MAGA – Law and Order: This is What it Looks Like

Posted by Tina

A positive conclusion to “Operation Broken Heart” was announced today. The operation was conducted by the Department of Justice and included more than 4,500 federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies who worked diligently over a two month period. Over 1000 arrests were made (1012) in 40 states and tonight… our children are safer because child predators are off the streets.

MAGA! Thank you President Trump and thank you to the many people in law enforcement across America that worked on this operation.

Hat tip: Conservative Treehouse

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27 Responses to MAGA – Law and Order: This is What it Looks Like

  1. TruthtoPower says:


    You are not aware of the real problem yet. These trafficking ratlines are a worldwide prob.

    That is the low lying fruit.

    Many Politicians, the FBI and CIA coverup for the ratlines. organ harvesting is out of control as well.

    Depleted uranium is a huge story too.

    We will keep pushing til we get more action on the worldwide ratlines, US Involvement, and Believe me This is not a joke.

    Again We push out here til action and or MSM picks up the stories.

    trump is being sent a lot of info from many. he is not some genius who figured it out. We send ivanka stuff all the time. Children are a subject she seems to respond to but we send other stuff too that no one acts on.

    • Tina says:

      “You are not aware of the real problem yet.”

      Dewey, that’s a condescending and totally uncalled for statement.

      I am aware that there’s a worldwide network but these arrests do not deserve your trite, dismissive remark, “low lying fruit.” In America they represent a good effort that deserves our appreciation and that is why I posted the story. Please don;t stomp all over good news!

      And please try to stick to one topic at a time.

      “…he is not some genius who figured it out”

      Once again a condescending, uncalled for remark, and for the record, nobody said he did “figure it out.”

      He did say, “Keep America safe”…he said he would give law enforcement the power, tools and permission to enforce our laws…that counts.

  2. Chris says:

    What on earth does Trump have to do with this investigation?

    • Tina says:

      See the response to Dewey.

      • Chris says:

        It doesn’t really answer my question. There were similar operations under the Obama DOJ, but you never gave them any credit for those.

        • Tina says:

          I agree with you in one sense, Chris. Obama was not a law and order leader, in fact, he oversaw a period of disregard for our laws that was unprecedented. That was the thing that stood out during his presidency.

          I don’t think you can fault me for his choices and positioning.

          I also honestly don’t recall a news item covering this operation (Libby says this is III) during Obama’s 2 terms. That doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. I just don’t catch everything.

          I post about stories that capture my attention on any given day. My goal is to create interest that will inspire discussion. I don’t always succeed.

          I have never tried to hide my politics…please remember this is a conservative site…we don’t pretend or intend to be a straight news site. We don’t make overt attempts at balance. We expect bias and opinion…your contributions are an excellent example.

          What is this need or expectation you have that we must be fair and balanced? 🙂

  3. Peggy says:

    So where is the news coverage of this? There are no big name national msm post on this. No CNN, FNC, ABC, CBS, NBC. There are a couple posted from past years’ operations by locals like Texas and Calif. for a couple of hundred arrested.

    This should be a big deal when one thinks of the thousands of children whose lives this saved. Instead, I’ll bet there are pages of fake Russia, Russia, Russia articles once good journalist have wasted their time on.

    • Tina says:

      Good news, or positive news, is no news at all, Peggy. All they want to do is discredit and smear for the Democrats…it’s about all they’ve been doing at least since Nixon and the Vietnam war. Which is why we now have a substantial number of alternatives. I have a feeling they will keep getting stronger and more mainstream as time goes by.

      The Russia story has become a huge embarrassment for the left but few of them are ready to admit it.

      • Peggy says:

        You’re right Tina, good news especially when it has anything to do with Trump will not be covered. What a shame. Progressives would rather just complain about child abuse and sexual trafficking of 10 year old instead of getting involved and actually contributing to this horrible problem.

