe you should contact the writer at the American Thinker.

        The charges still have not been proven. I have no basis on which to judge either way. And unfortunately the progressive left has used the issue politically far too many times.

        Random thoughts. How is it that these women allowed themselves to work for so long in such horrible conditions? Were any of them lured into their lawsuit by offers of money or a more lucrative contract elsewhere? We are all people, subject to making questionable decisions. Megyn Kelly’s charge was silly (unless there was more to it than what I read). It’s not unusual for men with big bank accounts to become targets. Anything is possible.

        The left’s desire to blunt or destroy the influence of Fox is hardly a secret and that colors the O’Reilly situation. Those behind it are pretty vicious. They’ve attack liberals who do guest appearances on Fox (Mara Liasson and Juan Williams). They attacked liberal Alan Colmes on the heels of his death, “Alan Colmes, Buffoon and Patsy, Was Fox News’ Original Liberal Weakling.”

        Anyway I am looking forward to what happens next with the Sinclair Broadcast Group.

        • Chris says:

          I’m not sure what about my tone indicated I was upset. You said the American Thinker article didn’t mention O’Reilly, so I pointed out that it did.

          The number of accusers, the number of settlements, and the general culture of Fox News all suggest the allegations against O’Reilly were true. There are plenty of videos online demonstrating *on-air* instances of sexual harassment against women by male hosts–it is fair to assume things are even worse off camera. But of course I can’t state for a fact O’Reilly is guilty.

          Megyn Kelley’s accusations were not “silly,” and it’s a shame you won’t stand behind a strong conservative woman. The way Trump treated her especially was egregious. But we know what side you chose there.

          Salon is disgusting; no disagreements there. I know I used to cite that place here sometimes, but I decided a while back that I’ll never do that again. They have no credibility.

    • J. Soden says:

      Tina – a well reasoned response to a dunce of a question.

  3. Tina says:

    Thanks J.

    Like Trumps win in all those red counties across America, news like this makes me feel hopeful that our nation is still in good stead per our founding values and the Constitution.

  4. TruthToPower says:

    OK folks it is time to cut the crap and get serious

    A veteran reporter Dan Heyman for Public News Service arrested for following Tom Price and asking a question?
    In the WV Capitol?

    The question?
    if victims of domestic abuse will be covered under the new health care proposal/

    The media can spin it but this is what the press does.

    These elected (both parties) are not kings

    We are slipping into authoritarian rule very fast

  5. Tina says:

    According to Dan Heyman he shoved his phone passed those accompanying the HHS Secretary and Kellyanne Conway to ask his question, which he asked repeatedly.

    According to John Raby of the AP the WV police had another version of events. Heyman:

    …was, “trying ‘aggressively’ to get past Secret Service agents and yelling questions at U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price during his visit to the state.

    It happened as Price and senior White House aide Kellyanne Conway visited the state Capitol in Charleston on Tuesday to learn about efforts to fight opioid addiction in a state that has the nation’s highest overdose death rate.

    Capitol police said in a criminal complaint that Daniel Ralph Heyman, 54, “was aggressively breaching the secret service agents to the point where the agents were forced to remove him a couple of times from the area” in a Capitol hallway. It also says he was “causing a disturbance by yelling questions at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price.”

    Manners…decency…appropriate timing. Ever heard of them?

    “Independents ” of your stripe, Dewey, need to understand that reporters don’t get to shove the Secret Service around and yell at those who represent us. Reporters aren’t above the law (kings) simply because they are part of the fourth estate. Heyman’s elitist attitude and aggressive style got him in trouble.

    It seems to me that when it comes to our representatives only those on the right are treated with such blatant disrespect. They wouldn’t have treated Obama’s people in such a hostile manner.

    So…both parties my Aunt Fannie!

    Corruption in DC is one issue and it’s bipartisan (including Independents!) We should judge them as individuals!

    A separate issue is the alignment and collusion the MSM has with the Democrat Party while posing as unbiased journalists. There’s a corrupt alliance that is really hurting this nation!

    Try to keep the issues separate, please.

    • TruthToPower says:


      Reporters repeat the question until they get an answer. They hold up their phones to record the answer.

      That is the norm.

      How about we look at reality not play games.

      You repeat the propaganda as gospel.

      We should have jailed the press a long time ago?

      Come on Tina stop being combative

      Look prepare yourself for the ugly if this investigation is not halted.

      I am not sitting here railing you every time the subpoenas go out.

      Heck just today the FBI raided a Maryland GOP consultant over 2013 Virginia race.

      Media is owned by about 6 people. Media is a PR Firm

      Fox may clean up a bit but it will still be Fox, a better Fox hopefully

  6. TruthToPower says:

    Also these representatives picked their job, reporters will ask questions and put their phones (recorders) near their faces to record the soundbite. Have for years.

    That is their job.

    You act like this is new? Get Real please, A Free Press is important

    This is not a church state yet

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