Here We Go Again-Trump Posts Anti-CNN Body Slam Video-Media Freaks

Posted by Tina

The Baltimore Sun’s media critic, David Zurawik complains…

“You can kill somebody in seven seconds. That’s part of the problem with social media, is people don’t think about what they say.

And they put out hateful, nasty stuff like this.”

“Look, you take somebody and slam them physically to the ground, you put a logo on identifying them. That’s what fascists did in the 30’s to people.”


Did Zurawik just “put a logo, “fascist,” on Trump?

In fact, hasn’t Trump been repeatedly labeled by the left media, leftist leaders, and detractors of all stripes day after day from day one?

Trump has been described as: a racist, a pig, a sexist, a fraud, an incompetent, a fascist, not legitimate, a disaster, a crook, a sociopath, a moron, a psychopath, a coward, dangerous, a menace, a con man, a bigot, a xenophobe, a lying sack of $***, a bully, a terrible negotiator, a pathological liar, an idiot, a lazy idiot, a dinosaur, a terrible leader, a fool, a redolent turd, a massive failure, a would-be dictator, crazy, a pathological creep, a pervert, loud and bombastic, bitter, a worse crook than Bernie Madoff, a dumb person’s idea of a smart person, a vanity project run amok, a Russian stooge, a Zionist puppet, a garbage human being, a pu$$y, a Chinese agent, the anti-Christ, unfit, so evil and so bad, authoritarian, a menace to the world, a joke, wages a war on workers, gaslighting America, an abusive braggart, broke, making millions, the preferred candidate of ISIS, suffering from Alzheimmers, unacceptable, a child, an adolescent, a threat to press freedom, the most corrupt candidate ever, is going to get somebody killed in the media, is going to body slam the GOP, is going to die, resign, quit, be impeached, will have a cabinet that’s going to be bonkers, super awkward, creates chaos, is Going to Lead Us Straight Into Nuclear Disaster, his SNL appearance is going to be a sh*t show, will make those racist skinheads-the KKK come out, the deflector in chief, instills fear, will hurt America, will hurt American incomes, will hurt Social Security, will harm global health, hates renewable energy, makes America meaner, hates babies….and my favorite, too ‘dangerous’ for normal rules.

The level of disrespect from the beginning, as Hillary Clinton was deemed a shoe in, is unprecedented. They’ve used every negative descriptor in the book and when that doesn’t satisfy they talk about his skin tone, his hair, his tiny hands…his family members.

Contrast all of it with the way the left media characterizes and speaks about Democrats (in particular Obama) no matter what they say or do. The double standard is obvious. And the people are not stupid, as they falsely imagine. The people have noticed and they don’t like it.

If the media and other detractors truly want the labeling to stop they should stop insulting and demeaning the man, show him the respect the office commands, and engage in good journalism. If they truly believe the Tweets should stop the remedy is simple…stop poking the bear; stop the personal, demeaning attacks. In fact, do something novel, take an interest in the American people, take an interest in the policies that their duly elected leaders are attempting to enact. Refresh and renew…learn to be observers, capable of asking questions about the things that really impact our daily lives.

Unfortunately most appear to be too self absorbed, so certain of their superior place in the world that they just can’t stop. They can’t help themselves. They poke…Trump tweets and the they compete to become the star of the daily “$h*t show. It’s difficult to watch. They’ve earned the disfavor they currently enjoythey deserve it.

The Washington Post indicated in 2014 that only 7% of journalists were Republicans. Here’s a challenge for them. Vow to get your ratings up above 70% with the opposition consumers of your product.

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35 Responses to Here We Go Again-Trump Posts Anti-CNN Body Slam Video-Media Freaks

  1. Truth To Power says:

    Trump is using his tweets as a distraction.

    That said I see no difference between the Republicans during Obama’s election than Democrats during Trumps election.

    A Boiling Pot of hypocrisy created by 2 corporations called the GOP and DNC.

    Corporations which create a social division while their cabal reaps the rewards of a 45 year Coup d’état that used the blueprint of the Powell memo to take over the United States.

    The United States is now a Corporate Estate. One that has rendered much of the Constitution irrelevant.

    These two parties have destroyed the United States. We will fall if the people do not rise.

    Neither Trump or Obama are the problem, they are the symptoms.

    Those who play the red pill / Blue pill game of politics following the Propaganda displayed in Media are neither patriots nor Constitutionally correct Americans.

    Wealth is no longer created by producing it is created by manipulating the markets and attacking the citizens.

    One million people are now imprisoned as slave workers. Their crimes? Created by laws developed for Profit prisons to fill these prison jobs with non violent workers. Corporations reap the benefits.

    American is on the cusp of extinction and I hold Republicans and Democrat citizens accountable.