        As for the Russia, Russia, Russia endless coverage by the Dems and biased media like CNN it looks like it’s boomeranging on them and hurting them now that the truth is coming out. The video of Obama saying just before Hillary lost there is no problem with Russia meddling in our election process and then flipping and saying they were and Trump was involved is damning.

        Seeing Obama, Hillary, Comey, Lych, etc. before congressional committees after being sworn in will be very enlightening.

  4. Libby says:

    It is … Operation Broken Heart III.

    And what little claim you have to personal integrity is hanging by a thread, girl.

    This is your deep state at work, Tina, impervious to the machinations of Trump, Ryan, McConnell and such like clowns.

    • Tina says:

      Blow it out your bunions, “girl,” my credibility is just fine.

      What’s interesting is your total inability to celebrate a positive news story that will save children’s lives and psyche’s.

      Not so interesting is your supercilious, snooty, snide, attitude…but then you are a progressive in denial. It must really burn your butt that your party is in such a discredited, nay, corrupted state. If ever there was a clown show in Washington it was the Democrats led by Obama who destroyed your party and practically brought America to the ground.

      You have very little, if any, ground on which to stand.

      • Libby says:

        I’d put the parents squarely in the third of the electorate that does not vote at all, but if they did … come on, Tina … nobody can be that blind.

      • Libby says:

        No, what’s interesting is you, eternally trying to give the Trumpster credit for stuff with which he had nothing at all to do.

        Have you seen this morning’s tweets? Seem to mark a sizeable step down the road to senility.

        I can’t believe that there is NO ONE on his staff or in his family who can persuade him to stop doing that. Maybe a little Ativan in his cocoa?

        • Tina says:

          Libby you’re perceptions are flawed! Trump announced to the world that America, henceforth, would enforce our laws and make America safe again. to that end he hired strong law and order leaders for the various departments involved. They in turn put the orders out to the various law enforcement agencies, federal, state and local. Push back from sanctuary cities is an indication that he was taken seriously as are the 66,000 criminal illegals that have been picked up so far.

          Of course these operations go on all the time but leadership matters. The people that work behind the scenes know the difference between a president that doesn’t care and one that is fully on board. it is to that end that I give him credit.

          You want to talk senile? Ms Pelosi is miles ahead of president Trump.

          We know you don’t like Trump, you’re allowed. I suggest his tweets would calm down if the left press would grow up and start doing it’s job. The relentless vicious and false attacks on him and his family are unjustified and targeted to destroy. This is the same left press that couldn’t bring itself to criticize or demean a serial sexual predator (probable rapist) and liar, Bill Clinton and couldn’t find a reason to criticize or demean Hillary Clinton over her many corrupt (probably illegal) practices and failures…Lois Lerner…Eric Holder…Loretta Lynch…Susan Rice…

          You are willing to credit Obama with successes where there was failure, with abilities he does not have and never did have…his leadership abilities and credentials were totally inadequate. He was a community organizer extraordinaire! His ability to inspire contentious agitators and malcontents was amazing to behold. I imagine the families of those murdered cops will be forever grateful!

          To take a page from Rush just now on this subject…you suffer from selective outrage!

          You were silent over decades as your party savaged the opposition and individuals within the opposition that did not deserve the Alinsky Rule #12 treatment. In fact you took delight in the nasty, demeaning, rhetoric your party used to gain power and control by destroying reputations in the fake court of the MSM. Example:

          Ted Kennedy, that paragon of virtue with respect to women, said of Robert Bork during his confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids…”

          Such utter horse$%#*! But it sunk the nomination.

          Your lectures are tiresome Libby, just as your parties games are tiresome.

          • Libby says:

            “I suggest his tweets would calm down if the left press would grow up and start doing it’s job. The relentless vicious and false attacks on him and his family are unjustified and targeted to destroy.”

            What attacks? Take this morning … who attacked who? All the media does is report the facts, more or less. If Trump wants the media to cease reporting denigrating tidbits … probably, he should stop handing them out every morning.

