DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Endorses Violent ANTIFA

Posted by Tina

If you thought the Democrat Party might consider moderating in this election year better think again. Keith Ellison, one of the original contenders to lead the DNC, has absolutely embraced the violent ANTIFA movement:

Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison endorsed Antifa on Wednesday, tweeting a picture of himself smiling with an Antifa handbook.

Ellison posted a picture with “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” and asserted that the book would “strike fear in the heart” of President Donald Trump.

This guy thinks this is a winning move?

The lefty Southern Poverty Law Center “condemns” ANTIFA, but does not include them in their list of “hate groups.” The absurdity of this becomes ever more obvious when their Hate Tracker webpage “includes the following social media hashtags: #christmas, #merrychristmas” and “#Jesus.”

Don’t worry though, the SPLC has an explanation:

“Hate Tracker” webpage doesn’t actually track hate; it just tracks what is being tweeted by supposedly hateful people. (emphasis mine)

Question, will the SPLC also “condemn” Keith Ellison?

ANTIFA is an arrogant radical left group that uses violence to stop others from peacefully assembling and expressing their views. They believe they alone (forget the Constitution) have the right to decide what speech will be allowed, or not, and believe they are justified to use violence against anyone they label as right wing (fascist) and “hateful.”

Violence is now an acknowledged acceptable form of speech according to the Democrat Party leadership. Do not buy it when Democrats pretend to condemn violence this year…they embrace it. 2018 is bound to be another year of violent protest as Republicans campaign across the nation.

(I also anticipate that law and order will prevail under our current leadership.)

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20 Responses to DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Endorses Violent ANTIFA

  1. Tina says:

    Gateway Pundit, “Antifa Website Posts Directions for Sabotaging ATMs After Anarchists ‘Wreck’ Nearly 20 in Portland”

    Antifa anarchists have decided that an excellent way to “smash the state” is to inconvenience their friends and neighbors by sabotaging ATM machines — in a city that voted 73.3% for Hillary Clinton and only 17% for Donald Trump.

    In a communique posted to the Antifa website It’s Going Down, an anonymous criminal admitted to using guerrilla tactics to “wreck” ATM machines in the ultra-blue city of Portland, Oregon — and encouraged readers in other cities to do the same.

    “We are no longer willing to wait for the some great spark to cause the Revolution, nor can we afford to wait as our mental health depreciates with each new bit of bad news about our dying planet and all these warring nations fighting over blood and oil. Instead, we will turn every little act into an act of rebellion and refuse to submit to the State any longer,” the criminal wrote.



    How about criminal!

    Timing is everything…and Keith chose today?

  2. J. Soden says:

    The face of the new Demwit party. All that remains is to have them wear brownshirts and swastika armbands . . . . .

  3. Peggy says:

    I keep seeing videos of former democrats who have become Trump supporters. Seeing them gives me hope that enough will realize the DNC is no longer the party of JFK. Most of the videos are of young people to young to know the JFK years and young enough to reject the Obama’s.

    Are we living another awakening? Time will tell. Here’s a couple of those videos. You decide.

    Check out the number to Twitter followers and their comments.


    The best video.

  4. Chris says:

    The absurdity of this becomes ever more obvious when their Hate Tracker webpage “includes the following social media hashtags: #christmas, #merrychristmas” and “#Jesus.”

    Don’t worry though, the SPLC has an explanation:

    “Hate Tracker” webpage doesn’t actually track hate; it just tracks what is being tweeted by supposedly hateful people. (emphasis mine)

    This is true. Their hate tracker page today lists the hashtags #cartoons and #obama. I find it unlikely that they believe either of those hashtags are inherently hateful; the purpose is to monitor what hate groups are tweeting about.

    Antifa is garbage and Keith Ellison is wrong to support them.

    • Tina says:

      Since the SPLC decides what groups are designated as hate groups, and by who knows what biased measuring stick, the exercise is misleading at it’s core. What is the purpose, Chris? What do they want to accomplish? What does this contribute that could be considered positive?

      • Chris says:

        They tell you exactly what measuring stick they use on their website.

        The purpose is to know what groups out there are promoting bigotry. Lots of people want to know that; it’s OK if you don’t. Antifa should be on their list.

        • Tina says:

          Defining hate in terms of a difference of opinion is ridiculous. Teaching young people and minorities that Christians, for instance are “haters,” just because they see things differently than some others do, is irresponsible as well. Furthering the notion that the word conservative is equal to the word Nazi is irresponsible and yet that is exactly what they, and your party, do.

          Your are a bunch of liars.

          As you and I both wrote, the tracker does not identify the “hater,” only the subjects their notion of “haters’ is discussing. I repeat, what is the point?

          Antifa is not on their list of haters.

