Republicans Under Attack

Posted by Tina

I’m re-posting this article in full. I think the subject matter is that important. It should eb in the headlines. I respectfully ask, “Where’s the outrage?”

John Hinderacker of Powerline shares a story he saw in in the Columbus Dispatch that’s disturbing:

E. Stanley Hoff of Westerville, Ohio appeared in court yesterday, charged with threatening to “assault, kidnap, or murder a United States official.” The Columbus Dispatch reports:

A voice mail that threatened U.S. Rep. Steve Stivers and his family landed a Westerville man in federal court Wednesday, charged with a crime that carries a 10-year prison term if he is convicted.

In the voice mail that authorities said was left with the Upper Arlington Republican’s Hilliard district office on Sunday, the caller mentioned the June 14 baseball practice during which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., and four others were wounded or injured in Alexandria, Virginia.

“I’ve seen the prayer ya’ll were saying at the baseball diamond … I think ya’ll better hit your knees and pray for the people that you’re screwin’ up their lives,” the message stated, according to a criminal complaint filed by Capitol Police in U.S. District Court in Columbus.

“We’re coming to get every goddamn one of you and your families. Maybe the next one taken down will be your daughter. Huh? Or your wife. Or even you.”

The criminal complaint against Hoff, a Democrat, says that he “has left at least five harassing and threatening voice-mail messages with Stivers’ Hilliard office since February.” Capitol police told Hoff to desist, but the threats continued. It appears that the attempted assassination of multiple House Republicans by James Hodgkinson may have caused the authorities to finally move against Hoff.

Hoff is a registered Democrat who has voted religiously since 2004. He doesn’t seem to have a Facebook page, at least not one that I could discover. But his desire to emulate Hodgkinson and his reference to “the people that you’re screwin’ up their lives” suggest that he may have been inspired by Democratic Party propaganda. Hoff doesn’t live in Rep. Stivers’ district, but his own representative is a Democrat, which also suggests that in threatening Stivers he was motivated by partisan fanaticism rather than a random hostility to authority.

Democratic Party leaders would probably say that people like Hodgkinson and Hoff are random lunatics that have nothing to do with their party. But in fact, a number of Democrats have been caught cheering the attempted murder of House Majority Whip Scalise and others. In Nebraska, for example, two Democratic Party officials have been caught celebrating James Hodgkinson’s assassination attempt.

A Nebraska Democrat Party official has said on recorded audio that he is “fu**in’ glad” Congressman Steve Scalise got shot, and that he wishes Scalise “was fu**in’ dead”.

The list of Nebraska Democrats expressing glee about the shooting of Scalise is growing.

Nebraska Democrat Party Black Caucus Chair, Chelsey Gentry-Tipton has been in the news since posting on Facebook that she thought it “funny” that Republicans were “crying” after Scalise and others were shot.

Democratic Party violence has been going on for a while, but it is finally getting attention. It’s about time.

UPDATE: The Free Beacon reports that 30 Republican Congressmen have been attacked or threatened since last month.

Democrats have been yucking it up for decades. Whenever one or more of them demeans, disparages, or suggests violence against those on the right it’s a signal for great celebration and mirth. This has now reached a fever pitch with dramatic assassination and attempted mass murder thrown into in the mix. I’m not satisfied with milk toast responses and I sure as he77 am greatly offended by those who double down and defend. At this point I have to repeat, “Where is the outrage on the left…where do they have to get to before it’s enough?”

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19 Responses to Republicans Under Attack

  1. Chris says:

    Unfortunately this is happening on both sides. On the same day Johnny Depp made a horrible “joke” about killing the president, Trump himself invited Rep. Al Baldasaro, who said Hillary Clinton should be “shot for treason,” to a bill signing.

    All threats of violence are wrong. They poison our discourse. I’ve heard nothing but condemnation from liberals of Depp’s remarks, and I doubt any prominent Democrats support Hoff’s actions…but the president seems to be employing a double standard where he condemns violence and threats directed at conservatives while having no problem with those who endorse violence against Dems.

    • Tina says:

      Some of Baldasaro’s public remarks have been blunt and crude, no doubt about it. They are also within the realm of offensive remarks and actions by others on both sides.

      Baldasaro is a Marine. He speaks as a Marine, not a lawyer. His remark about Hillary Clinton is not so outrageous if taken within the context of the sacrifice made by those who serve our nation in dangerous places and her lawless, careless, poor leadership, particularly in Benghazi.

      A traitor is defined as someone who “is guilty of treason or treachery, in betraying friends, country, a cause, or trust.” Many American’s think Hillary Clinton fits the bill. The situation is even more upsetting because she has been protected, coddled, and shielded from facing the music as any Marine would and has!

