“Truthbomb” Hits CNN

Posted by Tina

Apparently the relentless James O’Keefe has done it again. This time he caught a CNN producer saying that the stories they do are made up. James Delingpole of Breitbart-Big Journalism reports:

“Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now.”

And there you have it, a CNN producer, caught on camera, frankly admitting that “fake news” isn’t some regrettable accident of the 24-hour news cycle.

“Fake news” is CNN’s entire business model. (The business model of quite a few other liberal MSM outlets too, if the tantalizing hints being dropped by James O’Keefe are to be believed…)

As a fellow human being I feel sorry for the poor guy caught on camera by Project Veritas admitting this stuff — because he’s probably going to lose his job.

But as a fellow journalist I feel about as much sympathy for him as I do for all those idiot jihadists who go out to fight in Raqqa and Mosul, lured by the cool videos of the beards, black flags, and AKs with the wailing soundtrack. Did they seriously imagine when they joined ISIS/CNN that it was all just going to be about the glamour and the hot chicks and the purity of the noble cause?
And I’m really not being high minded here. It just seems to me that one of the most basic, entry-level precepts that any serious news organization ought to be observe – and that CNN most patently never has observed, or not for a very, very long time – is this:

Facts are sacred. The truth always makes the best story. You do not make shit up.

Read it…there’s wisdom there as he continues!

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23 Responses to “Truthbomb” Hits CNN

  1. TruthtoPower says:

    It took a long time for anyone to attack CNN. But I am glad.

    They are not the only one. All MSM has people who have been pushing lies.

    Remember it is also legal for the CIA to feed them US Propaganda.

    The TV Box is a bunch of crap

  2. Chris says:

    ““Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now.”

    This could refer to literally anything. The article doesn’t even say what it refers to. And James O’Keefe has edited videos to intentionally take people out of context before. He has lost court cases because of it. You KNOW this. How can you allow yourself to be played this way?

    The author of that piece literally calls CNN “ISIS.” That’s what you call “wisdom?”

    I’ve been nice lately, Tina, and I think I’m still being nice when I tell you, as a friend, that this is really embarrassing.

    • Tina says:

      Chris after you guys complained about context he published the full recordings. The evidence was still damning.

      His work also resulted in court cases where he was vindicated and job losses for those exposed.

      Delingpole did not call CNN ISIS. He compared the possible draw to CNN’s style of journalism for young journalists to the draw of ISIS for young men…both think the job is the flash and glamor, making a difference (and sex):

      But as a fellow journalist I feel about as much sympathy for him as I do for all those idiot jihadists who go out to fight in Raqqa and Mosul, lured by the cool videos of the beards, black flags, and AKs with the wailing soundtrack. Did they seriously imagine when they joined ISIS/CNN that it was all just going to be about the glamour and the hot chicks and the purity of the noble cause?

      Sorry you’re embarrassed for me Chris rather than your corrupt party and its sycophantic lying media.

      • Chris says:

        He compared the possible draw to CNN’s style of journalism for young journalists to the draw of ISIS for young men…

        And that’s an idiotic, disgusting comparison. You should be ashamed of it.

  3. Chris says:

    After looking further into it, the producer in question is responsible for the network’s coverage of medical issues. How does that make him an expert on CNN’s coverage of the Russia investigation? This is just one man’s opinion; CNN has hundreds of producers. It isn’t an admission or a revelation or any of the dishonest things Breitbart is saying about it.

    Also, a question: you, Trump and his sycophants at Breitbart keep calling the Russia thing “fake news.” But the investigation is real, and has been since the campaign. How do you justify calling media coverage of a real investigation “fake news?” Should CNN not report on aspects of an ongoing investigation into the president’s campaign? Should they not report on aspects of the concurrent investigation into Trump possibly obstructing justice by firing the FBI director, then misleading the public about the existence of tapes in order to, by his own admission, influence the former director’s testimony?

    • Tina says:

      Chris you are not at all up to date on the Russia story. It is indeed a fake story.

      CNN has retracted it and three people submitted their resignations over it.

      Beyond the CNN story it’s been out for a long time that there is no evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign. Forbes quotes National Review in the following excerpt:

      “The FBI counterintelligence guys presumably track Russian agents on our soil as much as possible. You figure the NSA can track just about any electronic communication between Russians and figures in the Trump campaign. If there was something sinister and illegal going on…the U.S. government as a whole had every incentive in the world to expose that as quickly as possible.”

