The Left is Losing – Is It Any Wonder?

Posted by Tina

There are many reasons behind the American people’s rejection of the Democrat Party. One major reason is that they party has become very extreme and it drives odd attitudes and behaviors. The incessant, sometimes violent, agitating; the arrogant assumption that the people need a controlling class; the tasteless demeaning labels, the divisive race and class warfare, and the constant illogical crisis mentality are but a few of these oddities. They play out before us on a daily basis. But what motivates the radical extremism? What’s behind the visceral hatred? The answer may lie in the crazy story they have told themselves is absolutely true. They have created an enemy that exists only in their imaginations and that they believe with all their hearts will destroy the earth and render them helpless, starved, living in an apocalyptic world and ultimately dead.

Today I read a description in the New York Times that serves as an evidence:

In “Building the Wall,” Gloria, a history professor, interviews a former security officer named Rick in 2019. Mr. Trump has been exiled after a terrorist event prompted him to declare martial law and place Muslims and Mexicans and other groups in containment camps, which devolve into killing chambers. Rick, one of the men who helped carry out the atrocities, is in prison and Gloria has offered to tell his story.

The radical progressive left really believe this will be the result if President Trump manages to get that Wall built. Hysteria over his refusal to sign on to the Paris Climate Accord is further evidence of apocalyptic hysteria. They live in their heads, a place of dark fantasy…of nightmarish gloom and doom. And while they amuse themselves, while their leaders obstruct, demean and undermine, the American people continue to suffer from the very real consequences of their destructive policies of the last eight years. Nothing the Democrats are doing works to the benefit of the American people…nothing.

All of this might be amusing if it weren’t so destructive and harmful. No amount of communications, no amount of evidence, no amount of reason or logic seems to work to snap them out of their delusional state. Sadly on some issues there are otherwise rational people on the right who share in the fantasies:

….when it (America) pulled out of the Paris accords… Americans have abandoned science and will shortly be living in cave dwellings along Appalachia.

Fantasy is an easy sell. The young are particularly vulnerable. Those who know little but want to be popular can easily be led. But they say if you keep putting the truth out there it will become law in the universe. Democrats can’t hide from the mess they made over eight years, the people experienced it i painful ways. They can’t mask the agitation and violence that plays out on our television screens. They can’t stand in the way of Congress and pretend they are motivated to fix the problems they created for the people. We are awake and hungry for change. They can’t make outlandish assertions, like the ones in that ridiculous play, without being exposed as hateful and vengeful.

Vigilance is our best tactic. They are losing. Keep on keepin’ on…we have a Constitution, a way of life, and the President to defend.

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23 Responses to The Left is Losing – Is It Any Wonder?

    • Tina says:

      It sure is good to see the American people fight for law and order and control of our borders…good link!

      Also like the pop up for the sale of mugs featuring “Hot Covfefe”…way to turn lefty pettiness into a win for “tolerance.”

  1. Libby says:

    2018? Already?? Again, poor Tina.

    Now, exactly who is … apocalyptically … slitting whose throats on the public transit?

    You’re just going to have to leave off liberal fantasy, and FACE Trumpian reality. I really am going to continue to insist upon it.

      • Libby says:

        As in: “Okay, let’s go slit some more throats of people we don’t agree with”??

        That’s very worrisome.

        • Tina says:

          No Libby, as in, “You’re just going to have to leave off liberal fantasy” after which I wrote “okay.”

          “Okay” doesn’t mean I will grovel at your command. It means I do not take orders and if you wish for a comment then offer up more than a nasty aside.

          You assume, all the time.

          You assume I would let a criminal off the hook when in fact if his crime were heinous enough I would seek the death penalty.

          You assume that I am racist and align somehow with Nazi’s and “throat slitters” when nothing could be further from the truth.

          You are incapable of discussing the very real and overwhelming problem of Islamic terrorism without tossing in an equivalent, if lone, case. To what end? Is it not possible to discuss both? Can we not at least make the distinction as to the size and scope of the Islamic Terrorist problem? Are you truly that vapidly incapable?

