Kathy Griffin Defense Shot Down…by Kathy Griffin

Posted by Tina

I’ve been ignoring Kathy Griffin’s sordid “funny” but revelations this morning make her unfolding defense a joke worthy of discussion.

After receiving criticism from just about everybody, including the FBI, for her bloody head image Ms Griffin decided she needed a lawyer. She also trampled on her apology by calling Trump (and his family) a bully for expressing concern for first son Barron when this image was suddenly in the news. She and her lawyer now claim that she is the victim, in fact a double victim since this “wouldn’t be happening” if she were “a guy.”

(Liberals are never responsible for anything)

There’s a problem with Griffin’s excuse making. a Simple quote provides damning evidence that her victim claim is seriously flawed. In December 2016 Griffin did an interview with Vulture Media at the Equality Now Gala where she said the following:

“So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.”

That about tears it.

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17 Responses to Kathy Griffin Defense Shot Down…by Kathy Griffin

  1. Peggy says:

    She was right about one thing. Her career is over.

    • Tina says:

      That’s what she thinks.

      I wouldn’t put it past a few on the left to welcome her back…the gals over at The View perhaps. She and Hillary would be a good pair with both trying to run that 60’s feminist clap trap.

      Bill O’Reilly voiced one of my thoughts in a column, at least it was my thought before she turned her apology on it’s head. She did all of us a favor by establishing a floor for contemptible commentary. More from O’Rielly:

      Given the daily rantings of Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, we ask again: Why wouldn’t Kathy Griffin think a mock beheading of the president would be just fine? The president, after all, is figuratively beheaded on a daily basis by the media, Democrats, and far left websites.

      The left is trying mightily to destroy the Trump presidency by claiming he is a racist, a fool, an ignoramus, and worse. The malady known as Trump Derangement Syndrome is not abating; it is actually growing more virulent by the week. Back to Kathy Griffin for a moment. We should mention that this is not her first odious remark aimed at a Republican. In 2010 the ‘comic’ referred to Senator Scott Brown’s daughters as ‘prostitutes.’ She did that in the presence of CNN reporter Dana Bash, whose response was to giggle like a schoolgirl.

      We should all take note, this is the tolerant, inclusive, compassionate, friendly left.

      I liked it so much better when entertainers just entertained. Comics in particular provided a pleasant respite in an often hostile and contentious world.

      • Peggy says:

        We must add to the list of acceptable behavior by the left against republicans Colbert’s remark about Trump performing oral sex on Putin. They all just built up to what she did.

        I still think it was a publicity stunt. Other than seeing her strip down to her underwear on New Year’s Eve I’d never heard of her. Having her attorney there today like she was the victim and was considering legal action was so over the top. Dems still think the middle America voters too stupid to figure out their game.

        Today I saw a picture of her hugging it out with Trump and others at one of his parties she’d been invited to. She’ll drink his booze and eat his food at his home and somehow in her sick mind think she can attack him now because he’s president and not just a really rich guy she liked hanging around.

        Have you seen the Georgia republican candidate’s ad yet? At least one thing good will come out of this. Another republican win.

        The GOP Is Using the Kathy Griffin Scandal in a TV Ad for Georgia’s Special Election – It’s a Doozy:


  2. Joe says:

    Captain Jack, here’s some more humor for you…now we can tell all our illegal alien friends….er….sorry…undocumented friends to come on down for that college financial aid.

    California call to undocumented students: It’s safe to apply for financial aid

    Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article154128294.html

  3. Joe says:

    Didn’t even know who this Griffin was before this…never heard of her before. So I guess the old saying, “Any publicity is good as long as you get the name right” may be true.

    • Tina says:

      Joe unfortunately for this comic it would only work if she can still get gigs following the bad publicity. Griffin is concerned that her career is over. She should have followed the advice of many of the stars from the golden age…she should have had more respect for her audience.

      • Joe says:

        I’d never heard of this Griffin so I did a little checking. She’s in her mid-fifties and has been a “comic” for a long time.

        Apparently she has a net worth of around $20 million. So she could never get another gig in her life and she could still live in luxury for the rest of her day.

        My guess is this behavior makes her even more popular with the left so the money will continue to go her way.

        Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get back to work so I can pay my state tax bill so more illegal aliens can get college financial aid.

  4. Libby says:

    None of this sounds like “ignoring” to me.

    Practice, girl … practice.

    • Tina says:

      “Been ignoring” is past tense, Libby…you know that.

      Practice? Not a chance, that’s just what you’d like.

      We won’t be going back to the days when we didn’t have a voice and you and your ugly mouthed hoard could slash and giggle at will like a quad of bullies in the school yard. Those days are gone…poor Libby!

  5. J. Soden says:

    Fake News Network didn’t fire Griffin because of viewer backlash. It was a HUGE backlash from the companies that advertise on FNN. If it hadn’t been for the advertisers threatening to leave, Griffin would still be there.

    She isn’t even a D-list comedienne – more likely an F. She’s attacked Trump and conservatives for years – and not in a funny way. That she thought the picture of a bloody head was supposed to be “funny” tells you all you need to know – and she’s currently the ugly face of the LunaticLeft. Almost as revolting as $hrilLIARY!

    • RHT447 says:

      “If it hadn’t been for the advertisers threatening to leave, Griffin would still be there.” Indeed. And therein lies the true power of the free market. I you have a dollar, you have a ballot, and you can vote every day.

      • J. Soden says:

        Thanx, RHT!
        I try to vote with my wallet whenever possible. The power of the advertising dollar – or LACK of it – is frequently underestimated.

  6. J. Soden says:

    The picture at the top with both heads being Griffin’s is self explanatory. And here’s some more updating:
    Adios, Kathy

  7. Pete says:

    Definitely a stupid move on her part. Fortunately, for her, there will be someone on the right that will counter her ignorance. She will then be forgotten again.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Call me cynical, but I think it was all contrived and calculated right down to the timing of the apology. It was all done to bolster a faltering career. Sad….what a desperate and insecure person Kathy must be.

  8. Tina says:

    An article by Fay Voshell at The American Thinker features an historical backdrop to the lefts extreme mentality today:

    …Leaders of many of the subsequent variants of the French Revolution, such as the Bolsheviks and Maoists, wind up beheading people, economically, politically, socially and often literally, especially those undesirable classes considered ideologically “impure.”

    Therefore, it is not much of a surprise to see a known figure such as Kathy Griffin, who is very much aligned with the radically ideological Democrats, indicate she wants Trump dead.

    It took decades for the Left in America to reveal itself to be as radical as the French Jacobins howling for the execution of the feckless Louis (XVI). His father, Louis XV, had seen disaster coming, at one time uttering the famous words, “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, comes the flood”). American conservatives have been warning about the leftist inclination to tyranny for decades, some seeing the apogee of the leftist tide during the Obama administration; but knowing a nearly beheaded Left is still capable of dangerous talk and behavior. …

    … though the Left has been nearly decapitated, it still natters on as if it has life; as if it has something significant to say. It still does its zombie imitation, hoping to instill dread and fear into the opposition by impersonating real life and vitality.

    Ms. Griffin’s excess is an indicator not only of the deathly fatuity and grossness leftist radicals have been resorted to, but she is also representative of the high tide of an essentially nihilist deluge that has threatened America for decades.

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