      Diverse figures and outlets agree that the nexus of “possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign” does not include any evidence of collusion. Maxine Waters (D-CA) concedes there is no proof of collusion as does Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) joined by Trump nemesis Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Fox political analyst, Brit Hume, on Sunday’s #MediaBuzz stated that he has never seen a charge get so far out in front of the available evidence over the course of his long career. Matt Taibbi, a left-wing columnist for Rolling Stone who calls Trump the “crazy clown President,” points out that “despite almost daily leaks by anonymous sources, we do not know whether it is about collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian state.”

      The New York Times, in a lead editorial, counters the lack of evidence of collusion as follows: “The known facts suggest an unusually extensive network (my italics) of relationships with a major foreign power.” The Times’ logic: Trump-associate dealings with Russians are alone sufficient justification for an investigation. Where there is smoke, there may be fire. So, investigate, investigate, investigate until you find something.

      The smoke-justifies-the-investigation argument is inconsistent with centuries of common law and the Fourth Amendment’s requirement of “probable cause supported by oath or affirmation.” Realizing the inconsistency with the rule of law, Deputy AG Rosenstein cited “unique circumstances” and “the public interest” to justify the independent counsel. Taibbi disagrees in a moment of candor. “Liberal thinkers have traditionally abhorred secret courts, secret surveillance and secret evidence” and “reflexively discouraged the news media from printing unverified or unverifiable charges emanating from such secret sources. But because it’s Donald Trump, no one seems to care.”

      You are led by a pack of power hungry liars, Chris. It’s about time you started to open your mind at the very least to the possibility!

      To answer your question…it is obvious to most of us that the MSM collude with the Democrat Party to drive the narrative. If the narrative is that Trump colluded with Russia in the election then the MSM will generate stories to that effect despite the lack of evidence or the numbers of Democrts that have admitted there is no evidence. This is precisely how they due the people into voting for them.

      People are calling the media out. America needs a healthy fourth estate. Our has been corrupted for some time.

      • Chris says:

        Chris you are not at all up to date on the Russia story. It is indeed a fake story.

        CNN has retracted it and three people submitted their resignations over it.

        Sorry, I was talking about the Russia story as a whole–the investigation, the leaks, etc. I’m aware of the specific story that was retracted last week, but that does not mean the larger story of the investigation is fake news.

        Again, the investigation is real.

        Do you think the FBI should end the investigation?

        You are right that there is no direct proof of collusion. But there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that people on Trump’s staff had inappropriate ties to Russia, and that Trump may be “giving back” to the country for their help:

        –Both Flynn and Kushner lied on their security clearance about meetings with Russia.
        –Flynn spoke to the Russian ambassador four times the day Obama imposed the sanctions, and discussed those sanctions, which was a violation of the Logan Act (which, to be fair, has never been enforced.
        –Flynn later denied discussing those sanctions, then said he wasn’t sure if he discussed them.
        –Flynn was more strongly anti-Russia before he joined the Trump campaign, then became more pro-Russia.
        –Kushner asked to set up private communications channel with the Kremlin. Why?
        –Multiple campaign staffers were fired during the campaign when their ties with Russia were exposed.
        –Trump condoned and encouraged the hacking against Clinton during the campaign, asking the hackers to release more damning info on her. This was an encouragement to future hacking.
        –Trump repeatedly cast doubt on the fact that Russia was behind the hacks despite the entire intelligence community saying they were.
        –According to Jeff Sessions, Trump never spoke with him about measures to address the cyber attacks or prevent future ones, despite experts calling this “the worst cyber attack on our country.”
        –Trump has continued to praise Putin and go easy on Russia, and there is talk of him loosening the sanctions Obama imposed in exchange for nothing.

        This is just a partial list.

        I think that’s a lot of “smoke,” Tina, and warrants a full investigation. Trump’s actions after the fact–saying he hoped Comey would stop investigating Flynn, saying he was thinking about the Russia investigation when he fired Comey, admitting to misleading the public about the existence of tapes in order to affect Comey’s testimony–all seem like classic “guilty” behavior. But I am not ready to proclaim Trump or his associates guilty of collusion yet and will accept the results of the investigation.

