Obamaphone Report: $9 Billion Socked Away in Private Accounts

Posted by Tina

The Government Accountability Office has issued a report showing that the Lifeline Program to issue phones to qualified poor persons is rife with fraud and abuse. Phones were regularly issued to unqualified persons during the last administration and an incrdible $9 billion has been dicovered to have been deposited to private bank accounts. The report was requested by Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill.

Washington Times reports:

“A complete lack of oversight is causing this program to fail the American taxpayer — everything that could go wrong is going wrong,” said Mrs. McCaskill, ranking Democrat on the Senate’s chief oversight committee and who is a former state auditor in Missouri.

“We’re currently letting phone companies cash a government check every month with little more than the honor system to hold them accountable, and that simply can’t continue,” she said.

The program itself has gone on for several decades and was designed to bring emergency communication abilities to America’s rural poor. During the Obama administration the program was extended to include free personal iphone service to the poor.

President Trump has tasked the various departments to root out waste, fraud, and abuse. I’m glad to see members of Congress moving in the same direction. Kudos to McCaskill and the oversight committee.

Now…will the Justice Department look into those private accounts, please?

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2 Responses to Obamaphone Report: $9 Billion Socked Away in Private Accounts

  1. RHT447 says:

    On a more inspiring note—

    See, here’s your problem—


    Once again those pesky citizen land owners just won’t BOHICA. Love it.

    • Joe says:

      But it is just infuriating – we have people come down here saying, ‘Please don’t take my property’ and because they are just an ordinary person we take their property.

      This is just how our government masters think. I am surprised the b*tch let that slip: the pure essence of government.

      People must never forget that there is nothing voluntary about government. You can’t opt out. You can’t say, “No thank you, I don’t want to do business with you. ”

      You must obey every order, law, ruling, edict, demand, regulation, stipulation and ordinance. In short, you must do everything a bureaucrat, politician or other gooberment employee says to the letter, no matter how ridiculous or unfair. And you must pay every tax, fee, levy, and assessment that they demand or you will be fined and penalized, and if you refuse to pay the fines and penalties, men with guns will come after you and put you in a cage with violent inmates. And if you resist you will be killed. That is the very essence of government.

      Rothbard was 100% correct when he called the state a “gang of thieves writ large — the most immoral, grasping and unscrupulous individuals in any society”


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