What Was IT Guy Imran Awan & His Family Up To for 13 Years?

Thanks to Peggy for bringing this Andrew McCarthy article to our attention. It covers everything we know so far about the IT guys that worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and several other congressional Democrats who served on the House Intelligence Committee.

This family of criminals had their fingers in many pies and managed to accumulate $4 million from taxpayers since 2009. They were also involved in “extensive financial shenanigans away from the Capitol.” But McCarthy says the fraud charges are just “window dressing” for what he believes could be a real conspiracy. There are unanswered questions that point to the possibility:

Why were they paid so much for doing so little? Intriguing as it is, that’s a side issue. A more pressing question is: Why were they given access to highly sensitive government information? Ordinarily, that requires a security clearance, awarded only after a background check that peruses ties to foreign countries, associations with unsavory characters, and vulnerability to blackmail. These characters could not possibly have qualified. Never mind access; it’s hard to fathom how they retained their jobs.

Widespread crime, sloppiness, incompetence, and betrayal is the legacy of the last eight years. Clearly we dodged a bullet by choosing Trump over Clinton. Can you imagine, boys and girls, had the corruption gotten the cover of a Hillary presidency?

Unfinished business from the Obama years hangs in the air like smoke from summer fires. Until these wrongs are fully exposed and dealt with judiciously our nation cannot claim a mantle of high ethical standards and equal justice under the law. The McCarthy article is long but worth your time if you haven’t already read it.

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15 Responses to What Was IT Guy Imran Awan & His Family Up To for 13 Years?

  1. J. Soden says:

    Another strange silence from the Alphabet media on this one. Only place you’ll find this story covered is on FoxNews, National Review Online, Breitbart, Daily Caller or other non-Demwit-paid media.
    But you’ll still hear plenty about Russian “collusion” even thought that story has already fallen apart.

  2. Joe says:

    Why was Debbie Loserman Schultz and other Demonrats making the Awans rich?

    One hint would be that these Demonrats are every bit as criminal as the Awans. If you haven’t figured it out yet, they are partners in crime.


  3. Peggy says:

    Thanks Tina or Jack for posting this front page.

    Here’s another good read. I haven’t watched the documentary yet since it’s almost an hour long.

    The Trump Effect:

    “Deprogramming the American mind.

    Six months into the Trump presidency, it seems safe to say that America has never had a political experience like the one he has brought to the White House. He has sparked a stark raving mad #resistance from the left that makes Bush Derangement Syndrome look fair and balanced. The news media hang on his every tweet. Hollywood is practically self-combusting in panic and disbelief. Climate change Cassandras are melting down. Illegal aliens are feeling the heat as well. He has even thrown his own party into turmoil. All of this hysterical disarray has resulted from the impact not of a movement or a Party, but of one man, Donald Trump.

    Now a new documentary offers some thoughtful commentary on President Trump’s agitating arrival on the political scene. Produced, directed and edited by Agustin Blazquez, The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind features author and filmmaker Laurence Jarvik musing upon the rise of Trump and how this iconoclastic President is changing the way Americans think about ourselves and the world. Over the course of an hour of discussion, Jarvik’s primary thesis is that Trump is dismantling the politically correct ideology that has dominated American political discourse since 9/11, which will lead the way to a newfound freedom and unification of a country on its way to becoming great again.

    Laurence Jarvik is the editor and publisher of Penny-A-Page Press and the author of
    PBS: Behind the Screen and Masterpiece Theater and the Politics of Quality. He is also the director of Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die, a documentary about America’s indifference to the plight of European Jews during the Holocaust. Agustin Blazquez is the Cuban filmmaker behind a seven-part Covering Cuba documentary series and the founder of UnCovering Cuba Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization.

    “The Trump effect,” Jarvik begins, “is the deprogramming of the American mind, and Trump is the Deprogrammer-in-Chief.” Since the traumatic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Jarvik notes, “Americans have somehow been programmed, indoctrinated, sort of fed a lot of fantasy ideology, whether it’s in schools, whether in the media, whether in politics,” and the brainwashing and fear induced by this PC totalitarianism is similar to being immersed in a cult. The process of breaking free from its grip is not unlike the process whereby a cult follower is deprogrammed.

    Jarvik is hopeful that Trump can break this spell; indeed, he is already doing it. “The techniques Trump is using are the same techniques used by deprogrammers,” he argues. “First they have to discredit the cult leader… [Trump] did it with the Clintons and the Bushes, and he did it with President Obama.”


    • Tina says:

      Outstanding Peggy! I hope he’s right.

    • Peggy says:

      Just watched the video and must say he presents a valid argument with current and historical facts upon which he draws his conclusion. While I agree with most of what he presented there are some I’m reserving until I have time to digest and research.

      I do agree we have been living in fear since 9/11 of being attacked again by terrorist and from within by our own gov’t if you don’t agree with it. And we live in fear because of the PC police of being called a racist, bigot, homophobe, etc. which has taken away free speech right and our right of association and assemble.

      The mind control practice and process he presents does explain how the radical left can say they are for women and gay rights, while limiting their support for some religions and supporting a religion that denies gays and women the right to live as they want. They remain silent, instead of speaking up and protesting the killings of women and gays. Both acts are a contradiction of themselves and make no logical sense. One is either for or against such acts and the victims’ religion/faith should not be a factor.

