Update and Thoughts on “Communism Will Win” Spenser Rapone

Posted by Tina

When I posted the story about Spencer Rapone I couldn’t help but wonder if his position had been formed at the academy. Now there’s damning information to support the possibility that Rapone was singled out and recruited for nefarious purposes and that his mentor could have been purposely placed by the Obama administration for that reason:

Rapone entered West Point in 2012, and it was during this time that a boy whose Reddit profile previously featured only wrestling photos and video game questions devoted himself to the Communist Party and pro-Islamic causes.

There are many glaring national security issues with this scenario, including exactly how Rapone became radicalized, whether it was after entering the United States Military Academy, and why it took West Point so long to do anything about it: Rapone’s anti-American posts available to the public date back to 2014. While we can (we hope) expect a detailed report from West Point investigators and administrators on this matter, what we do know currently is that Rapone’s Cadet Advisor was a man named Dr. Rasheed Hosein. According to the West Point faculty biography page:

“Dr. Rasheed Hosein has been teaching Western Civilization and Middle Eastern history at the United States Military Academy since July of 2011. Prior to his time at West Point, Dr. Hosein earned his doctoral degree in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago in pre-Islamic and early Islamic history in December of 2010. During his time in Chicago, Dr. Hosein also served as the Director of Public Education for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago – a Title VI National Resource Center. Prior to his time in Chicago, Dr. Hosein attended the University of Toronto, where he earned a Master’s Degree in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, and the University of Manitoba, where he attained an Honours degree in Medieval European history and civilizations.”

Dr. Hosein’s PhD dissertation, Tribal Alliance Formations and Power Structures in the Late Jāhiliyah and Early Islamic Periods: Quraysh and Thaqīf (AD 530-750 CE) was not available online, but Hosein is a published author of two books, including Islamic Civilization: A better understanding of history, society, and culture of Islam is needed to help address the negative perceptions of Muslims in the West. Hosein also serves as the Muslim Chaplain at West Point.

Hosein does not appear to be proud of his employment at West Point; his Linkedin page says that he is a professor at a “liberal arts college since 2011.” Not exactly the pride or patriotism that we traditionally find becoming of a West Point professor. Also on his Linkedin page, but not his biography page on the West Point faculty page, is that he spent the summer of 1996 at the American University in Cairo. Whether or not Hosein is a U.S. citizen is also unclear; although he completed his undergraduate studies in Winnipeg, and it appears his citizenship may be Canadian.

Former President Barack Hussein Obama’s military purge began shortly after the September 2011 Benghazi incident, and lasted until mid-2012. During this time, 170+ officers were fired and replaced. It was during this time in 2011 that Hosein was hired at West Point. It appears he was in Canada prior to his appointment at the military academy.

The disturbing connection between Rapone’s radicalization and his mentorship with Hosein cannot be overlooked. Rapone was one of only two cadets that Hosein advised in the 2016 graduating class, and they even traveled internationally together. How does a professor advisor who is close enough to travel internationally with his mentee not know or even have a hint that his mentee harbors these views? From various reports that pieced Rapone’s timeline of radicalization together, it appears that a trip the two took to the Taj Mahal in India directly coincides with the time Rapone started to become increasingly anti-West and pro-Islam on his Reddit page. (emphasis mine)

This information is disturbing on many levels. The worst scenario: A deadly enemy of America was purposely delivered into a U.S. military academy to recruit and train young minds and strike a blow to America from within by our former president. The very least this information can do is dispel Libby’s naive notion that Rapone’s stance represents normal “kid” behavior at graduation…a prank. I’m fairly certain that those looking into the incident would agree.

Related: Silent Soldier:

Since Barack Obama has been in the White House, according to General Paul Vallely, high ranking military officers have been removed from their positions at a rate that is absolutely unprecedented. Things have gotten so bad that a number of retired generals are publicly speaking out about the ‘purge’ of the U.S. military that they believe is taking place. … “Every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they gained power.”

The firings are old news. However, I suggest you click on the Silent Soldier link! Read and be prepared to be blown away by the sheer numbers of high ranking military officers that were systematically fired during the reign of President Obama. The experience and expertise these men and women brought to the military cannot be easily replaced. Now ask yourself whether our military was purposely undermined or not by a former regime that preferred communism to the tenets of our free republic and was sympathetic enough to the aims of radical jihadist to assist in their ruinous and deadly radical cause.

Another article on Spencer Rapone’s “mentor” appears today in American Military News

Just a thought…do all roads lead back to Chicago?

Related: Clarion Project:

The following is the official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for North America. The document was entered as evidence in the 2008 Holy Land Terror Funding Trial. Federal investigators found the document in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States. …

… Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

Gatestone Institute:

To be sure, the patient task of Da’wa includes establishment of Islamic institutions, education of the non-Muslim population, and countering “the prejudices of Judeo-Christians against Islam,” as Ikhwan scholar Shamim A. Siddiqi wrote in 1989.[13] But in Islam, Da’wa, or the call to Islam, is always followed by jihad. Siddiqi, writing for the Muslim Brotherhood cadre in the U.S., was candid with them and cautioned that “[i]n this initial stage there may not be any opposition to Dawah work. For some time the Islamic Movement of America may have some smooth sailing. But with the increase in Dawah efforts, in the number of activities and growth of the strength of the organization, the anti-Islamic forces will take notice of the multifarious activities of the Movement,” “…the fight…may become a challenge for them,” and “[a]larming signals will be raised by the so-called ‘free press.'”[14]

“Smooth sailing” indeed would seem to characterize the early decades of the Ikhwan’s Da’wa movement in America. The first official Muslim Brotherhood front organization founded in the U.S. was the Muslim Students Association (MSA), established on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in 1964. Today, there are over 600 MSA chapters at colleges and universities across North America, working to recruit members to the Muslim Brotherhood and jihad. According to former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo, “The MSA serves as a recruitment tool to bring Muslims into the Brotherhood…[w]hich was its original purpose: to evaluate Muslims and to bring them into the Brotherhood and to recruit non-Muslims into Islam as a dawa entity, giving them the call to Islam.”[15] The MSA was the blueprint model for the thousands of Muslim Brotherhood front groups that exist, function, and continue to multiply across the U.S. today.