    This 4th of July I fly my flag upside down. The sign of distress.

    I will not spend a penny nor watch fireworks the population sets off all night with no regard to war veterans in the neighborhood. Veterans who suffer from the horrors of wars for profit. Wars they were sent into not for the defense of the United States but for the agenda of the cabal.

    Let’s start with restoring the 4th amendment.

    • Tina says:

      ” I see no difference between the Republicans during Obama’s election than Democrats during Trumps election.”

      So you believe the media has covered Trump in the same friendly fashion that they covered Obama?

      Interesting. I see a huge double standard.

      Please explain HOW corporations “create a social division .”

      Please explain how the United States became a “Corporate Estate.”

      A million people are slave workers? Really? You mean people in the US are forced to do work for which they are not compensated?

      Please justify this statement.

      The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.

      Please demonstrate for our readers where unwarranted search and seizure is occurring in America.

  2. J. Soden says:

    The Left HATES getting laughed at, even when it is so richly deserved. Others have had to point out to CNN/FNN that they’re getting played because they evidently aren’t smart enough to realize it.
    After months of nasty, vitriolic attacks by CNN/FNN, it’s refreshing to hear the laughter. Well done, Mr. President!

    • Libby says:

      Yes, we know you find all manner of brutalizations … funny.

      That’s what’s wrong with you, and Trump, and about 60 million other sad excuses for humanity we got living in this country … and it’s what’s killing our republic.

      If Trump were not a moral and intellectual crud bucket, he could take down CNN by exposing their inaccurate reporting … but, no … CNN beats him to it … and the NYT and the WSJ … every time … so all we got is The Dumb Donald, clutching his juvenile fabrications to his bosom like any six-year-old.

      This is getting REALLY embarrassing.

      • Tina says:

        I saw exactly no one on the left horrified or embarrassed by the plays depicting the assassination of GWB or Trump or the multiple examples on SNL that create gales of laughter among your party’s “sad excuses for humanity.”

        We may now add to the list of deplorable terms used to demonize and demean from the left: sad excuses for humanity and crud bucket

        Right leaning media from William F. Buckley forward have been exposing the lies and fabrications in the left media to no avail. the problem could be that the propaganda machine embedded in media, education, entertainment and the judicial has closed and infected so many minds that it does little good. We’re looking at 30-40 years of putting it out there thus far.

        And for the record, early in his presidency Trump spoke directly to the DC reporters and told them he wanted them to report and didn’t expect them to refrain from criticism. He just wanted them to be professionals…to be honest and fair (treat him as they would Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schummer). He gave them an opportunity to begin again. Of course they didn’t. They are married to the Democrats and see their purpose is to help them sink the Trump presidency.

        Trump told the public several times he was not under investigation and the media continued to insinuate otherwise. Trumps assertion was later backed up by Comey, Feinstein and others.

        An fine example of the right-wing media exposing MSM media lies and distortions is at Conservative Treehouse where it is pointed out that the interesting story in all of this is “…‘the leaking‘ of classified intelligence information to undermine the administration, the potentially illegal ‘unmasking‘.

        The MSM shows no interest in informing the public about this very real probable criminality within the government agency.

      • J. Soden says:

        Must correct my “nasty, vitriolic attacks” comment to include Libby.

  3. Pete says:

    I have no doubt that if it were within our president’s power he would jail those that hurt his feelings. While other world leaders are focused on the game of chess, Trump is challenged to play a game of tic-tax-toe. Our president is extremely lacking in moral, ethical, social, and cognitive abilities. He is not someone I would want our children to emulate.

    • Chris says:

      Well said, Pete.

      Even if every single thing Tina says about the media is true, that would not justify the president acting this way. He is clearly more concerned with how he is portrayed in the media than the issues facing our country. He admits he has no plan for healthcare and just wants to repeal Obamacare with nothing to replace it. He is obsessed with his own image and every time he pulls a stunt like this he justifies more negative coverage.

      • Tina says:

        But letting the media get away with verbal assassination of the new president isn’t an issue.

        Your assertions about healthcare are absurd. What ideas other than taking the healthcare industry over, did Obama have. It’s the legislators job.

        • Chris says:

          “Your assertions about healthcare are absurd.”

          Let’s see. This was my assertion:

          “He admits he has no plan for healthcare and just wants to repeal Obamacare with nothing to replace it.”

          That assertion is factually true, which is why you didn’t try and rebut it, and instead replied with the following non-sequiturs:

          “What ideas other than taking the healthcare industry over, did Obama have. It’s the legislators job.”

