How I See It … Minneapolis, et al

by Jack

In the wake of several recent deaths in which looting and rioting followed, it is yet to be determined if there was a crime.  The police officers in question, may (or may not) have been a contributing factor.  Yet, all police across America are coming under unbelievably intense criticism and worse.  97 officers have been murdered in the last 5 months, thousands have been injured and the rioting continues.

What is hard for me to believe is all the looting and violence is allegedly because .1% of all police caused deaths per year are of a questionable nature.   Last year there were ten such deaths, 9 were cleared.  Where’s the epidemic?  A reasonable person might think that the police should be lauded for so few lethal encounters!  That they (cops) should be recognized for their outstanding public service.  But, no we have half the nation upset and trying railroad all of law enforcement for a few anomalous incidents involving a couple of bad officers out of the 700,000 police officers nationwide.   It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

If there is something that is epidemic here, it’s how blacks react to every police shooting of a black male with looting and arson, as in Ferguson, MO.  Blacks (and a few whites) turned into a mob and destroyed and looted everything they could, allegedly because they were incensed over lies told by an unreliable, involved black male, a friend of the deceased.

In Baltimore it happened again over an in-custody death.  The officers were charged, their names were dragged through the mud.  The looters ran wild for days.  There was a time when you thought the mayor was ready to turn over the keys to the city to the mob, before it was proven beyond a doubt that the police had NOT acted improperly.

But, look who capitalized on this unfortunate incident.  Certainly the looters, they made of with untold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, but then there were the black leaders who amplified a false narrative.  And then there were too many gutless politicians, who would rather side with the mob or seek appeasement as a solution, when there was no basis for appeasement!

This same old scenario has happen many times in last 20 years because of the great divide that has been created by liberalism; in our schools, in our government and in our society in general.   The rise in racial tension and violence is consistent with the rise in liberalism aka the socialists in the democrat party.

The pathetic part is black America is being used by these people and they don’t even know it.   They are being told a lot of misinformation that proclaims they oppressed and victimized by whitey and the cops.  If you hear that BS long enough, I don’t care who you are, you are going to start believe it at some point.

Well, the facts speak volumes and blacks are not being  victimized by police, by whites or anybody except perhaps for their own racist leaders and racist politicians who stand to profit over this insane rabble rousing.   You can thank these opportunists that create hate for their own advantage.  These pandering politicians, this anti-Trump media and all the phony leaders who make their living off exploiting crisis’ are all more to blame for black deaths far more than the police

President Obama tried to insert himself into this fakery about black victimization and three times he was proven wrong.   However, despite being proven wrong, President Obama mere presence and support gave credibility to the victim narrative and to the idea that law enforcement goes out of their way to arrest, brutalize and kill innocent black males.  Obama may be the biggest dupe of all because I think he believes that false narrative coming from his own party and from black and white militants involved I BLM and other leftwing organizations.

I’m convinced that when the history is written about these times, the whole truth will come out. It may not surface for many generations, but it will happen.  I take consolation that even though lies can travel faster than the truth, they can’t out live it.

End of Part 1

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16 Responses to How I See It … Minneapolis, et al

  1. J Soden says:

    We’re seeing the end result of Leftie leaning teacher indoctrination of their charges coupled with years of participation trophy awards.
    A lot of similarity to the “occupy wall street” crowd.
    I recommend using high-pressure water cannons on the rioters (they’re no longer “protestors”) which will help clean the streets and give the participants a well-needed bath.

  2. Tina says:

    I keep being struck by the double standards held by the left. When a cop or two is murdered in cold blood, as they were in TX, they barely notice and certainly don’t loot and burn neighborhoods. When black kids are murdered By other black kids in Chicago week after week, it fails to generate a headline much less a slogan, a movement, or a riot. When the left occupy an area it’s considered a possible “summer of love” event, this according to Seattle’s nonchalant mayor.

    Let a couple of disgruntled landowners occupy a park building (closed for the winter) in Oregon and it’s time for the FBI to grab those felons and throw the book at the scum. At Ruby Ridge, or the David Korech compound, unwarranted use of force was honorable.

    There is no justice when double standards exist.

    Why was it so easy to put Scooter Libby behind bars…to nail Micheal Flynn…and nearly impossible to get even a single charge brought against the likes of Hillary Clinton, Peter Stroek, Lisa Page et al, or, the woman responsible for the IRS targeting of conservative groups? Accusations brought and evidence gathered against these lefties is extensive. What makes it so hard to bring charges? Politics, power within the agencies, and media that’s in the tank for the left marks the stark difference.

