Grand Jury Convened: Hearing Testimony in Criminal Probe of Andrew McCabe

Posted by Tina

A criminal grand jury is hearing witness testimony against former FBI Director Andrew McCabe who, according to the the IG report issued by Michael Horowitz, lied to investigators four times, three times under oath. This grand jury investigation has been going on at least since last April.

The Washington Post reported this news, although the article downplayed the significance of it. Sundance at Conservative Treehouse comments:

…it must always be remembered that corrupt officials within the intelligence apparatus customarily use the Washington Post as an outlet to tamp down any issues that are adverse to their interests. History has shown the reports from the WaPo indicate an effort to cover the preferred narrative(s), in advance of bad news in headlines.

Second, this report is published at the same time a customary 60-day window closes around elections when the DOJ essentially drops activity toward any current politician in office or public official. There are multiple former officials, and current politicians, who might be in the investigative spotlight.

It is unknown if the DOJ led by Jeff Sessions will pause current investigations until the mid-term elections play out. The political-left, including the media, would like to eliminate the distinction within the unwritten DOJ policy between “current politicians” and “former officials.”

The “noise” from the left since Donald Trump won the election has had several purposes…impeach or destroy Donald Trump, protect deep state actors, discredit Trump supporters, create an aura of chaos, win back power…but none are more important than drowning out investigations and information about deep state corruption.

Let the dominoes begin to fall…and fall…and fall!

Stay tuned, Pilgrims.

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7 Responses to Grand Jury Convened: Hearing Testimony in Criminal Probe of Andrew McCabe

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    A crack forms in the deep state wall created by “liberals.” I would prefer an Operation Chastise bomb, but this’ll do.

  2. Tina says:

    “…a huge announcement by former U.S. District Attorney and current powerhouse lawyer, Joe DiGenova last night (on Sean Hannity’s TV show last night) when he announced that Rod Rosenstein, the high-ranking DOJ official at the center of the Trump/Russia hoax, is now under investigation.”

    DiGenova says it’s about the FISA warrants…and Rosenstein can’t sign them anymore.

    See video at DC Whispers: “Rosenstein has been a highly effective Deep State firewall at the DOJ, slow-walking document requests and giving vast powers over to the anti-Trump Mueller investigation.”

  3. J. Soden says:

    Suggest members of Clowngress quit with the behind-closed-doors “hearings” and go the Grand Jury route. Hearings don’t get indictments, but grand juries can and do.

  4. Tina says:

    Must read: Andrew McCarthy at National Review, “Mr. Rosenstein, What Is the Crime?”

    • Pie Guevara says:

      McCarthy gets right down to the root of the Mueller “Special Counsel” weed. Two years and what? A load of tangential prosecutions. “Witch Hunt” does not even begin to describe this Deep State root rot.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        “To date, Manafort, like every other Trump-campaign official, has never been charged with a crime related to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.”

  5. Peggy says:

    Obama’s departments’ paper-pushers have been slow-walking and refusing to turn over documents Congress has been entitled to since Eric Holder was in charge of shipping guns to Mexico. Obama even declared executive privilege or some phony trumped up excuse to prevent the truth from the public.

    Those same paper-pushers are in the Trump departments. They worked to protect Obama the democrat and are working to hurt and obstruct Trump the republican.

    Time to clean house of every paper-pusher who has been employed for more than four years. Reassign them to offices in places as far removed from DC as places like Elko, NV, revoke their security clearances and make emptying trash cans their only duty. They’d still get their same pay, but would be out of harms way. It’s done with teachers when they’re removed from classrooms. They sit in a room all day, do nothing and still get their full salary.

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