          You assume, apparently, that you know me, when in fact you fight with an enemy of your own imagination.

          Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty. People do really terrible things. They did them when Obama was President. They will while Trump is president. The terrible things people do are criminal. I am for law and order.

          Islamic terrorism is more than crime. It is a political and religious war being waged against us by radical, organized, unconventional warriors.

          Be prepared to make the distinction if you wish to be part of the solution. If not then get out of the way. we tried your way and it failed.

          The number of terror attacks in the west ticked up under Obama over eight years. His policies failed. Hillary’s policies failed. Attacks continue along that upward line. How could it not? The enemy sees itself as the strong horse and the west as weak.

          IF after four years attacks are still ticking up you MIGHT have something to say. We all know it could take longer.

          As it stands now, Trump deserves to be given a REAL chance to make conditions better. If you want a true comparison you’ll back off. He shouldn’t have to fight ISSIS, Al Qaeda, the media/activists and the Democrat leaders…but he will.

          Lets hope the people will stay the course this time.

  2. Rick Clements says:

    Tina, this is one of the best articles you have authored. If an educated person who continually seeks to be more educated and informed; chooses to seek out the truth and/or an easily defined summary of any concern they encounter, they will become more equipped to think for themselves, express themselves, and most importantly, vote for themselves in a Democratic Republic.

    Every unethical accomplishment Obama made during his tenure as the worst United States President ever elected, they were done behind the back of Congress’ vote. In short he flipped his middle finger at the Constitution, and the United States mainstream media hid his illegal missions from public review knowing full well that the Supreme Court would take years to correct and reverse his aversions. By that time, DAMAGE done. That’s how the Progressive Liberals operate. They are obsessed with destroying our Constitution. Thank God for Trump and the American Middle Class voter. We don’t need to take our Country back, we need to take our children back from attending Far Left Indoctrination camps run by Far Left Professors in College classes, including Chico State professors!

  3. TruthToPower says:


    Sorry but the real reason is the corruption. The election fraud, and now this all leads to a Huge criminal ring.

    The GOP is not immune but we have been forced to take a huge look at crime and Hillary has given us the wide open door. Trust me Trump is no saint just not in the ol school group.

    The so called left platform is the old Right before Extreme Tea party took over.

    There are more independent voters than either party from all platforms.

    This Red Pill / Blue Pill Stuff is nearing extinction

    The Only thing keeping it going is the Sheeple who watch MSM

    I bet no one goes to Jail But Trust me if you want a look into what are gov is involved in get in the game.

    If your only purpose is the drive a narrative for one side of the band of Fools than you are part of it.

  4. Tina says:

    TTP, Jack has not commented on this story. Try reading before you comment.

    “The so called left platform is the old Right before Extreme Tea party took over.”

    Oh do please tell us all exactly how the “left platform” resembles in any way the “old Right?” I await your response with baited breath.

    “If your only purpose is the drive a narrative for one side of the band of Fools than you are part of it.”

    Once again I suggest you read before commenting. You have missed the point. And why? Because you actually believe you live outside of politics when in fact your every position aligns almost perfectly with the radical, delusional, left.

    Your only redeeming point is that you hate corruption as much as I do. Unfortunately you have a lazy mind. You dismiss en mass rather than doing the arduous work that must be done to expose the individuals engaged in criminal activity wherever they may sit politically.

    I also suggest it is you who presents a “purpose”

  5. Post Scripts says:

    I read this and I am reminded, this has been my world for the last 30 years. I watched CA sink and I watch resentment grow against the left elsewhere. I’ve been witness to it all and of course in CA it’s been getting worse with every passing year. Thankfully, the rest of America has fared better and I guess that is because they are smarter than the unwashed masses of this state. Anyway, the tired old leftist message that fooled so many in CA did not fool an entire nation thank God! They got sick of hearing it, fed up and voted accordingly.

