Kavanaugh Confirmation – Another Emotion Backed Delay

by Tina
Diane Feinstein and her crew of Brett bashing colleagues insist they have not been playing games to delay the confirmation process. Feinstein donned her most innocent face this morning to declare it wasn’t she who leaked the confidential letter from Ford to the press. This letter, placed in her possession months ago, was in her control. Surely she had some idea of who might have leaked the letter. But when it leaked, she didn’t follow up, she didn’t demand to know…apparently she wasn’t at all concerned. What difference does t make?

Three-year-olds try to wear their parents down by whining, complaining and crying. By the time they’re four the art of appealing to emotions has settled in and they begin to negotiate to gain advantage. This behavior, if allowed to blossom and mature, develops into a sophisticated adult act, usually worn with a sanctimonious sense of entitlement.

You’re all way ahead of me.

Enter Jeff Flake. Was there ever a person more aptly named? Early this morning he announced he would vote yes to move the Kav nomination to the full Senate for a vote….but, Mom, Dad, after that…couldn’t we delay confirmation just for awhile…please, please, pretty please. I promise this is the last time!

Yeah. Right. This man hasn’t the temperament to serve in a body where decision making is key in producing a result. (He’s made the right choice in his decision to leave the Senate!)

So….what got to Jeff Flake?

A flock of crying and screeching female protesters that trapped him in an elevator to confront him. Each wore a personal experience that was at the heart of her “support” for Ford…each has become the (actual) emotional star of this appeal… and Flake will be the heartless beast who betrayed them unless he does something. The dirty dysfunctional Dems applied pressure. The Dems are on offense again, pumping up for the next act.

There’s a problem with all of this. The United States Senate is NOT the place to resolve emotional issues. It is not the place for personal emotional appeals, childish games, or (adult) child-like maneuvering. The dysfunction, the unresolved ancient issues these women drag along in their lives, and the shameful Senators who, like dysfunctional parents, appease them, make the whole lot of them incapable of functioning fully as responsible adults. They are totally unsuited to influence or function responsibly, honestly.

But here we are, stuck in a physco ward doing therapy for toddlers who won’t go to bed until Kavanaugh is destroyed and tossed to the gutter. Bad Kavanaugh, bad!!!

Has even one of the protesters or Senators given the slightest thought to the damage they’ve done if in FACT Kavanaugh is totally innocent? (Only God knows 100%) Believing is not knowing. Facts are important and necessary. Responsible reporting to the appropriate authorities, parents, teachers, counselors is important and necessary.

The upshot is that this sorry bunch of dysfunctional Senators and protesters have secured another delay…Jeff Flake delivered it for them:

U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake sided with Senate Democrats Friday to try to force a one-week FBI investigation of the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. … Flake agreed to send Kavanaugh’s nomination to the full Senate, but would not support a floor vote for Kavanaugh without allowing the investigation to happen. … The requested probe “would be limited to current credible allegations against the nominee and must be completed no later than one week from today,” the committee noted.

I can’t wait to see the report. It shouldn’t take longer than a day. I ask you…I ask Libby specifically…where do they start? What piece of information will direct their inquiry beyond that which has already been attested and acquired? All three witnesses have given a statement, under penalty of felony, that they do not recall the incident described. None backs up Ford’s story. Ford cannot name a specific place or time for the alleged attack. She can;t recall how she got home. The FBI has a neighborhood. The alleged incident happened over thirty years ago. Where do they begin to investigate?

As if that weren’t enough, apparently the next line of attack for the toddlers of the Senate will be the impeachment of both Kavanaugh and Trump. Democrats didn’t come to DC to serve their constituents or the people of the United States…they came to seek absolute control and by any means necessary. Democrats say they aren’t playing political games…in a pigs eye!.

We the adult functioning people have only one recourse. Next time you have the chance, VOTE THE EVIL KIDDIES OUT!

