Chinese “Front Group” Hacked Hillary’s Private Server – Captured Emails in Real Time

Posted by Tina

A Chinese company located in the Washington DC area hacked into Hillary Clinton’s private email server and inserted code that allowed them to monitor and capture every email she sent or received in real time. The company was not a tech company but acted as a front for another company that forwarded the emails to the Chinese government. Investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan of the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s office, “met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion,” but their warnings apparently were dismissed by FBI…Peter Strzok was among those who couldn’t be bothered to protect sensitive material.

Daily Caller reporter, Richard Pollock has the details:

“When [the ICIG] did a very deep dive, they found in the actual metadata — the data which is at the header and footer of all the emails — that a copy, a ‘courtesy copy,’ was being sent to a third party and that third party was a known Chinese public company that was involved in collecting intelligence for China,” the former intelligence officer told TheDCNF.

“The [the ICIG] believe that there was some level of phishing. But once they got into the server something was embedded,” he said. “The Chinese are notorious for embedding little surprises like this.”

The intelligence officer declined to name the Chinese company.

“We do know the name of the company. There are indications there are other ‘cutouts’ that were involved. I would be in a lot of trouble if I gave you the name,” he told TheDCNF.

Pollock obtained a statement from a Hillary spokesperson.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill told TheDCNF. “The FBI spent thousands of hours investigating, and found no evidence of intrusion. That’s a fact. … But in an age where facts are alternative and truth isn’t truth, it’s no surprise that an outlet like the Daily Caller would try to distract us from very real and very immediate threats to our democracy brought by the man occupying the White House,”

Merrill can say make these ludicrous statements because Hillary destroyed evidence in an attempt to avoid scrutiny. They found no evidence because they did not look at the damning evidence! There was never a midnight raid with guns drawn to obtain the server and all of Hillary’s devices and records. She was the one who managed what investigators would see and what they would not see and with the help of her friends at Justice and the FBI she avoided proper scrutiny. Proper scrutiny would indict her and render her dream of being president null and void. She deliberately smashed phones with hammers and used bleach bit to destroy evidence. A phony interview was conducted followed by a statement indicting but absolving her of wrong doing.

A story designed to create a bigger monster soon developed…and “insurance policy.” The “Trump Russian collusion” story was fabricated and pushed to further ensure a Hillary victory in 2016…the left media picked up the ball and eagerly ran with it. Much of the public continues to be deceived by the scheme.

Whistle blowers and others with knowledge of the corruption that occurred at the FBI and DOJ are eager to reveal the things they know about theses scandals. It’s imperative that the full details of their testimony remain out of public eye until investigations are complete. Several cases under investigation will one day result in full exposure of the corruption and crimes committed by people within the Obama administration. The rat’s nests will be cleared out and the halls of justice and investigation fumigated. Trials will follow and people will go to jail.

Related: Sarah Carter, “Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-up” (If you didn’t read it yesterday, do it now!)

Related background and opinion: National Review, “Chicago 1968: The Night the Democratic Party Died”

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24 Responses to Chinese “Front Group” Hacked Hillary’s Private Server – Captured Emails in Real Time

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    So, where is the congressional investigation? Where is the DOJ? Where is the special prosecutor? Where is the grand jury investigation? Deep state chaos. Deep state cover-up. Deep state Rats.

    • Tina says:

      There are two ongoing Congressional investigations, one in the Senate and one in the House. Both have been frustrated by game playing at the FBI and DOJ. When asked for evidence and testimony they’ve been met with delays and deliberate withholding and unnecessary redacting of evidence…and of course, outright lies. What else would we expect when the congressmen are literally seeking information from those involved! Nothing more fun than investigating corrupt investigators. The FBI Inspector General is also conducting investigations that continue following his initial report. Sealed indictments have been issued at Justice. The investigation into the Clinton Foundation was referred to an Arkansas office of the FBI, last I heard.

      Quite a number of personnel have left or been fired and a number of them are serious suspects:

      Many of the those with possible criminal exposure have already either been fired (Comey, McCabe), reassigned (Page, Strzok, Ohr), or are considered sacrosanct (Obama, Loretta Lynch, etc.). Rod Rosenstein’s fate is, for now, largely a political matter, and only later a legal one.

