Mexico’s Voter ID System

Posted by Tina

Mexico has a voter ID system, according to Silvio Canto, Jr. over at The American Thinker. Does anyone else find that bit of information nuts given the lefts resistance in America to anything resembling voter ID?

It’s a very good system:

Each Mexican voter has a government-issued photographic voter ID card, which he presents to election authorities. They have a book with the photograph of each and every voter precinct. Each precinct has such a book.

Across from the election authorities are seated representatives from various political parties. When the election authority at the table calls the name of the voter, his name is checked off in the precinct book. The voter also has his thumb stained with ink that wears off in a few days.

Cantos described how in America anyone who suggest voter ID is labeled a racist:

Recently, I told a Mexican that some Democrats call it racist to require a photo ID. He looked at me with astonishment and told me to explain it again. I did, and he used some expletive to describe the critics of photo ID.

Mexico has a big corruption problem but they certainly did get voter ID right.

An aside: Grrrrrd yourselves for an onslaught from screeching radical lefties tomorrow after Trump announces his pic for the Supreme Court. (We will put up an article as soon as possible.) As Victor Davis Hansen writes tonight:

…progressives see the court as an arm of the progressive movement that can enact social justice otherwise impossible either through referenda or their elected representatives. They see it as their own private domain (better even than the social fiat power of the armed forces) and essential to checking the ignorance of the irredeemables and deplorables.

I highly recommend this article by Hansen: “History’s Bad Ideas Are an Inspiration for Progressives.” It’s an informative history lesson that explains what’s being tried by the radical left today: “…the Left has resurrected an entire host of once discredited ideas from the nation’s past that reveal the new illiberal progressive ethos and remind us why those practices were odious in the first place.”

Good read!

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19 Responses to Mexico’s Voter ID System

  1. Libby says:

    Ok, here’s the thing. If you tell us that Mexico has what you call a “voter ID” system … and we all know that the phrase is fascistic code for “keep the poor people away from the polls”, what are we supposed to say, except:

    “Well, of course it does.”

    And … did you know that in the Jim Crow south, voter turnout for poor whites was every bit as deplorable as for poor blacks. It’s all about the “powers” staying in power, Tina. But this is, still, barely, a democracy. Texas HAS gone purple. The powers ARE peeing themselves.

    Expect no small quantity of ugliness to come.

    • Tina says:

      “…we all know that the phrase is fascistic code for “keep the poor people away from the polls”

      That’s a lie, Libby.

      If every citizen…EVERY CITIZEN…is issued a Voter ID card (with a picture) and is placed on the local public register, then EVERY CITIZEN, regardless his economic status or race or creed, will have full access to voting.

      What you hate is that non-citizens and dead folks would no longer have access.

      The American people rejected Jim Crow laws a long time ago thanks to the stellar voting record of Republicans in congress and much to the disgust of many Democrats of the day. We’ve moved on…you should too.

      A lot of those poor whites who were denied access in the Jim Crow years were republican citizens who sided with the negro! We were (and are) the party of Lincoln, you know:

      …after the war the Republican-dominated Congress forced a “Radical Reconstruction” policy on the South, which saw the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution and the granting of equal rights to all Southern citizens.

      Radical leftists believe (or do they?) that voter ID is unfair because poor people aren’t always able to travel to obtain an ID. This is nonsense. Democrats passed healthcare laws that require ID (Medicare, Medical, Medicaid) without worry that some poor people would be left behind. The documents needed to apply for SS/Medicare are the same that would be required to prove citizenship for voter ID.

      I think you enjoy using any excuse to make that fascist accusation, ridiculous as it is since liberty and equal justice are core values of the Republican Party and always have been.

      Besides it’s your party that has become the party of “the rich.” All that Silicon Valley/Pacific Northwest wealth is nothing to sneeze at! And then there are all those lawyers and bankers.

      • Libby says:

        “What you hate is that non-citizens and dead folks would no longer have access.”

        No, you will not accept that you are using an inconsequential portion of folk on our admittedly messy voter roles to justify voter suppression legislation. It is scandalously undemocratic, and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

        • Libby says:

          Oh my god … I have committed a Trumpism, as we call them now … it’s voter “rolls”, not “roles”.

          Oh, the shame!

        • Tina says:

          Please explain how voters will be suppressed?

          By what stretch of the imagination do you see people being DENIED the vote…and maybe now you’d be willing to accept the fact that even if it happened it would be an “inconsequential portion of folk.”

          Democrats always go out and bus people to the polls…or they sit with people and “help” them vote by mail. Don’t tell me you’re side’s not smart enough to make sure those who actually want to vote do! Cause I’m not buying it.

          Nope, you want illegals voting…and you want lots of them in the country. You want those who’ve a mind to vote more than once under a dead persons name…unions encourage the practice.

          I want clean voter roles and clean elections.

          • Libby says:

            And you could have them, if you would pay for them, which you won’t, so hush up. Purging the voter rolls of dead people is a sensible undertaking, and entirely doable, but that, you won’t pay for.

            Go figure.

    • Lonestar says:

      Crap fire boy! Texas Purple? whoever this Libby is y’all don’t make anymore sense than a stump turtle and ya sound like a damn fool.

      Texas is RED, yea some o you sorry lib idiot’s squat here, but most everyone has a attic cousin in the family ta deal with.

      Do the rest o the country a favor and jes’ stay put where all y’all at, and live in the scrawler of a holler ya build on stupid.

  2. Libby says:

    “If every citizen…EVERY CITIZEN ….” who can PROVE they are a citizen, with some official document, that a very elderly or an impoverished citizen might have lost and be unable to replace, which effectively denies the most economically vulnerable citizens of the county (ours or Mexico’s) access to the polls.

