A Little Something Our Media Will Not Tell You About That Trump-Putin Meet

Posted by Tina

The US Media is stuck on stupid, their stupid mission to bring down the President before he has a chance to do the terrible things their over active imaginations concoct. So we don’t hear a lot about the positive things that follow Trump’s words and actions. An article by David P. Goldman that will inform Americans is published at Asia Times, “Trump is right about challenging Russia over Syria”

What? He said…? Wait…what?

The ceasefire in three Syrian provinces announced Friday after the Trump-Putin meeting in Hamburg is the first step in the right direction that the United States has taken in the Middle East in more than 20 years. The Syrian deal should be understood in the context of President Trump’s address in Warsaw the day before, a challenge to Russia to “join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself.” Syria’s civil war has become a school of subversion for tens of thousands of Shi’ite as well as Sunni terrorists, and the major powers have an urgent interest in extinguishing it.

As a first step towards a “broader and more detailed arrangement,” in the words of a senior State Department official, the ceasefire opens a path to what I have called a Westphalian Peace, referring to the 1648 treaty that ended the devastating Thirty Years War. Trump achieved this result by calling Russia to account for past misbehavior while offering a deal that is in both countries’ best interests. It is a small step involving only a fraction of contested Syrian territory, but the agreement nonetheless breaks new ground.

The senior official briefing reporters July 6 said, this is an important step, but it is a first step in what we envision to be a more complex and robust ceasefire arrangement and de-escalation arrangement in southwest Syria. The official added that “there’s an expectation the Russians will use their influence to ensure that [the Iranians] respect the ceasefire.” He added, “The basis of the whole understanding is obviously that each side, each party to it uses its influence with those parties on the ground with which we have relationships. So we and Jordan, in particular, have good relationships with the Southern Front, with the principal armed factions in southwest Syria.”

As I explained in a June 9 essay [“No-one likes Trump, I don’t care”], “There is no way to end the conflict without an agreement with Russia and China, who are backing Iran’s intervention in Syria as much as Washington backed the Sunni rebels fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime. That means both sides must leash their own dogs.” (continues)

It’s too soon to think this new administration’s efforts will lead to, oh let’s say, “world peace,” but it sure could lead to a more stable ME in the near future. Thank you for the information Asia Times.

In contrast, is it not an embarrassing shame that our own MSM spends it’s precious time in a gossipy loop like student journalists in junior high?

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16 Responses to A Little Something Our Media Will Not Tell You About That Trump-Putin Meet

  1. Libby says:

    Did you know that you can google “how many ceasefires in Syria?” … and get an answer.
    Wild. You will be informed, even, that “ceasefires in Syria” come in two varieties: “proposed” and “agreed upon”. And maybe this accounts for everybody’s lack of enthusiasm over this most recently “proposed”?

    But it’s true … if Trump’s understaffed State Department cannot follow through (and it is our and Russia’s actual Minions of State who actually get this sort of thing done … NOT Trump or Pooty) … it is true that the media will pound the poor Trumpster for his incompetent administration.

    Why on earth shouldn’t they?

    • Tina says:

      Libby thank you for demonstrating beautifully that you have no idea what a leader is or does.

      “NOT Trump or Pooty”

      OR OBAMA?

      Or Hillary for that matter and she WAS at state. Oh well, such is the mind of a liberal progressive.

      Our media had no trouble giving praise and accolades to their imagined savior.

    • Peggy says:

      Trump is understaffed because of the Democrats who are obstructing his appointments. Since they didn’t win they’re doing everything they can to stop him from fulfilling his plans to Make America Great Again.

      Since there are only 11 working days left this month Trump may cancel the August recess to force Congress to do their jobs. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

      “Aside from pushing the nothingburger Russia collusion story, Democrats have also obstructed even the most basic operations in the federal government.

      Democrats have shut down more than 90% of Trump’s nominations for office — for comparison, Republicans filibustered just 10% of President Obama’s picks in his first six months.

      Just how bad is it? Read this passage from a Wall Street Journal piece from Tuesday:

      Democratic obstruction against nominees is nearly total, most notably including a demand for cloture filings for every nominee—no matter how minor the position. This means a two-day waiting period and then another 30 hours of debate. The 30-hour rule means Mr. Trump might not be able to fill all of those 400 positions in four years. The cloture rule also allows the minority to halt other business during the 30-hour debate period, which helps slow the GOP policy and oversight agenda.

      Democrats have also refused to return a single “blue slip” to the Judiciary Committee, which has the effect of blocking consideration of judicial nominees from their home states. Senators like Minnesota’s Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar are holding hostage the eminently qualified Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals for no reason other than politics.”

      • Libby says:

        Mind you, this is a little dated, a month old, but:


        444 of 559 positions un-nominated ??? in June ??? six months in ??? that’s kinda pitiful, don’t you think ???

        And the really galling thing is that all this “bare-bones” governing, while making it difficult to get anything done, will not put one little dimple in the deficit. It’s all just show-boating, as usual.

        • Tina says:

          Time…how credible are they? Their latest cover features Don Jr. with the heading “Red Handed” in bright yellow.

          How many times would they have put Hillary on the cover if they were to be believed? Hundreds!