      Today’s liberals are like watching a pack of dogs react as trained when the bell rings.

  4. Joe says:

    Wooseyman Schultz should be in prison sharing a cell with crooked Hillary. How can anyone think otherwise? But I’m sure the Demorats who infest this blog think Debbie is a saint.


    As you let all that sink in, consider this: Awan and his family cabal of fraudsters had access for years to the e-mails and other electronic files of members of the House’s Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Committees. It turns out they were accessing members’ computers without their knowledge, transferring files to remote servers, and stealing computer equipment — including hard drives that Awan & Co. smashed to bits of bytes before making tracks.
    They were fired in February. All except Awan, that is. He continued in the employ of Wasserman Schultz, the Florida Democrat, former DNC chairwoman, and Clinton crony. She kept him in place at the United States Congress right up until he was nabbed at the airport on Monday. This is not about bank fraud. The Awan family swindles are plentiful, but they are just window-dressing. This appears to be a real conspiracy, aimed at undermining American national security.

  5. Joe says:

    And of course Blowsi thinks she’ll be Speaker again. Demonrats have no shame…


  6. Libby says:

    First, it was $2 million … now it’s $4? Typical.

    And, someday you clowns are going to learn to do arithmetic. Two million divided by seven years is a little less than $155K a year, which is nothing scandalous, but also no impediment to a little fraud on the side. We’ll have to see what the jury says.

    In the meantime, the McCarthy guy should be ashamed of himself for pandering this paranoid conspiracy stuff for a buck … which, actually, he could not do, if you weren’t sitting there, lapping it up.


    • Tina says:

      The figure changed because the criminal activity continuedduh! :

      Home sales could be a vehicle to continue moving large amounts of money to Pakistan even after Imran’s arrest. Authorities released him with a GPS monitor and confiscated his passport.

      Another political scandal is the idiocy of the representatives:

      Soon after Imran began working as an IT aide for Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, various House Democrats added his wife Hina, his brothers Abid and Jamal, Abid’s wife Natalia Sova, and two friends to their payrolls. But just as real estate transactions appeared to use relatives as stand-ins, there are reasons to believe not all of them were actually showing up for work.

      During their time supposedly working on the Hill, one in the group was running a car dealership. Another worked at McDonald’s until he was fired, at which point he sat home all day, his housemate told TheDCNF. A third of the IT troop was a 20-year old college student, and multiple members of the group spent months at a time in Pakistan.

      Most of the group were paid salaries far higher than the norm for House IT staffers. They collected $4 million since 2009 — money that seemed to disappear with no sign of lavishness in their lifestyles, a six-month investigation by TheDCNF found.

      And you keep insisting that these people, sloppy wasteful Democrats, are the ones who should have control of taxpayer money and our national security!

      Window dressing…naturally you focus on window dressing. The deep scandal is the fact that Schultz and the other Dems that used them gave these clowns free access to sensitive secret information and overpaid them as they did.

      McCarthy has a much better understanding than you…obviously!

  7. Joe says:

    This could be one of the biggest scandals in US history.

    These Demonrats are criminals but they are some of the worst kinds of criminals: black mailed criminals. Up to 80 Demonrats may have been black mailed including Wooseyman Schultz.

    Must see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKzzyOsvajc

  8. Tina says:

    Sloppy AND corrupt…a bad combo in a representative.

  9. Truth To Power says:

    This is a huge scandal and you were warned months ago. You ignore truth till you read it? Do the research many are. There is more than just an IT guy here.

    News cycles are so far behind it is not funny. They are barely breaking the story. We the people are pushing this out. Yes Berners and many Trump supporters who join us.

    Get with it and drop this party crap. Congress has most likely been infiltrated for years.

    The Pee Pee dossier and Seth Rich story are a Hoax We know GPS fusion likely created the Dossier but what is the real Seth story? He was no lamb and Seth Rich’s brother, Aaron Rich is a Software Engineer for Northrop Grumman Corporation.. With Top Security Clearance Status.

    Why no death cert? No answers yet.

    It is very probable Blackmail is the number one issue with congress not acting. The swamp is so full it will take all of us to unite to save our own lives. The Empire is falling.

    We have Iran Contra 2.0 – operation Paperclip 2.0 ect.going folks

    It is citizen journalism doing the research. You poo poo these stories all the time. I do not make up stuff. You just refuse to look at what this country has really become.

    USA is Pay to Play and foreign govs , arms/drugs biz, and ops buy

    Next Up?

    I’ll take who is Purple Shovel? for 10K Alex.

  10. Tina says:

    “You ignore truth till you read it?”

    Of course not. I have to be aware of it before I can “ignore” it. We discussed this before. This is noteworthy now because Awan was recently arrested.

    “Do the research many are”

    Do it yourself…and stop ordering people around…makes you sound like a dictator!

    “There is more than just an IT guy here.”

    Great, why not stop wasting our time and share what you think you know!

    “It is citizen journalism doing the research. ”

    Yet you have nothing of substance to report. All you do is drive by, spit out buzz words, and imagine that you have conveyed something of worth. We don;t live in your head. What exactly do you know for a fact?

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