by Jack

Click here to help out and impeach this idiot.    I gave them money, won’t you please help too?

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  1. J Soden says:

    I remember when the politicians said that Gray Davis wouldn’t be recalled . . . . . . .

    Impeachment has to be done by the Lunkhead Legislature, and since those Demwits stick together . . . . . . . Recall is done through REGISTERED voters signing petitions.

    I wish you luck. Don’t think Taxifornia can stand much more of Newscum.

  2. Peggy says:

    Here’s the latest for the California Dems have created and a huge reason to recall Newsome.

    Wielding machetes and baseball bats, MS-13 carried out ‘medieval’ killings, feds say:

    “Of the 22 defendants, 19 had entered the United States illegally in the past three or four years, according to Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles. Many of their alleged victims had recently come to the country as well, officials said.

    “These gang members sought out young victims in their teens and early 20s who were new to this country. Many had recently immigrated from El Salvador and Honduras. They were alone, looking to fit in with others from their native countries,” Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey said. “But instead they met their demise quickly at the hands of gang members who preyed upon them.”

  3. Peggy says:

    LOVE Senator Kennedy.

    ‘Four Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse’ — Sen. John Kennedy Rips Squad ‘Whack Jobs’:

  4. Libby says:

    Jack, somebody put a petition up on … and that’s all there seems to be all there is to your “movement” … so who exactly did you give this money to? Well, I’m sure that this entertainment site is glad of it, but you did not further your cause.


    And there is nothing destructive about universal health care, and your angst just makes you look selfish.

  5. Chris says:

    I remember being told that impeachment shouldn’t be used simply because of policy disagreements. Does that only apply to presidents?

    • Libby says:

      In fact, policy disagreements are not grounds for impeachment, so the petition signers are wasting their time … and money.

      Obstruction of justice … now … there’s some legal grounds for ya.

  6. arnold craig mcdonald says:

    Newsome is a communist and must be jailed for treason.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Arnold, I will settle for being kicked out of office. I grant you, had he pulled the same stuff a hundred years ago he would have been jailed or perhaps he would never have made it to the safety of jail?

    • Chris says:

      LOL. Arnold, treason has a very specific definition in the Constitution for a reason–the Founders didn’t want to emulate the kingdom they had just detached themselves from, a kingdom which defined treason incredibly broadly. In the US treason has to involve lending material help to an enemy in an act of war. But every keyboard warrior thinks it means “People disagreeing with my politics.” An embarrassing indictment of your history education.

  7. Larry says:

    Yes…..I agree…..Impeach him now before he lets all of the illegals out of jail that our police risk there lives to catch!!!!! He has no respect for anybody but himself…..What a low down no good person, and I am saying it nicely…..

  8. Garry Scott says:

    I didn’t think anyone could be worse than Jerry Brown but Newsome is just plain nuts and he has got to go before he ruins California like he did SF.

  9. kathi Cupery says:

    Impeach Governor Gavin Newsome

  10. Jay Ell says:

    If the these folks even bothered to have knowledge of the succession if he is impeached-(there’s this thing called the internet where you can find that out) the office would all be replaced with democrats, they would have to have several of them impeached and doubtful they could even get a conservative trumpist right wing GOP candidate for governor since I think it’s chosen from/by the state assembly/senate and since they are majority blue, there’s almost no way that could happen. But you’re free to do this but it’s a waste of time. It would be better spent believing in facts, data, logic, science, evidence and critical thinking you might get more respect for you positions/beliefs (nah that ain’t happening)

    • Post Scripts says:

      Jay nobody has any illusions that the next governor would be a democrat, the state is run by democrats from top to bottom. However, Newsome is not a good person, he does not think about anything except his career and he has his sights on the WH. His poor judgement, coupled to his socialist tactics and policies is dangerous and his values in now way reflect the values that we founded this nation on. Some of the ethos I am speaking of are, limited government, equality of opportunity, limited taxation, maximum freedom coupled directly to personal responsibility. They wanted to build a country where fortune favors innovation and hard work and a place where citizens have mutual respect for the rule of law. I have no doubt our founders would be appalled by large numbers of drug addicted, mentally incompetent, criminally oriented, predatory citizens now living off the street. Newsome and liberal democrats created that sick mess. They own it, they have been totally in charge during the migration to CA by the bums, junkies and mental cases. They have virtually destroyed this state and created a toxic environment that encourages people to move out of CA.

      • Chris says:

        You’re describing policy differences. I thought your position was that impeachment should not be used to address policy differences, but only in the case that a clear-cut crime has been committed?

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