Sexual Harassment on the Hill

by Jack

Last week news broke that about $17,000,000 had been secretly paid out to settle complaints of sexual harassment by Congressmen and Senators. No, of course it didn’t come out of their pockets, it came out of ours and we were told it was none of our business to know who, when and where? Now we discover there are still more to follow, about 40 complaints are now pending that we know of and its believed there as many as 100 complaints under review.

Now granted, some of these complaints probably border on the frivolous or are just plain false, or perhaps they’re done to grab a quick couple of hundred thousand? You know settle out of court to avoid an expensive trial and all that, right? You betcha, politicians aren’t the only crooks on the hill. You know there’s plenty of seedy staffers looking to get their hands on some of the taxpayers gold too! When they see the shady deals the boss makes every day, is it any wonder they would not a little of the action?

Makes me sick and this is not about one political party or the other, it’s about all of them. The truly honest and sensible politicians seem to be disappearing with every passing election. To underscore this debacle, did you know that statistically speaking our black representatives are the worst offenders? If its not about sexual harassment, then its about outright corruption. Jesse Jackson Jr., Corrine Brown, Chaka Fattah, Alcee Hastings, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Gwen moore, Charlie Rangel, and I’ve just started…it’s a long list and it’s shameful. If black lives matter why are these people lining their pockets when they should be representing their constituents?

Less than 24 hours after a report that Rep. John Conyers reached a settlement with a staffer who said she was fired from his office after rejecting his sexual advances, another sexual harassment allegation has come to light.

A former staffer who worked as a scheduler in Conyers’ office tried to file a lawsuit against him, his Chief of Staff Ray Plowden, and his district director Yolanda Lipsey, alleging Conyers repeatedly tried to make sexual overtures towards her, which perpetrated a hostile work environment, Buzzfeed reports. The staffer, who was not publicly revealed in the article, tried to file a sealed lawsuit, but the court would not let the complaint stay sealed, so she stopped the effort, according to Buzzfeed.”

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9 Responses to Sexual Harassment on the Hill

  1. J. Soden says:

    A byproduct of the sexual harassment accusations against Conyers is the disturbing fact that Clowngress created a secret slush fund to pay off accusers with taxpayer $$!!!
    In addition, Clowngress has required non-disclosure agreements from those who have received payments.

    Will be interesting to find out WHO created it and HOW it’s been used. Clowngress has given itself many perks the rest of us are not eligible for.

    • Tina says:

      I believe it was created after the Bill Clinton harassment swarm caused a big fat dent in their bank accounts for lawyers fees. Clowngress suddenly realized this could happen to any of them, deserved or not.

      Power corrupts…especially when one party has used this issue to destroy members of the opposition while building walls of protection around those left and right that will toe the progressive line.

      The guilty are slime balls that deserve to lose their jobs and at least in some cases be prosecuted.

      At the same time, creating an atmosphere in which any man is automatically vulnerable any time someone decides to take him out is not any better.

      Any time money can be had you will find people who are willing to lie for a price.

      Bottom line the culture warriors created this mess. When you blur the lines of right and wrong, when you seek the lowest possible mark in terms of acceptable behavior, this is exactly what you can expect. Climbing out of the abyss will require a great effort. It will be up to the GenXers and the Millenials to decide how it will be going forward. And what exactly do they have at their disposal to instruct them? A lot of progressive nonsense!

  2. Joe says:

    Conyers is incredibly corrupt. He has been around forever, truly a loathsome creature.

    “Conyers Was Paying Off Victims With Taxpayer Cash While His Wife Was In Prison For Bribery…”

    “John Conyers settled charges of sexually harassing staffers during the time his wife was in prison for taking bribes on the Detroit City Council.”

    He also flew in women on the taxpayers dime to have sex. And that’s just the start of his evil ways. And he is just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in the District of Criminals.

  3. Joe says:

    “Last week news broke that about $17,000,000 had been secretly paid out to settle complaints of sexual harassment by Congressmen and Senators. No, of course it didn’t come out of their pockets, it came out of ours and we were told it was none of our business to know who, when and where? Now we discover there are still more to follow, about 40 complaints are now pending that we know of and its believed there as many as 100 complaints under review. ”

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg. DC is not called the District of Criminals for nothing.

    • J. Soden says:

      Any $$ paid out to accusers should come from the individual accused and NOT from John/Jane Q. Taxpayer!
      And since Clowngress wants this all kept secret, am hoping that Judicial Watch will go after any records of payouts and names of the accuser and those accused. Shining the light of publicity on chicanery is always beneficial!

      • Tina says:

        Absolutely. The voters should know! Of course that’s exactly why they attempt to hide everything…shameful in and of itself.

        I add one caveat. There are times when accusations are either not true or when they are purely political…made up. I don’t know how anyone can defend against such immoral deeds. Something must be done to protect the innocent from specious claims.

  4. Truth To Power says:

    All you talk about is the low level money waste – which I agree we should not be subject to all the waste of our taxes in many topics.

    But where is the talk of solutions? We need to purge 90% of these Politicians. We need to stop the criminal Activity and not one Party is cleaner than the other.

    So let us stop paying out so they can fill the couches faster?

    I met a Blackwater person home for the Holidays – He is not on covert missions because he proudly speaks of his Job. He is in Logistics.

    So I asked him – How many Poppy fields are you aware of we are guarding and Do you really think we do not know they are Drug running out of Afghanistan?

    He just smiled and said “You are smart” I replied ya want a Giggle – My favorite book was written by Gen Smedley Butler – He replied Touche!

    That says it All


    • Tina says:

      Dewey your useless accusations add nothing to this blog. I support solutions that are conservative in nature…limited government…individual responsibility.

      You, on the other hand, were a Bernie supporter…he’s one of the biggest big government guys on Capitol Hill and he ran on the Democrat ticket, even though he’s a socialist!!!!!

      Don’t come around here preaching to us about solutions…you are too confused to be credible!

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