Media “Mainstreams” Violent Left Groups Like Antifa, Occupy, BLM…

Posted by Tina

In their fervor to destroy Trump the leftstream media has unwittingly exposed it’s own alignment with violent left wing groups that have been agitating and damaging property for several years now. Never has this media adequately denounced or disparaged these groups. In fact they coddle and promote them even when they violently attack people, shut down highways, destroy property, or even murder police officers. Never have they demanded of our former president, Obama, nor any Democrat Congress person that they clearly and unequivocally disavow these groups. The media has now “mainstreamed” violent leftist groups.

Alex Pfeiffer, White House Correspondent for The Daily Caller reports that journalist are comparing destructive protesters to WWII soldiers:

Journalists and major liberal news outlets have compared violent American flag-burning protesters to soldiers storming the beaches of Normandy — all while downplaying the leftists’ violence.

The protesters, known as antifa (short for anti-fascist), often advocate for communism and have been deemed a domestic terrorist movement by New Jersey. Persons associated with the movement have previously stabbed a police horse and beat people with bike locks.

The work to mainstream the violent leftists came as a response to President Trump saying that “both sides” were responsible for violence at a white nationalist rally over the weekend in Charlottesville, Va.

I disagree this came as a response to Trump’s recent remarks. The left media has never held these groups responsible for their violent acts and they do not hold Democrat leaders to the same standards they reserve for Republicans.

Peter Hasson of The Daily Caller, echoes Mr. Pfeiffer’s sentiment and goes a step further by providing his readers with the goals of Antifa in his article titled, “In Their Own Words: The Radical Political Goals Of ‘Anti-Fascists'”

these “anti-fascists'” own statements show they’re nothing like American soldiers on D-Day.

They aren’t interested in protecting America’s system of government, according to their own statements — they’re interested in destroying it.

From the very start of the Trump administration, far-left actors declared their intention to use massive demonstrations to disrupt the American political process as much as possible. …

… “We need to make this country ungovernable,” declared a female leader for Refuse Fascism shortly after the inauguration. “We need to do what the German people should have done when Hitler was elected.” …

… One anarchist group that was at Charlottesville, CrimethInc, holds that anarchism is necessary to destroy white supremacy…”Anarchism is one of the most thoroughgoing forms of opposition to fascism, in that it entails opposition to hierarchy itself. Virtually every framework that countenances hierarchy, be it democracy or ‘national liberation,’ enables old power imbalances like white supremacy and patriarchy to remain in place, hidden within the legitimacy of the prevailing structures,” …

… “We must identify the forces underlying their laws and their order—white supremacy, patriarchy, policing, capitalism, and the state. We have to work together to keep ourselves safe and reimagine the world without them,” the group states in an article, which was reposted on popular antifa website It’s Going Down.

Another far-left group at Charlottesville last weekend: the Workers World Party, a group of Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries who have declared their support for Kim Jong Un’s murderous dictatorship in North Korea. Workers World’s publication has consistently published propaganda-like screeds supporting Venezuela’s murderous regime.

The communist group “sent many of its members to Charlottesville, Va., to beat back the Nazis and Klan who marched there,” according to a post recapping the group’s participation in the weekend’s violence.

The group took credit for organizing the vandals who toppled a city-owned Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina this week.

Workers’ World’s stated goals are classic Marxism, including igniting an international socialist revolution and “the shutdown of the Pentagon and the use of the war budget” — that is, the funding for the Department of Defense — “to improve the lives of the working class and especially the oppressed peoples.”

While Workers World is currently fighting (literally) with white nationalists, the group is opposed to all in the “ruling establishment” who the group explains hide “behind a veil of ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights.'” … “Long live the independent struggle of this new progressive movement against the fascists, the cops and the capitalist establishment!”

Democrats embrace these groups and praise their goals. They openly invite them to stand under their umbrella of “diversity.” The left media promotes and encourages them and the leaders who stand with them. Given their mutual embrace of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi and others even after the last eight years of corruption, the destruction of the economy and middle class, the use of government to spy on and harass American citizens, the mess created in the ME, and given their mutual embrace of violent radical anarchist, can’t we conclude that the Democrat Party has become the party most similar to the rise of the Nazi’s as well as the violent tyrannical communists of the USSR? Isn’t it also pretty clear that Democrats do not fully support the Constitution, the rule of law, or the democratic process? That in fact they have become a radical institution for the “fundamental transformation” of this nation to a Marxist socialist model?

The violent and nonviolent drive to silence speech, to deny free assembly, to remove historical monuments and images, and even to fire employees because of political orientation or speech is mainstreamed on a daily basis via the left media. They are promoting the silencing of voices, violent protest, and anarchy. Trump is right, they are fake news. They operate as a propaganda machine for a Democrat Party that no true American would recognize or want to join.

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11 Responses to Media “Mainstreams” Violent Left Groups Like Antifa, Occupy, BLM…

  1. Peggy says:

    I’m shocked but not surprised. Trump was right all along.

    I’d just read an article about the three arrested in Durham being members of the communist party and was going to share it here, when I saw your article.

    Obama really did try and destroy this country during his eight years. And don’t think for a minute he’s not still being the community organizer working in DC coordinating all of this still today. I read earlier there’s a Obama connection with a guy who was a leader in the OWS, BLM and the antifa riots.

