Humor Hits the California Highways

Submitted in comments by J Soden

Two stories today highlight the inanity of the California government through hilarious hi-jinks. The first comes via FOX News

Drivers entering California are being greeted with signs proclaiming the liberal bastion an “OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE,” according to photos and videos circulating on social media appearing to show a prankster attached the official-looking blue signs just below legitimate “Welcome to California” markers.

The sanctuary state sign, which adds “Felons, Illegals and MS13 [gang members] welcome,” is similar to one hung up by a Malibu activist last year.

“Democrats Need The Votes!” reads a message on the signs, which are plastered with the Great Seal of California and a donkey, one of the symbols of the Democratic Party.

The Gateway Pundit has more.

The CA Highway Department has dispatched people to take the signs down citing safety.

The signs will have little impact on the Democrat leaders who are sanctimoniously committed to turning our beautiful state into a third world criminal nightmare. The elites exist in a wealth bubble and remain above the fray…how do you think the Mexican elites survive and thrive while their people risk life and limb to come to America? CA Democrats, and their wealthy elite supporters, live in gated compounds more often than not, and like little gods, dispense life and liberty threatening policy that never touches their own lives.

Someone commented today about how the left elites and their resist movement is looking more and more like the new Confederacy…same actors…same decisions…and on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of justice, the wrong side of freedom.

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7 Responses to Humor Hits the California Highways

  1. J. Soden says:

    Signs coming down for “safety?”
    From motorists laughing so hard . . . . . . . .

  2. Tina says:

    …they drive off the road!!! :-DDDDD!

  3. Peggy says:

    These signs have been appearing since last April. Even lawn signs attacking city councils for spending money on illegals instead of city projects. Someone or group put some thought and dollars into these professionally done signs.

    Trump’s fight back attitude is rubbing off on people who are also willing to stand up and speak out against those who have broken our laws and forced us to live in unsafe communities.

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