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36 Responses to Kavanaugh Confirmation – Another Emotion Backed Delay

  1. Tina says:

    Conservative Treehouse, “Mission Accomplished – Senator Jeff Flake Supports The Democrat DC Scheme – Kavanaugh FBI Investigation To Be Manipulated By Michael Bromwich…”

    The events surrounding the use of Jeff Flake by politically corrupt democrats, with the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh are beyond transparent. This is a scheme. All of it. A strategic approach to eliminate the current threat (Kavanaugh confirmation) and simultaneously gain leverage for use in this years mid-term elections. This is a scheme.

    Today the democrats in the judiciary committee, fully engaged political operatives, talked Jeff Flake into supporting a call for a week-long delay in the full senate confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. Flake, who is not running for re-election, advances the nomination out of committee – and simutaneously states he will not support a full senate vote until the FBI conducts an investigation into the ridiculous claims against Kavanaugh.

    Jeff Flake will be financially rewarded *after* the spotlight fades, when no-one is paying attention, through the matrix of big business interests in 2019. This is all DC corrupt politics at its worst.

    Senator Flake (R-AZ) provides political cover for Senator Murkowski (R-AK) and Senator Collins (R-ME) to join with him with similar demands. Under political pressure from rabid ideologues, and with general alignment toward those corrupt purposes, Murkowski and Collins will now make a similar demand for an extension of time for the FBI to conduct an investigation.

    Now the real reason for FBI insider Michael Bromwich to join the efforts on September 22nd surfaces. Bromwich, a former inspector general within the DOJ/FBI, is part of the corrupt FBI operational system we have seen surface over the past year. Bromwich represents fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The career operatives within the FBI have a risk from the ongoing internal investigations; and as an outcome, have a mutual interest in assisting Mr. Bromwith. …

    The totally corrupt party with deep state ties hangs on to control to work AGAINST the people.


    Vote them all out.

  2. Tina says:

    PJ Media, “The ‘Two Americas,’ Face to Face and Belly to Underbelly”

    Watching this farce — entirely scripted and orchestrated by Sens. Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein and retailed to an indoctrinated public via a media that has moved beyond simple ideological corruption to become the official mouthpiece of the Democrat Party — it’s difficult to see how the country stays together absent some sort of crushing blow that ends this Cold Civil War. …

    … In response to the orderly working of our constitutional system — the FBI is an investigative agency attached to the executive, not a part of the judicial branch — and long-held basic principles, including the burden of proof on the accuser, not the accused, and the right to face one’s accuser, the Democrats chose with malice aforethought to make war on the Constitution.

    They also make war on the language, throwing around terms like “survivor” in a context that means nothing of the sort, and “bravery” for simply showing up, reading a prepared statement with your lawyer present, and taking a few gentle questions. This may be the kind of “bravery” that someone like Sen. Richard Blumental of Connecticut, better known as Sgt. Toys for Tots, can appreciate, but few others can.

    It’s great that they’ve now dropped the mask and revealed themselves to be truly who they are. They are, in fact, everything Lindsey Graham, in that remarkable outburst yesterday, said they are.

  3. Tina says:

    Radical lefty boys are feeling left out…

    PJ Media, “Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter”

    Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies, Far Left Watch reported.

    “Dr. Bones,” the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a ‘insurgent’ focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more ‘militia’ structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

    Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize “hidden cells” and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed “right-leaning forces” dry. He said that during the day comrades should pretend to be into “helping everybody” and never talk about their “nighttime activities.” …

    … The two co-hosts, @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe,l identify as an “egoist-Communist” and “Marxist, respectively” according to Far Left Watch. And the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.

    Mass murder. Hmmm. That’s exactly how Mao and Che got started! More dysfunctional children.

  4. J. Soden says:

    The sooner TheFlake no longer represents AZ the better! He didn’t run for re-election ’cause his poll numbers were in the single digits.
    And now, I seriously doubt if he’d get any votes at all even if he was running for dogcatcher.

  5. Peggy says:

    Since this investigation, “would be limited to current credible allegations against the nominee ….” It should also include a complete investigation into Dr. Ford. She’s never had a single FBI investigation done while Kav has had six. This will make seven. We are entitled to know what she’s been up to for the past 36 years. Read she has two home in Calif. One in Palo Alto and the other in Santa Cruz. Both high liberal cesspools and where her “beach friends” live.