  4. J. Soden says:

    Tomorrow is James O’Keefe’s birthday. He tweeted today that there will be another of his exposes on Thursday, with a hint that the NYT may be the target. NEVER mess with The O’Keefe!!!!!

    And also today:

    Gotta hope that Palin is at least as successful as Lyle was.

  5. Libby says:

    “As a fellow human being I feel sorry for the poor guy caught on camera by Project Veritas admitting this stuff — because he’s probably going to lose his job.”

    Indeed, yes … as a producer of health/medical stories in Atlanta.

    You people have no shame, and O’Keefe is no journalist.

    • Tina says:

      O’Keefe has done more journalism in his short time than most of the people you consider journalists have for decades. They’ve simply been a mouthpiece for the radical left agenda.

      You have no ground on which to make such a claim.

  6. Libby says:

    Slow work days are very bad for me. I spend too much time in Trumplandia.


    I mean, fer heaven’s sake!

  7. Tina says:

    Golly…a man with an ego and dreams of being on the cover of time.

    Is that worse than Obama writing himself into the official biographies of former presidents:

    Commentary magazine:

    Obama has added bullet points bragging about his own accomplishments to the biographical sketches of every single U.S. president since Calvin Coolidge (except, for some reason, Gerald Ford). Here are a few examples:

    On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people. President Coolidge later helped create the Federal Radio Commission, which has now evolved to become the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.

    In a 1946 letter to the National Urban League, President Truman wrote that the government has “an obligation to see that the civil rights of every citizen are fully and equally protected.” He ended racial segregation in civil service and the armed forces in 1948. Today the Obama administration continues to strive toward upholding the civil rights of its citizens, repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, allowing people of all sexual orientations to serve openly in our armed forces.

    That’s more than ego, it’s narcissism. He thought he was heir to the throne…king of the realm.

    Once again you have no room to complain but of course you will. You’ll even try to assume a place of superiority.

    • Chris says:

      That’s pretty narcissistic of Obama, I’ll admit that, Tina.

      Can’t we laugh at both of them?

      • Libby says:

        But Chris, you are letting her evade the key point. The Time cover is a fraud, false, a lie, and cheesy. The Obama website braggadocio, though immodest, is arguably true.

        The right is all up in arms over “fake” news … unless it’s them doing the faking … then it’s fine.

      • Tina says:

        Sure…people that aspire to high positions are often egotistical.

        I think it’s important to see them as flawed human beings capable of all sorts of peccadillo’s. No man is perfect.

        It’s unfair and ill-advised to characterize any leader as single faceted icon or cartoonish character.

    • Libby says:

      Tina … he’s had several Time covers ! … but apparently, they were insufficiently fawning.

      Can you really not see how cheesy this is?

      • Tina says:

        The truth is I just don’t care. Until the media made a huge story out of this, in their fervor to demean the man, only a handful of Americans ever saw them or knew anything about them.

        What does bother me is the medias determined efforts to blow this cheesy image way out of proportion and at the same time downplay anything positive the man does. In his every day work he has demonstrated far more that shows he is capable of gracious, thoughtful, extensive leadership and willingness to work hard on behalf of the American people. intentional distortion of reality and facts is much more disturbing to me.

        They did the same during Obama’s Presidency in reverse…he could do no wrong and was simply fabulous all the time. It’s ridiculous!

        • Chris says:

          Tina, today the man took to Twitter to gab about how a reporter who was mean to him was “bleeding from a bad facelift” the last time he saw her.

          Doesn’t he have work to do?

          There’s no way around it: the man is a vindictive, childish loser.

        • Libby says:

          “The truth is I just don’t care. Until the media made a huge story out of this, ….”

          I see. You are only a liar if people know you are a liar. That’s very moral of you.

          “In his every day work he has demonstrated far more that shows he is capable of gracious, ….”

          You mean like when he humiliated the Irish reporter? “… I’ll bet she treats you well.” Jesus Mothering H! I’d have treated him well. I’d have pulled him around in that chair and kicked his crotch right out the window.

          Well, probably not, but danged if he did not deserve just exactly that. What a pig!

          And you are suggesting what? … that we ignore this slimey behavior? That it not be reported?

          Not on your nelly.

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