            It is, indeed, true that the fourth estate has been a burr under the saddle of every single administration since the republic was founded. This, among other things, is what makes America Great. TrumpCo (what there is of any such coherent entity) seems to think it’s going to change that … muzzle the press.

            Not on your nelly.

            The fact that Melania’s security at Trump Tower was costing New Yorkers a fortune … is a fact … not an attack on Melania. I don’t know what these people thought they were getting into, but they are going to have to grow some hide if they expect to survive the term.

            When it comes to the press, the Trumpster (and Bill and Ted and all the rest) largely make they’re own troubles … which will be duly reported by free and independent news organizations.

          • Chris says:

            You know, I don’t care one bit whether Melania lives in the White House or not.

            But no one here can tell me that if Michelle Obama were racking up that kind of cost when her husband was president that Post Scripts wouldn’t have complained about it every day and twice on Sundays.

  5. Libby says:

    Further manifestation of the Trumpian Dystopia Complex at work.

    You guys are losing it … up, down, left, right, and center.

    • Tina says:

      What information in your article identifies the politics of any of the people involved? For all we know the parents are Hillary supporters…the Facebook idiots as well…your the big activists.

      YOU are losing it up down, left, right, and in the middle.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    This is fantastic. This sort of law enforcement is one of the most rewarding efforts for our society they could do. There should be no sanctuary for child molesters. I wonder about our immigrants from countries that tolerate baby raping. Immigration concerns are not always about terrorism, there’s plenty of other reasons why we should be chosey as an Ivy league college when it comes to admitting people into our home.

    • Libby says:

      Low, Jack … low.

      • Peggy says:

        Not low Libs, the truth. Do you libs see killing a baby a month before it’s born the same as one month after? Seems so, otherwise you would be speaking out against both.

        Illegal Alien Rapes and Murders One-Month-Old Baby in NM!:

        “A 37 year old illegal immigrant who is a convicted felon just deported 4 months ago for drug dealing, was arrested and charged with the rape and murder of a 1-month-old baby girl.

        Police responded to a 911 call at 4am last Thursday morning after the caller had indicated that an infant had died. In a tape later released by the aurhorities, the caller requested help saying a “baby was taking a bottle and choked and couldn’t stop, and the baby has now passed away.”

        But when the authorities arrived, it became clear that this was no accident. They discovered the infant girl dead, with two black eyes, a bite mark on her cheek and pajamas soaked in blood.

        Upon further medical examination, the child was also found to have suffered a bleeding brain, a lacerated liver, anal and vaginal tearing, and cracked ribs in various stages of healing—indicating the child’s entire 4 week life consisted of abuse.  The cause of death was determined to be fatal sexual assault.”

        • Chris says:

          That’s a horrific story, Peggy, but it doesn’t justify Jack’s extreme statement “I wonder about our immigrants from countries that tolerate baby raping.” The verb “tolerate” in that sentence modifies “countries,” not “immigrants,” and there is no reason to believe the country this psycho comes from tolerates such crimes. I’m not aware of any country that does.

      • Tina says:

        The idea that President Obama was in any way criticized or demeaned in the press while running for office in 2008 or in his first three to four years in office is absurd! The media sat at his feet and fawned! They helped to promote him into the presidency.

        The anti-Trump left media began their nasty scurrilous war to smear and demean Trump AND his supporters from day one.

        June 29, 2017, Washington Times, “Numbers don’t lie: Media bias against Trump is entrenched, vicious, persistent”

      • Tina says:

        Jack is right.

        Libby, please explain why we shouldn’t be choosy about who we allow into our country?

    • Tina says:

      Exactly on point, Jack!

  7. J. Soden says:

    Beating those who fund terrorism at their own game!

    And the $$ from the sale will go to families of terrorist attack victims instead of Leftie activist programs as Obumble’s DOJ did.

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