Posted by Tina
Does it strike anyone as a bit Loony Tunes that the people having a conniption fit over the Confederate monuments have not been affected by them a single day in their lives? Yeah, me too. I couldn’t have said it better, however, or with more authority than Charles Barcley:
I’m not gonna waste my time thinking about these confederate statues. That’s wasted energy. You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna keep doing great things. I’m gonna keep trying to make a difference number one in the black community, because I’m black, but I’m also gonna try to do good things in the world.
I’m not gonna waste my time screaming at a neo-Nazi who’s gonna hate me no matter what, and I’m not gonna waste my time…worrying about these statues they got all over the country. …
… I’ve always ignored them. Rick, I’m 54 years old. I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask most black people to be honest, they haven’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues.
What we as black people need to do, we need to worry about getting our education. We need to stop killing each other. We need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity and things like that. Those things are important and significant.
Notice the lack of negative, contentious energy in his message. Notice the common sense. Notice the single requirement for engaging in life is individual effort…personal choice and personal responsibility!
Imagine a nation in which all of that negative energy was channeled positively toward getting an education, working to better oneself, living a responsible life! Ahhh what a great nation this could be once again if the people would simply embrace liberty and live their lives responsibility. This is what made America exceptional…civil war history and all.
Sir Charles has it right. Always has something to say that’s worth listening to.
Agree, J.
He’s always been willing to speak his mind freely.
Here’s another quote that’s appropriate given Libby cynical remark:
He’s got a point. Kids need to be encouraged to follow their dreams but they also need to be grounded in reality.
Ah, … to be oblivious.
Next thing you’ll tell us is that your exposure to hyperpartisan “news” vendors makes you a happy, well-adjusted and well-informed person.
You’ll get an argument about that.
Oblivious? Interesting…you can’t tolerate a positive message, particularly for black folks, posted by me?
Libby…why not let go of that and tell us what you think of Charles Barkely’s position?
What is hyper-partisan about posting Barcley’s message? (He was speaking to a sports journalist)
If the left is determined to “…put white supremacy down, flip it and reverse it,” as a Portsmouth petition signed by 8500 people (so far) says, does that mean black supremacy is their goal?
Is this a revenge movement whose goal is to be as ignorantly oppressive as the people they so deplore?
These kids, and most of them in the streets are kids, need guidance from people like Charles Barkley more now than ever!
Did you know that the 2×4’s they carry often have nails hammered into the ends…one was used to hurt a police horse…despicable violent people.
“If the left is determined to “…put white supremacy down, flip it and reverse it,” as a Portsmouth petition signed by 8500 people (so far) says, does that mean black supremacy is their goal?”
Ah, to be paranoid … and simple-minded … now that Spring is here. Simple-minded, because that’s what you have to be to believe that the monuments themselves are the issue. It’s the mind-set that put them up, Tina, that is the problem.
And paranoid, because, geez, Tina, get a grip. Unless you’re some kind of bloody barbarian, totally unwilling to share, this is not an “either/or” proposition. Allowing minorities there due does not diminish you … unless there is something seriously wrong with your thinking, i.e., you’re a barbarian.
“Simple-minded, because that’s what you have to be to believe that the monuments themselves are the issue. It’s the mind-set that put them up, Tina, that is the problem.”
No $#!^ Sherlock! You must have gotten a degree in stating the obvious while missing the point.
What do the words, “put white supremacy down, flip it and reverse it” mean to you?
Given their violence and rhetoric I get they mean to oppress whites, what they see as white power, which happens to include a lot of main stream political groups. What else could “flip it”mean?
Thugs with clubs who are violent and intolerant of everyone who disagrees with them on any level, who burn buildings down, who throw cans filled with cement and rock, who attack people (and horses) in the streets are of any different “mind-set” than the KKK? If so you are either very badly informed about this leftist (Communist anarchist) group or incredibly stupid.
” Allowing minorities there due”
Nobody on the right has the least bit of interest in disallowing anyone their “due.” In fact I find that statement insulting to minorities. They don’t need permission or agreement…it’s a free country!