          Neither of these disprove my statement, they just make excuses for it. Obama was a major participant in constructing the ACA; that’s why it’s called “Obamacare.” Whether you agree with his ideas or not is beside the point I was making; he had ideas, and he cared. Trump, on the other hand, has no ideas, and does not care. He even called his own party’s bill “mean,” which is one of the rare times I agreed with him. But the fact remains he has no ideas, because he has never bothered to educate himself on a subject hugely important to Americans. “No one knew healthcare could be so hard,” remember?

          The National Review did a better job of highlighting the contrast between Obama and Trump on healthcare than I can:

          Some eight years ago, when Democrats were trying to pass their major reform of the American health-care system, Barack Obama put down his golf clubs, got out there in front of me. There were “supercut” videos of the president repeating over and over again that those who liked their insurance could keep it. He got out there and said it to different audiences across the country and in national interviews. He lied like it was his job. In a way, it was. At least he did it.

          Actually, Obama and the whole political and media class aligned with him at the time put tremendous effort into publicizing and selling the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. Obama’s White House did the laborious work of cajoling the recalcitrant and bribing the reluctant. The Washington Post’s bloggers explained the different pillars of the plan. There were long debates about the so-called public option. Once it was close to its final form, the president wanted you to know about the particulars. Whatever you think about Obamacare, and I don’t think much of it, Obama cared about it. He followed it minute by minute. And studied the details. He knew it was his legacy. And if he didn’t know that everyone anxious and frustrated with American health care would thenceforward think of his name, then certainly any successor trying a major health reform should know it.

          Donald Trump doesn’t care about health-care policy. He has no sense that millions of American will bitterly call out his name whenever they encounter one of the many indignities that the American health-care and health-insurance system visits upon them. Republicans could send him a bill that institutes single payer and he’d sign it just as quickly as he’d sign whatever they do send him. They could institute massive subsidies for building medical centers that revolve around leech therapy. “We’re going to find the best leeches,” Trump would say at the signing. He doesn’t care about anything beyond the grin and claiming credit for doing something great.

          And I don’t think he’s alone in this. From opening the Drudge Report, or watching Fox News the past few weeks, it is obvious that the conservative-leaning outlets with massive audiences don’t believe their people care about this bill. They care about the Democrats’ investigation into the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia running out of steam. They care about the normal things they care about: crimes immigrants commit, and what the liberals are doing.

          And Trump has a sense of what they do care about. Instead of working the phones, steadying nervous legislators, or using the bully pulpit for health reform, he spent some of the crucial time before a final Senate vote tweeting about how Mika Brzezinski rang in the new year by bleeding from her face at his private Florida club. Finally! A new lead image for Drudge. At least for now, while they have an easily distracted man in the Oval Office, and a Congress that is committed to the usual Republican priorities — tax cuts! — the populist Right is happy enough to see the president use the vast power and prestige of his office to fight the media. It’s a vision of the presidency that’s little more than Sean Hannity’s job, with a few executive orders and judicial appointments on top. Trump is, as much as he can, setting aside the whole responsibility of governance in order to prioritize the Right’s feud with what it sees as the real throne of power, the media. Instead of capturing the media, the presidency channels the Right’s rage at it. Who could possibly care about the executive and legislative branches of the most powerful country on earth? That’s an afterthought when there are idiot elitists who disapprove of us on cable news!

    • Tina says:

      I think your opion is silly and way over the top, Pete.

      Other world leaders are paying attention to Trump. He speaks with them on the phone and in person almost daily. Tweets are not policy as someone recently said.

      What do you suppose they think of coverage by CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the alphabet media that reports on virtually nothing that’s being done, except to disparage it, and concentrates instead on name calling? They perform like an amateur comedy.

      Some of the leaders of foreign nations, in fact most, have experienced life under PRAVDA or some other dictatorial media source. Is our media covering the game or are they engaging in the political Alinsky game (pravda) adopted and used by themselves and the Democrat Party to defeat the opposition and control the narrative? Who makes the presidents Tweets an 24/7 issue…who maginifies them and shoves them to the front page ahead of the important news? I think we both know the answers even if one of us won’t admit to them.

      On what do you base your tic-tac-toe assertion?

      Please advise your children as you wish.

      I would ask only that you apply an even hand. (Must I repeat the list of ugly, irresponsible, demeaning names and assertions collected above?).

      I would hope you also advise them not to emulate our media, left politicians and leftist activists…the so-called artists that are not criticized for enacting an assasination of Trump…and in particular the murdering fools.

      The left started this crap at least as far back as when Reagan ran for governor (my lifetime) and has only accelerated the game since.

      • Tina says:

        Suddenly it’s “not funny”…this stuff is serious, Jack.

