Trump Supported – Reaction to UN Speech Positive

Posted by Tina

Yes he’s supported, especially by those most vulnerable! The radical left can go pound sand.

Radical leftists are beside themselves with worry because the President dared to warn North Korean, Kim Jong Un, that if he attacks the US or any of it’s allies “… we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.”

The left is very good at cherry picking for dramatic effect. But they have to completely dismiss and deny the context of those words to make their case that Trump’s speech was “dark” and “dangerous.” Thankfully leaders that aren’t constrained by political correctness get it…and they applaud it!

PM Benjamin Netanyahu was the first to praise Trumps speech, “…a powerful call to confront them in order to ensure the future of humanity. … In over 30 years in my experience with the U.N., I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech.”

Japan and South Korea too were on board. ABC, “Donald Trump applauded by Japan, South Korea for brazenness on North Korea in UN speech”

Note the word, “brazenness” in the ABC title. They just can’t help themselves! What would the headline have been if Obama had said anything similar? We don’t need to speculate. In 2010 President Obama was treated differently in the UPI headline, “Obama delivers stern warning to N. Korea” (Wow…what a leader!)

President Barack Obama warned North Korea of possible U.S.-led military consequences for “irresponsible behavior” such as its sinking of a South Korean warship. …”There have to be consequences for such irresponsible behavior on the international stage,” he said during a news conference with President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea between Group of 20 meetings in Toronto.

His follow through record left a lot to be desired, however, and yet, the medias esteem for him didn’t waiver.

Today the South Korean leader was all smiles as he met with President Trump. Reuters reported earlier on the reaction to the speech, “South Korea says Trump’s warning to North Korea ‘firm and specific'”

“We view the speech as portraying a firm and specific stance on the key issues regarding keeping peace and safety that the international community and the United Nations are faced with,” the office of South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in a statement on Wednesday.

“It clearly showed how seriously the United States government views North Korea’s nuclear program as the president spent an unusual amount of time discussing the issue,” the presidential Blue House’s statement said.

Trump’s speech “reaffirmed that North Korea should be made to realize denuclearization is the only way to the future through utmost sanctions and pressure”, it said.

Rocket Man has been warned…and that’s exactly as it should be. Those not shrouded in a cloud of fear and loathing get it. The reality is that United States policy has always been that we will not strike first…and…we will defend ourselves and our allies when necessary. Kim Jong Un is not your ordinary leader…he’s a horrible person and a dangerous leader. Shouldn’t our media be more alarmed by Kim? He obliterates his own people without trial with his military weapons:

Hee Yeon Lim, 26, the daughter of a high-ranking soldier from Pyongyang, fled to South Korea last year and has told of the horrors she witnessed while part of the secretive Kim regime’s inner circle. she described one occasion where she was pulled out of school by soldiers and forced to watch a group of musicians accused of making a pornographic video being slaughtered.

Hee Yeon said she and her classmates were taken to a stadium at the city’s Military Academy where the hooded and gagged victims were tied to the end of anti-aircraft guns in front of some 10,000 spectators.

The escapee then recalled how the guns were fired one by one, saying: “The musicians just disappeared each time the guns were fired into them.

“Their bodies were blown to bits, totally destroyed, blood and bits flying everywhere.”

Afterwards, Hee Yeon said tanks moved in and ran over the pieces of the victims’ bodies.

She added: “The tracks of the tanks were run over the remains and blood repeatedly, over and over again and made to grind the remains, to smash them into the ground until there was nothing left.”

Why should the President refrain from placing the ultimate response card on the table in the face of such a cold blooded monster? It simply represents the cold hard truth!

The President’s approval rating (around 43%) has not wavered following the speech. His numbers are higher than those for the media or Congress. Given the nation’s disgust and disappointment in our leaders and the media, I’d say President Trump’s approval numbers show he’s been an effective leader so far, even when he’s considered “bombastic” by the deeply corrupted left media.

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One Response to Trump Supported – Reaction to UN Speech Positive

  1. J. Soden says:

    By trashing TheDonald’s speech to the UN, the LunaticLeft and Demwits are now in the uncomfortable position of defending the Pillsbury Dictator and terrorist-sponsoring Iran.
    Couple that with Illegals attacking Nancy Pelosi and demanding “rights,”, and you have a really good recipe for even more Repub gains in 2018. The unrest that the Demwits have encouraged is returning to bite them in the tush.
    Pass the Popcorn!

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