Trump Was Right on Climate Accord, Some Nations Playing US for Dollars

Posted by Tina

Anyone with a bit of common sense, and our President has a plenty of it, knows that the Climate Accord set the US up as the biggest sucker on the planet. Trump was wise not to sign on to the accord and his reasoning was quite sound…it was a “very bad deal” for Americans. Now Turkey’s president, Recep Erdogan, confirms what Trump organically understood:

Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan admits the only reason for being in the Paris Climate Treaty was to get money from the U.S. and other more wealthy nations. Now that the U.S. has pulled out of the treaty, there’s no reason to expect the financial benefits.

Proving yet again, for the eleventyth time, that the entire construct of the Paris Climate Treaty had nothing to do with the actual climate (ie. weather), and everything to do with economic wealth distribution.

Don’t cry little greenies, we will continue our already excellent conservation efforts and encourage responsible conservation by others. But we will no longer throw our tax dollars to questionable governments that can’t be bothered to clean up their own air and water. There’s a bonus too. Our deficit and debt levels will be better for it!

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3 Responses to Trump Was Right on Climate Accord, Some Nations Playing US for Dollars

  1. Joe says:

    And here’s another thing Trump is getting right. If you want to know what single payer will be like just look at the VA before Trump began cleaning it out. Mark my word, we will get single payer once the Demorats are back in the White House.

    YOU’RE FIRED! Trump’s VA Terminates 500, Suspends 200 For Misconduct

    Scores of veterans have died waiting for care while VA bureaucrats falsified data to procure monetary bonuses, but fixes have been slow to come by largely because the union that represents VA employees has used its political muscle with Democrats to emphasize job security for government employees.

  2. Truth To Power says:

    Please give up your medicare now we do not want that VA like HC hurting you. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and get off the gov Dole.

    Time to put your money where your mouth is and congress too no more lifetime full coverage

    It will help cure your case of hypocrisy as well.

  3. Tina says:

    Dewey (TTP) please notify your representative to change the law if you want to be rid of Medicare. As for me, I was forced to pay into it and unless our government is prepared to reimburse me for my own donations and those I made on behalf of my employees they…and you…can go pound sand.

    I’ve already put my money where my mouth is. Time for you to act like a grown up and use the process available to you to express your grievances…contact your Congressmen!

    There is no hypocrisy here, just an overtaxed citizen who had nothing to do with implementing medicare…contact your Congressmen!

    Or maybe you’d like to reimburse me? You seem to think bigger and more expensive single payer would fix the problem. I’d still be “on the dole” and the working class would still be paying for it.

    You like to play the bully don’t you!

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