        Selective memory allows that this time it’s different than the millions and millions of times left leaders have uttered words to inspire hatred, animosity, disgust and violence. Even in the face of a solid Democrat activist ‘s attempt to take out members of the Republican Congress, this bunch of phonies turn and with a straight face declare Trump the worst ever. Compared to the KKK, the SDS, the Weather Underground, protesters that turned ugly and violent over the years, BLM, Occupy, cop shooters in Dallas, an assassin in DC…and the voices of “revolution” that inspired all of it…an old video of Trump attacking a CNN reporter is the ultimate horror…the last straw.

        Pathetic. and the reason Trump was elected and remains remains popular today.

        Obama was not considered a “child” when he uttered the words, “They bring a knife , we bring a gun” while in full possession of the fact that black kids were murdering each other at alarming rates. Some role model!

        Obama was not considered a “child” when he irresponsibly said that Sgt. James Crowley, “″>”acted stupidly”, in fact he was defended and excused.

        Obama and his henchman Holder were not adolescent, irresponsible, or showing a “disturbing pattern” of activist divisiveness and hatred to incite violence when they began the cops are wantonly killing blacks meme. The result was violence, destruction of property, and cops targeted fir murder, while sitting in their cars, while trying to keep the peace and defending the innocent.

        The moral preaching is bad enough…but the absolute denial about the long history of unscrupulous, vicious, and yes violent attacks from the left is without question the height of ignorance and arrogance.

        This battle isn’t really about Trump and he knows that. This is about America. This is about calling the left and left media on their games, their lies, their deceitful underhanded ways, their phony arrogance and yes, their violent tendencies. This is about saving our nation from the destructive radical left. As our leader Trump is willing to take the hit to facilitate making America great again.

        Happy 4th of July.

  4. Libby says:

    I’m hard pressed to give The Donald so much credit, but D may be on to something. While the Trumpster makes his little morning circus … and we’re all going: “Oh, geez, soooo gross!”, his minions are busily taking the country to pieces.

    Happy 4th, All !

  5. Peggy says:

    Trump isn’t playing tic-tac-toe, he’s playing a three dimensional chess game against the media and they’re loosing. They have a single digit public approval rating because of their biased reporting and history of lies being exposed, thanks to the internet.

    I’m putting my money on Trump come the 2020 election. By then FNN, MSNBC and the NYT will be gone and the rest of the Alphabet networks will be nothing more than tabloid quality bird cage liner. Remember he has Steve Bannon as an adviser. And like him or not the man is no dummy.

    Trump showed the public what hypocrites the media is by condoning his look alike being killed on a stage night after night with everyone cheering. But, when he takes on the lying fake news in a similar stage setting he’s the horrible one. When what he did with his Tweet was throw down the gauntlet to the media, or even better struck them in the face with his notification of, “Game On.” They’ve been after him for two years, now he’s going after them now in a winner take all cage fight.

    • Peggy says:

      Someone else sees Trump’s CNN video as I do. Tammy Bruce on Tucker Carlson’s show tonight.

      • Chris says:

        Trump isn’t playing tic-tac-toe, he’s playing a three dimensional chess game against the media and they’re loosing.

        1. “losing”
        2. I would be very surprised if Trump knows how to play regular chess.

        They have a single digit public approval rating because of their biased reporting and history of lies being exposed, thanks to the internet.

        “The media” as a whole has a low approval rating; those approval ratings are much higher when you look at individual sources. In those polls, NYT and CNN rank near the top, while Breitbart ranks near the bottom.

        I’m putting my money on Trump come the 2020 election. By then FNN, MSNBC and the NYT will be gone

        This is delusional. In particular, MSNBC and NYT are doing better than ever. As for Trump, how do expect him to overcome his low approval ratings? By tweeting and golfing more?

        and the rest of the Alphabet networks will be nothing more than tabloid quality bird cage liner.

        Your president literally gets his news from tabloids, such as his implication that Ted Cruz’s father had something to do with the Kennedy assassination. He has embraced Alex Jones and the birther movement. And this week he literally admitted to controlling the content of the National Enquirer.

        You sure you want to have a conversation about “tabloids?’

        Remember he has Steve Bannon as an adviser. And like him or not the man is no dummy.

        Good god.

        Trump showed the public what hypocrites the media is by condoning his look alike being killed on a stage night after night with everyone cheering.

        How do you know people cheer when Caesar is killed? You’re literally just making stuff up. You’re also ignoring there was a Julius Caesar play with Obama as Caesar a few years ago and no one complained. The whining over this play is idiotic; contemporary interpretations of Shakespeare are common, and the play in no way suggests the assassination of Caesar was a good thing!

        Also: Tammy Bruce?! If I ever agreed with her on anything, I’d be embarrassed to admit it. The woman is legit crazy.

        • Peggy says:

          Chris, did you not read the NY Times is having a huge layoff? How could you not know? Oh that’s right you only rely on the left lying and lying by omission news sources.