      Still, a special counsel might indict a number of officials for deliberately misleading a federal judge, or violating statutes prohibiting the surveillance of American citizens, or lying while under oath, or he might retract indictments and confessions based on deliberate misrepresentations to a federal judge.

      That was written last February. A lot more has been discovered since then.

      Bruce Ohr testified today

      …Bruce Ohr has four lawyers with him, personal lawyers and lawyers representing the interests of the DOJ. Initial indications are Ohr has provided testimony that directly conflicts with Fusion-GPS Glenn Simpson, and prior testimony from witness Lisa Page to the joint committee. (scroll down to see those involved in these scandals)

      More here, here, and…here to read the questions one clever reporter thinks Ohr should answer.

      These scandals are intertwined due to the fact that these players were faithful to Hillary and wanted her to win… it is exhausting trying to keep up!

      Exercising patience is a challenge. Frustration and anger constantly rear their heads.

      We want it done right…breathe.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    I can only hope and pray that the Chinese government has as many incompetent cheats and liars as we do, so it would somehow all cancel out. But, I doubt it. When they catch officials pulling a stunt like Hillary they just have a summary execution and move on. That expediency is likely to keep them well ahead of us and our deep swamp that never can be drained.

  3. J. Soden says:

    “The FBI spent thousands of hours investigating, and found no evidence of intrusion” is a lie comparable to “You can keep your doctor . . .”
    Leaving absolutely NO real doubt that “the fix was in” with Obumble’s corrupt FBI/DOJ.

  4. Peggy says:

    Also being reported is that close to two dozen CIA informants were killed by China when Hillary was Sec. of State. If that’s what’s being reported we know the real number is a lot more. Including the four killed in Benghazi and the many CIA agents injured at the annex. How many others were killed in other countries because of her?

    Only an idiot would believe that hackers able to access whole departments within the gov’t didn’t also get into Hillary’s personal computer.

    Note this NY Times article is from 2017.

    Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations:
    “WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.

    Current and former American officials described the intelligence breach as one of the worst in decades. It set off a scramble in Washington’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to contain the fallout, but investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources. Years later, that debate remains unresolved.

    But there was no disagreement about the damage. From the final weeks of 2010 through the end of 2012, according to former American officials, the Chinese killed at least a dozen of the C.I.A.’s sources. According to three of the officials, one was shot in front of his colleagues in the courtyard of a government building — a message to others who might have been working for the C.I.A.”

    Hillary Clinton Might Have Gotten Spies Killed in China:
    “It destroyed the U.S. spy apparatus.

    At that point in time and until today, U.S. intelligence could not determine where the breach came from. There are a number of possibilities. We can now add Hillary Clinton’s lack of regard for security to the list.

    By 2013, the FBI and CIA concluded that China no longer had the ability to identify American agents, the Times said.

    Coincidentally, Hillary left the State Department in 2013.

    John Podesta left his smartphone in a cab. He also fell for a phishing incident and his password was ‘passwØrd”. Hillary put our state secrets on a personal server she kept in a basement and then a bathroom.

    According to Devin Nunes, Clinton “left classified documents in her hotel room in China and U.S. Marine Corps security officials filed a report related to the possible compromise of the documents.”

    That was in May 2010. State spokesperson Kirby said the documents were in a senior aide’s room, not Hillary’s. Kirby wanted to soft-pedal the breach.”

  5. Libby says:

    “She deliberately smashed phones with hammers and used bleach bit to destroy evidence.”

    Says who? The gremlins in your head? That whole paragraph reads like a psychotic break. Hilary’s spokesperson makes a valid point. All this spinning does not, and never will, detract for the menace in the Oval Office. Hillary is not the President … panting after her as if she were makes no sense.

    • Tina says:

      “Says who? The gremlins in your head? That whole paragraph reads like a psychotic break.”

      I suppose Hillary’s little girl response to a query from a congressman who asked about the deliberate cleaning of her server, “You mean, like, with a cloth?” isn’t psychotic. So much for your ability to assess a situation!

      You are, in fact, ignorant of the facts! Testimony from her own aids and a report from the FBI are in fact the sources of the information.

      Business Insider, “FBI: Aide destroyed 2 of Clinton’s phones by ‘breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer'”

      Hillary’s lackadaisical attitude, her total disregard for security, is also apparent in the reports:

      CNS News, “FBI ‘Unable to Acquire’ Any of Clinton’s 13 Mobile Devices; Aide Says He Smashed 2 With Hammer”

      Abedin and Hanley indicated the whereabouts of Clinton’s devices would frequently become unknown when she transitioned to a new device.