          Nor is Answer as far as I know: “Stand with All Immigrants, Muslims and People of Color! Shut Down White Supremacy! Spread the word. Organize everyone you can and get them to this very important protest. Everywhere Trump goes he and his racist mob must be shut down by the people!”

          Belief that Trump and his followers are racist doesn’t make them racist and there in lies a huge problem. They emotionally set themselves up as the arbiters of hate…and then run out to do hateful things, like screaming invited speakers off the stage.

          This behavior isn’t civil much less aligned with the free speech and assembly principles of our founding.

          Josh Goldstein of TownHall wrote an article titled, “Southern Poverty Law Center Is a Hate Group”

          The man has a valid point. The organization strayed from it’s original mission and became an activist arm of the redefined, divide and slander, Democrat Party.

          • Chris says:

            We’ve been through this before. SPLC does not label groups hate groups because they have a “difference of opinion,” and no matter how many times you repeat that it won’t magically become true.

  5. J. Soden says:

    A little more background on the individual who was elected Vice Chair by the Demwits . . . .

  6. Tina says:

    Peggy and J it’s difficult to find a single thing Democrats stand for today that isn’t based on division, control, or hate.

    They had a lot of years to accomplish positive things and totally missed the boat.

    This is an activist party now and by nature it survives by pitting groups against each other. The nation has been awash in race and gender activism…respect and rights flowed only in one direction under Obama. The economy and jobs were sacrificed to further the party’s activist interests. Even the healthcare bill they passed was a sham that did not serve the “common good” but gave the party more control and activist discretion. That is nothing like the JFK Dem party…it’s gone baby gone! The replacement is ugly, malicious and more like a third world dictatorship than America.

    Glad to hear young people are opening up to something else…Trump’s vision for America.

    • Peggy says:

      Listening to the awesome stock market and jobs reports. Another record hit for the stock market and 1.84 million new jobs since Trump took office. Black unemployment rate at it’s lowest ever since tracking began in the early 70s at 6.8% for a 45 year low. Yahoo!

      More good news is Trump has eliminated 16,000 gov’t jobs in DC by cutting and reducing duplicate and nonessential positions. Reducing the size of gov’t is always good unless it comes to our national security.

      • Tina says:

        There’s a lot of very positive news.

        Daily Herald

        ComEd reported the company is filing a petition Friday to cut residential electrical bills by between $2 and $3 as a result of the federal tax reduction. ComEd is filing with the Illinois Commerce Commission seeking approval to pass along approximately $200 million in tax savings to its customers in 2018.

        CNS News, “1,788,000 More People Employed Since December 2016; 148,000 Jobs Added Last Month”

        On Friday, the nation’s unemployment rate remained at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent for the third straight month, and the number of employed people increased by 103,000 to 154,021,000, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.

        Since December 2016, 1,788,000 people have been added to the nation’s employment roster, and the number of employed people has set six records since February, most recently in September.

        The labor force participation rate remained flat in December, as 67.2 percent of the population was either employed or actively seeking work last month.

        In November, the nation’s civilian noninstitutionalized population, consisting of all people age 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 256,109,000. Of those, 160,597,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one. …

        … “Dow goes from 18,589 on November 9, 2016, to 25,075 today, for a new all-time Record,” …

        … And in another positive development in December, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 9 cents to $26.63. Over the year, average hourly earnings have risen by 65 cents, or 2.5 percent.

        Real Clear Politics, “Manufacturers Intend to Deliver on Tax Reform’s Promise”

        In the NAM’s latest quarterly Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey of our members, most respondents felt confident that tax reform would grow their businesses and help their workers.

        Sixty-three percent said comprehensive business tax reform would encourage their companies to spend more on their facilities and equipment, and 58 percent said they would expand their businesses.

        In addition, 54 percent said they would hire more workers, and almost half (49 percent) planned to increase wages and benefits.

        TownHall, “It’s Happening: Health Insurance Will Soon Be Sold Across State Lines”

        On Thursday, the Department of Labor announced a new rule proposal that opens the door to allowing insurance companies to sell plans and coverage across state lines. From Insurance News Net:

        In another move toward dismantling the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Labor announced a proposed rule to expand the offering of small business health plans, also known as association health plans. The proposed rule will be published Friday.

        Under the proposal, small businesses and sole proprietors would have more freedom to band together to provide health insurance for employees.

        The proposed rule applies only to employer-sponsored health insurance. This would allow employers to join together as a single group to purchase insurance in the large group market.

        Fox News, “Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show”

        Since Donald Trump became president, the Dow Jones industrial average has climbed to 25,000 and fewer Americans are unemployed.

        Another interesting fact: The number of people collecting food stamps has declined by more than two million.

        Data released by the Department of Agriculture show that the number of participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, dropped to 42,182,443 for fiscal 2017 – a decline of 2,036,920 from the fiscal 2016 total of 44,219,363.