    Here are the phone numbers for the on the fence republican senators. Call them several times a day and tell them to vote for Kavanaugh and demand an investigation be done on Ford or lose their seat. I want a up or down vote on Kav. before the November election so we’ll know who to vote for and who to primary!

    Rush said this morning Kavanaugh has a higher approval rating with republican voters than ANY senator. Tell them this too when you call and leave a message.

    Flake – 1202-224-4521
    Collins – 1202-224-4521
    Murkowski – 1202-224-6665
    Corker – 1202-224-3344

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Seven more days of hell for the Kavanaugh family because the fake Flake flakes. I wonder what other phony accusers will step up and contact the slimey, depsiicable and outrageous Avenatti.

    I was questioning earlier whether Flake’s move was a good idea or not. Not for him, methinks. The 51st vote makes him an important person, the boss for 7 days. After that I think his name will have a permanent stink to it, as it should. Caving to Rats is never a good idea. Their idea of “compromise” is “it’s our way or the highway.”

    NOTHING will come of this FBI check except 7 more days of delay. Not one Rat vote will change.

    I listened to Richard Blumenthal bloviating about Kavanaugh on the Senate floor this afternoon (9/28/2018). Sheesh that guy is as horrid a scum as scum is. (Come to think of it, I am actually insulting rotting pond scum here.)

    At least all the speechifying is proceeding straight away rather than waiting for the FBI report to come in first.

    If you have a strong stomach you can listen to Blumenthal here —

    Senate Session – September 28, 2018

    The action starts at 3:00 pm with the horrid Ms Hirono and Bloviator Blumenthal starts in at 3:28.

    The always honorable Senator Cornyn show up at 4:54 pm. I think you will find his speech comforting and brilliant.

    • Tina says:

      Blumenthal effectively says that white conservative men and boys are always guilty when accused. The only acceptable response is an immediate confession along with hang-dog contrition. Defending himself, even if innocent, in a compassion denial will result in further condemnation and abuse.

      Who wants to live in this tyrannical, abusive, unethical, unjust, dysfunctional world?

  7. Peggy says:

    Watch this body language expert evaluate Dr. Ford’s testimony.


    • Pie Guevara says:

      Interesting. I was wondering about the nod and later the look to the committee myself. Now it makes sense. I thought many elements of her body language strange or contrived and chalked it up to stress.

      This analysis is fascinating. Thanks Peggy.

      • Peggy says:

        I thought her little girl voice really strange. Like how this evaluation explains it’s created and practiced to disarm those big, bad, meanies confronting her. It worked. Look at how many believed her and thought her credible.

        Hopefully, when the FBI investigates her they will get videos of her speaking in her normal voice.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      OK, I made it all the way through the video and am convinced. I concur with the analyzer’s conclusions. Christine Blasey Ford is a manipulative liar. Sometimes it is unconscious, sometimes it is deliberate. No more sympathy from me. She was not “courageous” for “coming forward”, she was not a pawn of the Democrats, this is what she wanted to do — stop Kavanaugh’s nomination by destroying him via one of the most vile forms of character assassination. The only thing to admire here is the determination and the planning that was involved, which was easier once Feinstein and the Democrats were on board.

    • Tina says:

      Wow Peggy, this women hits the mark on so many points! Every unaware male (teenagers) should watch this video, absorb and learn, so they would have the tools to run like hell from such women.

      Also the expert is correct. How does a woman Phd trained in psychology be so ignorant, helpless, and child-like? She can’t…she must be putting on an act!

      It’s a little frightening that so many found her credible…or perhaps they were just saying what they had to say to avoid a vicious female hate backlash.

      I am so done with Feminazi crap! Gives women a bad name!!!

      • Peggy says:

        This whole con game really is frightening. The future of our males is at stake. This will be precedent setting. Every man and boy will be assumed guilty without being found guilty and could have their lives ruined forever.

        This con was expertly planned out from the rooms in Palo Alto and the beaches in Santa Cruz, where Ford’s two homes are. Let there be no doubt that the plan was put into place with her “beach friends,” swept up Flake by beating him into submission and will NOT end in a week as agreed upon during the committee’s vote.

