Aspirin and Fish Oil – Not the Miracles Once Thought

Posted by jack

One study found that aspirin did not help prevent first strokes or heart attacks in people at moderate risk for one because they had several health threats such as smoking, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Another tested aspirin in people with diabetes, who are more likely to develop or die from heart problems, and found that the modest benefit it gave was offset by a greater risk of serious bleeding. Aspirin did not help prevent cancer as had been hoped. And fish oil supplements, also tested in the study of people with diabetes, failed to help.

“There’s been a lot of uncertainty among doctors around the world about prescribing aspirin” beyond those for whom it’s now recommended, said one study leader, Dr. Jane Armitage of the University of Oxford in England. “If you’re healthy, it’s probably not worth taking it.”

The research was discussed Sunday at the European Society of Cardiology meeting in Munich. The aspirin studies used 100 milligrams a day, more than the 81-milligram pills commonly sold in the United States but still considered low dose. Adult strength is 325 milligrams.


A Boston-led study gave aspirin or dummy pills to 12,546 people who were thought to have a moderate risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke within a decade because of other health issues.

After five years, 4 percent of each group had suffered a heart problem — far fewer than expected, suggesting these people were actually at low risk, not moderate. Other medicines they were taking to lower blood pressure and cholesterol may have cut their heart risk so much that aspirin had little chance of helping more, said the study leader, Dr. J. Michael Gaziano of Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

One percent of aspirin takers had stomach or intestinal bleeding, mostly mild— twice as many as those on dummy pills. Aspirin users also had more nosebleeds, indigestion, reflux or belly pain.

Bayer sponsored the study, and many researchers consult for the aspirin maker. Results were published by the journal Lancet.

People with diabetes have a higher risk of heart problems and strokes from a blood clot, but also a higher risk of bleeding. Guidelines vary on which of them should consider aspirin.

Oxford researchers randomly assigned 15,480 adults with Type 1 or 2 diabetes but otherwise in good health and with no history of heart problems to take either aspirin, 1 gram of fish oil, both substances, or dummy pills every day.

After seven and a half years, there were fewer heart problems among aspirin users but more cases of serious bleeding, so they largely traded one risk for another.

FISH OIL RESULTS – The same study also tested omega-3 fatty acids, the good oils found in salmon, tuna and other fish. Supplement takers fared no better than those given dummy capsules — 9 percent of each group suffered a heart problem.

“We feel very confident that there doesn’t seem to be a role for fish oil supplements for preventing heart disease,” said study leader Dr. Louise Bowman of the University of Oxford.

The British Heart Foundation was the study’s main sponsor. Bayer and Mylan provided aspirin and fish oil, respectively. Results were published by the New England Journal of Medicine.

Other studies are testing different amounts and prescription versions of fish oil, “but I can’t tell people to go spend your money on it; we think it’s probably better to eat fish,” said Dr. Holly Andersen, a heart disease prevention specialist at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell who was not involved in the study.

The new research doesn’t alter guidelines on aspirin or fish oil, said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a cardiologist at NYU Langone Medical Center and an American Heart Association spokeswoman. They recommend fish oil only for certain heart failure patients and say it’s reasonable to consider for people who have already suffered a heart attack.

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12 Responses to Aspirin and Fish Oil – Not the Miracles Once Thought

  1. Joe says:

    Will Gavin Newsom give free aspirin and fish oil to illegal aliens as part of his healthcare program?

    Gavin Newsom calls for free healthcare for illegal immigrants in California

    Jack, you better be ready to open up your wallet when pretty boy becomes governor.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Heck, if I open up my wallet the only thing that will fall out will be dust and maybe a moth or two. I’ve been living in Taxifornia too long.

      • Joe says:

        Be sure to save some extra money for the gas, diesel and car registration tax increases in case prop 6 does not pass.

        If it does not pass the gas tax will go up another 7 cents a gallon next year. And diesel, gas and vehicle registration will go up every single year automatically as all these new tax increases are tied to inflation.

        Also, be sure to save some money so you can afford the cost of the Commiefornia cap and trade tax that gets rolled into the price of many products and services. It too, is going up EVERY year.

        And once Nuisancesome becomes governor with a Demorat super majority their will be an orgy of other tax increases. They will tax you to the stone age, son…to quote Colonel Kilgore.

  2. Cherokee Jack says:

    I hear that most of the people who habitually ignore scientific studies eventually end up dying from various causes. It’s probably too late for me to start now.

    • RHT447 says:

      Indeed sir. For example, everyone who ate carrots in May of 1877, died.

    • Post Scripts says:

      I kind of thought it was funny to post this because it goes back and forth so much. Salt is good, salt is bad, butter bad – margarine good, no margarine bad-butter good… lol I give up!

      • RHT447 says:

        You got it Toyota. It’s fun to toss my above remark into a conversation. Brows will knit, and some will ask “Really?”. To which I respond “Yeah, well they ALL died eventually, near as we can tell mostly from old age. The carrots had nothing to do with it”. The obvious point is that association does not prove cause and effect (but it does make for damn good advertising).

  3. Libby says:

    Not the brightest bulbs In the room, are they … your acolytes … Jack.

    • Cherokee Jack says:

      Go light a candle for peace or something, Ms. Lib. We’re busy fooling around.

    • Lonestar says:

      BEWARE OF THOSE by Suzy Kassem

      Beware of those who are bitter,
      For they will never allow you
      To enjoy your fruit.

      Beware of those who criticize you
      When you deserve some praise for an achievement,
      For they secretly desire to be worshiped.

      Beware of those who are needy or stingy,
      For they would rather sting you
      Than give you anything.

      Beware of those who are always hungry.
      They will feed you to the wolves
      Just to get paid.

      Beware of those who speak negatively
      About everything and everybody.
      A negative person will never say
      A positive thing about you.

      Beware of those who are bored
      And not passionate about life.
      They will bore you with reasons for not living.

      Beware of those who are too focused with
      Polishing and beautifying their outer shells.
      They lack true substance to understand
      That genuine beauty is in the heart
      that resides inside.

      Beware of those who step in the path of your dreams.
      They only dream to have the ability
      To take half your steps.

      Beware of those who steer you away
      From your heart’s true happiness.
      It would make them happy to see you
      Steer yourself next to them,
      Sitting with both your hearts bitter.

      Those who are critical don’t like being criticized,
      And those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses.

      And finally,
      Beware of those who tell you to BEWARE.
      They are too aware of everything –
      And live alone, scared.

  4. Tina says:

    Interesting. I’ve had several operations in the past several years and every single time I was asked to refrain from using fish oil/Omega3 products 2-3 wks prior so the surgical wounds would heal and I wouldn’t be in danger from excessive bleeding. Seems to me that indicates that fish oil works to thin the blood and prevent clotting that could cause strokes.

    Also, have seen articles, see here, about Rx Omega3 which are stronger. Obviously some docs find it helpful, at least in some situations. Drink wine…don’t drink wine…chocolate is good and bad…same with coffee. Oatmeal is good for the heart…or not? Sheeesh!

    Every week there’s a new study. Often they conflict. Ever get the feeling we’re on our own when it comes to these decisions?

    I’m following the old advice…”All things in moderation.”

    • Post Scripts says:

      Very good advice it is too, all things in moderation, especially liberals! I’m pretty sure they would be much happier as moderates. I know I would. ; )

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