      Cooper did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton’s old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer.

      TownHall, “BREAKING: Employee Who Used BleachBit to Wipe Clinton’s Server Pleads the Fifth”

      Platte River Networks employee Paul Combetta, the person who wiped Hillary Clinton’s private server and email archive with BleachBit, plead the Fifth Tuesday and refused to testify in front of the House Oversight Committee.

      “On advise of counsel I respectfully decline to answer and assert my Fifth Amendment privilege,” Combetta said.

      Platte River Networks is the company employed by Clinton to host her private email servers and email accounts during her time at the State Department.

      According to the timing presented FBI report on the criminal investigation into the servers, Combetta wiped the server with BleachBit four weeks after the investigation started and two weeks after Congress requested all emails be preserved. Combetta has also been accused of wiping the server while under subpoena.

      Denver Post, ”
      FBI report: Platte River Network employee used BleachBit to delete old Clinton e-mails – Staffer deleted archived e-mails 3 months after being told to change retention policies”

      “Hillary is not the President … panting after her as if she were makes no sense.”

      The rule of law is meaningless if it doesn’t touch elites in government!

      She broke laws and crapped all over her oath, she betrayed our country, she gave our enemies real time top secret information and put our agents at risk, she deserves nothing less than jail!

      You would ask for nothing less if a Republican did as much…you know you would.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      This is so perfect and revealing.

      But then…

      … it is so stupid and ignorant that it makes me wonder — Is Lippy actually a stealth conservative trying to make leftists look like complete morons?

      But then I go read Salon, Slate, Puffington Host, Vox, Daily Kos, NYT etc. etc, or listen to CNN and MSLSD and I think, “Naw, they are morons.”

    • Tina says:

      “All this spinning does not, and never will, detract for the menace in the Oval Office.”

      Let’s see, that “menace” has reversed Obama regulations that crippled our economy and created economic and job conditions that decimated the middle class and increased the numbers of citizens needing government assistance. Obama said was “the new normal”…nothing could be done.

      The result of these reversals (and the tax cuts) is a recently adjusted (up) 2nd Q GDP of 4.2%, unemployment down – hitting record lows for minorities, and blue collar manufacturing beginning to thrive again in America. Wages are edging up after years of stagnation. Trumps also creating new trade deals and has gotten our NATO allies to “pony up” for our mutual defense. In his spare time he has overseen a big shift in our approach to terror. He ended the IRAN deal, ISIS power is greatly diminished, and new alliances have been formed in the ME. He’s taking a strong stance for the rule of law and enforcement of border security. He offered Democrats a deal they were stupid not to take on the Dreamers…Democrats would not compromise even though more kids would get legal status.

      A lot of Americans are much better off and would disagree with you vehemently!

  6. Peggy says:

    Off topic, sort of.

    Read it and weep Libs. Voters are being informed and not from fake news CNN, which has to be close to going off the air. Yesterday’s election is proof.

    Fox News ratings beat MSNBC, CNN for 200th consecutive month:

    • Pie Guevara says:

      There is a reason for this.

      Every time some puerile leftist pinhead mocks Fox News or mocks and tries to insult me for must being someone who watches Fox News, I cannot help but laugh out loud.

      My one of my idiot neighbors who fill their empty heads with MSLSD and CNN tried this on me. Too funny. Rats march walk step with their haughty, pompous stupidity. I’ll be damned if it is NOT a disease.

  7. Tina says:

    Here’s an interesting item in the news today:

    Gateway Pundit, “REVEALED: FBI Hero John Robertson Discovered Hillary Clinton Emails on Computer During Child Sex Investigation”

    John was assigned to the Anthony Weiner case, a top Democrat married to Hillary Clinton adviser Huma Abedin. During his investigation of Weiner’s computer John discovered thousands of Hillary Clinton emails and blew the whistle on the Comey-McCabe and Strzok cover-up of evidence.

    • Chris says:

      The Gateway Pundit has misidentified four mass shooters in the past two years, falsely accusing innocent people of terror attacks.

      But you keep believing whatever they tell you because it makes you feel good.

