Update: State of NRA

Posted by Tina

Better be careful these days before going on the attack.

Immediately following the school shooting in Florida attacks on the NRA were ferocious. They included calls to companies that lend support to the NRA or it’s members. One such company was Delta Airlines, an airline that offered a small discount to NRA members. The decision to pull that support means they’ve managed to insult 5 million gun owners. Turns out only 13 people had actually taken advantage of the discount offered. NRA members weren’t upset because the discount ended, they were upset that Delta picked a side in a political argument. Georgia’s Republican Lt Governor promised to “kill any tax legislation” that would benefit the airline unless the company” reinstated it’s relationship with the NRA.” The legislature voted last Thursday to do away with a jet fuel tax exemption worth $50,000 to Delta.

The NRA has support from a good many Americans. Google searches for NRA membership have risen by 4900% since the Florida attack. The Daily Mail reports that CNN’s town hall attack of the NRA only inspired new members to join up. There have also been reports of increased gun sales.

I’m not a fan of this type of protest but I certainly understand the urge to fight back with vigor after watching the vitriol and hate displayed toward people that have absolutely nothing to do with the murders in Florida. In particular, the anger expressed toward Dana Loesch was so vicious Loesch required a security escort when she left the CNN building.

Some people think that divisions have grown so stark and hate filled in our country that we’re headed for civil war. I hope not…

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7 Responses to Update: State of NRA

  1. RHT447 says:

    I helped fight the cold war. I know one when I see it. At the time, I never imagined that I would one day fight it at home. The sights, sounds, and smells of the enemy are the same now as they were then. We are in the second American Civil War. It just hasn’t gone hot. Yet.

  2. Peggy says:

    I was one of those who joined the NRA for the first time after seeing the CNN town hall and what happened to Dana Loesch.

    Meadow Pollack’s dad has become an advocate for two bills, one in Florida and the other in congress.

    Changing gun laws “not achievable,” Parkland victim’s father says:

    • Tina says:

      We have failed when we can’t secure kids in our schools. It’s shameful that the issue has been and continues to be politicized.

      It’s ridiculous that we secure courtrooms, cash, banks, airports, stadiums, hotels, Congress, the WH, and many individuals both public and private with armed security but when it comes to our kids the idea is rejected.

      I hate the idea that in America we’ve come to the place where security has become a high agenda item. I’d prefer a moral and responsible citizenry where such events would be extremely rare. But that’s not the state of our nation or the world now. Time to stop playing political games.

      • Peggy says:

        It’s reported 500 armed police were hired to protect those at the Academy Awards Sunday. Our children should be so deserving.

        Schools and school boards should decide what is best for their schools and their students. There are vast differences between a high school in SF with 2,000 students and one in Eureka with 200.

        For two years I even went to a two room school in Honeydew, CA where the teacher/principal had a rifle in the back windows of his truck.

  3. RHT447 says:

    As I said, not yet.

    “In what many believe is the beginning of a Constitutional crisis, Seattle police have taken the distinct honor of being the first law enforcement agency in the state to put an extreme risk protection order, or “erpo,” into practice by forcibly confiscating the guns belonging to a Seattle resident without a warrant, arrest, or even criminal charges.

    The new “red flag” law, which has taken hold in other states already, allows the courts and law enforcement to take away guns from individuals they deem are dangerous.

    A man living in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington became the first individual in the state to have his firearm confiscated without any formal arrest or charges. The man was not identified by authorities.”


  4. J. Soden says:

    When the politicians, bigwigs, corporate honchos and Hollyweird Lefties all give up their armed bodyguards, then and ONLY then should we be having any kind of discussion about “gun control.”
    And that includes the lifetime Secret Service protection paid for by taxpayer $$ of past presidents.

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