          Things are getting done. You won’t like most of it. That’s politics.

          • Chris says:

            I mean, Time is credible enough for Donald Trump to make fake covers of himself on it…so…

            But attacking the source is unnecessary in this case; it can’t be hard to find out if the lack of nominations is a fact.

            You just don’t want to find out.

  2. Libby says:

    Do I call it? … or do I call it?


    Twenty-four hours in, the ceasefire is a success … because he tweets it ??

    I mean, this is getting REALLY embarrassing.

    • Tina says:

      Ah yes Buzzfeed. That paragon of good information and quality reporting. No bias there. Not an ounce of contempt or propensity for gotcha….not to mention…perpetrators of fake news.

      CNN hired some of the Buzzfeed gang to write their fake news programming just last summer.

      Good call, Libby, You and they are REALLY embarrassing.

  3. Truth To Power says:


    All of the Red Pill and Blue Pill people and their Media are embarrassing

    Media spins small facts on both sides,

    This protect Trump and Hillary at all costs while doxing the other side is counterproductive.

    Truth is we have so much in our gov that is wrong people better wake up and stop this fighting or we will go down.

    It so happens I am working on the DNC and Clinton foundation/initiative case because I started 2 years ago and we will take them down. But do not think the Republicans are some kind of clean saints.

    Funny Obama made it legal for the CIA to feed the media Propaganda and now there are 2 bills we need to investigate to shut down Independent news?

    This involves all of us and also we are over the Target. New laws to shut people up?

    Trump is profiting off this but for now he is of small concern. He is not a statesman nor is he really knowledgeable

    headlines worth vetting …………………..

    350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists Azerbaijan’s Silk Way Airlines transports weapons with diplomatic clearance for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Congo.

    Our ports are ran by the AEU , China ect ect – Diplomatic pouches are now containers shipping around the world where no one can touch them. WHat is in some of these? Not just furniture for a couple diplomats. Too many shipments. – Scanning for the east coast is done in Pakistan? Perfect for a dirty bomb?

    there is more going on than this stupid red/Blue fight

    Stop trying to pump up Trump and dig in any story, those are the lightest of subjects.

    • Tina says:

      “while doxing the other side”

      The other side? I thought you were against sides.

      “we have so much in our gov that is wrong people better wake up and stop this fighting”

      Your right, there is a lot that’s wrong. But you are wrong that the fight is frivolous and not about the things that are important to the continuation of our republic, our constitution, and the rule of law.

      “New laws to shut people up?”

      NAME THEM!

      Dewey (TTP) I’ve asked you to post evidence of actual wrongdoing. Spit ball comments are useless. We seek information not random unanswered questions.

      “Stop trying to pump up Trump…”

      How about you stop. Stop telling other what to do.

      “…and dig in any story, those are the lightest of subjects.”

      If you don’t like the subject, don’t bother to comment.

  4. Truth To Power says:

    UAE sorry

  5. Chris says:

    In contrast, is it not an embarrassing shame that our own MSM spends it’s precious time in a gossipy loop like student journalists in junior high?

    And you wouldn’t describe our president tweeting about women’s facelifts as such…why?

    • Libby says:

      My, Lord, yes. Any and all prizes for “lowering the tone”, the bar, and just about anything else that can be lowered, go to Team Trump. God-awful vulgarians.

    • Tina says:

      His tweets are not something I particularly like but I do understand what compels him to do it.

      Republican Presidents and candidates have ignored demeaning social grunge targeted at them, and allowed many false accusations to spread like cancer to their, and our nations, detriment. It’s unfortunate that our society has become so coarse, feckless, and biased but that’s the reality. Tweeting is the social medium of choice today; the President will not ignore or hide from it’s vicious stream. Instead he chooses to meet it slam for slam. I can’t say I blame him. He did not create this atmosphere.

      A case could well be made that your party has had a big hand in creating this atmosphere all the way back to the show trial of Clarence Thomas with it’s ugly, specious accusations and horn dog Bill Clinton making fun of “family values.” It has laughed and dismissed such all the way through the decades to the present with feminists wearing pu$$y costumes and screaming F-U. Our society has tolerated the left entertainment industry calling police officers pigs and seeking their deaths. Our society tolerates, even celebrates, all kinds of bad language and acts…EXCEPT for DT. All of a sudden you pull out the book of morality and decency.

      Sorry I have no desire to join the cries of foul from a society that has such strong record of embracing the foul.

      We’ve tried taking a higher road. We’ve tried tolerance. Enough is enough. It’s time for a different tack. It may be uncomfortable but it can’t be any worse than all we have tolerated in the past.

      • Libby says:

        Tina, you are conflating all manner stuff in no rational way related … that is, being hysterical.

        Clarence takes the prize for the least productive Supreme Court jurist ever … on top of being a pig.

        Bill, irrefutably a pig, was disbarred. The system is what it is. It’s the best we could do. And I do think it pained him.

        Philando Castillo was murdered, and his murderer got $45k in severance. That sort of thing will have to stop before the nation’s police are again respected and safe in their vehicles.

        As to your distaste of the rowdy young women … get over it.

        And what any of this has to do with The Donald’s extraordinary lack of personal discipline … is beyond me.

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