Election Upset in Butte County

by Jack

By all accounts our best Supervisor, Larry Wahl, from District 2, was voted out of office yesterday by a lousy 284 votes. And instead of getting a replacement anywhere near his caliber, we got one inexperienced Debra Lucero, a former Art Commissioner? I can’t see where she differs from the liberals on the former Chico council that bankrupted this city. Lucero received a $1000 campaign contribution from the United Domestic Workers of America, does that give you a hint where she’s coming from… politically?

Ironically, it was Larry Wahl, Mark Sorenson and a few other adults on the Chico City Council that had to make the tough calls to fix it. Thanks to these men, we averted a financial meltdown and that is no exaggeration. Larry is time tested businessman, a former Navy fighter pilot who flew jets off a carrier into combat! He deserved our support and we (the voters) let him down.

To add insult to [pending] injury, the voters in District 3 elected Tami Ritter, currently on the Chico City Council. By all accounts she was a do nothing council-person, but she had strong liberal credentials!!! I recall one of her campaign promises was to effectively do something about our homeless problem. So much for that, Chico’s overrun with bums and Ritter, well, she totally failed us. So, for her failure on the council a handful of voters decided to promote her to higher office? Isn’t that amazing? But, wait, what is really amazing she was running against Bob Evans. Bob is a top business manager and a retired Air Force Officer with a distinguished career. To the best of my knowledge, neither Lucero or Ritter served 5 minutes in the military. What kind of leadership do they have? None that I know. And in my opinion, neither of those two has anywhere near the education and experience of the two gentlemen they just beat. Actually, they didn’t beat them, the voters who failed to investigate the candidates fairly and then cast an intelligent vote beat them. Shame on them. They failed to do their duty! I heard statewide we also had a low turnout, somewhere around 24% if I recall correctly.

It was a pathetic shame that District 2 and 3 voters did not support clearly the best candidates. Instead they let a handful of well organized liberals walk away with two very important supervisor seats. This is eerily symptomatic of how CA has become the failed state it is.

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9 Responses to Election Upset in Butte County

  1. J. Soden says:

    A very sad day for Chico and Butte County.

  2. Tina says:

    Bad news all around, Jack.

  3. Harold says:

    Larry worked for all the people in district 2. Maybe his downfall might have been figuring they appreciated his support and guidance of Butte county needs, and wouldn’t just vote based on political bias. In any case we will miss him and his leadership, but a hardy Thank You for his time in office.

    Larry may have figured he didn’t have to buy the seat and spend as heavily as Lucero, but sadly, even with a effective leadership record, that thinking doesn’t hold up along todays divided political party lines.

    Butte county will sorely miss Larry’s common sense approach to issues facing everyone. As far as district 3, I guess they forgot Ritter does for Ritter and rules don’t always apply to her.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    I fear this will end Larry’s political hopes for the assembly. Like I said its a shame he lost, but this is what happens when voters FAIL to do their due diligence! Clearly they did in Larry’s case. Well, in a republic like ours it’s said people get the kind of government they deserve. Heaven help us if that comes true!

    • Joe says:

      Well, you’re going to get Pretty Boy Newsome in the Fall. Do you thing you deserve him?

      Can you imagine the amount of damage he and the Demorats in the legislature will do?

      You thought Captain Med Fly was bad? Well he was but you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Newsome will make Brown look like Trump.

  5. Jim says:

    I’m appalled to see Lucero and Ritter elected. I’m personally kind of liberal, however these two are a total disaster.

    I always liked Larry Wahl, he knew his stuff and was a smart man.

  6. Joe says:

    Captain Jack, Wahl and Evans losing could be a real bad omen for the Fall.

    LaMalfa better put a little work into trying to be re-elected. This election could very well NOT be a slam dunk for him like all the others have been.

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