Anti-Voter Fraud Commission Lawyers Shot Down by Federal Judge Royce Lamberth

Posted by Tina

These days “resist” is the governing posture of choice for the left (and GOPe?) so it’s natural that a simple commission investigation into voter fraud has put lefty activist lawyers in a frenzy of motion. Information doesn’t have the power of law so these efforts are a collassal waste of energy to me, not to mention a terrible waste of court time. But that’s how the Trump resisters roll. Like Mosquitoes, gnats and flies they hover, waiting to strike, sting and spoil.

The President’s commission to investigate voter fraud and return confidence in our election process is a fine example of doing something for the American people. All voted are made less meaningful if we allow vote fraud to continue unanswered. Resistance to this commission is nothing but a negative game, played to harm Trump.

But there is positive news today (not that it will last). Federal District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled in favor of the commission allowing the commission to move forward:

A federal judge Tuesday shot down the latest attempt to derail President Trump’s voter integrity commission, saying there wasn’t enough evidence that Americans’ rights are being violated by the request for voters’ information.

District Judge Royce C. Lamberth even seemed to chide the lawyers for Common Cause, an activist group that sued the commission, when one of them claimed they fear Mr. Trump will find a way to get at voters’ data even if states refuse.

“That’s hard to keep a straight face,” Judge Lamberth said.

His ruling is the latest legal setback for the commission’s opponents, who have lost two other early court skirmishes over the panel’s efforts to get information.

A reminder: The information being requested is already in the public domain. And I have to agree with Lamberth, it’s ironic that these lawyers are worried that the our government could “find a way to get voter’s data.”

The commissions purpose is to ensure that every vote counts…that’s a good thing.

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14 Responses to Anti-Voter Fraud Commission Lawyers Shot Down by Federal Judge Royce Lamberth

  1. Chris says:

    So 44 out of 50 states–many of which are governed by Republicans–are only refusing to give their voter info to the Feds because they want to “resist” Trump?

    Wow. Trump must really need to be resisted, then.

    • Tina says:

      Or, some of the governors have very little control when various districts in their states refuse to cooperate… much like sanctuary cities. Activists are at work everywhere. They are still at work in the CIA and the IRS…why not in the various districts of the 44 states?

  2. Peggy says:

    I ran across this NPR article a couple of days ago and found it very interesting since it’s done by left leaning NPR back in 2012, right before Obama won his second term.

    Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote:
    Feb. 14, 2012

    “Democrats and Republicans don’t agree on much. But they do agree that voter registration lists across the country are a mess.

    A new report by the Pew Center on the States finds that more than 1.8 million dead people are currently registered to vote. And 24 million registrations are either invalid or inaccurate.

    There’s little evidence that this has led to widespread voter fraud, but it has raised concerns that the system is vulnerable.

    Still, election officials say it’s important that the public have confidence in the system.

    So Washington and seven other states — Oregon, Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Utah and Nevada — are joining a pilot program to share more voter information and other databases, to try to make their lists more accurate.

    David Becker, director of election initiatives at Pew, which organized the project, said he hopes to have the program implemented in time for November’s general election.

    “What this system will do is it will take in data from the states who choose to participate, specifically motor vehicles data and voter registration data, and it will be matched, along with some data that many states use already, like national change of address data from the Postal Service,” said Becker.

    The data will be matched with other government databases as well, such as death records from the Social Security Administration.

    Becker thinks that should help states weed out duplicates and mistakes more quickly and accurately. He said the program will also allow states to identify some of the more than 50 million Americans who are eligible to vote but aren’t registered.
    Election officials can then contact them and encourage them to sign up.”

    • Tina says:

      Peggy I doubt if it would be as easy to affect a presidential election, although it’s possible, but it’s more possible in local and state elections.Voters should be able to have confidence that every legitimate vote counts.

      It’s long past time for the voter rolls to be cleaned up. With 1.8 million dead people currently still registered and 24 million that are invalid or inaccurate there’s a lot if work to do.

      • Peggy says:

        Since the Bush vs. Gore voter count mess the accuracy of our elections have been doubt. It is long past time to clean up the rolls and clarify each state’s registration process and how it affects our national elections.

        With states like Calif’s. motor voter registration my question is are illegals getting registered to vote in state and national elections. As far as I know there is just one voter registration form, not two with one for the state and one for national elections.

        If states decide to let illegals to vote in local and state elections I have no problem with that. It’s their right to do so. But, if they are also being registered to vote in national elections I do have a big problem with it. I’m not saying the illegals did any thing wrong on purpose. I’m saying there’s a problem with the system if it’s allowed to happen.

        We are talking double digit millions here and that would change a presidential election.

        Also, I read an article that there were just a couple of states who were not going to respond at all to the committees request for information. It wasn’t the 40 or so that’s been reported. Of course I can’t find that article now that I want it.

  3. Chris says:

    Off-topic, but I have to say it given the most recent verbal diarrhea by our jerk-in-chief:

    If Obama had ever called the White House a “dump,” you would talk about it every day for the rest of your life.

  4. J. Soden says:

    Well done, Judge Lamberth!!!!

    Would’ve like to have seen an instruction by the judge that Common Cause and the other activists be required pay for the defendant’s court costs since it was a frivolous lawsuit.

  5. Peggy says:

    Are you ready to vote Calexit my fellow Californians and become our own nation? This Calexit organizer says we are and we’ll get to vote on it in 2018.

    • Tina says:

      Peggy the guy pushing this ballot initiative is a very confused guy. I’m working on a front page article…look for it later today…unless Jack beats me to it, lol.

  6. J. Soden says:

    The REAL “Inconvenient Truth.”

    Wonder what kind of award Hollyweird has for that?

    • Tina says:

      He buys carbon credits for elitist privilege of using so much energy. Of course he’s part owner of a company that sells them too so his penalty is diminished by hos financial gains! What a con man he is.

  7. J. Soden says:

    Related –
    Wonder how many of those states are the same ones refusing to provide voter info to the Anti-Voter Fraud Commission . . . . . .

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