        The puppet masters are already pulling the strings for their next act. Count on it.

  8. J. Soden says:

    Mad Maxine staffers caught: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-29/did-maxine-waters-office-doxx-gop-senators-during-kavanaugh-testimony

    Had to be her staffers ’cause Mad Maxine isn’t smart enough to do that. Her James Brown wig might be, though . . . . . . . . .

    • Pie Guevara says:

      I wonder if this could be a criminal act. Given the nature of Wikipedia, probably not. They were not “hacked” per se.

      Just when you think Democrats could not possibly be any more evil and low, they prove you wrong.

      I no longer think any Democrat is merely wrong, I think they all are the scum of the earth. There isn’t a single honorable person in that nest of vermin.

    • Tina says:

      😀 – Dancin to her wig hat, “get in their face – tell them they’re not welcome” edict.

      I’d rather stick with Mr. Brown: Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag and follow up vid: The Temptations, “Papas Got a Brand new Bag!”

      We turned our backs on racism and look where we’ve come because of the demonrat politics of the victim classes. Makes me sick.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Dems say, “potato,” they mean “delay”;
    Dems say “tomato,” they mean delay;
    Tomato, delay, potato, delay;
    Let’s call the whole thing off.

    Flake gave Democrats exactly what they wanted.

    • J. Soden says:

      Another Revision:
      Used to refer to him as TheFlake when posting, but after his despicable performance on the Judiciary Committee, I have changed his posting to “No-Cojones Flake.”
      And he thinks he’s gonna challenge TheDonald in 2020 but if a screaming nitwit in an elevator can change his mind, that’s not the kind of leadership that will go anywhere.

  10. Peggy says:

    As quoted from posting by, Fore Thought:

    The world is now witness to the Democrat party as the Marxist/Socialist filth it is.

    Investigations are soon to be over. The value of such is lost with time. Decades of time past are the loud counter witness to the narcissistic actions of the Marxist/Socialist Democrat party surrounding and fulling abusive accusers of Mr. Kavanaugh.

    The issue turns on the amount of time past and the jury of public opinion. By far such opinion is sick with revulsion about this socialist abuse of process and slander. The statute of limitations is in place to stop such ludicrous abuse of process.

    Remember scripture notes that it is the purview of God to put administrators in place. In the U.S. Republic the system is simply a ratification of such placement. The filth of the Marxist/Socialist Democrat party is void of respect for such authority. Mr. Kavanaugh is in place to be the duly vetted appointment to the office.

    The death throw and machinations from the filth of the Marxist/Socialist Democrat party only serve God’s plan to lay waste the evil vile conduct of those that follow the Marxist/Socialist Democrat Party path.

  11. Peggy says:

    If you missed Mark Levin’s show last Sunday night when he addressed Kavanaugh’s approval process this is for you. If you watched it, it’s worth watching again. I just did.


  12. RHT447 says:

    Here is an interesting take on the committee vote—


    Read it, then click on the video link and go to the 4:40:00 mark as suggested and watch to the end. Fienswine does not know what planet she is on. Listen to her say WHAT!? as Senator Grassley drops the final gavel.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Yeah, I heard that, saw that. One of the most blessed moment in Congressional history. Two hour rule shuts her damn yap up.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      “The Republicans all knew there was going to be an investigation. It was worked out with Flake beforehand, but it was going to be done on their terms, not the Dems. No more delays.”

      I thought about that as it was unfolding and then thought “bull***.” There was not going to be any investigation unless Republicans allowed it. But Republicans knew the next delay tactic from the Rats was to insist upon a pointless FBI review and try to make hay about it. So they they suckered the Rats and deflated their next move.

      It was all worth it all just to hear Dianne Frankenstein go “WHAT?” when the gavel went down.

      As much as I have waffled back and forth on Flake’s fake, it was a wonderful thing to see the Rats in total disarray. All they have left is rancor and bile.