          CNN had huge layoffs a couple of years ago and with the low ratings that Tina provided more will be coming. I was going to watch their news last night to see what they had to say, but all of prime time was “The Seventies” and tonight it’s, “The Eighties.” Are they really news or are they going more for entertainment and competing with the History Channel?

          While at Fox last night was all “live” news shows and tonight was prerecorded 4th specials for each regularly scheduled show.

          So, tell me is the reason you don’t like Tammy Bruce is that she’s a gay conservative or just gay? Embarrassed? Wow, that’s kind of a mean hateful thing to say.

          I must say the workers who walked out in protest sure made it easy for their bosses to decide on who to let go. Not too smart.

          New York Times Employees Walk Out As Layoffs Loom:

          “NEW YORK ― In a show of solidarity, employees of The New York Times walked out of their office on Thursday to protest layoffs expected to hit the paper’s copy desk. 

          As part of a 15-minute walkout dubbed a “collective coffee break” by their union, dozens of Times employees facing layoffs and their colleagues marched around the historic paper’s building, chanting, “They say cutbacks, we say fight back!” and “No editors, no piece!”

          Several Times employees told HuffPost that 109 copy editors were offered buyouts as part of a company plan to cut copy desk staff down to as few as 50 people. That revelation ― along with a bizarre interview process, labeled “death panels” by employees, in which copy editors were reportedly forced to justify their continued employment ― led the desk to fire back at the company in an open letter to Executive Editor Dean Baquet and Managing Editor Joe Kahn on Wednesday:

          “You turned your backs on us,” the letter read. 

          “We abhor your decision to wipe out the copy desk. But as we continue this difficult transition, we ask that you sharply increase the available positions for the 109 copy editors, as well as an unknown number of other staff members, who have effectively lost their jobs as a result of your actions.”

          Looks like the cuts have been going on for several years too.

    • Peggy says:

      Hummm…. FNN may not make it to cover the 2020 elections.

      Just How Badly Is CNN Collapsing? Look At These Stunning Numbers.

      “That’s right, CNN was unable to hit 900,000 viewers in any of its primetime timeslots on Tuesday. The closest it got was 886,000 during the 7 p.m. hour, and it spent nearly half the evening under 800,000. 
      The comparisons between CNN’s viewership and that of Fox News and MSNBC are truly eye-opening. Fox News tripled CNN’s viewership in nearly all of the primetime slots. Fellow left-wing network MSNBC dominated CNN in all primetime hours as well, doubling its viewership by average for most of the evening. 

      And these numbers are not outliers; CNN has been increasingly coming in last to Fox and MSNBC and often struggles to reach the million-viewer mark during its primetime programming. As Daily Wire’s John Nolte puts it, the network is in a full-blown ratings “death spiral” prompted by its credibility crisis:”

      And this one is the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

      CNN Tries To Get Trump Kicked Off Twitter. Twitter Responds By Pointing And Laughing At CNN.:

      “Over the weekend, CNN’s Brian Stelter, who is overjoyed to cash massive checks from the very company that sponsored President Trump’s nightly on-stage assassination, ran crying and screaming to tell on President Trump. After Trump tweeted out an epic video that showed him giving CNN a WWE style beatdown, via email, Stelter immediately tattled to Twitter. The Daily Wire has obtained an exclusive copy of that email:”


        • Tina says:

          So much for polls.

          July 1, 2017, The Blaze, “Media gloats about Trump’s low approval ratings — then poll reveals their humiliating ratings”

          A new USA Today/Suffolk University poll released Thursday found that Trump’s approval rating stands at 42 percent while his disapproval rating stands at 53 percent — an ll-point gap. … the same survey also polled how favorable or unfavorable America views the media.

          It turns out, according to the USA Today/Suffolk University poll, that Americans dislike the media more than they do the president.

          When asked how they view the media, only 36 percent of respondents said they approve of the mainstream media while an majority 50 percent said they disapprove of the press.

          No members of the media highlighted their low approval ratings.

          Among other approvals, only 37 percent said they approved of the Republican Party, while just 36 percent said they approved of the Democratic Party.

          And the lowest approval? That unsurprisingly belongs to Congress. The poll found that just 19 percent of Americans approve of their job.

          That’s because Republicans are willing to let our leaders know when they disappoint us…unlike your lock step members.

