by Jack

I know I’ve talked about this already once this week, but you know what? This situation is so serious and destructive I have to say one more thing….

Where in our history do we find the perfect elected president? A rhetorical question of course, because they’ve all been flawed. Hey, it’s a human condition. So, of course Trump is a flawed man….duh-uh. Nobody claims otherwise, but are his flaws any worse than what we’ve seen in past presidents? I don’t think so, but if they are, I’ve seen no hard evidence of that yet. Yes, I’m totally aware of all the innuendos and allegations spewing out of the far left daily, but I have not seen any evidence to back ANY of them up, so in my book, he’s innocent until proven guilty. No evidence – no guilt…period.

The left constantly amazes me, because I have no clue by what yardstick these nay-sayers are using when they call Trump unfit to hold office. If they are claiming that some locker room talk years before he was a candidate is somehow equal to immoral behaviors, while in office, of one William Jefferson Clinton, JFK or even FDR, I would have to strongly disagree.

Are the fiscal policies of Trump that really bad that he should be kicked out? If you look at Wall Street, you would have to conclude that Trump is doing a heck of a lot better for the economy than anything Obama did.

As a statesman on the world stage, that remains to be seen, but so far so good. I like his toughness. But, to be fair he’s only been in office for 4 months so there’s nothing there yet.

In terms of national security, there’s no evidence he’s done anything wrong in Russia or anywhere else. However, I do strongly approve of his border control policy and deporting illegal aliens that broke our laws to be here, and especially those who broke our laws while they’re here.

So where is this unrelenting hate for Trump really coming from? I think I know and it’s nothing he’s done. The simple truth is, the rabid left still can’t get over losing the election. They can’t believe that the American people were not buying what the Clinton’s were selling. That’s not Trump’s fault, it was their candidate! It was their message and their past policies that sunk them. America judged them and found them wanting. That is why Trump is the president and Hillary isn’t, so I say to the wacky left, get over it! To launch a massive campaign to unseat a duly elected president is akin to a slimy coup d’ tat and this is reaching a whole new low in American politics, even for democrats.

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35 Responses to A FLAWED PRESIDENT

    • Post Scripts says:

      RHT, I love this opener from your link becxause it is so right on….”We’re seeing a wholesale campaign of insurrection by the progressive left wing of US politics, fueled and aided by the so-called ‘Deep State’, against President Trump. As a matter of fact, he’s only the figurehead of their attack. What they’re really after is the political voting bloc that elected him – those they view as ‘deplorables’. They want to knock them out of politics as well, to prevent any further roadblocks on their path to domination of the USA.”

  1. Tina says:

    There is no yardstick. They do not judge, how could they when they have no moral grounding. Trump is in the way. A bug on the windshield. A block in the road. Trump represents a threat to the cause and therefore his leadership must be terminated. He must be brought down and his followers and supporters demoralized and silenced. It’s only the cause and the cause is the state…in this century, the global state. anything goes. The end justifies the means.

    As for why Trump is president I think we have to acknowledge he is president because the entire political and governmental system failed the people. Republicans had 17 candidates from which to choose. They represented Republicans of nearly every stripe imaginable. Most were better communicators and at least in terms of the political, more experienced. All of these qualified candidates were rejected in favor of an outsider.

    Reagan gave us a glimpse of greatness in the presidency, not because he was perfect, but because he knew that power should remain with the people. He was also an outsider and they hated him too.

    The people know that our government has been compromised, that it does not operate as intended. The people know that pockets of power hungry activists work for a radical cause and against the people. They have tried to correct this problem by electing different representatives but now realize that even some of our leaders are held hostage by what we are calling the deep state or shadow government.

    The wacky left are in the streets, filled with romantic dreams of revolution. The wacky left troll the blogs to promote fake news and pass on the fourth estates misinformation campaign. The radical left is something else again. They hate individual freedom and the capitalist model. They’ve worked for decades to discredit both and to promote oe brand or another of socialism.

    As Dinesh D’Souza asked in his excellent documentary, “America,” what would the world look like had there been no America? We take for granted that freedom will always be there. We take for granted that opportunity to climb the ladder of success is always possible. We forget the history of the world that tells us otherwise and we fail to uncompromisingly preserve that which has made us free…and to pass it on to those who come after us.

    The people chose Trump, flaws and all, because he was not afraid of the radical left. He was not afraid of the press. He was not afraid to speak his mind openly despite the hatred and attempts to derail and discredit. We chose Trump becasue he vowed to step over the roadblocks and cut through the chains that the enemies of freedom have placed to oppress the people. We chose Trump becasue he saw the problems, in every category, and said he would endeavor to choose good people to fix them.

