McCain On Board for Tax Cuts

Posted by Tina

Christmas is the season for miracles and boy did we see one today! Senator John McCain, Republican Arizona, finally climbed aboard the tax cut train. The result was an immediate rise to over 24K on the stock market as business anticipates relief from unfair rates and regulations. This marks the sixth time since Trump was elected that the stock market crossed over a thousand mark

Passage of any bill that gives our economy a big boost will benefit everyone, even those who depend on government. Well done McCain. We were very concerned that you would vote against the people and you’ve stepped up to make this the Merriest Christmas we’ve had in quite awhile.

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7 Responses to McCain On Board for Tax Cuts

  1. Joe says:

    But will you live to benefit from it?

    After all, just minutes ago the legal system said it’s A OK if you’re an illegal alien felon and you enter this country illegally for the hundredth time and you murder white people. See, when an illegal felon alien murders someone it’s just an accident, don’t ya know???

  2. J. Soden says:

    Completely off-topic, however . . . . .
    This popped up on Twitter today (Friday in a tweet from James Woods. Date on article is September 17, so I’m not sure what happened to this idiotic idea.

    If enacted, would recommend all Blood Banks preserve the HIV donated blood for the exclusive use of Governor Moonbeam and those in the Legislature that passed it.

  3. Tina says:

    The current laws are safety laws designed to protect the public. Since we can’t count on infected individuals to impose restrictions on themselves, as is their civic duty, these laws are necessary and have nothing to do with discrimination. Of course in Moonbeams world the majority must bend to accommodate any declared victim, even if it endangers their health and well being.

  4. Truth To power says:

    Hey you guys are about to get the Koch win!

    While the tax cuts are a Trojan horse sold to you, Little Marco admits cuts to your social security and medicare are the next bill to offset the Trillions the tax cuts will add to the deficit!

    Oh I can not wait! Exciting times!

    Give the rich a tax cut, cut your own social security, and add trillions to the deficit!

    Awesome! it proves the hypocrisy of the months past here!


    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, we’re not Congress and we don’t know the Koch brothers, but neither do you. The only fact worth noting is that what we know and what you know are polar’s apart, mostly because you get your news from 99% unverified and irresponsible sources. We at least make an effort to get the truth.

    • Tina says:

      “tax cuts are a Trojan horse”

      Oh yeah? How so.

      “Little Marco admits cuts to your social security and medicare are the next bill to offset the Trillions the tax cuts will add to the deficit!

      Read much fake news, lately?

      Financial Advisors quotes Rubio:

      We don’t need to reduce benefits on current retirees or even near-term retirees, but we can make changes for future generations such as mine, and do so in a way that people can prepare for, so the changes will barely be felt,” Rubio said.

      Members of BOTH parties have acknowledged that unfunded Social Security and Medicare are the main drivers of our debt. Reform to these systems are LONG OVERDUE!

      You should be happy about this. SS reforms would secure older Americans and more prosperous individual retirement packages for future generations from the payroll taxes they (and their employers) ALREADY pay! Wealthier recipients of Medicare might see their benefits change slightly but they can afford the changes, right? Think of it as a way to “tax the rich.”

      Oh, and that 1.3 trillion over ten years you’re so worried about…that’s based on static scoring. It works out to a few billion a year, easily offset by increased growth in the economy and a broader tax base. It’s NOTHING compared to the 10 trillion debt Obama piled up in seven years.

      It’s unfortunate that you socialists are so bent on feeding the younger generations garbage. All you care about is having power. Power over choices and control over the wealth our labors and creativity generate.

    • Tina says:

      Medicare and Medicaid are the single biggest drivers of the federal deficit and the federal debt by a huge margin.” – Barack Obama, June 2009, as he tried to sell Obamacare.

      Obamacare…another underfunded entitlement program for the poor and another coercive tax on citizens that will, if it’s not repealed, add to the debt each and every year.

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