“Well, this is Another Fine Mess You’ve Got Us into Stanley”

by Jack

Was anyone surprised that the democrats finally found a reason to impeach Trump?  No. This has been a charge in search of an offense from the day Trump beat Hillary.

Had there not been such a fevered attempt to reverse that election by any means necessary, the democrats would look a lot more credible now, but the fact is they didn’t and they don’t.  They cried wolf for way, way too long and the charge they bring before the public now is so thin you can see right thru it!

What Trump did was little different than what presidents have done throughout American history and they got away with it totally unscathed.   It was not a big deal.  At the very worst it was a little political arm twisting and it was far milder than what Vice President Biden actually did, extorting Ukraine to remove a prosecutor from a corruption case for the benefit of his son.

The democratic controlled House has cried, what Trump did threatened “national security!”  In a word… pffffft!   Overstating one’s case also undermines credibility.

The dems are looking disturbingly partisan and desperate.  So, at this point in time the democrats ironically find themselves on trial in the court of public opinion and the damage done is perhaps worse than what they hoped to do to Trump.   About the only thing saving the dems from further embarrassment is that the Senate has not been able to weigh in and expose this silliness for what it is.   And that is only because Pelosi is stalling and not  sending the impeachment papers over to the Senate.  I think I would be mulling over not sending this case to the Senate too…. as in….not ever!   First smart thing Nancy has done.



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25 Responses to “Well, this is Another Fine Mess You’ve Got Us into Stanley”

  1. Tina says:

    Jack some legal minds question whether the impeachment vote is valid without sending it to the Senate. If the necessity to impeach President Trump is as dire as they’ve claimed Pelosi would have acted quickly. The entire two years have been about two things: 1. Absolute power for them, and 2. A dire need to have that power to cover for their own nefarious actions and criminality.

    There is an agreement between Ukraine and the US to assist each other in matters of possible criminality at high levels. There is evidence that points to major wrong doing by the former vice president. That evidence should be investigated and both governments should cooperate in it. Trump did nothing wrong, n fact, he did what was right and there was no quid pro quo asked for or given.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Hi Tina, until the Senate confirms a guilty verdict on the impeachment the dems have absolutely nothing, a parking ticket carries more penalty than an impeachment without a referral to the senate. An impeachment is nothing more than an indictment without a trial; it has no legal weight only the court can add that along with a penalty. Pelosi is trying to control the senate and make them dance to her tune. She can’t do that! Her authority ends when the House voted to impeach. She has no more cards to play and she has been told that repeatedly, but still she refuses to submit the impeachment? Something is not right here and whatever it is the dems are concerned. .

      • Chris says:

        Why can’t Mitch McConnell simply agree to hold a fair trial and renounce his prior commitment to defending Trump no matter what the evidence shows?

        Can anyone point to a similar statement by any congressional Dem in the Senate saying they’ll vote for removal no matter what?

        • Post Scripts says:

          Chris, we have a prescription how an impeachment must be conducted and that prescription is not being followed by Pelosi.

          Once the first part of impeachment is satisfied (a vote in the House) the House responsibility ends and it must go to the Senate. It is clearly stated that the speaker of the House must deliver the impeachment papers to the Senate! That is Pelosi’s only responsibility now. She is not allowed to object, obstruct or delay in any way the next step, trial in the Senate. We have a clear division of power here that must be respected. After that it’s up to the voters to decide if either the House or Senate has not acted in good faith, it’s not up to Nancy Pelosi. I am stunned that the system of checks and balances, that has served us so well since our founding, is not being respected by the democrats.

          • Chris says:

            I don’t agree with Pelosi’s strategy–the Republicans don’t want to have a trial anyway–but that still doesn’t answer my question. Why not show concern over McConnell et al blatantly saying they will vote against removal no matter what? Why no concern over Trump ordering underlings, who would presumably exonerate him, to defy subpoenas? What about his continued ignorance of the constitution as demonstrated by his tweet about how Nancy Pelosi gave him an “unfair trial,” when in fact the House does not have a trial at all? Doesn’t President Pence sound much nicer given all that?

  2. Peggy says:

    Pelosi has made such a huge mess out of this her own constitutional witness has turned on her and said if she prevents the Senate from completing the impeachment process it’s considered “null and void” and history will record Trump was NOT impeached.

    She’s committed bribery and abuse of power by demanding the Senate do what she wants or else. Quid pro quo by clear definition. She should be charged. She really stepped in it this time, but will the public know with the media’s coverup participation?

    Additionally, Levin and Dershowitz agree to various degrees.



  3. J soden says:

    And in the middle of a this, Pelosi sends an invite to TheDonald to give his SOTU speech in the House on Feb 4th.
    Constitution requires a SOTU speech, but given the Demwit shenanigans, I’d like to see the speech given at a Trump rally!

  4. J. Soden says:

    Verrrrrry Interesting . . . . . . . .

  5. Harold says:

    all Dem’s want for Christmas is this………. But when are they going to wrap it up?



  6. RHT447 says:

    If you are tired of what the Drudge Report has become, try here–


  7. Peggy says:

    Well earned! She right up there with Schumer, Warren and of course Obama.

    Pelosi Gets ‘Pants On Fire’ Rating From PolitiFact For ‘Alarming’ Voter Claim:


  8. Chris says:

    At the very worst it was a little political arm twisting and it was far milder than what Vice President Biden actually did, extorting Ukraine to remove a prosecutor from a corruption case for the benefit of his son. He did not pressure them to “remove a prosecutor from a case,” he pressured them to remove a prosecutor from his job entirely, at the behest of President Obama, the IMF, and a bipartisan Congress. Unless you think all of them were trying to protect Hunter Biden, your theory makes no sense. But even that wouldn’t make sense, since the reason everyone wanted Shokin fired was because he *wasn’t* properly investigating corruption, meaning that Hunter’s company was in more danger from a replacement than from Shokin. So the whataboutism here doesn’t work. Joe Biden was enacting a legitimate foreign policy transparently, in the public interest. Trump was making an end-run around foreign policy, secretly. To say this is no big deal is to make a mockery of our system of checks and balances. That some Dems wanted to impeach Trump long before this is irrelevant. The fact is that Pelosi was very reluctant to impeach, hence why she didn’t do so after the Mueller report. This Ukraine situation was so egregious that it forced her hand. Impeachment doesn’t “overturn an election;” Pence would be president, not Hillary Clinton, and you and I would both sleep safer knowing that a crazy person doesn’t have access to the nuclear button.

  9. Peggy says:

    Another Clinton connected “suicide?” Is the man with the answers dead or in hiding?

    Italian prosecutors believe that Joseph Mifsud the man who started RussiaGate, ‘is Dead’:

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    You nailed it Jack.

  11. Post Scripts says:

    Thank you Pie!

    PS Wishing you an early Christmas greeting along with our thanks for making a great contribution to this blog. You and Tina are my favorite writers.

  12. Harold says:

    Jack Writes,” And that is only because Pelosi is stalling”

    Could be she knows it is just a bunch of political BS and she’s really on Trumps side on this?


  13. Peggy says:

    Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.

    12 Days Of Trump, A Christmas Song For Americans In 2018


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