    Now, after only four months, determination by the radical crazed left to undermine Trump has already taken the form of calling for his impeachment. They must be mad, insane, desperate!

    The people can see how phony they are. Where were they when charges much more serious and with compelling evidence were brought against Lois Lerner…or Hillary Clinton? Where were they when the policies they had embraced failed spectacularly to work? Where was all of their disdain and hate when our nation’s middle class was practically extinguished?

    Yes, we wanted an outsider. Yes, we got a man not fully experienced in the workings of government. So what! We got a man with a proven track record and that record shows he has what it takes to persist, even in the face of adversity, and be successful. His enemies are only good at one thing, destruction….tearing things and people down, and dedication to a cause whose history is share misery and death.

    Our nation has changed since 1984, especially in the last eight years, but the things our nation represents will never change. Trump won because he was the right man for the times. It’s up to us to make sure his presidency isn’t derailed or squandered.

  2. Libby says:

    Jack, you’re blind.

    Consider Nixon, a liar, a braggart, and a felon … but not a moron. When his felonies were exposed, and he had taken to drink in a big way, his advisors went to him and said: “Dude, your done.” Nixon, not being a moron, heard and understood.

    We really do have ample evidence at this point that the T neither hears, reads, nor understands. He is a liar, braggart, bully, and, alas, a moron. If it weren’t for Daddy’s money, he’d be barkin’ outside a tittybar in Cleveland.

    That he should find his way into the Oval Office does not bode well for the republic. You must face this, if we’re to turn it around.

    • Post Scripts says:

      If Trump was half as bad as you say he is Libby, shouldn’t that be a wake-up call? Shouldn’t that be telling you what the American people really think about YOUR message, YOUR past performance and about YOUR future agenda? I mean if a so-called bum like Trump can defeat your candidate, where does that say? Obviously, it’s somewhere below Trump.

      • Chris says:

        The majority of the American people did not vote for Trump.

        • Tina says:

          But he won the electoral vote, which means he outsmarted Clinton in the race.

          He also won big across geographical America where diversity meets the blue highways!

          All blue states: Hawaii and Massachusetts.
          All red sates: Alaska, West Virginia, and Oklahoma.

          Overall Trump won approximately 2,600 counties to Clinton’s 500, or about 84% of the geographic United States. However, Clinton won 88 of of the 100 largest counties (including Washington D.C.). Without these 100 largest counties she would have lost by 11.5 million votes.

          We are The United States of America. We are not the united, mostly coastal, megalopolises with a designated “other” area of serfs. This is why we were given a republic and an electoral college.

          Some believe Nixon won the popular vote against John F. Kennedy. (scroll to bottom)

          • TruthToPower says:


            That is an absurd

            More people voted for neither. many stayed home. The election was a sham.

            The DNC Cheated Primary and the GOP Cheated General. ALL DOCUMENTED

            People with Integrity refused to partake in the illusion of this election.

            Explain Interstate crosscheck?

            Cheating is not out smarting.

    • Joe says:

      “Jack, you’re blind.”

      And you are a flawed Libby.

    • Tina says:

      What do you mean, “…if we’re to turn it around,” Libby?

      What is “it?”

    • TruthToPower says:

      LOL Libby you made me giggle with that description.

      Fact is They refuse to look at the business dealing and corruption.

      Turns out that Flynn asked if he should register as a Foreign agent while being hired and Trump did not care.

      Major coverup going on. Not sure how much interference they can run. But crimes are evident if one follows the business deals.

      Be careful of all news vet everything. But there is no doubt crimes have been committed.

  3. Chris says:

    Hey, remember when a bunch of you said one of the reasons not to vote for Hillary was that Saudi Arabia donated to her charity?

    Trump just signed the largest arms deal in American history…with Saudi Arabia.

    I await your condemnation.

    • Joe says:

      Chris, did you vote for “Trump’s African American?”

      You could have voted for him last election. He ran against LaMalfa. If you didn’t vote for him, why not? Are you racist?



    • Tina says:

      As Secretary of State Hillary arranged arms deals while her foundation received donations from the Saudis:

      In 2011, the State Department cleared an enormous arms deal: Led by Boeing, a consortium of American defense contractors would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns over the kingdom’s troublesome human rights record. In the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, Saudi Arabia had contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, and just two months before the jet deal was finalized, Boeing donated $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to an International Business Times investigation released Tuesday.

      The Saudi transaction is just one example of nations and companies that had donated to the Clinton Foundation seeing an increase in arms deals while Hillary Clinton oversaw the State Department. IBT found that between October 2010 and September 2012, State approved $165 billion in commercial arms sales to 20 nations that had donated to the foundation, plus another $151 billion worth of Pentagon-brokered arms deals to 16 of those countries—a 143 percent increase over the same time frame under the Bush Administration.

