Migrant Caravan Stopped in Tracks at Southern Mexican Border

Posted by Tina

It appears diplomatic pressure is working to discourage illegal entry into Mexico and the US after the President asked for help from Mexico and warned the nations of Guatemala and Nicaragua that he would cut funding if they failed to discourage illegal entry into the United States. The caravan paused in their march a few blocks from the border and appeared to be considering their next move. Mexican police officers and Guatemalan troops are guarding the border. The marchers are singing their national anthems and some are carrying their national flags. If they’re patriotic toward their respective countries, shouldn’t they be protesting their own governments instead of chanting “one way or another, we will pass” and risking their lives and their children’s lives to break into our country?

This caravan is not organic; it is staged. The bulk of marchers appears to be made up of young males. Yesterday, news reports included video of women being handed money to join the group. Someone (Soros) is paying to make this happen. Once again people are being exploited by the radical left for their own selfish political ambitions.

According to Hillary, Maxine and Pelosi Americans will continue to be bullied, harassed, and harmed if they don’t support the Democrats. Is that what Pelosi meant by “collateral damage?” The Peacenicks declare war?

This is an ongoing, ginned up political event…it is not a humanitarian event. As I said yesterday, Soros or whoever is funding this caravan could spend the money improving conditions in these countries. It isn’t bout the people…it’s about defeating Trump and pressuring for open borders.

I know you have a lot to say on the subject…GO!

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7 Responses to Migrant Caravan Stopped in Tracks at Southern Mexican Border

  1. Tina says:

    I just read that the president of Guatemalan announced the capture and arrest of 100 ISIS terrorists. The story appeared in the nations leading newspaper.

    • Peggy says:

      I read the same. Found this of interest.

      “Guatemala has long been known as a major smuggling corridor for foreigners from African and Asian countries making their way into the U.S. Last year Guatemala’s largest paper, Prensa Libra, published an in-depth piece on the inner workings of an international human smuggling network that moves migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh to the U.S. Individuals are sent to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates then flown to Brazil before heading to Colombia. Once in South America, the migrants are transported to Panama before moving on to Costa Rica then a central point on Guatemala. One Spanish news report refers to Guatemala as a human smuggling paradise because it’s so easy to get fake passports. A few years ago, the head of Guatemala’s passport division got arrested for selling fake passports to a group of Colombians, according to a government announcement.

      All this makes ISIS terrorists operating in Guatemala incredibly alarming. President Jimmy Morales confirmed it during a recent security conference attended by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador and other Latin American dignitaries. Morales said that his administration has captured “close to 100 persons completely involved with terrorists, with ISIS and we have not only detained them within our territory, but they have been deported to their country of origin.” Several of the terrorists were Syrians caught with fake documents, according to Guatemala’s head of intelligence. At the same event, President Morales also revealed that Guatemalan authorities captured more than 1,000 gangbangers, including members of the MS-13.”


  2. Peggy says:

    This march is just another Democrat attempt at an October surprise. It will fail just like Liz Warren’s DNA test, and Dr. Ford’s phony sexual assault charge and the others against Judge Kavanaugh.

    Spinning up a bunch of poor men, women and children with promises of milk and honey in the promised land by going on a death march of thousands of miles is also what democrat Andrew Jackson did to Native Indians. Both marches were for political and personal gain. Using the desperate and poor is what democrats always do.

    Those who die on the way we will never know about. But, those who make it to our border to face our border patrol, national guard and even military troops will have their faces on every channel and newspaper before election day, only to disappear the day after. Call them tools, pawns, etc. they’re all being used for votes. Their lives don’t matter to Dems any more than the gov’t dependents living on aid in slums, the modern day versions of plantations, did to slave masters of centuries ago.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re “This is an ongoing, ginned up political event…it is not a humanitarian event.”


    These people have been coached and turned into political tools for the left. It does not matter to the left that they risk rape, child abuse, sex slavery and even death at the hands of drug lord connected coyotes.

    It does not matter that drug lords bring these people to the border in order to bog down border patrol officers and agents with processing, feeding, moving and housing migrants while smugglers move drugs at other, now unmanned or undermanned crossing points. (I saw a border control agent explaining this situation the other day.)

    For the left, the ends justifies the means and if there is some “collateral damage”, oh well, so what? Who gives a crap about a bunch of poor Honduran tools and the assistance given to drug smuggling? Power, by any means possible is justified. This and the child separation scam are tools to disrupt and confuse the serious issue of illegal immigration and the broken immigration/refugee systems which turn practically no one away and are an avenue for the migration of drugs and criminals.

    Re “Collateral damage”

    Pelosi’s “collateral damage” comment provided a deep insight into how the arrogant and insane power-mad left thinks. They do not give a damn about anything but power and their ideological agenda, no matter how bad and ill-conceived it is. If Americans or others get hurt or screwed in the process, no big deal. So what?

    If the open border policy brings in crime and terrorists, so what? Just a little collateral damage. If wages are tanked because of a flood illegal immigrant labor, so what? Just a little collateral damage. If your health care costs go up, you cannot keep your health care plan and you cannot keep your physician, so what? Just a little collateral damage. If your taxes go up, wages go down, over-regulation destroys business, inflation soars and terrorists cross the Mexican border, so what? Just a little collateral damage. If your country is turned into a poverty ridden hell hole home for only class and culture divided ghettos of the very poor and the very rich, if “sanctuary” states drive out the middle class and destroy local economies, if bums, drug addicts and assorted criminals are allowed to turn city streets into to fecal encrusted open sewers, used needle strewn garbage dumps and illegal drug dealer havens, so what? Just a little collateral damage.

    Here is the “collateral damage” I would like to see Pelosi (and the rest) keep shooting their obnoxious, lunatic mouths off about who they really are and what insane policies they wish to force on us and destroy themselves in the American electorate. If the socialist Democrats can manage to destroy themselves as a political party by being honest about themselves and American citizens by paying attention, then that is collateral damage I would welcome. I would like to see Democrats, by their own hand, tossed into the same dustbin of history that holds their creations — the KKK, the Dred Scot Decision, the Trail of Tears and eugenics to name just a few real outrages against Americans and humanity. Democrats committing political suicide, that is the collateral damage I would like to see.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Hmmm, maybe President Trump got through the President of Mexico.

    • J. Soden says:

      Darn – my keyboard struck again. Should have been “And no, I don’t spend my time looking at cartoons . . . . . . .”
      But I probably should spend more time reading my post before submitting . . . .

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