So what do you think is “their due?”
Nobody in America today has been held as a slave. We are not guilty of those past wrongs. No one in America has been deprived of education, the right to work or start a business, the right to vote, or the right to own property. And when it comes to minorities in particular, we have bent over backwards to increase their opportunities.
So what exactly needs to be done now…other than what they can do within their own families and communities?
When do you start thinking of “minorities” as equals instead of lesser people in need of special help?
You’re living in the distant past and sadly, many of your party’s policies have done more damage than good for the minority poor.
” totally unwilling to share”
Share what? America is not a giant pot that distributes goodies…there’s absolutely no fun or challenge in that. It’s the Marx model and it never works. It looks a lot like Obamaland…a few wealthy elites at the top and the rest of us struggling to get by.
What I am Libby is a person who strongly believes in the words, “freedom and justice for all.” I believe we are all the same in Gods eyes and therefore should love one another as brothers and sisters.
I’m happy with my thinking. You should seriously rethink your own. I mean how many ways do you have to be shown a failed system before you finally give it up!
Tina, Have you ever seen liberal commentator Juan Williams? Libby reminds me of him. Both are clueless from being misinformed to presenting arguments that make no sense. Could they be related by blood or is this a party gene common factor.
Watch Williams make a fool of himself again yesterday.
The Five Explodes After Juan Williams Accuses Trump of Using Military ‘To Get Out’ of Charlottesville ‘Hole’:
“Williams insisted that his colleagues “were blind” to reality from the solar eclipse that occurred earlier in the day and made the following argument:
“When I see Donald Trump stand up there- the U.S. military has long been a model of success in terms of race relations, and Donald Trump finds this opportune moment to use them as a toy to say, ‘You know that stuff I was saying about, when I didn’t understand what Nazis and white supremacists and neo-nazis was about, I forgot what World War II was about, and when real American patriots shed blood to fight those Nazis, there was no equivalence. No, no, no. But he didn’t say that! Instead, now he’s saying, ‘Oh yeah, so you know what, just like when you go and fight a war, or you should be able to come home, so if we have never had these arguments… This is brand new. This to me… is the absolute most cheap use of our military from a guy who was in a hole and has damaged his presidency in a way that he will not recover.”
I respectfully disagree about them being clueless. They know perfectly well. They don’t care. They have an agenda, and their arguments and talking points are pure Alinsky.
RHT447, I was referring to Libby and Juan with my remarks.
I completely agree with you about the DNC knowing exactly what they’re doing. And with the help of the media and the GOP establishment they could succeed.
Poor Juan made the trending on FB. Wonder if he was brave enough to show up for work today?
Fox News’ Juan Williams Floats Afghanistan Conspiracy Theory, Slams Military, Disgusts Co-Hosts:
Peggy I watched that segment of the five last night…Juan was really reaching to make his argument and he made a fool of himself.
Juan usually tries so hard to be reasonable…but last night he was gunning for Trump.
A whole lot of vengeance runs the left.
To answer your question I’m thinking gene pool, but if nothing else there’s a stubborn unwillingness to open the mind or look in the mirror.
Tina, Turns out Juan got the same talking points memo all of the other liberal media did. They’re all saying it was Trump’s Wag the Dog moment.
Check out the Google search listing several with the same dialog. The Dems are good at coordinating their message and verbal attacks.
Editor, check for a double post. The first time I hit Post Comment, nothing happened.
RHT447 This is the only comment we have from you since 7:21 AM on “Dred Scott Decision Determined by Democrat Justice”
I’ve had the same problem several times.
Good question.
“If Confederate Statues Are ‘Reprehensible’, Why Didn’t Nancy Pelosi Remove Them When She Had the Power as Speaker?”
If Confederate Statues Are ‘Reprehensible’, Why Didn’t Nancy Pelosi Remove Them When She Had the Power as Speaker?:
Correction to above.
Nancy Pelosi’s Dad And Former Mayor Of Baltimore Praised Confederate Monuments: