Trump Slimed with Partisan Psychiatry!

Posted by Tina

You’ve probably heard that Charles Manson finally bit the dust. But have you read the outrageous comparison to Trump made by the desperate left? Amber Athey of the Daily Caller took notice:

Newsweek and The New York Times quickly tied Charles Manson to right-wing politics after the murderous cult leader’s death on Sunday.

A Newsweek piece by Melissa Matthews compared the charismatic nature of Manson to President Donald Trump, noting that both men used language to gain followers — a common characteristic of most politicians.

The piece explains that psychoanalyst Mark Smaller, past president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, sees similarities in the way that Manson and Trump are able to talk to people who feel “marginalized or alienated.” Smaller is clear that he doesn’t think they share any beliefs, but the comparison paints a different picture for the readers.

Additionaly, Dr. Carrie Barron, a psychiatrist at Columbia University, flat out says in the piece that she worries about people who can “get swept up in radical personalities.”

Meanwhile, The New York Times tied Manson to the extreme elements of right-wing politics, asserting that rather than being an offshoot of the 1960s counterculture, Manson was the first wave of the “far right” or “alt-right.”

I wonder, are these folks too young, or perhaps too old and addled, to recall this or this or this? Or how about this?

Trump knows how to entertain a crowd, I’ll give them that. But he speaks plainly in languasge anyone can understand and he certainly doesn’t have the, I’m-so-important “I” problem that both Obama and Clinton had while serving as president. Trump speaks about what “we” are doing. and how His biggest prop was a simple hat!

The need to marginalize Trump and his supporters, as if we were a handful of scroungy losers like the Manson gang, is truly pathetic. The opposition are not good losers and they never, never take responsibility for their own failures, including the unpopularity of radical ideas and positions that turn so many voters off!

Sadly they seem to think this type of comparison will win the WH next time.

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One Response to Trump Slimed with Partisan Psychiatry!

  1. Truth To Power says:

    1) Trump is not well spoken but he is cunning. This is an act. He speaks down to you in a fashion that captures media headlines and his base follows. He laid this tactic out years ago. He said the Republicans were easier to dupe and you have to play to them with all the racist undertones. – Yes he did and I heard it on Stern years ago.

    2) Trump is a sly fox. lawyers who have deposed Trump explain he is cunning and works the system. Very articulate and knows how to wiggle out of legal questions when it comes to his own dirt.

    3) The Media leads both parties around by putting these stupid stories in print to keep ya busy and keep the divide. Everything is by design.

    4) No one wins in all this We The People Loose as a whole.

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