        • Peggy says:

          Love hearing every day more good news about our economy and job market improving. Nothing better than hard working taxpayers being able to keep more of their OWN money instead of the gov’t taking it from them. Do not understand why Democrats think the gov’t can spend their hard-earned salary better than they can.

          I hadn’t heard about ComEd seeking a rate reduction. That’s awesome. If one does it I’m sure others will follow. Don’t remember this ever happening in my life time.

          The the record breaking falling unemployment rates along with the rising labor force participation just doesn’t get any better and it’s only been a year. Lowest black unemployment since records kept 45 years ago.

          “The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 6.8 percent unemployment rate for black workers in December, the lowest in the 45 years the data has been tracked.

          Unemployment overall was 4.1 percent.”

          The Hispanic rate is really good too with a 17 year low. Hate repeating myself but, Cesar Chavez and the Kennedys understood American workers first when it came to jobs. Chavez’s hunger strikes and forming the UFW to protect higher salaries for US citizens and legal resident from illegals willing to work for less pay was worth fighting for and even putting his life on the line to obtain.

          “The Hispanic unemployment rate fell to 4.7% last month, down from 4.8%. Overall U.S. unemployment remained at 4.1%, a 17-year low. ”

          The BEST news for me personally was going online and using one of the new tax calculators to find out my federal tax will be cut in half. I will no longer be forced to pay estimated taxes, which I had not done before ObamaCare but was forced to write a check out every three months four times a year. I lost thousands the gov’t took and now I get to keep again my OWN money.

          Bet all of those students who have been paying the higher 1.5% loan rate because of ObamaCare would like to get out from under their contracts and go to a lower rate. Hopefully, congress will help them out with a new repeal law or regulation change.

          The only bad news is the media is only giving Trump a 5% positive reporting time. All of the people watching the biased network and cable news don’t know they’re being lied to. The democrats did the same with Reagan and Bush. Thank God Reagan was strong enough to deal with them, Bush not so much. Time will tell if Trump will.

          • Peggy says:

            Today’s good news story. Trump cut 16,000 of the 188,000 federal jobs Obama added. Wonder if five of the highest income counties located around DC will remain so by 2020. It’s time for the DC bubble to burst and those who live in it live in the real world like the rest of us.


            “Cleaning out Barack Obama’s embedded Deep State loyalists and creating a less than favorable climate for K-Street lobbyists weren’t the only things that could be interpreted as draining the swamp.

            As his one-year anniversary draws near, President Trump has accomplished much in the way of peeling the leeches off of the backs of taxpayers by presiding over a period when thousands of unnecessary and redundant government jobs have been eliminated.

            According to data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the federal government has lost 16,000 jobs since Obama left office – this is really, really good news for opponents of big government.

            State governments employed 19,000 fewer people in December 2017 than they did in December 2016.

            However, overall government employment in the United States increased by a net 42,000 during 2017 because of the 77,000 jobs added by local governments from December 2016 to December 2017.

            The federal government in December 2016 employed 2,819,000 people, according to BLS. By December 2016, that had dropped to 2,803,000—a decrease of 16,000.”


  7. Tina says:

    “…SPLC does not label groups hate groups because they have a ‘difference of opinion,’ and no matter how many times you repeat that it won’t magically become true.”

    This is a group that promotes “tolerance” but does not tolerate the “opinions” that life begins at conception and babies in the womb should be protected or that marriage is an institution devised by God involving one man and one woman. These opiions have NOTHING to do with hate…NOTHING!!! But the SPLC designates groups that believe in those basic ideas as hate groups.

    N matter how may times YOU repeat that they hate it won;t “magically” make it true.

    I suggest you who scream hate need to step back and look in the mirror…you seem filled with both hate and intolerance for those who hold different OPINIONS from those you hold.

    • Chris says:

      This is a group that promotes “tolerance” but does not tolerate the “opinions” that life begins at conception and babies in the womb should be protected or that marriage is an institution devised by God involving one man and one woman. These opiions have NOTHING to do with hate…NOTHING!!! But the SPLC designates groups that believe in those basic ideas as hate groups.

      Still wrong. That is not why the SPLC labels them hate groups, and those beliefs are not sufficient for a group to be labeled a hate group; this is proven by the fact that many high-profile organizations with these opinions are not called hate groups by the SPLC.

      But keep misrepresenting them.

  8. Tina says:

    Answering Genesis, “Are Christian Organizations “Hate Groups”?

    he Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which claims to “monitor hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States and expose their activities to the public, the media and law enforcement,” hosts a “hate map” on their site. This map contains information about 917 “hate groups” across the United States.