    Democrats have moved so far left they are no longer part of the American system. They do not respect our judicial system or the rule of law. Equality has given way to special rights and special treatment…talk about “privilege!“

    Where the the people go to get justice for looted stores, loss of business, burned infrastructure, destroyed property and lost lives generated by the so-called “woke?”

    This has to stop or we will lose the republic to this mob.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Tina, I’m wondering the we’re not seeing the end of the America as we once knew it as kids and the beginning of a socialist state? The crazies on the left seem to outnumber us 10 to 1. I think nothing short of revolution is going to bring us back now. The sheer madness coming from dems, all the insane governors and mayors, the rioting, the war on cops, the war on our history, the war on truth, the left’s strangle hold on universities, the war on conservatism, the lefts intolerance and censorship…I am truly concerned for our country.

      • Tina says:

        Jack the more the left thinks it’s losing the crazier they get. Intimidation has long been a tactic of the far left. The party is openly supporting violence now…they are that desperate.
        This violence will likely go on until the election is over. Who knows what they’ll do if the lose the presidency, house and senate but that’s exactly what they deserve.

        You could be right that it will take another civil war to settle this. I pray that there are enough patriots whose voices aren’t as loud win without the necessity of violent means. But I think the left is going too far and the people are waking up to their insanity as well as their inability to govern effectively. The problem areas are all run by liberals. Their troubles are exacerbated by liberal policies that just don’t work. The contrast between the two parties has never been so obvious.

        God bless America. Our foundation is strong. It has seen us through many times of contention and strife. I gotta believe it will see us through once more!

    • Peggy says:

      The democrats have shown for the past four years they’ll do anything to regain control. Destroying a man and even a country isn’t beyond what they’ll stoop to. I too am afraid it may be too late to save it from them.

      Our only hope will come from the rural areas and small town across the country. But, even they’re now under threat from being overrun by people fleeing the big cities who will vote for the same type of elected officials that created the mess they fled from.

      Here’s one of those small towns in Idaho that’s pulled together as an armed militia to protect each other.

      • Harold says:

        Good Post Peggy, about people protecting the message of a protest ,without permitting a camouflaged setting for looting.

        Seems as the one man said, this isn’t about Floyd himself
        (once more, Floyd was a man with a violent criminal history) those protesters were just bringing awareness to the way it has handled and now being used to loot.

        It was the act, and when proven wrong in a court of justice that needs to be resolved, not the glorification and making a martyr out a life that has proven not to respect the lives others that Floyd has hurt in his lifetime.

        Not much of his criminal history is reported, just the need to use him as a symbol of police brutality. None of the alphabet media seems to care about his past criminal history or violent nature at times. However I wouldn’t expect a totally bias alphabet media to do a honest job of reporting these days.

        Example, this Coeur D’ Alene news should be front page news as one way to preserve a peaceful protest.

        Maybe if the pregnant women (Floyd robbed, using a gun shoved in her belly, while his friends pistol whipped her) had she had a gun and shot them during her home invasion, it would have been less criminals society needed to deal with.

        When you don’t even have a time to call 911, and or wait for a response team, you should be allowed to defend your self.

        However when you have people like anti gun congressional Senator Diane Feinstein who took advantage of her political position to get her carry permit and weapons, you have a uphill battle to protect your self if needed.

      • Tina says:

        Peggy the same thing happened in Boise. My grandson was downtown and was really moved that the people rallied to defend the city by coming together. It’s wonderful to live in a place where AMERICA still exists!

    • J Soden says:

      100% correct, Tina! As usual!!!!!

    • Tina says:

      As always you remain ill informed. You have only liberal talking points to offer. Enjoy the blissful ignorance. It won’t last forever.

  3. Joe says:

    The USA has gone so batshit crazy in these months of the corona virus freak-out that an orgy of looting, arson, and murder, on top of epic job loss and business failure, propelled the stock markets up-up-and-away back to near-record highs — until it finally puked yesterday in a rare moment of self-revulsion, like a sot who has been drinking after-shave. The news media barely mentioned it, though, so fraught are they by the toils of systemic racism, a morbid condition not unlike “the vapors” of Sigmund Freud’s early days, curiously lacking specificity.

    Which raises the question: how much of the response to the public killing of one George Floyd has been an engineered operation by the Democratic Party and its allies in the propaganda industry? I’d say, an awful lot, considering the presentation of events in The New York Times and other organs of the perpetual Resistance that have been luxuriating in existential woe surrounding the indecencies of whiteness, culminating in the fake abject ritual of contrition put on by Ms. Pelosi and Chuck Schumer taking-a-knee in their Kente cloth prayer shawls. Within a few more days, at least four cops around the country were ambushed and shot in the head, but there were no public displays of mourning for them.