      • Tina says:

        Forget bashing the Gateway Pundit…the laptop exists, it was confiscated by the FBI, it did have damning emails on it, and certain members of the DC FBI didn’t bother to look at most of them…but FOI requests eventually exposed many of them.

        NY Post, “FBI finds Hillary emails on Weiner’s laptop, and they’re not duplicates”

        CBS, “FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton’s State Department tenure”

        Washington Examiner, “FBI failed to review hundreds of thousands of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop: Report”

        Art Voice, “Judicial Watch Wants Full Accounting of Hillary Clinton Emails on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop”

        On January 4, 2018, we (JW) revealed that at least 18 classified emails in a total of 798 documents produced by the State Department from the FBI’s investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illicit email system were found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Thirteen emails contained classified information and discussions about Saudi Arabia, The Hague, Egypt, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the identity of a CIA official, Malawi, the war in Syria, Lebanon, Hamas, and the PLO.

        On January 19, 2018, we released 78 pages of new documents from State Department containing emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent and received over her unsecure, non-“” email system. These documents exposed that Clinton had detailed knowledge about the security issues with in her non-State Department email system contrary to her statement that she “really didn’t stop to think about what kind of email system there would be.”

        “…you keep believing whatever they tell you because it makes you feel good.”

        I prefer the facts and the facts are coming out.

        You just don’t hear about them at the Trump bashing media sources you frequent…you believe what they tell you, even without that sticky thing called facts.

  8. J. Soden says:

    And in other news . . . .

    An Obumble road will have “shovel ready” potholes, plenty of turnouts for beer summits, wrong street signs and will be the most expen$ive roadway EVER!

  9. Libby says:

    Again … from one of your own:

    Pretty soon it’s going to be axiomatic: A Trump tweet is a lie.

  10. Tina says:

    “Again … from one of your own:”

    (Business Insider)

    Now that’s rich. Business Insider is decidedly more left leaning than right, Dearie.

    Also, the article refers to NBC who claimed a forensic specialist was “‘fairly confident’ Clinton’s personal server had not been compromised.” That’s real definitive stuff!

    Near the bottom Business Insider acknowledged this information came out of the Comey investigation…the bunch that worked overtime to shield Hillary from prosecution. Peter Strzok was one of them. From the Daily Caller article posted above:

    Investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan of the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s office, “met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion,” but their warnings apparently were dismissed by FBI…Peter Strzok was among those who couldn’t be bothered to protect sensitive material.

    The Daily Caller named their sources! And identified the corrupt person who “couldn’t be bothered” when they reported their find to him.

    You are soooooo behind the curve! And so are the left-wing media hacks who purport to inform you!

    Fake News…ever heard of it?!!

  11. Tina says:

    More evidence that the deep state crew in the DOJ and FBI conspired together to effect the outcome of an election and then destroy the newly elected president after the election (not to mention shielding Hillary):

    The Hill, “What professor really told FBI about Trump, Russia and Papadopoulos”

    If one reads special counsel Robert Mueller’s court filings against George Papadopoulos, it’s hard not to conclude that the former Trump campaign aide lied to FBI agents to hide some sinister plot with Russia.

    Now, let me be clear: I don’t condone lying to anyone, especially the FBI. But there is a much different version of events than the one spun by prosecutors in court filings, Democrats in Congress, or most reporters. An account kept from the public for more than 18 months.

    It comes from one of the FBI’s primary sources in the Papadopoulos case, European professor Joseph Mifsud.

    Documents I obtained from sources show Mifsud told the FBI in February 2017 that his contacts with Papadopoulos a year earlier, during the 2016 presidential campaign, were mostly innocuous. He made that point both in an FBI interview and a follow-up email to agents.

    He described the contacts as an academic exercise in pursuit of peace, not a global plot to hijack the election. And he went out of his way to say there was no talk of sinister cybersecurity intentions such as a plot to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails.

    “I reaffirm that the content of our conversations was always on wide geo-strategic issues,” he wrote FBI agents on Feb. 11, in an email that was quickly sent to the very top of the FBI’s counterintelligence division. Mifsud sent the email just hours after agents interviewed him.

    He said the conversations mostly centered around “how the Trump then-campaign team looked to develop a conversation on Europe/UK … and with Russia” and “the fallout in policy in the deteriorating relationship between the major countries in the world today.”