          TV Newser – Adweek

          Jun. 29, 2017…25-54 demographic… Primetime: FNC: 2.647 | CNN: 882 | MSNBC: 2.098, examples:

          8PM slot Fox Carlson 512, CNN Cooper 313, MSNBC Hayes 351

          10PM slot Fox Hannity 614, CNN Lemon 335, MSNBC O’Donnell 439

          CNN can’t be trusted and most people know it: July 2016, “75 Percent Positive Response to Donald Trump Speech — So CNN Trashes Its Own Poll”

          On Thursday night, Trump gave a one-hour-and-fifteen-minute speech accepting the Republican nomination. The speech was so overwhelmingly well-received among the crowd that the media did not know what to do to tear it apart. Chyrons appeared on mainstream networks: “Trump Accepts Nomination.” Nothing scandalous.

          CNN late-night host Don Lemon’s face was distraught during his panel, as was the face of one-time Ted Cruz employee Amanda Carpenter. Lemon’s show would play on the screens at public places without any sound, which was appreciated by the attendees.

          At 12:52 a.m., this reporter texted Breitbart Washington political editor Matthew Boyle the following message: “56 percent more likely to vote for Trump post speech. 75 percent positive reaction – CNN POLL!!!!!!”

          “Huge write,” Boyle replied.

          The text was in reference to a CNN instant poll that was briefly displayed onscreen. The numbers were accurate, which brings up one of the problems with instant polls: mainstream media networks have to end up downplaying and throwing cold water on their own poll results when they show support for Trump.

          The CNN article, “World Reacts to Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech,” reads:

          El Pais, Spain’s highest circulation newspaper, said Trump’s speech offered a “grim vision of America.” While the UK’s Daily Telegraph described the speech as “deeply pessimistic” and said fact-checkers were “highly critical,” it highlighted a CNN instant poll that found that 56% of Americans who watched the speech responded positively.

          This reporter did not happen to meet anyone from El Pais or the UK’s Daily Telegraph in Cleveland at the convention – where a killer Neil Diamond cover band held court in the afternoon civic space next to the upper decks of the Indians’ ballpark.

          But CNN’s report is flawed: the 56 percent number was actually the lower of two numbers. The instant poll actually showed that 75 percent of Americans had a positive view of the speech, and that 56 percent would be more likely to vote for him following the speech.

          CNN apparently thinks so little of its own instant polling service that it buries the results in the bottom paragraphs of a tedious article citing the newspapers in Spain.

        • Peggy says:

          Another nail in CNN’s coffin. I wonder what their stock is doing this morning after they disclosed they had identified the 15 year old teen who had created the CNN GIF with logo video and threatened to expose his identity if he did anything like it again.

          The hashtag called “CNNBlackmail” is trending as #1 with hackers and computer geeks from both parties going after CNN.

          CNN’s ‘#CNNBlackMail’ hashtag of shame:

          “But you get the idea. CNN’s mad; Trump must die. Yada yada. Then CNN learned the true identity of Solo and said this: We may or may not publish this guy’s name.
          Depending on how things go.

          Andrew Kaczynski, senior editor of CNN’s KFile, said in a written statement that CNN has chosen to withhold the man’s identity for the time being “because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.”

          But then came this rather ominous ending: “CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change,” Kaczynski wrote.

          Was that a threat?

          Why yes, yes it does seem to smell of blackmail, doesn’t it.

          Social media went nuts.

          “CNN Threatens Reddit User for Exercising Free Speech,” tweeted one, Stefan Molyneux, above a photo of Trump’s face with the text, “CNN Blackmail.”

          Julian Assange weighed in: “A multi-billion dollar TV network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism, CNN. #CNNBlackmail.”

          So did plenty of others. Another: “Count me among those that [find] CNN’s veiled doxing threat to [HanA**holeSolo] very, very ethically shaky.”
          Another: “Is that normal? Is @CNN essentially threatening to dox him, or am I reading that wrong?”
          And another, from Mark Dice, media analyst: “The history books will show that on #july4th2017 CNN blackmailed someone who made a joke gif about them. #CNNBlackmail.”

          Take a memo, CNN. It’s one thing to go after a president with skewed reporting and agenda-driven partisanship. But it’s quite another to threaten and bully an innocent citizen into silence. The people don’t like that.

          And on the day of celebrating the great Declaration of Independence from tyranny and despotic rule. For shame.”
          CNN Slammed Over Threats To Dox Reddit User Who Created Trump Meme:

      • J. Soden says:

        Only folks still watching CNN/FNN are relatives who are still employed there or viewers that don’t know how to change channels.

        Speaking of changing channels, saw a post where an air traveler carries a universal remote with him and changes the channels in the bars and waiting areas in the airports to something other than CNN/FNN. Evidently widely successful as others are starting to do it. Two thumbs up!

  6. Post Scripts says:

    This only proves that the lame stream media has no sense of humor. As one pundit said today on Fox, Trump has CNN and MSN running in circles, like cats chasing the beam of light from a laser pointer. lol

    • Chris says:

      It isn’t funny, Jack. We’ve already seen a GOP politician physically assault a journalist and still win an election. Trump encouraged violence against dissenters at his campaign rallies. He has declared the press “the enemy of the people.” This is part of a disturbing pattern. The man is a child.