      The problem was the conflict of interest.

      The arms deal signed by Trump is part of a larger agreement:

      President Donald Trump and Saudi King Salman signed a series of agreements cementing their countries’ military and economic partnerships.

      The two leaders signed a joint vision agreement Saturday at the Saudi Royal Court and sealed it with a handshake.

      The agreements also include a military sales deal of about $110 billion, effective immediately, plus another $350 billion over the next 10 years.

      According to an official at the White House, “This package of defence equipment and services support the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian threats.”

      It will also bolster the kingdom’s “ability to contribute to counter-terrorism operations across the region, reducing the burden on the US military to conduct those operations,” the official added.

      Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and other members of the administration accompanied Trump and Saudi King Salman at the signing ceremony.

      The two countries also announced a defense cooperation agreement and private sector agreements Saturday that are intended to create tens of thousands of new jobs in the U.S. defense industry.

      If evidence is found that his family foundations are given donations coinciding with this agreement it would be equally damaging in my book.

      So far the only benefits I see are the work Americans will get, the benefit to our overall economy, and a solid partner in the fight to defeat terrorists and de-fang extremist regimes.

  4. TruthToPower says:


    The Saudi’s? You need to get real. Hey aybe you would love it better there. After all their Sharia law is so much fun. The fact the US sells them cluster bombs to drop on the poor people in Yemen who are starving to death. How about the facts?

    We are not fighting terrorism we aid it. We are fighting for the Petro Dollar and pipelines letting the Saudi’s do the dirty work at our Taxpayers expense.

    Media lies always has, the documented facts tell the truth and it is not what any US MSM Station says. Ever notice the Generals on TV actually work for Arms Manufactures?

    • Tina says:

      At times the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That’s just the way it works in a flawed world.

      Dewey if you are looking for some perfect Nirvana you can forget it.

      You still have nt articulated your alternative to our republican form of government. Yep, still waiting to hear your pearls of wisdom on that one.

      Also waiting for your alternative to the party system we now have. Now why am I guessing that a straight democracy would be your bag. Power of the people? Yes the old might makes right routine.

      Somehow your “documented facts” never seem to show up on these pages, except perhaps as disjointed garble that no one can make sense of much less use.

      America is oil rich my friend. And our dollar is supported because we are the one big nation on earth that is trustworthy. A slew of people are trying mightily to upend our strength and position. It appears you are one of them. I here nothing from you that suggest a preference for our founding principles and your world view is driven by a hatred for profit and individual rights.

  5. TruthToPower says:

    And to the post I gave Trump a chance.

    It is exactly the actions of trump and business dealings of his family that is the reason I want him gone. Using the presidency for Branding and Profit.

    Even Jared’s sister selling US Citizenship in China for an investment in One Journal Square? he divested? LOL He is the original Purchaser.All hidden shells.

    Notice how fast the Chinese patents are going through for the Trumps? Ivanka even got 3 just minutes after sitting next to Chinese Prez at dinner.

    Are you not connecting the dots on the Trump Business dealings? He is as bad if not worse than HRC.

    But hey it is easier to pollute the US waterways so All is good right?

    Trumps policies are bad for the country.

    300 Million dollars on a bomb that did noting when it hit? Nice

    • Tina says:

      Dewey of you’re going to make accusation you will need to provide detailed evidence of actually wrong with links.

      All you do is blurt out a list of accusations in machine gun fashion…lots of noise and no substantive information…do better.

  6. J. Soden says:

    The new face of the Demwit party is even uglier than the last one. Once again, the Demwits display the class and intelligence they are known for.


    Any rational member of the Demwit party – and there are some out there – should be ashamed.

  7. TruthToPower says:

    In the End let this Bookmark Those who are in for the Trump 100%. When the wall comes crumbling down there will be no one feeling sorry for anybody who refuses to look at what is really going on.

    Until then why not discuss policy.

  8. Joe says:

    We need to all chip in a get this for a flawed Libby.


  9. Pete says:

    If President Trump was my money manager I would have fired him. And there’s no way I’d ever invest in a company if Trump was its CEO. Our President is suffering from a self-inflicted destruction and I do not see his presidency ending well.

    Yes, reporters are hammering him on many issues, but he has only added fuel to that fire with comments/tweets/interviews that do not match the narrative his surrogates have put forth. I feel for press secretary Spicer. Imagine if your boss constantly says things that do not match what you’ve just told the press. I truly think that many of the justifiable beatings, inflicted upon the Executive branch, by the press would very quickly dissipate if Trump had a well thought out plan. He doesn’t have a plan or he has a plan and it sucks. You can not “wing it” as the President of the United States. You have to do your homework. You have to study. You have to have a plan for everything that you do. And you have to stick to that plan.