      Whether or not you agree with that assessment it’s clear that those who do think of her as a traitor sometimes express their frustration by declaring aloud the ultimate penalty for treason.

      (Your side has also done this. Bush and Cheney were accused of treason and calls were made to have them tried for “war crimes”…the penalty for that is often death)

      It seems an appropriate expression for a Marine. I have absolutely zero concern that Bladasaro would personally act on his thoughts or encourage others to do so. A Marine would hold himself to the higher standard and demand a trial. From my perspective the outrage on both sides over these remarks are cover your a$$ remarks made for two reasons, 1) political labeling or distancing, and 2) moral equivalency arguments like yours. I don’t think this type of remark inspires violence.

      In the last few years we’ve moved well beyond “threats” of violence or Johnny Depp type “jokes.” The current atmosphere is what makes the remarks and jokes more shocking and offensive.

      Our former President and members of his administration used their positions of authority to create division. They targeted police officers B.y the time he’d reached his second term his actions and remarks became overt and showy and he did incite a movement and organizations and violence followed. By the time Trump became the opposition contender for president, millions of dollars in damage to businesses and injury and death had occurred in our nation at the hands of those inspired by the Obama administrations leadership.

      This month a man planned and schemed to murder Republican congressmen.

      I know of no similar event or string of events going on from the right (If you do please share). And so I again ask, “Where is the outrage? What is it that shields those like yourself from experiencing…from getting in your gut…the gravity and depth of the situation? What more will it take?

      That old joke about denial being a river in Egypt isn’t funny in this situation…and yet you and your party continue with these equivalency arguments…and that is one of the things that has Baldasaro and others making very strong remarks.

      “…the president seems to be employing a double standard where he condemns violence and threats directed at conservatives while having no problem with those who endorse violence against Dems.”

      Maybe you need to step back, your opinion is not quite accurate. Talking Points Memo

      • Chris says:

        We certainly won’t agree that calling for the execution of a former first lady and secretary of state is in any way “an appropriate expression for a Marine.”

        And of course, since there is no possibility of Clinton being lawfully executed, couldn’t Baldasaro’s remarks influence someone to take matters into their own hands?

        This is a double standard, Tina. I’ve little doubt you would condemn any Democrat who called for Trump to be tried for treason and executed. As would I.

        • Tina says:

          The Marine feels rightly betrayed.

          I don’t think Clinton will ever be tried for treason much less executed. I do think she should have been tried for doing SO MUCH MORE than Scooter Libby who went to jail just for inaccurately recalling a date…”lying” to the FBI.

          Guys (people) making over the top remarks is something that goes on, probably on a daily basis, on both sides.

          I’ve never heard of this guy before and I doubt many others have. If they have most have moved on to other things. Have any acted? No.

          Re: Trump. Key word Chris…”tried.”

          Call for a trial all you want. Go ahead…IF you can show evidence damaging enough to bring him to court.

          On what basis would you now bring Trump to trial for treason?

  2. J. Soden says:

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out which political party drives and would benefit from the anti-Trump demonstrations. We had an excellent example of “do-nothingness” with the reaction from police at the Berkeley “demonstration” several months ago.
    Think back to the 60’s and remember what stopped the violent protests – it was law enforcement finally taking action. That didn’t happen under Obumble, but it needs to happen now before it gets worse!

    • Tina says:

      Barack Obama made sure that the hatred of cops got a second act in the 20-teens. The assassination of police officers added to fears that altercations between protesters and the police would explode the problem. I think this is wrongheaded. Police officers are trained and have the law on their side. They represent the people and our values and laws. They represent the civilized standing up in the face of criminal intent.

      (The follow up interview with Morgan Freeman is encourging and outrageous. Hesaid Obama ade race relations worse…at the same time he targets the Tea Party and believes that those who hold the views the TPers hold would “come after him.” He has been convinced that Jack and Peggy, for instance, are racist and violent…would murder him in his bed given the chance…there is no evidence to support this belief…NONE! It’s all based on radical progressive lies and labeling.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Marc Thiessen has an excellent article regarding today’s behavior of the Left and Right:

    • Tina says:

      I applaud Thiessen’s appeal. Unfortunately I don’t agree that this level of contempt (scope and scale) is a result of Trumps election:

      …since Trump’s election, the scope and scale of political contempt on the left have reached unprecedented heights. Just a few months ago, when President Barack Obama was in office, it would have been unimaginable for a comedian to proudly pose for a photo holding up the president’s bloody, severed head.