    Breitbart, “Reports: Bruce Ohr Testimony Reveals More FBI Corruption”

    According to House Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Ohr confirmed the FBI “privately” re-engaged Trump dossier author Christopher Steele and continued receiving additional information, despite terminating its relationship with the former British intelligence agent. “This was after suggesting to the American public they had cut Steele off,” …

    In another stunning admission, Ohr reportedly told the committee that the FBI lacked confidence in the Steele dossier — yet still used the largely unconfirmed document to obtain permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

    “Not only did the FBI know the dossier was unverified, but they also knew there were real credibility issues where it would never end up in a courtroom,” Meadows said as quoted by the Washington Times.

    Further, Ohr reportedly told lawmakers that the FBI was aware of Steele’s bias against then-candidate Trump before applying for a warrant to surveil Page. “When it comes to the dossier, the hours of testimony from Bruce Ohr only further confirm how wrong the FBI operated,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) told investigative journalist Sara Carter.

    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), another Republican lawmaker who attended Tuesday’s interview, said that, thus far, Ohr’s interview and others have shown an “excessive reliance” on the dossier. “And if the dossier truly is the rotten foundation upon which the Mueller church is built, I think that’s an important revelation,” he said.

    Four wealthy Russians take more specific exception to the dossier: they say they were libeled.

    In four separate lawsuits filed as recently as April, the Russians sued Steele and BuzzFeed, the online news outlet that published the memos in January 2017. Three of the Russians — all owners of a Moscow-based financial-industrial conglomerate called Alfa Group — also have sued Fusion GPS, the research company that enlisted Steele under a contract with a law firm connected to the Democrats.

    Russian tech entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev and the Alfa Group’s owners — Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, and German Khan — all say they had nothing to do with the events described in the dossier. In cases playing out in state, federal, and British courts, they say they took unfair hits to their reputations. The four men are named in two separate Steele memos, both of whom are seemingly out of alignment with the rest of the dossier, as their legal teams have stressed in court filings.

    Appearing on the Fox News Channel’s Hannity, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) revealed that Ohr identified “half a dozen senior FBI and Department of Justice officials that he told of his involvement, his wife’s involvement, all of the details of their interactions with Christopher Steele, with Glenn Simpson, with the payment.” Ratcliffe, troubled by the embattled Justice Department’s interview, offered sober advice to the Ohr family: “I’d retain a really good lawyer.”

    “As a former federal prosecutor, I gotta tell you,” the House Judiciary member continued, “what I heard today in Bruce Ohr’s testimony was shocking, alarming and disappointing. These kinds of things did not happen in the Justice Department where I worked.”

    The Hill’s John Solomon told Hannity Tuesday evening that neither Bruce nor Nellie Ohr has been contacted by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of his investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. “Many of the members I talked to said that they thought that was one of the most important revelations today, that Bruce Ohr said he has never heard, nor has his wife, ever heard from special counsel Mueller,” Solomon said.

    Snap, crackle, pop….it’s starting to blow!

    • Peggy says:

      It sure is starting to blow.

      Two whistleblowers so far and at least 20 FBI agents waiting to testify when they’re guaranteed protection from retaliation.

      If we only had a real AG committed to finding the truth.

      • Libby says:

        Says who, Peggy?

        Him? But he’s a liar, Peggy.

        And again, and again … this is months old. You are going to get CO2 poisoned, breathing all that stale air.

        • Tina says:

          May 2018, Western Journal, “Report: FBI Agents Want To Be Subpoenaed To Testify Against Comey, McCabe”

          Former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller on Tuesday that many agents are angry that “the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.”

          “There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by (James) Comey’s behavior and (Andrew) McCabe and (Eric) Holder and (Loretta) Lynch and the thugs like (John) Brennan,” DiGenova said. “Who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs. They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

          “I can assure you I’ve been approached by agents who want to be subpoenaed for the same reason as the guys in the field,” he continued. “All over this country there are agents but the big ones the ones that matter New York/Washington I can assure you I’ve spoken with agents who want to come forward.”

          Trump is informed by those who work under him and those who formerly worked under Obama…first person accounts shared with media that’s willing to listen and share with the American people.

          You don’t get this information because you only tune in to the lying left totally partisan press. That’s not very bright. No curiosity at all?

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