    Some of these “hate groups” are well-known for their hateful rhetoric, such as KKK chapters or neo-Nazi groups, but others are Christian or nonprofit groups. According to Liberty Counsel, a pro bono religious freedom group that is itself suing SPLC over their hate label designation, 46 Christian or nonprofit groups have been categorized as “hate groups” by SPLC. These include some names you might recognize, such as D. James Kennedy Ministries (who is also suing SPLC over the label), Alliance Defending Freedom, the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, and others.

    D. James Kennedy Ministries, a Florida-based Christian ministry founded by the late Presbyterian minister D. James Kennedy, is suing because the “hate group” label has affected their status with GuideStar USA Inc., a group that rates nonprofits, which in turn has affected their donation status with Amazon.com.

    So why the “hate group” designations? These groups were slapped with this label because each takes a biblical position on marriage. Simply holding to biblical and historically Christian views, taken directly from the Bible, is enough to be called a “hate group,” according to SPLC standards. These groups don’t call for members to express hatred or commit violent acts; they simply hold to a set of beliefs that Christians (and most others in the Western world, I might add) have held to for centuries.

    Liberty Counsel claims that the “’hate group’ label is false and dangerous” and that the SPLC is “intent on destroying pro-family organizations.”2 This certainly seems to be the case.

    If you believe this isn’t true then please explain your version of why these groups were so labeled!

    • Chris says:

      We’ve had this discussion before. More than once. If you don’t have the courtesy to recall the many times I’ve cited SPLC’s explicitly stated reasons for labeling groups like FRC as hate groups for their hateful rhetoric, you are free to look at the SPLC’s website yourself and read their explanations.

      Answering Genesis is simply lying when it says that it applies the label to organizations “because each takes a biblical position on marriage,” but that’s what Answering Genesis does.

  9. Tina says:

    Here’s some great news:


    In 2017, Antifa organizer Yvette Felarca filed a restraining order against former UC Berkeley College Republican president Troy Worden, citing two alleged incidents of harassment. Worden’s attorney alleges that Felarca made up two false accusations of harassment against him. He claims that Felarca used two incidents in which Worden made eye contact with her on campus as a basis for the restraining order.

    Now, a California court has ordered Felarca to pay a $11,000 fine for filing a frivolous lawsuit. The funds will go directly to covering Worden’s attorney fees. In a press release, attorney Harmeet Dhillon suggested that the fine signals that Antifa can’t use the courts to silence their political opponents. “Felarca and her fellow travelers in BAMN [By Any Means Necessary]/Antifa need to learn that the California courts are not their personal plaything to use and abuse at will by filing baseless and vexatious lawsuits,” she said in the release.

    “By ruling that she did not demonstrate good faith in filing the restraining order, the court recognized the frivolous nature of Felarca’s actions,” Worden’s attorney, Mark Meuser, added. “The award of attorney fees should send a strong signal that she cannot abuse the court system to silence speech.”

    Long overdue!

  10. Tina says:

    “If you don’t have the courtesy to recall the many times I’ve cited SPLC’s explicitly stated reasons for labeling groups like FRC as hate groups … (blah blah blah!)

    Interesting POV Chris. It’s very basic, speak as we think you should speak or be labeled a hater.

    Since when does that fit into American ideas about freedom of thought and speech?

    The SPLC acts irresponsibly inciting hatred, division, and even violence unnecessarily.

    Time to come clean and admit that the LGBT community leadership and many of it’s organizations is interested in indoctrination to the point of being tyrannical:

    In 2016, when California officially added LGBT mandates to the state-approved curriculum, the San Francisco Chronicle called the event “a landmark move that puts the ongoing LGBT civil rights fight into the mainstream of public education.” Publishers duly responded, as they have with previous state laws and guidelines. They created schoolbooks that, among many instructional tasks, select, recognize, and feature historical figures based on their sexuality. Outing historical figures, often based on thin speculation, is new to school-level history, and many historians and textbook editors are uneasy with the trend, but California authorities rejected non-conforming submissions.

    Several Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) books didn’t meet California reviewers’ requests for explicit references. The publisher’s middle-school text failed to sexualize historical figures Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, and James Buchanan, for example. The HMH rejection is ironic since, in 1990, Houghton Mifflin gained what amounted to a state monopoly, creating textbooks to match California’s daring new content framework.

    The “achievements of people who experience or express sexual desire for their own sex as well as those who do not conform to conventional gender norms are central to both United States history and culture,” the publisher argued. “However, HMH feels that the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer are contemporary terms that may not map well on past lives and experiences.”

    Not good enough, the state’s review commission responded: “The absence of specific labels regarding sexual orientation creates an adverse reflection because the identity of these individuals is not honored and demeans their contributions to history.”

    Achievement or genius is not a result of sexual preference or gender identity.

    When will these activist groups finally choose to join the human race and exercise a bit of tolerance themselves!

    And what is so difficult about just accepting the fact that some people believe differently than you and the SPLC about certain subjects and that they have a right to talk about their beliefs?

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