    Trump had better start taking his position as our leader seriously or he just might be shown the door. I get the feeling that he thought the president could make huge changes through executive order. He can’t. He’s finding out that he has to work with the other two branches of government. Didn’t he know about Congress and the Supreme Court? This guy is truly big hat no cattle.

    • Tina says:

      Pete It’s been four months. There are a number of opinions about just how much Trump has accomplished. I guess yours is as valid as anyones.

      In my opinion Trump has accomplished a great deal given the total lack of cooperation by Democrats (and their rabid assault) and the dysfunction of Republicans in Congress…and…despite Democrats’ dragging their feet during the transition with his appointees.

      Apparently you’ve missed out on the many world leaders he’s hosted in the WH and the meetings with various business leaders and members of Congress to discuss the economy and what is needed to jump start the job markets. You’ve missed his involvement in healthcare legislation with the House that resulted, finally, in a bill. You’ve missed the fact that he backed out of the very-bad-for-America TPP or that he moved ahead on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. You’ve missed the stepped up action at the border and arrests of major drug/human trafficking dealers and gang members. I guess you also missed the confirmation of Judge Gorsuch following Trumps appointment.

      All of these things represent work being done on behalf of the American people.

      If you’re tuned in at all today you know Trump was very well received in Saudi Arabia by leaders from the region and in Israel today. Trump made it clear that these nations must take the lead in eradicating the terrorists that continue to threaten their people and people around the world. He did not mince words.

      Trump has a bit of an ego (what leader doesn’t?) but he doesn’t go before the cameras to brag about his ideas as Obama and Clinton did. Both of those narcissistic men used the words, I, me, and my incessantly. Obama was promoted as a cult figure who could do no wrong.

      If Trump continues to work at the pace he has already set he will have accomplished a lot by the end of his first term and like Reagan will be returned to the WH. What happens in the congress is a toss up. Republicans are not fulfilling their promises, so far, and Democrats are just being obstructionists and destroyers. Neither serves the people well.

      • Chris says:

        Trump has a bit of an ego (what leader doesn’t?) but he doesn’t go before the cameras to brag about his ideas as Obama and Clinton did. Both of those narcissistic men used the words, I, me, and my incessantly.

        This is willful blindness. Trump brags about himself more than any president in living memory. He keeps bringing up his electoral win even when it has nothing to do with anything. Do you really want me to go through a Trump speech and see how many times he uses the words I, me, and my? You wouldn’t like the results.

        • Tina says:

          We’re having this conversation because your side likes to think Trump is different in the ego department.

          Trump does brag about himself when he’s attacked…it’s called delivering a defense. He also uses the word “I” when he explains what he intends to do. That’s only natural for anyone.

          I wrote he did not brag about his ideas…like Obama claiming that electing him would “slow the rise of the oceans”

          Trumps nomination transcript

          Obama nomination speech 08

          Go ahead, compare.

  10. Tina says:

    Chris: “she has worked with the foundation and it is one of her major causes. If there was a conflict of interest in the Clinton Foundation then there is one here as well. ”

    No. They are not the same at all.

    Ivanka does not personally benefit, nor has she used the power of an office (Secretary of State for heavens sake!) to personally benefit.

    Leaders work with and associate with organizations and foundations. They promote the work being done.

    The Clinton’s used very little of the money in their foundation for charitable causes. Most of it was used for high salaries, benefits and travel, to promote themselves on the world stage, and for jet setting with the elites of the world (looking important). Some of the donations the foundation received followed or were preceded by action she took at State. That represents both personal benefit and conflict of interest. See here, here, and here.

    A conflict of interest could arise in the Trump presidency but so far I don’t see one.

    I’m surprised you can’t see the difference.

    • Chris says:

      The Clinton’s used very little of the money in their foundation for charitable causes. Most of it was used for high salaries, benefits and travel, to promote themselves on the world stage, and for jet setting with the elites of the world (looking important)

      This has been fact-checked again and again…it isn’t true. Try any real fact-checking website.

      You have a point that the situations are not identical. And I am sure this charity does good work. But Trump criticized taking money from Saudi Arabia at all…he also showed hypocrisy by bowing to the Saudi king after condemning Obama for doing the same thing. If I recall, Obama’s bow bothered you. Why doesn’t Trump’s?

  11. RHT447 says:

    The Inside Story on James B. Comey
    Posted on May 18, 2017 by State of the Nation


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