    Can’t you just see Obama, Jarrett and the rest of the gang sitting in front of their TVs licking their lips.

    Here’s the Durham commie info. with pictures and screen shots.

    “However, those arrested have something other than potential big fines in common. It turns out that at least three of them are members of the Communist Party. This seldom-reported fact is inconvenient to the narrative that the protest were spontaneous. The protests were in fact organized in large part by the communist Workers World Party, which the arrested members belong to.

    According to ABC News, Workers World Party is fighting to bring about a socialist America (emphasis added):

    It’s a communist party that was founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party. The group supports myriad issues including anti-racism to anti-imperialist struggles.

    The party is active in the Black Lives Matter movement and supports the struggles of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community. The group says they’re “dedicated to organizing and fighting for a socialist revolution in the United States and around the world.”The group said it destroyed the statue hoping to “take down white supremacy.”

    On Facebook, the communist group has called for the abolition of police and prisons:”

    • Tina says:

      Peggy that’s exactly what we’ve been talking about for a long time and Americans on the left keep buying the lie that it’s Republicans are aligned with the violence and agitation…that we have a problem. The info at the bottom was striking 1989 to the present:

      Along with this quote comparing America to Hitler:

      “We have never aspired to having custody of the banners and principles which the revolutionary movement has defended throughout its heroic and inspiring history. However, if fate were to decree that, one day, we would be among the last defenders of socialism in a world in which US imperialism had realized Hitler’s dreams of world domination, we would defend this bulwark to the last drop of our blood.” – December 7, 1989

      Leaders of the Workers World Party have also met with Syrian dictator and war criminal Bashir al-Assad…The “protesters” who pulled down the Confederate statue belong to a group that hates America and loves genocidal communist dictators.

      Good luck getting any of this information in the evening news.

      Or the fact that the Democrats welcome them into their tent!

  2. Rick Clements says:

    It won’t be long before the Democrats start building Concentration Camps to house believers in law and order and all Republicans nationwide in the State of California, the most corrupt state in the nation!

    • Tina says:

      They are moving along that track, aren’t they?

      Of course those that are simply useful idiots will be the last to get it and the most dismayed once they figure it out.

      America is a precious jewel in a field of lesser stones…they don’t get it.

  3. J. Soden says:

    And in other news . . . . .

    Gotta wonder where it will lead . . . . . . Have no doubt that micro-manager Obumble knew all about it.

    • Tina says:

      This and other crimes are the reason lefties are all tied up in knots! And Trump is working hard to fill the courts with good judges so we might get satisfaction yet:

      While the mainstream media are obsessed with producing wave after wave of stories about President Trump’s alleged Russian collusion and leaks within the still nascent administration, the White House has been humming along like a fine-tuned machine, filling federal judiciary vacancies at a record pace. …

      … “There are currently over 100 vacancies, and many more are likely to open up. Yet Democrats, so blinded by the light of #TheResistance, appeared oblivious to the approaching Tsunami of Trump lower court nominations.”

      Jacobsen said in January that Trump could end up appointing half of the federal judiciary.

      Trump may be the only person in DC who is doing what he said he would do and working hard every day with his people to get things doen in every department.

  4. J. Soden says:

    After Charlottesville, have come to the conclusion that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between ISIS’ and Taliban destruction of historic sites and the actions of those who think statues are more important than people. All those “antifa” groups can be classified as American Taliban, wreaking destruction for the sake of destruction.

    And CNN/FNN has become more like Al Jazeera. All that’s missing on that network are kaffiyeh and burkas.

  5. Peggy says:

    The Community Organizer and his sidekick Jarrett are back at work.

    Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?

    • Tina says:

      Peggy it wouldn’t be the first time.

      The only time in the past seventy years that the right organized was when nearly a million went to DC to say we were taxed enough. Those who made the trip went in peace and good cheer and when they left the area, they left it in pristine condition. Similar smaller protest went on around the country the same day. Nobody died, nothing was destroyed.

      I think it scared the crap out of the left. This was no fringe movement.Trumps (surprise) election (yes the are that arrogant) was the second blow…his campaign was generally peaceful. Trump supporters did not hit the streets to harass and bully their opponents…but the opposition did and they often did it violently.

      The left has been organizing and dividing for decades and in the wake of the militant agitation is destruction, division, injury, and even death…and they want the American people to believe that they are the party of peace and tolerance. What a joke.

      Colonal Mike Angley’s piece, The American Left’s Historical Embrace of Violence outlines some of the violent history of the left.

      DeRoy Murdock talks about violence aimed specifically at Trump and republicans by the left in his National Review article, “Leftist Violence Reaches Its Nadir – The Left’s carnage-inducing words and images have reached their apotheosis”

      Here’s another good article Peggy: The Left’s Takeover of the Democratic Party:

      Democrats have lost the White House and Congress. Their statewide losses are catastrophic. But the institutional strength of the left has only grown stronger. Each Democrat defeat hollows out the party but increases the power and influence of the left to move the party in an undemocratic direction.

      The defeats have elevated the roles of the left’s unelected power bases from the judiciary to the media to academia to the bureaucracy and the non-profit sector. These are the core of the “Resistance”. The mission of the “Resistance” is not to plan for a future democratic victory, but an undemocratic coup.

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