    Meanwhile, the country has watched countless scenes captured on smartphone video of young people in flash mobs looting, trashing, and burning one city business district after another — but don’t believe your lying eyes, these were “mostly peaceful protest demonstrations” (Ali Velshi, MSNBC). The police mostly stood by and watched, under instructions to avoid producing a batch of fresh martyrs to feed the flames of rage stoked by the talking heads of cable news. By some miracle, the cops’ restraint prevailed, but many of the trashed and looted businesses will not come back, and the cities themselves will be permanently diminished by the losses suffered.

    The Democratic Party Resistance apparently believes that all this mayhem, and the false sanctimony excusing it, works to their advantage in the coming national election. They may be disappointed about how that works out, as they’ve been disappointed in three years of previous gambits to overthrow the government and seize power by any means necessary. The picture of them is resolving into the party of bad faith, foul play, coercion, and tyranny. Even the corona virus scare carries a taint of Resistance manipulation. One moment the populace is hustled into an economically devastating lockdown; and then suddenly, on a fine spring day, they’re incited to mix in moiling mobs of street protests with the predictable result of a fresh spike in virus contagion and the possibility of a second lockdown. Like many activities in our national life lately, it’s another hostage racket, and, guess what, you’re the hostage.

    Their most transparent artifice is the utterly false elevation of Joe Biden as their candidate for president. Everybody knows he’s incapable of performing the job, and probably even of functioning through a campaign. His inchoate utterances on events and policy make Donald Trump sound like Ralph Waldo Emerson. He’s left behind himself an evidence trail of financial crimes running to at least nine digits of grift. And, of course, if you believe all women, he’s a sexual molester. Everything about his public presentation is false, including his hair, teeth, and soul.

    This past week, his handlers posed him as Grief Counselor-in-Chief (via video from his basement) at the state funeral for George Floyd, accompanied by an inspirational music soundtrack to shore up the sham sentimentality. (Click here for video.) Never have so many hollow platitudes been woven into such garment of alternative reality for public consumption. Most pathetically of all, the audience of mourners, mere props, as black America has long been employed by the cynical party, went along with the charade that George Floyd was a model citizen and father, now soaring on golden wings to the place on high where you don’t need methedrine and fentanyl to feel happy. A couple of days later, Democratic Party bigwig and Clinton henchperson, Terry McAuliffe, told a meeting of the faithful that Joe Biden should remain confined to his basement. In a matter of weeks, you may be sure, we’ll learn that the party is compelled to draft Hillary Clinton as poor Joe’s replacement. It can’t be helped. Her turn will not be denied, even if she has to destroy the country to get it.

    • Joe says:

      And at the link above check out the Demonrats kneeling…have you ever seen anything more cynical?

    • Chris says:

      Their most transparent artifice is the utterly false elevation of Joe Biden as their candidate for president. Everybody knows he’s incapable of performing the job, and probably even of functioning through a campaign. His inchoate utterances on events and policy make Donald Trump sound like Ralph Waldo Emerson. He’s left behind himself an evidence trail of financial crimes running to at least nine digits of grift. And, of course, if you believe all women, he’s a sexual molester. Everything about his public presentation is false, including his hair, teeth, and soul.

      All of this describes Trump moreso than Biden.

  4. Joe says:

    Poor Uncle Joe…ready for the glue factory…enter Killary…

  5. Peggy says:

    Let us not forget the other bad cops who needed to be brought to justice.

    Democrats, Not Republicans, Protect Dirty Cops:

    “Democrats’ selective outrage about police abuse doesn’t square with recent

    Abuse and inequality—at the hands of American law enforcement—comes in all forms.

    The death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer has been condemned broadly—by everyone from the Republican president and leaders of both parties to Americans of every color, religion, and partisan affiliation.

    Calls for police reform and accountability are happening on a bipartisan basis. That has not been the case, however, when it comes to Obamagate. Democrats, led by the forked-tongue Schiff, have spent the past three years defending, even justifying, unprecedented abuses by the nation’s top law enforcement chiefs related to their targeting of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family members.

    Obviously, there was no physical knee on the throat of anyone tied to Donald Trump’s campaign or his administration, and no one died, but the abuses inflicted by dirty cops included the use of the country’s most invasive and powerful weapons reserved for international terrorists.”

    • Tina says:

      Peggy a very nice summary of the crimes and abuses of power committed by Democrats is there in your article for any truly curious citizen to find. Unfortunately many are driven entirely by bigotry, bias, and partisanism. These are the dupes the left first indoctrinates then counts on to make up their base. Thanks for the link. It at least informs.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris…. you are on to us! Yes, the game is rich white people (any white person really) are all untouchable and any black guy is fair game for the cops. This game is taught in the police academy, the class is called, “HTHBG” Or How to Harass Black Guys. Its a 4 unit class too!

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