Natalie May Edwards Arrested, Criminally Charged with Leaking Confidential Financial Documents to Press

Posted by Tina

The Deep State at work…

A senior U.S. official, Natalie May Edwards, was arrested Tuesday and criminally charged with leaking confidential financial documents to Jason Leopold, a reporter for Buzzfeed. The documents are related to the Paul Manafort case, the Russian embassy, and accused Russian spy Maria Butina. Ms Edwards works in the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Her boss has been named as a possible co-conspirator. Edwards is charged with “unlawfully disclosing suspicious activity reports (SARS) and conspiracy to do the same.” Both felony counts carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Tic, tic, tic….

More on this at Conservative Treehouse.

Related: American Greatness, “Carter Page Seeks Justice While the Real Trump-Russia Perps Sweat”

Tic, tic, tic…

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6 Responses to Natalie May Edwards Arrested, Criminally Charged with Leaking Confidential Financial Documents to Press

  1. Harold says:

    Leaks leaks leaks, It is obvious far left Liberals are childlike whiners, but it is time to for them to change their diapers, and grow up.

    However of Course if they reside in San Fran-$hitsco, then they still have the sidewalks at their disposal, and someone else can deal with their business, that’s the Liberal snowflake way of today. Tears, terror and BS.

  2. Libby says:


    A tic would describe your reflexive and obsessive fear of your fellow being. Labeling your government, made up of your fellow beings, as a “deep state” and making it into an enemy is sicko.

    An investigation was made, Natalie was identified. If she is proved guilty she will be sacked and sentenced. Now, the investigation into the DRC leaks … that one is ongoing. But not to worry. Mueller is only waiting for the elections to be over, and then we can all read the “Jared and Junior” report.

    Fun, fun, fun …

    • Tina says:

      …til your daddy takes your T-bird away!

      That report may attempt to smear Trump but a number of people have said they have found no evidence of collusion (not a crime) between Trump and Russians.

      On the other hand, it may expose corruption that your media has avoided covering.

      If they do have something on “Jared and Junior,” as you so unseriously put it, it won’t be anything more dastardly than Hillary and company have done.

      • Libby says:

        Trump does not need help with the smearing … he slathers it on himself. Have you heard the latest? … the “caravan” forming in Honduras, I think it is, is a wicked plot by the DNC !!!

        You know, it’s not that he indulges is such moronic demagoguery … it’s that the country is full of people stupid enough to believe him.

        The Republic may indeed be doomed.

        • Tina says:

          Libby your media will not fully report to you on this issue. There is evidence that people are being paid to cross illegally. An organization, Pueblos Sin Fronteras, gave interviews on Sunday claiming most of the migrants would stay in Mexico and others would seek asylum at US ports of entry rather than illegally cross the border. This came after Trumps warnings and diplomatic talks with Mexico. There is evidence that Democrat funder George Soros is promoting the left’s open borders policy using this caravan.

          Tweet by pj podesta: “The border was drawn by white settler colonists and is maintained to terrorize and discipline immigrant communities, all for the benefit of capital and white supremacy. The border, CBP, ICE, capitalism, white supremacy, etc. can and *will* all be undone. #EndBorderImperialism”

          Now who does that sound like if not the DNC leadership?

          Who funds Pueblos Sin Fronteras? Is it Soros?

          By the way, trump also called out the republican Congress for not addressing immigration law and border issues.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Note that the more deep state corruption is exposed, the more Lippy denies such corruption actually exists. Funny how that works.

    I must admit I find Lippy’s virtuous, heartfelt trust for her “fellow beings” in the government and government bureaucracies immensely impressive and amazingly acrobatic when you consider the traditional acrimonious, foaming-at-the-mouth distrust the left has had for government in the past.

    Lippy, you are really quite funny. Twisted funny. A consummate contortionist in a clown suit. Break a leg.

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