  13. Tina says:

    Another must read…Laird Wilcox 1990, “The Practice of Ritual Defamation”. He describes the eight elements of RD and concludes: ” It’s important to recognize and identify the patterns of a ritual defamation. Like all propaganda and disinformation campaigns it is accomplished primarily through the manipulation of words and symbols. It is not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it may have cognitive elements, its thrust is primarily emotional. Ritual Defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and to persecute, and to avoid the dialogue, debate and discussion upon which a free society depends. On those grounds it must be opposed no matter who tries to justify its use.”

    Hat tip The Federalist, “Why The Senate’s Ritual Defamation Of Brett Kavanaugh Threatens Every American,” by Stella Morabito

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re Ritual Defamation:

      Brilliant. Practiced by the Catholic Church in ages past, now practiced by the Rats.

    • Peggy says:

      Mark my words this attack would have happened to every one of the names of possible nominees Trump published well before he won the election in 2016. The Dems have had almost two years to work up plans to attack all of them. They just waited for Trump to announce which one and the plan was put into place.

      This is why DiFi held onto Ford’s letter and waited until after the hearings were held to make it public and release her name. They had to wait until Trump announced his choice was Kavanaugh.

      If Kavanaugh is not appointed the same/similar defamation attacks will be used on the next and the next until they gain control again. The bench of waiting ‘victims’ is full, just waiting for their couches to put them in the game.

      Doubt me? Just look at the long list of republicans who have been taken out by this orchestrated assault on the characters of Romney with his binder of women’s resumes, Cain with his alleged affairs and Palin for just being a woman and mother.

      This will not stop until they are forced to. Trump stood up to them and even turned the table on them by applying their own tactics against them. Kavanaugh says he will not quit, but will he have the strength knowing his wife and daughters’ lives and livelihood are at risk?

      God help them and us!

  14. J. Soden says:


    Bit by bit, day by day, Ford’s Fantasies are going the way of the Edsel . . . . . .

    On another note – just got a tweet from Kamala Harris (I do NOT follow her) asking me to add my name to those who support the allegations (and smears) against Kavanaugh.
    Needless to say, I BLOCKED her!

  15. Peggy says:

    I hope he does sue. He deserves to have his good name back and to help prevent this from happening in the future. No man deserves to have his life ruined before serving his country.


    Kavanaugh Can File Defamation Suit on ‘Scurrilous Allegations’:

    “Expert insists the nominee is able to fight back against ‘reckless’ accusations by ‘celebrity lawyers’ and media
    By Kathryn Blackhurst

    Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (pictured above) “absolutely” should consider filing a defamation lawsuit against some of the most “scurrilous allegations” against him in his confirmation process, defamation attorney Thomas A. “Tom” Clare said Wednesday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle.”

    “There is so much reckless conduct out there and reckless speech, starting with the accusers, starting with the media repeating these uncorroborated, baseless allegations without knowing whether it’s true or false,” Clare, a partner at Clare Locke LLP, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

    “It is absolutely reckless — celebrity lawyers that are jumping in front of cameras to repeat this stuff,” Clare added, apparently referring to lawyer Michael Avenatti. “[Kavanaugh] absolutely has recourse. It’s the only thing in our system that he can do, is to pursue a defamation claim.”

    When Ingraham asked Clare if the quaaludes accusation was enough for a defamation case, he replied, “It absolutely can be. You’re falsely accusing someone of a criminal act of drugging someone for [the] purposes of a sexual assault. And if that statement was made recklessly — and I certainly believe it was — there’s plenty of elements of recklessness in that sort of conduct.”

    “It gives rise to a defamation claim. And Judge Kavanaugh should absolutely keep those options on the table,” he insisted.

    Mark Judge could also file a defamation lawsuit, Clare added.

    “Others involved in this saga could, for sure,” he said. “So ‘malice’ is the constitutional standard. What that means for a public figure is you have to show that the speaker knew it was false or acted recklessly in making that statement.”

    “And that’s what we’ve got here. We’ve got all sorts of red flags,” Clare said. “We’ve got all sorts of reasons why people should be pumping the brakes. But instead everybody is diving in front of cameras and destroying this man’s reputation. And the only recourse he has is to go to the courts and get a vindication.”


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