    To can deny it forever, but that is how it works … how it is designed to work … how it worked in the Jim Crow south, and how it works in Ohio right now, which is why the rest of us will continue to call it voter suppression, not voter ID law.

  3. Tina says:

    “To can deny it forever”

    Not a bird Libby…tit for tat 😉

    “…that is…how it worked in the Jim Crow south”

    That’s a lie Libby. Citizens in the Jim Crow south were not issued photo voter ID’s. The KKK used intimidation mainly to keep people from voting. They were like the Stazi in East Germany…had everybody scared to death of being shot or hanged, business ruined, home burned…shunned in polite circles

    “how it works in Ohio right now”

    Please offer some evidence that citizens have been denied the right to vote in Ohio. Your pronouncements are not enough to sway opinion.

    My research suggest the rules implemented in Ohio have nothing to do with an ID card, rather, they aim to keep current their voter register…and they are doing it fairly and with accomodation:

    No voter registrations will be canceled before this November’s mid-term election because federal law bars cancellations within 90 days of an election, and a special election will be held in August for Pat Tiberi’s congressional seat.

    But county boards of election can begin identifying voters who have not voted in the past two years and mailing them a “confirmation notice,” Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted advised elections officials in a new directive. Notices must be mailed by Aug. 6.

    Voters then have four years to return the notice, update their registration address or vote. If they don’t, they will be assumed to have moved out of state or died and their registrations will be canceled.

    New this time around: If voters renew their Ohio driver’s licenses or ID cards with the address they’ve registered to vote at, that will count as confirming the address.

    No voters flagged during the 2018 “supplemental process” will be removed from the rolls until after the November 2022 election, the directive states.

    Four years is plenty of time to act responsibly as a citizen on your own behalf, especially since the state acts like a parent to help in three ways:

    1. Notification and time to comply,
    2. Re-registration with renewal of DL or ID,
    3. Added incentive to vote!

    The election process and the votes of responsible citizens should be protected…this is a great way to make sure elections are open to all and fair.

  4. J. Soden says:

    The continual whine by the Loonie Left – including Libby – that somehow voter ID keeps people away from the polls is truly laughable. We’ve seen so many instances of voter fraud – ironically on the Demwit side – that the LACK of voter ID is irresponsible.

    Just try opening a bank account, picking up mail at the post office, entering a goofernment building in DC, being admitted to the hospital or getting on a plane without it!
    Too bad, Libby – you lose again!

    • Libby says:

      No, I don’t. I, once again, chide you for your lack of awareness, your insulated provincialism.

      J., you must try to understand that a sizeable portion of the electorate do none of these things: opening a bank account, picking up mail at the post office, entering a goofernment building in DC … they should still be able to vote.

      (fyi, you do not need ID to be admitted to a hospital.)

      • Tina says:

        “fyi, you do not need ID to be admitted to a hospital”

        At the ER when you’re gushing blood maybe but under normal admittance procedures, yes, we are required to show an ID before being admitted to the hospital.

        • Libby says:

          Wrong, Tina.

          If you’ve got it, of course, they want it, and, praise be, your proof of insurance.

          But, if you haven’t got any of this, you’re still in … and don’t it just make yer blood boil … you wildly uncharitable so-and-so?

          • Tina says:

            The fact of the matter is, ID is often requested and commonly required in many instances

            It’s been required to get into the Democrat convention.

            It’s required to enter some government locations

            Flying, driving, some states (boating), fishing, hunting, parking handicapped (on car)

            Since Obamacare it’s become policy to present a drivers license with proof of insurance at doctors offices

            Police stations if you need to be fingerprinted for a job.

            If called to serve on a jury, you must have proof of identification.

            To obtain a passport.

            ID is required to buy alcohol and tobacco (to determine age)

            It’s required when we fly commercial

            It’s required when we drive (must present if stopped by police officer)

            Come on Libby…you aren’t concerned that the poor will be too feeble or incapable to get food stamps or welfare for which they must apply and present ID! Somehow they are accommodated. It will be no different with voter ID.

            This is another Democrat scare tactic. You guys don;t have much faith in your policies if you have to lie to people and scare them to keep them voting for your party.


      • J. Soden says:

        Wrong again, Libby.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby: “And you could have them, (clean air/water) if you would pay for them”

    Lord are you dumb!

    Americans have already paid over several decades. America has the cleanest air and water in all of the industrialized world. See what WHO has to say about it here:

    While France and other G7 countries lamented the U.S. exit from the Paris climate accord, America’s air is already cleaner than that of any other country in the G7, except Canada with its scant population.

    It’s all happened through American innovation and development.

    Republicans aren’t against clean air or water. We support good sensible methods to achieve the cleanest air and water possible. What we hate are lies and scare mongering tactics to elect Democrats and pass legislation that costs taxpayers a lot while delivering near zero improvement! What we hate are schemes like ‘carbon credits” that let polluters off the hook for cash payments. these schemes line the pockets of unscrupulous brokers (Al Gore) and do nothing to improve conditions. What we hate is fake scientific findings that schemers use to line their pockets and obtain votes.

    It’s unfortunate that these miscreant fraudsters have pulled the wool over your eyes.

    “Purging the voter rolls of dead people is a sensible undertaking, and entirely doable, but that, you won’t pay for.”

    Another lie.

    Unfortunately the crazies in your party fight tooth and nail to block those taking on the project! It also wastes court time and tax dollars.

    Try setting your hostilities aside; we aren’t the monsters you imagine we are!!!

  6. Peggy says:

    Libby just proved she’s dumb and a racist.

    Blacks Say Whites Who Think “Voter ID Laws Are Racist” Are Ignorant Racists:

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