      I think this scope and scale would be going on if any of the other candidates had been elected. The scope and scale is evidence of Democrats continuing to lose since Obama’s election. It is the result of decades of media and Democrat collusion to smear Republicans in the court of public opinion and uplift Democrats to near sainthood in the same court. it is the result of the lefts decades long war on the basic tenets of America. It is the result of crimes on the left going unreported and untried, despite evidence!

      There is no reason to expect Republicans to remain in their polite, law abiding, tolerant, bipartisan box after spending decades as the battered wife that the community ignores and after watching the family go down the tubes at the hands of the batterer. At some point that chicks gonna crack and begin to fight back.

      Since 1012…protest gave way to more violent and bigoted agitation from the unhinged radical left. They are miles ahead in the violence category: attempted murder, murder, stabbings, shootings, battery, property theft, destruction of property, and violent denial of speech and assembly rights.

      On the right a guy punched an obnoxious trump protester early on….push has come to shove…

      It’s too late for Kumbaya attempts at reconciliation or calls for calmer heads. Unless those on all sides of the issue speak with one voice to condemn and stop the violence, back up the police, and vow to dial it back, the violent and acidic remarks will continue.

      I can’t speak for everyone but for me it will take a concerted effort from the left to show they have turned the corner, admit to their failures, acknowledge the corruption on their side, and more than anything, take responsibility for the things that have already done for decades to kill the Republican Party to become a single ruling party. They have to prove they care about being Americans and value the Constitution as it was intended, not as their whims suggest on any given day.

  4. Peggy says:

    Off topic, but too good to not share. Guaranteed to make you laugh.

    The Difference Between Liberals And Conservatives, In Beer Terms:

    “A clever and competent reader sent us this the other day and it made me giggle, so I thought I’d share.  If you’re offended easily, don’t bother reading it.  This is only for people who have an ability to laugh at themselves, and not take life too seriously. ”

  5. Peggy says:

    Awesome speech on free speech.

    Ted Cruz Calls Out College Administrators ‘Complicit’ in Suppressing Free Speech:

    Here’s the full speech from CSPAN

  6. Peggy says:

    More proof democrats in Sacramento are dumber than a 5th grader. Tennessee responds to their multi-state travel ban.

    Tennessee Legislature Responds to California’s Travel Ban in Stinging Official Fashion:

    “As we noted when California inaugurated this policy, American federalism is based on the agreement that different states can pursue different policies (within Constitutional bounds) while retaining equal status within the union. California’s decision to escalate the culture war with “sanctions” against states with different political orientations represents a direct challenge to America’s federal structure.

    This new order could have a major symbolic impact—for example, by making it difficult or impossible for University of California sports teams to compete against the University of Texas. And could lead to retaliatory measures by the targeted red states: They could, for example, up the ante not only by enacting reciprocal travel bans but also by refusing to cooperate with California’s government in criminal investigations, declining to share tax data, or prohibiting companies from selling products to California’s state government. How long before a coalition of liberal states begins to collectively and systematically impose sanctions on conservative ones, or vice versa?”

    • Tina says:

      Ah yes, the consequences will come rolling in.

      Good find Peggy!

      • Peggy says:

        Democrats are once again showing what hypocrites they are. This has far reaching tentacles that will impact our economy and our student’s education. The Bute community college quarterback just received a full scholarship to an major university in another state. His future would have been impacted if this ban had been in place and enforced.

        Our public servants need to consider the impact the laws they pass have on the public they are supposed to serve and stop making decisions based on their personal biases.

        California Democrats Violate Their Own ‘Travel Ban’ — for ‘Important’ Causes:

        “The ink is barely dry on California’s newly-expanded ban on state-funded travel to Texas and other states that, it claims, discriminate against LGBT people — and this week, two openly gay Democrat politicians are traveling to Texas, violating the ban they claim to support.

        According to the Los Angeles Times:
        California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra on Thursday announced he was prohibiting state employees from traveling at state expense to Texas and three other states that he determined have approved laws that discriminate against gay and transgender people.

        Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.
        Lara felt participating in a panel discussion on immigration was important amid debate over Gov. Greg Abbott’s signage of a controversial immigration law that bans “sanctuary cities” for immigrants in the country illegally, spokesman Michael Soller said.

        “Texas just passed one of the nation’s most anti-immigrant laws with Senate Bill 4, and California went down this road with Proposition 187 more than 20 years ago,” Lara said in a statement. “With LGBT and immigrant rights under assault across the country, I thought it was important to join other Latino leaders and show California’s example.”

        Lara is not the only California Democrat making the trip. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tem John Duran is also traveling to the convention.
        Democrats may have a hard time holding every athletic team in California to a different standard if they make exceptions for high-profile politicians to travel to the “banned” states for “important” causes.”