    • Tina says:

      Suddenly it’s “not funny”…this stuff is serious, Jack.

      Selective memory allows that this time it’s different than the millions and millions of times left leaders have uttered words to inspire hatred, animosity, disgust and violence. Even in the face of a solid Democrat activist ‘s attempt to take out members of the Republican Congress, this bunch of phonies turn and with a straight face declare Trump the worst ever. Compared to the KKK, the SDS, the Weather Underground, protesters that turned ugly and violent over the years, BLM, Occupy, cop shooters in Dallas, an assassin in DC…and the voices of “revolution” that inspired all of it…an old video of Trump attacking a CNN reporter is the ultimate horror…the last straw.

      Pathetic. and the reason Trump was elected and remains remains popular today.

      Obama was not considered a “child” when he uttered the words, “They bring a knife , we bring a gun” while in full possession of the fact that black kids were murdering each other at alarming rates. Some role model!

      Obama was not considered a “child” when he irresponsibly said that Sgt. James Crowley, “″>”acted stupidly”, in fact he was defended and excused.

      Obama and his henchman Holder were not adolescent, irresponsible, or showing a “disturbing pattern” of activist divisiveness and hatred to incite violence when they began the cops are wantonly killing blacks meme. The result was violence, destruction of property, and cops targeted fir murder, while sitting in their cars, while trying to keep the peace and defending the innocent.

      The moral preaching is bad enough…but the absolute denial about the long history of unscrupulous, vicious, and yes violent attacks from the left is without question the height of ignorance and arrogance.

      This battle isn’t really about Trump and he knows that. This is about America. This is about calling the left and left media on their games, their lies, their deceitful underhanded ways, their phony arrogance and yes, their violent tendencies. This is about saving our nation from the destructive radical left. As our leader Trump is willing to take the hit to facilitate making America great again.

      Happy 4th of July.

  7. Tina says:

    “That assertion is factually true, which is why you didn’t try and rebut it”

    Why rebut an absurd statement reflective of the left’s attitude and not Trumps record.

    “Trump admitted…” The spin here is obvious…you attempt to say Trump “admits” he’s clueless.

    Trump recently met with members of Congress. I don;t know what all they talked about but I do know he suggested that they repeal Obamacare (as promised) first and then pass their replacement legislation which would be easier to do with Obamacare gone, rather than trying to do both at once!

    Whether they take that advice or not is yet to be seen.

    It is not his job to have a written plan.

    Obama did not have a written plan.

    A written plan, otherwise know as a bill in it’s final form, is the job of legislators in Congress. Trump has worked with them several times to resolve differences.

    The House has passed legislation and sent it on to the Senate.

    This is the normal legislative process.

    Please remember Obamacare was signed by Obama on March 23, 2010, a little over a year following inauguration and after considerable wrangling in Congress.

    Obama’s desired plan was single payer but he knew he couldn’t get that through so he and Biden, as leaders of the party, decided to sell deceitful lies to the public and get as much government control as possible instead. That was the essence of their plan…the truth of it is something quite different:

    1. What is the core principle of your health care plan?

    On health care reform, the American people are too often offered two extremes — government-run health care with higher taxes (Obamacare included higher taxes) or letting the insurance companies operate without rules (a lie-insurance co’s were regulated). Joe Biden and I believe both of these extremes are wrong, and that’s why we’ve proposed a plan that provides affordable, accessible health care options for all, makes insurance companies accountable, and ensures patient choice of doctor and care without government interference (lies).

    I believe that by ensuring all Americans have access to affordable and quality care (lies) that focuses on improving health outcomes (questinable), we will be able to reduce health care costs (nope) and ensure that America remains the most productive nation in the world (wrong again!).

    2. Your plan is estimated to cost $60-$100 billion a year. In light of recent economic upheavals in this country, the war, and more, is it realistic to think you could get funding for this plan (especially if Congress doesn’t overturn Pres. Bush’s tax cuts)?

    One of the things that I have said from the start of this campaign is that we have a moral commitment as well as an economic imperative to do something about the health care crisis (un-huh) that so many families are facing.

    My health care plan is fully paid for (wrong-20113, National Review”, “GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit) by helping reduce wasteful costs in our health care system, including ending wasteful subsidies in the Medicare Advantage program and allowing Medicare to negotiate for prescription drugs, and ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

    Newsmax, “CBO Report: Obamacare to Cost Government $50K Per Person”

    The CBO says it cost $1.993 trillion for insurance subsidies to struggling Americans, and to pay for a widespread expansion of Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program.

