China Lied to the World

Posted by Jack

(CNN) China has revised its official death toll from the novel coronavirus, raising the number of fatalities attributed to the pandemic by more than a third.

Officials in Wuhan, where the virus was first reported late last year, on Friday added 1,290 coronavirus deaths to the city’s toll. They also added 325 confirmed cases to the city tally.

The total number of cases recorded in the city now stands at 50,333, with 3,869 deaths.

The previous reported death toll for Wuhan was 2,579 — so the revised figure marks a 50% increase in the number of deaths in the city from coronavirus. As of April 17, China’s National Health Commission had reported 3,342 deaths nationally, before the revised Wuhan figures were published.

Chinese officials quarantined the City of Wuhan into complete isolation closing roads, bridges and highways, but continued to let international flights in and out for another week, before closing the airport.  We now know China delayed notifying the world for 6 days after the virus was detected.


Remember this?

“Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, accused Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of “grossly inaccurate and irresponsible” rhetoric for claiming that the administration’s updated travel ban affects 350 million people.

And from Forbes Magazine, “Why Travel Bans Don’t Work”

by Judy Stone,  I am an Infectious Disease specialist and author of Resilience: One Family’s Story of Hope and Triumph over Evil and of Conducting Clinical Research, the essential guide to the topic.


Passengers look on from a vehicle containing French citizens after their evacuation from the Chinese … 

The decision to impose a severe travel ban and mandatory quarantines in response to the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) flies in the face of public health recommendations, including those from the recent Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security’s “Event 201” pandemic preparedness exercise.

Instead, it appears to be a response to xenophobia from the right wing, as Megan Thielkin noted in Stat.

What we have learned this week argues against these restrictions. The biggest reason is that we now know fairly certainly from the cases in Germany that the virus can be spread before someone has symptoms. In plain terms, “the cat’s out of the bag.” Millions of people have been traveling internationally without any symptoms, or very mild ones they didn’t recognize as significant, before the epidemic was recognized.

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5 Responses to China Lied to the World

  1. J soden says:

    More than 1 million cellphone users have disappeared in China and nearly a million urns have been rushed to Wuhan.
    China’s claims no longer pass the smell test.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Just thinkin out loud now, but if the Chinese should eventually take us over, what do you think they would do to solve our current problems, like homeless housing, secure borders, prison over crowding, drug abuse, etc.? I think I know, in a word…Urns.

  2. cherokee jack says:

    Just imagine the havoc someone could cause if they intentionally created a disease like the Wuhan Flu. They could do unprecedented damage to any nation (or the world) they wanted to conquer without firing a shot. And instead of losing the youngest and strongest soldiers to combat, they would only lose some of the oldest and frailest citizens. It’s a good thing there is no evildoer around with the motive and means to do anything that devious.
    On a more cheerful note, has anyone considered the fact that this pandemic is one of the few adversities Congress can’t avoid by exempting themselves? And some of them are our oldest and frailest citizens.
    As another of our oldest and frailest citizens. and being confined to quarters, I sometimes find my mind drifting over strange terrain.

    • Post Scripts says:

      CJ… it must be our suspicious nature (wisdom) that comes with our age, but I’ve thought the very same thing myself.

      If COVIDS-19 wasn’t an accident, then it’s a masterful plan, in fact it would be one of the most brilliant and diabolical in all history. Just think about it: Minimal risk to your own society. It’s a ridiculously low cost weapon that is so easy to deploy worldwide. It has tremendous potential to do short term economic damage with no damage to resources or infrastructure to what you want to eventually conquer. You gain almost immediate production and economic leverage over the world and you get to rescue your own failing economy in the process! A side benefit is, it’s pushing your enemies towards your kind of thinking using the socialism (socialized medicine, big gov control, etc.). This part of the plan also incorporates global fear and at the same time you (China) can demonstrate how efficient your communist government is (controlling a dangerous epidemic and protecting its people) compared to western nations. And lastly you can launch this massive global attack right from your own home turf and there is still lots of plausible deniability! lol You can commit the most heinous crime of our time and there is virtually no way to prove you did it! Geez this is brilliant, uh, if true? But, like you said CJ, it would take an evildoer with strong motives… a ruthless, calculating dictator, good thing we don’t have one in China.

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