Prison Inmates Entitled to Taxpayer Funded “Transgender” Surgery

By Pie Guevara

Pie Guevara appears in Post Scripts courtesy of Jack Lee and Tina Grazier. Pie Guevara is an unregistered trademark of Engulf and Devour Investments LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Walton Industries which, in turn, is wholly owned by David Walton.  So there!

Just when you thought the loony radical left in this country could not possibly get more ridiculous along comes 2020 Democrat Party presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.

In 2012 Warren said she didn’t think that funding transgender surgeries for criminals in jail was “a good use of taxpayer dollars.”

As one of a murder of 202o extreme left-wing lunatic Democrat candidates for president vying for attention from the extreme lunatic left Warren has reversed herself announcing, “that was a bad answer…everyone is entitled to medical care that they need.”

One might ask, since when was elective body mutilation surgery needed medical care? Is penis or vagina genital transformation surgery the same “needed care” as treating a brain tumor, removing a diseased pancreas or excising a burst appendix?

Is this the sort of “needed medical care” taxpayers should be expected to pay for?

Moreover, will men in prison who elect to get surgery to mutilate their genitalia into the form of a woman’s sexual orifice and “identify” as women be then confined in a women’s prison?

Since Fauxcahontas has raised this as an important presidential race political issue, inquiring minds would like to know.

For “trans-people” this could be a genital surgery bonanza. Commit a crime with low years punishment and get a taxpayer paid “sex change”.  Democrats have already supported elective “sex change” surgery for military personnel. Get in, have your genitals carved up for free, get out. Toss in some boobs and a lifetime of free hormone treatments as a veteran to consider and were talking some real dough. You don’t think this is possible or even probable? Think again.



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6 Responses to Prison Inmates Entitled to Taxpayer Funded “Transgender” Surgery

  1. Joe says:

    Hah! At one time having your ding dong cut off would have been thought of as punishment.

    But Commiefornia has degenerated to the point that now it’s a reward! And on the taxpayers dime!

    Commiefornia has morphed from the land of fruits and nuts into the land of the totally depraved and insane.

    This is what happens when DemoNRats rule your state for a generation or two.

    • Joe says:

      Straight out of snowflake central casting.

      And according to Transparent California you and the rest of the taxpayers are paying at least $133,325 to this “instructor” to spread her propaganda to the kids.

      Amazing how much public education has fallen. It’s totally corrupt from K through university.

      Yet the idiot voters keep shoveling more money at this corrupt system.

      And in next year’s elections there will be plenty of tax increase and bond measures on the ballot and the idiots will pass those as well.

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