Is Objectivity a “White Myth?”

Posted by Tina

What is it to be objective about a subject or to look at situations objectively? And does race play any part in a persons ability to be objective? Students attending Hobart and William Smith Colleges next Fall will have an opportunity to take a course that purports to answer these questions. Unfortunately they will be taken down a path of prejudice and bias. The dictionary definition of the word objective is pretty clear (see below), but I doubt that the meaning of words matter much to the pointy headed professors teaching a course that will likely incite anger, prejudice, and resentment…or guilt for those who happen to be white. The course in question is a sham designed to trap and enslave young minds. Disgusting!

The definition of objective as it relates to human thought:

(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts: “historians try to be objective and impartial”
synonyms: impartial · unbiased · unprejudiced · nonpartisan · disinterested

The course in question teaches that “objectivity” is a mythical social construct of white privilege. Katherine Timpf at National Review has the details:

“This course explores the history and ongoing manifestations of ‘white mythologies’ — long-standing, often implicit views about the place of White, male, Euro-American subjects as the norm against which the peoples of the world are to be understood and judged,” states the description for the class, which is titled “White Mythologies: Objectivity, Meritocracy, and Other Social Constructions.”

“Students will explore how systematic logics that position ‘the West’ and ‘whiteness’ as the ideal manifest through such social constructions as objectivity, meritocracy, and race, and as justifications for colonial interventions, slavery, and the subordination of women,” the description continues.

“Systematic logics?

Unfortunately, this isn’t a passing fancy:

In April of 2017, a group of students at Pomona College wrote a letter to the school’s outgoing president claiming that “the idea that there is a single truth . . . is a myth and white supremacy.” Also last year, a professor at Pennsylvania State University-Brandywine argued that “meritocracy” is a “whiteness ideology.” This year, two University of Denver professors claimed that scientific objectivity works to “spread whiteness ideology.”

That last one is a real humdinger!

It’s sad to think that American students at the college level are stupid enough to even consider such nonsense…such is the state of education today. It’s even harder to accept that professors who dish this crap are employed in American colleges. But here we are, swimming in a swamp infested by idiocy delivered by the radical, activist left. This is the same line that was preached at the church the Obama’s attended. It’s white hatred pure and simple, existing as the underbelly of the “social justice” warrior whose aim is to breed constant discontent and division as a means to power and control. It’s a total trap. Those in the black and Hispanic communities that know it’s a trap must confront and defeat this line of propaganda.

“The West” is the area of the planet that has embraced the TRUTH that “all men are created equal.” The West is the area of the globe that fights for freedom for all persons regardless their race. The “West” has been liberator to those who are oppressed.

On the other hand other areas of the planet are often extremely oppressive…often violently so…regardless the race.

The ability to think dispassionately is an important skill in life. It’s of particular importance in many professions…scientists, doctors, inventors, historians, investigators, police officers, judges and others all rely on their ability to be objective. It’s important for parents and teachers as they guide children to adulthood. It’s important for anyone who is attempting to understand and address a problem. But beyond the challenges that require clear thinking in professional and social situations there is the more fundamental ability to see and comprehend when basic freedoms are being undermined, when respect for the individual…any individual…is taking a back seat to a selective cause.

Any student that buys into the idea that objectivity is mythology and a construct of a made up thing called white privilege has already lost…his mind is enslaved and set on a course of bigotry and victim-hood. These students will definitely be primed to become the toy soldiers in a racial power game of the progressive left elites. And that’s really what this is about, no?

More on this subject at Campus Reform

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8 Responses to Is Objectivity a “White Myth?”

  1. Tina says:

    Peggy shared this under another story…it deserves more attention:

    “He has forged a path to help others wake up and leave the Democratic Party.

    A young man stands on his principles and convictions to leave a political party he supported and his video announcement should be shared.”

  2. J. Soden says:

    With all the accusations of racism being thrown around indiscriminately, think about this: NOBODY wants to be accused of that awful practice but there’s a big difference between disagreeing with someone and being a racist, yet that seems to be the first accusation from those who cannot defend their position.
    And as a result, the accusation has lost some of its meaning and strength – like the “little boy who cried wolf.”

    We really only come in two models – male and female – and we all put our pants on the same way – one leg at a time.

  3. Tina says:

    “Cool” related article, “Glenn K. Beaton: Here’s how I went from Marxism to Conservatism,” here.

    • Peggy says:

      Excellent! Explains why progressives talk and act like children these days. Real Democrats like Dershowitz and other’s from the JFK era became civil libertarians who loved their country and its Constitution and didn’t try to transform or rewrite them. We could differ in process, but most of the time agreed in our common foundation.

      Reminds me of two quotes.

      1 Corinthians 13:11
      When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

      “If a person is not a liberal when he is twenty, he has no heart; if he is not a conservative when he is forty, he has no head.’’

      • Tina says:

        Well worth repeating, Peggy!

        The serial tantrums of radical left “stars” over the past couple of years is very revealing in that regard. They do not argue on substance…they do name call, stomp their little feet and make ugly gestures. DeNiro was the latest to make a childish a$$ of himself this weekend.

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