    This changing tide goes back to the old saying, “You can fool some of the people some of the time (like CA), but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

    Now back to the disaster in CA. Like a well run machine, the left has been grinding away at our freedoms here and boring g into our wallets, albeit in tiny bits every year. Now, its become acute, and real dangers are visible. But, we lack the cohesion and or the numbers to mount an effective offensive. CA will serve as a testament to what not to do… that will be about the only good to come from this leftist experiment.

    This total domination by big government was of course the plan all along for CA. We were warned, we were advised we would never go under from a major frontal assault, because that would be too shocking and we would fight back. No, the leftists knew it had to come in the form of little adjustments over a long period of time, so we would never galvanize into a formidable resistance. So they solidly won CA and maybe part of New York, but that’s about all, a few other states vassalate back and forth.

    We were out played here folks – now its game over. Our apathy and unwarranted trust in our elected state officials was our greatest undoing.

    Socrates was right, never trust the ignorant and irresponsible child-like masses with the power of the vote, because once they discover what they do with it, democracy is dead. It’s like giving a 6 year old a choice between owning a bank or a candy store. Democrats will always vote for the candy store. The only hope I have left for this state is that it will become so obnoxious and offensive to the rest of America that we will be invaded by the US army and taken down like Saddam’s Iraq.

    • Libby says:

      And then you wonder why I don’t hang around here much anymore?

      You think things are bopping along so swimmingly in Texas, you can always move there.

      And what’s wrong with life in a candy store? This is your real problem: you are miserable (for reasons entirely your own), so everybody else has to be miserable too.

      • Tina says:

        What’s wrong with living in a candy store, she asks?

        Wow. Is it possible your thought process is that shallow?

        You want to talk about miserable? You’re good at the “Imagine” game. Try imagining that every Californian lives, works, sleeps, breathes and eats candy 24/7/??. How long would that work? How long till people are at each others throats, playing the blame game and sucking their thumbs before somebody gets it that it’s going to take more to sustain life?

        You lefties are the most miserable people on the planet. Always at the effect of some imaginary evil other…always fighting, fighting, fighting, for control. Always in need of an enemy to blame and scold. Always, always carrying around that phony happy and inclusive face…never daring to get real. It must be exhausting!!!!

        It’s different over here. You aren’t our enemy but you sure have your heads stuck in some dark place. We like to see you set free but your shield, that happy and inclusive face, gets in the way. If that face isn’t powerful (superior)…maybe you’ll die.

        Just let go!

        • Libby says:

          “It’s different over here. You aren’t our enemy but you sure have your heads stuck in some dark place. We like to see you set free but your shield, that happy and inclusive face, gets in the way. If that face isn’t powerful (superior)…maybe you’ll die.”


    • Libby says:

      You should also be willing to consider (in line with my miserable hypothesis) that the California you perceive (being miserable) is not all there is to it; that it’s your perceptions that are faulty, not the state.

      • Tina says:

        Libby does it occur to you that you have to call on capitalist ventures to prove California’s worth? Even though many of them are now run by lefty (phony) capitalists, it doesn’t make the truth of it any less so.

        Our contribution might have been even greater had your leaders not murdered the Central Valley Farming industry to “save” the Delta smelt. and it should be noted that both farming and the smelt could have thrived had you bothered to make water your number one priority instead of that foo foo train to nowhere.

        California also could have led the way with proposed reforms to immigration laws that would expand seasonal work permits. Surely Feinsten or Boxer could have worked to bring the law back into the equation and end illegal entry? Feinstein at least showed she still believes in the rule of law. Her problem is that your party would rather use the issue as a club. Reforms are out of the question. Cooperation on te issue is out of the question. It’s a hot button that buys votes and marks the opposition as “racist.”

        Hollywood…the phony of all phonies…is doing more and more work outside of California, “despite the film production incentive program California enacted in 2009, which provides for $100 million a year in tax credits for what’s usually 20% of production costs,” because of taxes and regulations.

