Cesar Chavez A Man of Yesterday…a Man for Today!

Posted by Tina

Today is Cesar Chavez Day. His legacy should be remembered truthfully and factually rather than as fantasy concocted by those who support progressive politics. To that end, let’s celebrate Chavez by discussing his stance on immigration as recounted in an article, “Make Cesar Chavez Great Again,” by Pedro Gonzales. Warning to those who wll actually read the entire article, Chavez was a bit like Trump in his use of the language:

Chavez orchestrated the Illegals Campaign, which the Los Angeles Times described as “a central piece of strategy which saw the UFW direct members to report the presence of undocumented immigrants in the fields and turn them in to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the agency which preceded Customs and Border Protection (CBP).” Chavez instructed the campaign’s field coordinator to “distribute forms printed in triplicate to all union offices and directed staff members to document the presence of illegal immigrants in the fields and report them to the INS.”

In triplicate—Chavez was as thorough as he was hawkish.

Just in Fresno, California, Chavez’s campaign identified and reported 2,200 illegal immigrants to the INS in 1974 alone. In fact, Chavez even paid off Mexican border patrol agents to stop would-be illegal immigrants from entering the United States. A spade’s a spade. …
… Chavez’s rage against unfettered immigration didn’t wane. In fact, we can track its upward trajectory. In 1969, Chavez testified before Congress that even though UFW organizers had given INS officials “stacks and stacks of information” on illegal immigrants, the authorities failed to deport them. “This is why we are forced to boycott: We have had no enforcement by the Border Patrol,” Chavez said.

Later, following the implementation of the Illegals Program and frustrated with more immigration enforcement failures, Chavez testified before Congress again in 1979: “It is apparent that when the farmworkers strike and their strike is successful, the employers go to Mexico and have unlimited, unrestricted use of illegal alien strikebreakers to break the strike. And, for over 30 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has looked the other way and assisted in the strikebreaking.”

Progressives have canonized a laughably angelic version of Chavez, utterly divorced from his passionate opposition to unregulated immigration and illegal immigrants (and also without mention of the strange spiral into cultism that stained the later years of his life).

This article demonstrates just how far afield radical progressives have taken us on issues of importance for our survival and vitality…and how horribly they have destorted and altered history as they educate, and I use the term generously, young minds.

(Cue Libby for another “You’re racist!” rant.)

Bringing the spirit of Chavez into the present….

If you still don’t think the wall is important to build or that lawful immigration shouldn’t be a foundational principal consider the following (organized and orchestrated by whom?):

For five days now hundreds of Central Americans — children, women, and men, most of them from Honduras — have boldly crossed immigration checkpoints, military bases, and police in a desperate, sometimes chaotic march toward the United States. Despite their being in Mexico without authorization, no one has made any effort to stop them.

Organized by a group of volunteers called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, the caravan is intended to help migrants safely reach the United States, bypassing not only authorities who would seek to deport them, but gangs and cartels who are known to assault vulnerable migrants.

Organizers like Rodrigo Abeja hope that the sheer size of the crowd will give immigration authorities and criminals pause before trying to stop them.

Attempts to find out who is behind this organization and it’s efforts yielded very little other than the fact that it has a radical progressive stamp on it. I suspect George Soros, through his multitude of activist organizations, is behind it. The organization does have a Facebook page. I don’t do Facebook so maybe Peggy can help us out.

Could this be one of the reasons construction on the wall has begun? And why progressives (particularly in CA) are up in arms over the decision to include a legal status question on the census form?

It is time to make Cesar Chavez “Great Again,” by adopting his stance on illegal immigration, securing our borders, and enforcing our immigration laws.

Happy Cesar Chavez Day and God bless American.

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7 Responses to Cesar Chavez A Man of Yesterday…a Man for Today!

  1. J. Soden says:

    Back during Chavez’s UFW time, I used to deliberately cross the picket lines they had at Safeway over grapes. Once in Pacoima, one of the picketers tried to discuss their stance but he had never been a farm worker – just a paid picketer.
    The honest farm WORKERS didn’t want to join the UFW and pay dues ’cause they could make more $$ being paid by the piece rather than the hourly wage Chavez wanted.

    And before Libby gets her drawers in a twist, I grew up on a ranch that grew fruit that had to hire workers/pickers, so I know of what I speak.

  2. Peggy says:

    FaceBook has several pages, groups and public posting about this march, which began last Sunday and is expected to take about a month before reaching our border. The post are in both English and Spanish and ask for donations to help feed and support their cause.

    They started with a surprising 1,500 marchers and expect it to grow. Once here they plan to seek asylum and in mass cross the border. Looks very much like what the ME did to Europe.

    If you want Tina, I can post a couple of the articles, but they basically say what your article did.

    Hope Trump and our border patrol is preparing for this. We’re about to be invaded with thousands from South and Central America.

    Thanks for doing such a great job with the article. I’ve known this information for years and frustrated Chavez’s history had been rewritten over the year. I knew many of his nieces and nephews and know they would not approve of what the left has done to undo his legacy.

    Any doubters can watch his KQED interview on the YouTube below and hear and see him talk about his anti-illegal immigrants views.

    I also sent to John Cox the articles I have on his FB messenger in the hopes he’ll remind everyone of the real Cesar Chave’s legacy during his campaign for governor.


    • Tina says:

      Thanks Peggy.

      I pray Trump and the border patrol are ready. I hope this is the reason he stepped up efforts to get the walls built with the Army Corps of Engineers installing them.

  3. Peggy says:

    Being blocked for posting too often. Will try this one and then take a break for a day or two.

    In honor of Cesar Chavez here are a couple of videos worth watching. For us old folk it will remind you of the “Grape Boycotts” and how sick and close to death he was for his cause and the farm workers.

    Student’s in class presentation.
    Cesar Chavez & The United Farm Workers’ Attacks on Mexican Migrants Presentation:

    Cesar Chavez speaking at UCLA 10/11/1972:

    “Cesar’s Last Fast”: How Cesar Chavez Risked Death to Protect the Lives of Farmworkers He Championed: (Bobby Kennedy was with him when he ended his first fast and Ethyl Kennedy was with him on his third and last fast.)

  4. Harold says:

    Tina posted about radical progressives:

    “and how horribly they have destorted and altered history as they educate, and I use the term generously, young minds”

    “educate” is high stench, the expression ” Brainwashed thru misinformation” applies

    Excellent post Tina.

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