The radical left in America will not stand for Christian’s proselytizing and will not tolerate the sight of Bibles, crosses, or Creches during the Holidays but they defend to the death the right of Muslims to indoctrinate, proselytize, and recruit for the jihadist cause. There’s something “fundamentally” rotten going on with those on the left who only claim to love America.

Your thoughts?

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11 Responses to Update and Thoughts on “Communism Will Win” Spenser Rapone

  1. Libby says:

    I think your paranoia is often downright comical.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    I’m not laughing, I’M QUITE CONCERNED as all Americans should be. This is just one more Islamic front that we have to confront and defeat. Anytime the fundamentals of American idealism are under attack it is a very serious.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Obumble weaponized every cabinet office to go after those who disagreed with his agenda and lied repeatedly to voters to “fundamentally change America.”

    Not surprising that there would be some credence given to the theory that Rapone was “planted.” Think we’ve only hears a small part of this story.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Nothing to see here folks, move along.

    (Oops, sorry, I just smoked ten Nova Og joints soaked in hash oil, took some LSD, drank a quart of Vodka and had a “Libby moment.”)


  5. Peggy says:

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln

    Obama had eight years to “transform” America. Even his own supporters and constitutional experts called him a lawless imperial president that Nixon dreamed of being.

    One of the major reasons we are so divided is we went from a lawless president who used his pen and phone to get what he wanted done to a law and order president who is following the rules and not getting done what he promised when campaigning.

    We are supposed to be a nation of laws where our rights come from our “Creator” not man, who can take them away. Everyone must decide for themselves what their freedom is worth and if they’re going to be another frog in the pot? The rest of us will have to fight so the next generation will be free and not slaves of the state.

    • Chris says:

      One of the major reasons we are so divided is we went from a lawless president who used his pen and phone to get what he wanted done to a law and order president who is following the rules and not getting done what he promised when campaigning.

      That is not true. If anything Trump has continued the escalation of federal power that began under Bush and continued under Obama. Trump has violated the INA with his travel ban and nearly everything he’s accomplished since he’s been elected has been through executive order, not through Congress.

      • Peggy says:

        Oh but Chris Trump’s EOs are undoing Obama’s. If Obama had gone through congress Trump wouldn’t be able to revoke them, they would be permanent and beyond Trump’s authority.

        Most of Trump’s other attempts, like the 90 day travel ban to review the vetting process, have been stopped and severely delayed because of court filings. It would be interesting to see a comparison to lawsuits filed against Obama and Trump during their first six months to stop their agendas.

        Even congress has stopped many others with their failure to pass bills (health care) into law and approve his judicial and staffing positions. It’s clear what the dems are doing here with their delays to approve positions. The work can’t get done without the staff to do it, giving the left and the media lots of ammo to attack Trump for not getting more done. They want to stop him and have been throwing up every road block they can.

        Remember I didn’t vote for him, but with a 3.1 GDP resulting in millions of new jobs in just 8 months I’m hoping he succeeds. The one nagging question, since the election, I keep asking myself is why would a man give up everything he worked so hard for all of his adult life and willingly step into this political hornet nest? His businesses have been attacked and may not survive when he leaves office. Oh I’m sure he won’t be completely broke, but he could lose a tremendous amount. The only answer I can see is he truly does love his country and wants everyone else to share in having a better life too. I’m just willing to give him a chance to prove himself. Wish others would too.

  6. Tina says:

    Must read for those of you who served in the military.

    • Peggy says:

      Another thing to remember it was Obama who recommended sequestration to cut our military budget. He tried to blame it on the republicans in congress but his and Lew’s lie earned the four Pinocchio from WaPo.

      What better way could be found to “transform” America than to make our military weak by under-funding it and staffing it with leaders who hate it and in charge of our soldiers?

      From WaPo.
      The Pinocchio Test

      No one disputes the fact that no one wanted sequestration, or that ultimately a bipartisan vote in Congress led to passage of the Budget Control Act. But the president categorically said that sequestration was “something that Congress has proposed.”

      Woodward’s detailed account of meetings during the crisis, clearly based on interviews with key participants and contemporaneous notes, make it clear that sequestration was a proposal advanced and promoted by the White House.

      In sum: Gene Sperling brought up the idea of a sequester, while Jack Lew sold Harry Reid on the idea and then decided to use the Gramm-Hollings-Rudman language (which he knew from his days of working for Tip O’Neill) as a template for sequester. The proposal was so unusual for Republicans that staffers had to work through the night to understand it.

      Oddly, Lew in Tampa on Thursday, publicly asserted the opposite: “There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger…. [It] was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure at the end.”

      This prompted Woodward to go over his notes and interviews once again, to make sure he had gotten it right.

      “After reviewing all the interviews and the extensive material I have on this issue, it looks like President Obama told a whopper,” Woodward said. “Based on what Jack Lew said in Florida today, I have asked the White House to correct the record.”

      We had been wavering between Three and Four Pinocchios. But in light’s of Lew’s decision to doubledown on Obama’s claim, we agree it’s a whopper.

      Four Pinocchios

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