It Was a Tough Legislative Year in CA

Posted by Jack, with thanks to Harold for this discovery…

As you may know our legislature draws the high pay in the nation, because we believe that you get what you pay for, right?  No?  Okay, then make that, we’re a bunch of sheep and we let our elected officials set their own salaries and here’s what they did for it:    
Here are some of the highlights of the session:
Passed Cap-n-Trade Tax which will increase gas 0.63 to 0.93 cents a gallon change and the taxes that go with it.
Proposed increase on a new tax every residence will pay for tap water!
A $3.46B parks bond to pay for parks in “disadvantaged communities”.  The debt service alone will be over $200 million a year.  The good news is some money goes to help fix the Salton Sea which should have always been a State responsibility!
* A new $50 charge on all residents living in a mobile home parks to address “living condition enforcement” in those parks?  What the hell does that mean?  As if having to live in a mobile home park isn’t bad enough?  Regressive tax on the poor?
Requires Tesla to either unionize with the United Auto Workers Union, or forfeit State incentives to buy their electric cars!  Maybe political blackmail doesn’t count as breaking any law.  Unions are loving it.  “Watch out solar companies… They may be coming after you next!!!”   Hang tight Elon!
* Reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the purposeful intent to transmit the AIDS virus to a unknowing partner
Give preferential treatment to prisoners convicted of serious crimes that are less than 25 years old because their brains are not mature enough to understand right from wrong.  Whaaat?
A bill to require our true sex be omitted from drivers licenses?  Whaaat?
Free legal services for illegal immigrants..   Of course!
Establish safe “injection zones” run by government to oversee people injecting heroin!
Law to release any lifer (murder, rape , child molestation, etc.) who is 60 years old and has already spent 25 years in prison!  Charles Manson would have qualified if he just waited a few months before dying; and the Melendez brothers that murdered their parents could be released in about 12 years?  Victims?… What victims?
Of course no rules about filth and street living…probably part of the NEW California life style.
Yep, it all passed!  You may consider forwarding this so that ALL Californians can be proud of CALIFORNIA elected officials.
PS Don’t forget about giving 17 year old’s the vote…can’t wait for that one to pass.
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7 Responses to It Was a Tough Legislative Year in CA

  1. J Soden says:

    More insanity from Newscum:
    refuse police officer’s request for help.

    Expect employment applications to other states from Taxifornia’s law enforcement community to increase substantially.

  2. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    The corrupt democrats are at it again.

    House Dems Who Could Leverage Corporate Dollars Required To Fundraise, Donate More To Party, DCCC Document Shows:

  3. J Soden says:

    Chuckle for today: Brad Parscale tweeted this after the hurricane map change flap created by the Leftie media:
    Buy the official Trump marker, which is different than every other marker on the market, because this one has the special ability to drive @CNN and the rest of the fake news crazy! #KeepMarkersGreat
    The pix along with it is a black fine-point sharpie with TheDonald’s autograph. . . . . . . .
    They’re available for purchase at for $15 . . . . . . .

    • Chris says:

      Haha, isn’t it funny how angry liberals get when the president uses a sharpie to lie about the path of a hurricane? The important thing here is that liberals are angry; nothing else matters!

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