Taxpayer Alert!

Posted by Tina

From the Washington Times:

The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.

The government itself spent $63 billion in 2016 to administer and enforce all of its own regulations, the Competitive Enterprise Institute said.

Much of that $63 Billion was for healthcare regulations…the price for government controlled healthcare.

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3 Responses to Taxpayer Alert!

  1. Tina says:

    Terence P. Jeffrey of CNS News asks a great question:

    Is $21,629 too little — or too much — for the federal government to collect in taxes per each working person in this nation?

    If all of the working people of America shared our tax burden equally that would be the magic number, $21629.00 or the price of a small car. That’s a lot of buying power. That’s money that, had it remained in the private sector, would grow economy and expand the job market.

    JFK thought a much smaller number (in 2016 dollars) was still too much for working Americans to pay. Do read the article, it makes the devastating price we pay for high tax rates and bloated government, all too clear…we pay in buying power, lost opportunity and a shrunken job situation. We’re buying malaise with those tax dollars. Yuk!

  2. J. Soden says:

    And here’s a voter alert:

    But the list did not include an important one: BAD CANDIDATE!

    • Tina says:

      J., I saw a clip from an interview this morning on Fox Business. Hillary’s eyes were up and to the left then up and to the right, moving like a ball in a tennis match, and rarely focused on those who were questioning her. Her entire presentation screamed “fabrication.” I think she either believes her delusions or…she is a practiced deceiver…or lost in a fantasy of her own making. Sad, really.

      I saw Doug Schoen this morning on the business channel, Bill Clinton’s campaign manager. He will not leave the party but he is sure disappointed in the radical path they’ve set upon. According to him the Democrats still won’t have good candidates for the next prez election. All of the possible candidates that we know are or will be over seventy and have, shall we say, issues and baggage. Biden is considering a run, as is Elizabeth Warren. But if Hillary runs, and it looks like she will, how excited will they be to challenge her?

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