  7. Peggy says:

    Must hear the Great One lay it all out.

    ‘NOW we have COLLUSION! Democrats should be EXCITED!’ – Mark Levin

    “Mark Levin was on Sean Hannity’s show and really ripped into the media and the deep state for the accusations that just haven’t corroborated with any hard evidence.

    He mocked the democrats saying, “NOW we have collusion” – meaning collusion on the Democrat side.


    • Libby says:

      Once again, I feel compelled to remind you all that it’s the Michaels, and one or two other flunkies, who are suspected of colluding … or of being patsies. Me, I go with patsies. If The Donald finds his way into the mess, it will come under the heading: Obstruction of Justice.

      He just cannot seem to keep his fingers out of this pie. Why? Righteous Indignation? Obsessive-Compulsive Narcissim? His behavior is entirely not compatible with a clear conscience; I’ll tell you that.

      • Tina says:

        “…I feel compelled to remind you all that it’s the Michaels, and one or two other flunkies, who are suspected of colluding…”

        Interesting you should say so. Just this morning there was a Circa headline, “Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching Russia probe?”

        Secret memos show Trump adviser roiled bureau by intervening in agent’s discrimination case before he was targeted in Russia case.

        The FBI launched a criminal probe against former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn two years after the retired Army general roiled the bureau’s leadership by intervening on behalf of a decorated counterterrorism agent who accused now-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and other top officials of sexual discrimination, according to documents and interviews.

        Flynn’s intervention on behalf of Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was highly unusual, and included a letter in 2014 on his official Pentagon stationary, a public interview in 2015 supporting Gritz’s case and an offer to testify on her behalf. His offer put him as a hostile witness in a case against McCabe, who was soaring through the bureau’s leadership ranks.

        Related:Senate Judiciary will investigate Loretta Lynch

        What if it turns out there is a big multi-agency body of corrupt government employees and politicians working together for power and money.

        What if Flynn is one of the good guys, Libby.

        Will it make you, at long last, pause? (I promise you don;t have to stop thinking Marx is smarter that Hamilton)

        • Peggy says:

          Circa’s investigative reports are doing really good journalism work. I’ve seen and read several of their reports which are based in facts only after checking them with multi valid sources.

          They have stated they are looking into a matter, but will not release their findings until they are 100% sure it is true. No fake news from them.

  8. Tina says:

    Victor Davis Hansen has an insightful article at National Review that says it all. After less than a day of pulling back on extreme rhetoric after the attempted assassin of Republicans in DC, Democrats were back at it:

    Such moments quickly vanished. Progressives saw any remedies to identity politics as worse than the disease of electoral defeat. Elizabeth Warren, with her trademark rancor, was once again talking about Republican “blood money” — as if her opponents in the Congress were legislative assassins rather than the recent targets of such. An increasingly addled Hillary Clinton (she had loudly joined the “Resistance”) accused the GOP of becoming the “death party,” reminding the country why progressive fanatics such as James Hodgkinson might think rifle fire is the only answer to conservatives who traffic in blood. Meanwhile, another day, another Hollywood celebrity dreaming of, or advocating, the assassination of Donald Trump: This time a disturbed Johnny Depp (playing the role of Kathy Griffin or Snoop Dogg) mused out loud about repeating a John Wilkes Booth–style shooting. Since January, left-wing pundits and celebrities have alluded that Trump might be decapitated, stabbed by a mob, shot, punched, hit with a bat, blown up, strung up, and flipped off. Incineration and drowning are about the last modes of Trump mayhem left unsaid.

    They have no sense of shame. They never admit to faults or failings. They do not take responsibility for the damage they’ve done. They are addicted and dysfunctional. They blame, they deflect, they lie, they cheat, they commit fraud, they abuse, they harass, they bully, and throw their own people under the bus…and they double down on stupid again, and again, and again for power and control.

    Read Hansen’s entire article. He recalls the B. Clinton agenda and compares to where the Dem Party is now…”what agenda?

    Of the Democratic policies once envisioned under Bill Clinton (opposing illegal immigration, dreams of abortions as rare, balanced budgets, workfare, being tough on crime), few are left. In other words, progressives logically obsess about Trump, because otherwise they would have to defend agendas that most Americans simply do not support.

    Would Americans wish to be lectured about transgendered restrooms by those who as late as 2011 opposed gay marriage? Do voters think that progressive administrators, whiny indebted students, and the end of campus free speech and free assembly are models for higher education and arguments for federal bailouts? (continues)

    It’s wisdom for those with an ear to hear. Hansen is an extraordinary historian and a delight to read!

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