    The amount would be offset by $643 billion in new taxes, penalties and fees related to the Obamacare law … “‘the net costs of the coverage provisions of the [Affordable Care Act] will rise sharply as the effects of the act phase in from 2015 through 2017.”

    It also said that the Obamacare costs will “rise steadily through 2022” before leveling off for three years. But even then, Obamacare will cost the government “about $145 billion.”

    The Weekly Standard, “Report: Obamacare Will Cost Taxpayers Additional $10 Billion”

    the cost of premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act will increase by $9.8 billion next year, rising from $32.8 billion currently to $42.6 billion.

    The average monthly subsidy will increase by $76, or 26 percent, from $291 currently to $367 in 2017.

    Currently more than 8 in 10 consumers buying private health insurance through and state markets receive tax credits from the government to help pay their premiums. Those subsidies are designed to rise along with premiums, shielding consumers from sudden increases. But the bill ultimately gets passed on to taxpayers.

    2015 Washington Examiner, “Obamacare: 2016 sticker shock”

    Health insurers are proposing to raise Obamacare rates more than in the past — some by more than 70 percent — now that they are finally equipped with all the information they need to price those plans.

    Plans wanting to raise rates by at least 10 percent next year posted the proposed increase online Monday, as required by the 2010 healthcare law. Insurers are allowed to raise rates each year, but they must publish significant increases ahead of time.

    Free Beacon, “Nancy Pelosi’s Health Care Tweet Gets Unintended Response”

    Nancy Pelosi on You Tube “Nancy Pelosi describes ObamaCare as “Affordable. Affordable. Affordable. Affordable…” – CSPAN

    Your lectures and assertions are weak and ridiculous due to the past performance of your party which we so fully recall.

    ” that’s why it’s called “Obamacare.”

    Oh please! You HATED that we called it that! It was deemed Obamacare in memory of another equally complex, costly, and punishing healthcare idea dubbed Hillarycare.

    Trump proposed ideas for healthcare as a candidate that included allowing prescription drugs to be imported, turning the Medicaid program for the poor into block grants to states, the sale of health insurance plans across state lines, full deduction of health insurance premiums from income tax, making sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance, allowing individuals to use Health Savings Accounts to pay for out-of-pocket expenses (Accounts tax free and passable to heirs), requiring price transparency from all healthcare providers, and reforming mental health programs and institutions, bringing an end to the onerous taxes and regulations that are costing the American people jobs, raising health insurance costs, and lost buying power due to added taxes and fees!

    Steve Bannon, the derided advisor to Trump is no dummy, Chris. He has the following degrees: MBA, Harvard University, MA, Georgetown University, Bachelor’s Degree, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He worked as an investment banker after serving seven years as a naval officer. He worked briefly in the entertainment industry and acquired stakes in five television shows including Seinfeld. He produced several movies (including Anthony Hopkins’s 1999 Oscar-nominated Titus. He produced a number of movies including a documentary on Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil, as well as Fire from the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman, The Undefeated (Sarah Palin), and Occupy Unmasked). Bannon is also the Executive Chairman and co-founder of The Government Accountability Institute (GAI), which is probably the thing that most makes him a target for destruction by the left.

    Sugar coating on the one hand and attacking on the other just isn’t working for you.

  8. Peggy says:

    I rest my case. CNN lacks the mental capacity to understand what Trump is doing even when it’s explained to them.

    CNN’s Alisyn Camerota accepts ‘career advice’ from GOP Congressman: You’re getting played: Must see video.

  9. Tina says:

    Just ran across another list of demeaning words and phrases the left has used to describe Trump…remember as you are reading, this is the morally superior, tolerant and kind hearted, all inclusive left:

    Slate, “Here’s Everything Samantha Bee Has Called Donald Trump on Full Frontal”

    More here and here

    Hat tip TownHall, “Why They Hate Trump So Much”…well worth a read.

    • Chris says:

      Today the president parroted Russian propaganda on foreign soil, saying “nobody really knows” whether or not they were behind the hacking (reversing his earlier admission) and once again disparaging our own intelligence community.

      It’s time to consider whether there’s a reason behind the hatred. He is clearly putting the interests of Russia above the interests of America.

  10. Truth To Power says:

    What is the worst situation that came from this?

    A Person made the video and Trump retweeted it.

    A CNN hack tracked down the person who made the video and threatened them. Threatened to publish their personal information and made them apologize. Said they reserve the right to publish their identity if they do not obey from here on out.

    That is what this country has come to.

    Also be careful of AI Bots in chats. They are there to learn how to control. So when you see a troll and they seem robotic but learn, be aware they are probably an AI Bot. DO not block or report them it makes them multiply.

    We are far from free.

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