        Oh…and CalPERS retirees are taking that California pension, paid by our tax dollars, and leaving the state for greener pastures…places where their dollars buy more and the state takes less away from them! Some of them may be conservative but the rest were happy to $#*^ on the private sector in their home state only to abandon it before “it” hits the fan.

        So phony!

        Did you hear about Connecticut? They ran out of wealthy folks and are wondering now who they can tax! (If you’re blocked out of the WSJ article see here)

        California was once a leader in the free world. It has now been delegated to the proverbial trash heap, it will just be a long slow death is all.

        • Libby says:

          “Libby does it occur to you that you have to call on capitalist ventures to prove California’s worth? Even though many of them are now run by lefty (phony) capitalists, it doesn’t make the truth of it any less so.”


  6. Peggy says:

    The Pew Research Center has a new study out that address party loyalty and possible 2018 election outcome.

    Study suggests Democrats could be in big trouble in 2018:

    And this article by Hanson at the Hoover Institute is an interesting read. It sounds all too familiar.

    Trump… Our Claudius
    by Victor Davis Hanson
    Wednesday, May 31, 2017

    “The Roman Emperor Claudius, who reigned from 41 to 54 AD, was never supposed to be emperor. He came to office at age 50, an old man in Roman times. Claudius succeeded the charismatic, youthful heartthrob Caligula—son of the beloved Germanicus and the “little boot” who turned out to be a narcissist monster before being assassinated in office.

    Claudius was an unusual emperor, the first to be born outside Italy, in Roman Gaul. Under the Augustan Principate, new Caesars—who claimed direct lineage from the “divine” Augustus—were usually rubber-stamped by the toadyish Senate.

    However, the outsider Claudius (who had no political training and was prevented by his uncle Tiberius from entering the cursus honorum), was brought into power by the Roman Praetorian Guard, who wanted a change from the status quo apparat of the Augustan dynasty.

    The Roman aristocracy—most claiming some sort of descent from Julius Caesar and his grandnephew Octavian (Caesar Augustus)—had long written Claudius off as a hopeless dolt.”


  7. Libby says:

    Very fine description of the “Trump Effect” by Leon Nayfekh on Slate:

    “Life under autocracy, in other words, forces everyone to think and talk about the autocrat all the time. By virtue of his power, an autocrat imposes himself onto all of our thoughts, forcing us to adopt his vocabulary and inhabit his mind in order to try to understand what he’s doing and why. Ever since his rise to power, Trump has served as a vulgarizing agent. Like a true autocrat, he has situated his stumpy body on all of our shoulders and spends his days burping into our faces while we are forced to connect with the people we love by discussing the tenor and odor of the burps.”

    “I realize this is a lucky way to suffer under Trump—that millions of Americans who are more acutely affected by his malevolent policies are dealing with much worse. Nevertheless, it feels important to recognize the disfiguring effect that Trump has had on our ability to connect with one another. After all, if we can’t talk about Trump six months into his presidency without sounding like dumb pundits, it seems possible that we’ll eventually stop trying—that we’ll become disengaged from and outwardly indifferent to the obscenities taking place around and above us.”

    • Tina says:

      Libby…do you really believe that you, and your cohorts, are absolutely at the effect of President Trump? That you have no control whatsoever over your thoughts or speech or who “sits on your shoulder?” That you are being “forced?”

      I know you’re a true believer in the communist dream but I also thought you were much smarter than apparently Leon Nayfekh is.

      Life sucks…it’s not as if you’re the only people that have ever had to endure something difficult. As a matter of fact you’re looking a bit whiny and weepy. Leon needs to grow a pair, buck up, and let it go. You lost.

      As I’ve written time and again…progressives refuse to take responsibility for anything…and in certain circumstances even their own thought processes, emotions, and ways of speaking with “people they love.”

      (No wonder Trump scares the cr@p outta them…they are powerless puddles of angry goo unless they can control everything!)

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