Mean-Spirited Executive Loses High Paying Job in Minutes

by Jack

Apparently this CBS legal executive was unaware that people other than her liberal pals might read her snarky comments on Facebook.  Well, guess what?  The management at CBS took offense and they fired her with mere minutes of its discovery.   The reason, she did not uphold the high standards of their company.

I’m actually not even sympathetic [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters,” former CBS executive Hayley Geftman-Gold wrote.  Yes, conservatives do like to attend country western concerts they also like to play baseball, but seems like they can’t do either without some crazed gunman taking shots at them.

Hayley Geftman-Gold that was a rotten thing to say and it tells us all we need to know about you.   And furthermore, I’m not even sympathetic YOU WERE FIRED!!!!   Thank you CBS.

Latest update – at least 59 people were killed and more than 520 were injured after a gunman opened fire at a country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday night.

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19 Responses to Mean-Spirited Executive Loses High Paying Job in Minutes

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Some twit on MSNBC said the reason Trump is responding to this tragedy is because country music fans are likely Trump supporters.

    It took less than four hours for the left in general and Rats to politicize this.

  2. Tina says:

    I wonder if it will ever occur to these mean-spirited haters that one reason Trump was elected was because he doesn’t take this crap lying down. They are such phonies.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Kudos to CBS, although I’m thinking that since her comment was made in a public forum, CBS didn’t want to take the same heat that is generated by the stupidity on CNN/FNN and BSDNC.
    It’s a start, but the Leftie presstitutes still way outnumber rational thinking at the alphabet networks.

  4. Harold says:

    Tina, I doubt there is any hope for all “haters” to stop in their persistent goal of dividing our country for their ideology.

    The comment by this CBS loser wasn’t just directed toward removal of the 2nd amendment and responsible gun ownership it was a verbal attack on a Trump voters in general. It is the same miserable mindset being acted out on liberal campus toward conservative speakers.

    If these haters would take a breath they might come to recognize all that Trump is doing to repair and replace the needed unity of our country’s people through positive leadership It is that division that that is feeding these acts against humanity, and that division was inspired ,if not created by the previous President and his administration.

  5. Chris says:

    Absolutely despicable. CBS was right to fire her.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic Required Reading

    The Wall Street Journal
    First, They Came for the Biologists
    The postmodernist left on campus is intolerant not only of opposing views, but of science itself.
    By Heather Heying
    Oct. 2, 2017 6:40 p.m. ET

    Who would have guessed that when America cleaved, the left would get the National Football League and the right would get uncontested custody of science?

    The revolution on college campuses, which seeks to eradicate individuals and ideas that are considered unsavory, constitutes a hostile takeover by fringe elements on the extreme left. Last spring at the Evergreen State College, where I was a professor for 15 years, the revolution was televised—proudly and intentionally—by the radicals. Opinions not fitting with the currently accepted dogma—that all white people are racist, that questioning policy changes aimed at achieving “equity” is itself an act of white supremacy—would not be tolerated, and those who disagreed were shouted down, hunted, assaulted, even battered. Similar eruptions have happened all over the country.

    What may not be obvious from outside academia is that this revolution is an attack on Enlightenment values: reason, inquiry and dissent. Extremists on the left are going after science. Why? Because science seeks truth, and truth isn’t always convenient.

    The left has long pointed to deniers of climate change and evolution to demonstrate that over here, science is a core value. But increasingly, that’s patently not true.

    The battle on our campuses—and ever more, in K-12 schools, in cubicles and in meetings, and on the streets—is being framed as a battle for equity, but that’s a false front. True, there are real grievances. Gaps between populations exist, for historical and modern reasons that are neither honorable nor acceptable, and they must be addressed. But what is going on at institutions across the country is—yes—a culture war between science and postmodernism. The extreme left has embraced a facile fiction.

    Read full article here —
    First, They Came for the Biologists

  7. Libby says:

    But … have you heard about the senior executive of this nation’s government who is apparently trying to get himself sacked … so nobody can say he did the irresponsible (but sensible) thing, and quit?

    I feel for Kelly, Mathis, McMasters … they took an oath … and the they gotta stick it out.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby are you being disingenuous about them taking an oath? What about the West Point cadet who took an oath, you gave him a pass because he was a communist.

  8. J. Soden says:

    Update on the unemployed “executive:”

    Geftman-Gold is finding out the hard way that choices have consequences instead of participation trophies . . . .

  9. Libby says:

    And you are being obtuse (or doing the PS Special, making bogus comparisons) if you can’t see the difference between a college boy and a man who’s made the military his life.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Ok, but here’s one big difference. To paraphrase an old saying, I walked a mile in his shoes. So did tens of thousands of others, but he broke the oath and we didn’t. Libs, did you ever belong to the military, any military for any time at all? I was there at basically the same age as this guy. I took the same oath and I understood it and I understood accountability. I did not do what he did because I had a greater sense of right and wrong and respect for my country. Remember, it wasn’t that long ago that my generation was killing communists in Vietnam, Korea, and other battlefields. We kinda take offense to his love for communism and guys like Che’ that he reveres. If you can’t understand that then I think you are not trying very hard.

  10. Libby says:

    There’s that compassion fatigue, again. Maybe everybody isn’t as stalwart as you. Maybe the kid didn’t even mean any of it and was just being a kid. And maybe you’ve got your knickers in a twist for no good reason.

    And you’re right. I am not vastly knowledgeable on the subject, but is it not true that lots of West Point graduates do not pursue a career in the military?

  11. Harold says:

    Jack, you nailed it with ” I walked a mile in his shoes. So did tens of thousands of others, but he broke the oath and we didn’t.”

    This isn’t about pursuing a career, it is about the creditability of one’s self and word, This person didn’t honor either his word or this country, and because of his action’s he has failed both.

  12. Tina says:

    The one thing that is absolute. the kid was fully informed BEFORE he took the oath about what his commitment would mean. People with Libby’s attitude can always find excuses to let “poor boys” off the hook.

    Now if he was a republican sexual harasser…or a gun totin’ Bible thumper…

    Liberals believe that rules, and oaths, are meant to be bent, denied, changed at whim and in the case of the Constitution, liberally interpreted to fit the times. They have no grounding principles and therefore have no respect for oaths.

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